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Author Topic: Totally NOT Layonara Related...  (Read 1427 times)


Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« Reply #40 on: May 31, 2010, 10:39:51 am »
Since Serenity was mentioned and not FireFly... here you go.

This series was aired years ago, and axed in its first season. Why? I have no idea... considering it was brilliant.
Earth 2

SunShine   Sunshine (2007)

And although its already on the list, I'm gonna promote it.
BattleStar Galactica. Not the old ones... the NEW ones.

In my opinion, this series is what all SCI-FI's should strive to be like.


Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2010, 01:58:49 pm »
District 9 (the movie from was it 2010 or 2009?), I liked it on many aspects.

Alien Nation although it's only 1 season and probably axed duo to network reasons after the first season, it was a fun series to watch.


Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2010, 06:08:28 pm »
I can not believe you all missed Spaced Invaders. I know it is not as fancy as Star Wars or all the other serious movies you have listed. This one is down right stupid but you can not stop watching it.

Some of my favorite quotes from the movie:

"But dad, they're not really bad. They're just stupid."

"Let me explain the who situation in a nutshell: there are five of us and four billion of them!"

"Look, when a vastly superior alien culture comes all this way to take over your world, certain basic laws of planetary conquest apply. For example, when someone points a quad-vected hypothermic cosmo-blaster at you, it's a fair bet you are about to become toast."


Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« Reply #43 on: June 01, 2010, 07:53:14 am »
Mmmm... toast.. *homerdrool*

Guardian 452

Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« Reply #44 on: June 01, 2010, 02:55:07 pm »
I watched Serenity last night (Netflix on the Wii)
It was pretty good :)


Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« Reply #45 on: June 03, 2010, 01:58:28 am »
Quote from: LordCove

BattleStar Galactica. Not the old ones... the NEW ones.

In my opinion, this series is what all SCI-FI's should strive to be like.

BSG has been and always will be my absolute favorite SCI-FI series. I cannot stress that statement enough. On so many levels, in so many ways, that show is so full of awesome that words cannot describe or even produce coherent sentences that attempt to describe.

In my original post I should probably have added something like "If you've seen BSG you know exactly what I truly want out of a movie series."

While I really like a lot of sci-fi movies, secretly I wish they were all set in the BSG universe. I know there's Caprica now and that's great too, but having only two options just isn't enough ;)


Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« Reply #46 on: June 03, 2010, 01:59:45 am »
Quote from: Chazzler
District 9 (the movie from was it 2010 or 2009?), I liked it on many aspects.

Alien Nation although it's only 1 season and probably axed duo to network reasons after the first season, it was a fun series to watch.

I've seen Alien Nation and did enjoy it and District 9 is definitely on my short list to watch.


Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« Reply #47 on: June 03, 2010, 02:14:19 am »
Quote from: Nehetsrev
 Dark Star - an old 'B-movie' sci-fi comedy...well, dark-comedy really.
 Red Planet - Val Kilmer crashes on Mars...
 Taken - Mini-series from Spielburg about alien abducties.
 Battle Beyond the Stars - An old space-opera-ish flick, starring that guy who played John-boy Walton on the Waltons.
 Wall-E - Earth is trashed, humanity has fled to the stars and clean-up robot Wall-E hitches a ride to bring life back to Earth.
 Solaris - A scientist leaves Earth to find out what's happened at a research station in orbit over a strange planet.

Dark Star and Battle Beyond the Stars, both look interesting. I liked Red Planet, overall a good flick. I've seen bits of Taken and have totally forgotten about it, gonna have to check into that again. Solaris was good but for some reason I found it never resounded with me as something to watch again. Definitely enjoyed watching Wall-E with the family.
Quote from: Nehetsrev

 Sci-Fi-ish Documentary
 Alien Planet - Explores what a futuristic probe sent to a nearby star might find, with input from many sciencey types, including a few words from Stephen Hawking. Has some very imaginative ideas.

There's also an excellent series on Discovery right now; Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking. The third episode in particular is really good (and 2hrs w/commercials). (Here's a link to a bunch of clips from the episode: Story of Everything.)
Quote from: Nehetsrev
Anyhow... there's a few off the top of my head that may not be as main-stream and popular, and therefore may have a higher chance of not having been viewed by you...err, with the exception of Wall-E, which I just like because it's a sci-fi Pixar flick the whole family can enjoy.




Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« Reply #48 on: June 03, 2010, 02:18:50 am »
Quote from: Masterjack
Spaced Invaders.

I have totally forgotten about that one, I remember when it came out but I never ended up watching it. This one is definitely on my list to watch.



Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2010, 02:20:45 am »
Richard Corben's dark planet :P


Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« Reply #50 on: July 02, 2010, 02:55:22 pm »
if you include TV

defying gravity would have been good if they hadnt axed it
 buck rogers in the 25th century with gil gerard was good
 the latter seasons of stargate sg1 had alot of space oriented action
 V both series have aliens but on earth

for movies hmmm

lost in space wasnt mentioned cause it was so bad
galaxyquest was funny
space cowboys

just a few

