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Author Topic: What a natural 20 should be  (Read 1168 times)


What a natural 20 should be
« on: May 05, 2011, 12:15:24 pm »
Just found this on a random forum post.

-Roll to climb
-"You launch yourself up with such incredible force that you end up in the stratosphere, roll for falling damage."

-Roll to hide
-"You can't find yourself anymore. Make another character"

-Roll to Pickpocket
-"You now hold the man's heart. He dies and the guards are aware you just murdered someone."

-Roll to use a rope to tie up a prisoner
-"It can never be removed by any means. You're a horrible person for doing this to someone. When the prisoner dies, the rope continues to bind their soul, resulting in some kind of freaky incorporeal undead that hates you."

-Roll escape artist check
-"You find yourself in the astral plane."

-Roll to bluff guard that you're taking over his shift
-"You've convinced yourself. You spend the rest of your life as a guard."

Guardian 452

Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2011, 04:46:07 pm »
Quote from: Spike

-Roll to hide
-"You can't find yourself anymore. Make another character"

omg LOL


Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 07:51:33 pm »
Anyone name this gaming system?
Anyone besides me played it?

* Poor: You can bench 40 lbs.
** Average: You can bench press 100lbs.
*** Good: You can bench press 250lbs.
**** Exceptional: You can bench press 400 lbs.
***** Outstanding: You can bench press 650 lbs.

* Poor: You are a butterfingers, so don't use a chain saw.
** Average: You can chew gum and walk at the same time.
*** Good: You have excellent raw athletic potential.
**** Exceptional: You can juggle 5 knives.
***** Outstanding: You can juggle 5 knives while blindfolded.


* Poor: You are frail in constitution and may be sickly.
** Average: You are moderately healthy.
*** Good: You are in good shape, the result of regular exercise.
**** Exceptional: You could run a marathon.
***** Outstanding: You are tough enough to almost survive anything.

Social Attributes:

* Poor: Others avoid you.
** Average: You are likable.
*** Good: People trust and confide in you.
**** Exceptional: You have something which draws people to you.
***** Outstanding: You could lead a nation.

* Poor: You express yourself in as few words as possible.
** Average: Others might believe you.
*** Good: You'd make a good lawyer.
**** Exceptional: You should run for office.
***** Outstanding: You could sell ice to an Eskimo.

* Poor: You Tend to attract the hostility of others.
** Average: You are easily ignored, for you fit in so well with the crowd.
*** Good: You have a pleasing appearance, and people treat you well.
**** Exceptional: You are good-looking enough to be a model and are given respect and attention because of it.
***** Outstanding: First reactions are either that of awe, intense jealousy or complete solicitude.

* Poor: You are blind to anything but the obvious.
** Average: You are unaware of the subtle interactions that occur around you.
*** Good: You are aware of moods and textures.
**** Exceptional: You are constantly alert to the nuances of life.
***** Outstanding: You can see a needle in a haystack.

* Poor: IQ 80
** Average : IQ 100
*** Good: IQ 120
**** Exceptional: IQ 140
***** Outstanding: IQ 160+

* Poor: You send money to televangelists.
** Average: You know when to bet or fold in poker.
*** Good: You are capable of handling L.A. rush hours (without shooting anyone)
**** Exceptional: You could be a stand-up comic.
***** Outstanding: You have a supercomputer for a brain - its fast.

Lance Stargazer

Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2011, 08:06:50 pm »
White wolf System .

Love it .  I dont like Vampire, nor were wolf or any of the World of Darkness settings ( Save perhaps Mage , Hunters or Mortals )

But Loved Aberrant, adventure and Trinity.

gilshem ironstone

Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2011, 08:07:06 pm »
It rings a bell. I want to say it is a Steve Jackson game, like Illuminati.


Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2011, 08:11:06 pm »
I LOVE WHITE WOLF! I'm a huge fan of Vampires, Inquisition, and Mage!


Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2011, 03:40:38 am »
It's also vaguely reminiscent of WEG's Star Wars roleplaying game.  And I'd qualify the nat-20s in the original post as critical misses gone horribly right.

Roll 1, then roll another 1, and then a 20 - and you succeed in some way that makes everything much worse.


Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2011, 03:26:53 pm »
I am currently playing in a PnP Whitewolf game, where we have mixed up everything from the World of Darkness setting. We have a few players playing vampires, a few playing mages, a few playing werewolves, and then me.... playing a Hunter.....


Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2011, 05:50:17 pm »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
I am currently playing in a PnP Whitewolf game, where we have mixed up everything from the World of Darkness setting. We have a few players playing vampires, a few playing mages, a few playing werewolves, and then me.... playing a Hunter.....

LOL what is your hunters name? Snacks.


Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2011, 06:02:50 pm »
His name is Dexter, actually. A name picked out of a bag of names, but I couldn't help but think of how ironic it is, in that he is a character that "murders" murderers (supernatural murderers, but murderers all the same).

But "Snacks" would also be an appropriate name, considering the sorts of creatures he deals with on a daily basis can rend him in two with a flick of the wrist if he's not very careful.


Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2011, 08:06:27 pm »
Name the game for this chart!

Rating Skill Type

I Active

You have been Introduced to the Skill by someone or through research on your own. You have been shown how to perform the skill through a specific set of actions. You have no idea what the actions mean, but you can follow them precisely enough to perform the skill required,
Example: Someone shows you how to toad. hold, point and fire a gun.

1 Knowledge
You have a Scream Sheet level of knowledge, involving only the most basic facts (and a healthy dose of hype). However, you have no background or context Into which you can fit these facts.
Example: A sheep was cloned. Some people fear this development: others, think we just saved metahumanity.

2 Active
You actually Practice the skill in question. You've gone beyond rote memorization. You still need to think about what you do. but you aren't handcuffed by not knowing why each step is necessary.
Example: You still need to go through the steps of firing the gun in your head ... "pop in clip, chamber a round, safety off. Relax arm, pull trigger ... "but you've figured out some snort cuts and have seen the process as a single motion rather than a series of disassociated steps.

2 Knowledge
You have become Interested in anything that covers the basic topic. Not satisfied with the basic facts, you have sought more Information. You've read the entire article, or a magazine or two on the topic. Heck, you may even have watched that vid-documentary.
Example: Now you know how they cloned a sheep, why they did it and what they hope to gain from it. You also have a basic understanding of scientific jargon and introductory biology.

3 Active
You have become Proficient at your skill. You aren't great, but you're not too bad. You're average. You perform your skill in A pedestrian way. You don't need to think about every action or question each reason.
Example: You understand what you can and can't do with your gun. You also begin to understand how a gun works and the importance of how you use it. Your mental steps are quicker as your actions become cleaner and crisper.

3 Knowledge
You have become Dedicated in pursuing the topic. You are willing to search out even more information, as you discover that what you don't know is greater than what you do know. You pursue information via multiple sources, maintain active libraries and stay current with the latest news.
Example: Once out of the headlines, cloning becomes a subject found only in science-based media. You begin to hunt down those sources. Scientific jargon begins to make sense.

4 Active
You are Skilled at what you do. You no longer need to worry about the steps; instead, you can focus on how and why you perform them. You investigate better ways to execute your actions, and with each experiment you gain more insight into the background of your skill.
Example: Firing the gun is easy. It's the mental preparation that still needs work. Firing the gun becomes more than pulling the trigger. You focus on the gun, how you use It and what you must do with it.

4 Knowledge
You have become Well-rounded in your search for knowledge. The concept of isolated knowledge falls away as disciplines you never thought were connected suddenly seem intertwined. The new information you're discovering interests you as much as the original topic.
Example: You discover that people other than scientists have opinions on cloning: religions around the globe have ethical issues, politicians nave political issues, corporations have issues chat affect the bottom line. You begin to research and understand those topics as well.

5 Active
The skill is so ingrained that you use it in a Profession*! way. You perform the skill because you can. You no longer need to worry about failure. It happens, but the possibility of it no longer affects your actions.
Example: You want to do one thing ... fire the gun easily and effectively. More often than not. you do. You begin to discover new ways to approach firing the gun. Each new discovery Increases your understanding of your potential.

5 Knowledge
You have become Educated. You now know more than you don't know on a topic. You can discern whether facts, research or trends are accurate. You also begin to keep up with advances made in parallel topics that might affect your knowledge base.
Example: You know the limitations of cloning and what can and can't be done. Rumors of cloned humans and media representations make you mad with their inaccuracies, but you're more occupied with news of advances In gene theory that you'd like to research.

6 Active
The skill becomes innate. You no longer think about using it. Whenever you use the skill, your mind and body are one. The skill is less an action performed and more a triggered reaction. You concern yourself with performance rather than style and effect.
Example: The gun is drawn. The gun is fired. The target Is hit. Evaluate. Adjust, The gun is fired. Your body reacts. Your mind evaluates. It's a blink of the eye toothers, but you perceive your action as slowed down to the point where it's just you and the skill--an inseparable pair.

6 Knowledge
There is little you don't know about the topic at hand. You have Mastered the subject, from its basic principles to its farthest reaching implications. You begin to concern yourself with future advances and applications and the relevance of parallel topics.
Example: Cloning seems like a dosed book to you. You know how and why they did it. but now the tough questions involve what to do with it. The science continues, but while ethics and corporate exploitation concern you , spin-offs like cellular reconstruction seem more interesting.

7 Active
You have become an Expert in using this skill. You perform it as a pure biend of reaction and metal preparation. It becomes like breathing: you no longer think of the skill as separate from yourself. The'skill defines you. Your knowledge of the skill covers all of Its applications.
Example: You don't fire the gun. You are the gun. Your mind and body are in concert.

7 Knowledge
You are an Expert in the topic at hand. You not only know what there is to know, but are also current in all trends, research (even the secret stuff behind closed doors), theories and speculation, as well as knowing everything about the men and women behind It all. The subject is as simple to you as the alphabet is to someone else,
Example: Cloning isn 't fust a topic or a hobby. Cloning and all thai !t encompasses keeps you going. You cannot imagine life without the thrill of staying on the cutting edge, from Aztechnology's newest research papers to the latest "What is Life" discussion.

8+ Active
Only two words can describe your use of the skill: World Class. Regarded as someone who defines the skill, you perform it perfectly; you also grasp the nuances, adapt and refine it. as if you are recreating the skill every time you use It.
Example: You are the best with a pistol, state-of-the-art. Your name is feared in the streets.

8+ Knowledge
Only one word describes your knowledge in any given topic: Genius. Friend and foe alike regard you as someone whose knowledge is unsurpassed and whose ability to theorize and think creatively about a topic is unparalleled.
Example: When people speak of cloning, they use your name!

I'll give you a hint, don't roll too many ones or you're going to "glitch"!

gilshem ironstone

Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2011, 07:56:46 am »


Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2011, 09:05:21 am »
Quote from: gilshem ironstone

Aye!  That's where I am most friday nights.  Our campaigns are usually inspired by some combination of John Woo and Michael Mann.  Nothing like constant cyber-punk gang warfare to get the RP-blood pumping!

gilshem ironstone

Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2011, 09:40:46 am »
Nice!  I loved shadowrun back in the day.  We had a Cosa Nostra gang for hire.  Slick cars and the latest gear got the job done!

gilshem ironstone

Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2011, 09:44:05 am »
How about this one:

You character has four attributes: Muscle, Zip, Smarts and Chutzpah.  In this game you never die and failure is encouraged just as much as success.

Anyone ever get tangled up in this old goody of a game?


Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2011, 12:13:30 pm »
I know it.
Only played it once, was too silly for me.


Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2011, 12:26:15 pm »
Is it Paranoia?


Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2011, 12:29:55 pm »
I got one for you, put it on my GM application, so no cheating.

Abilities are: Strength, Dexterity, Macho, Looks, and Health

Has feats such as Crack of Doom, Direct Line to God, Endless Ammo, Kick ^$$ and Chew Gum, Run in High Heels, and Teflon Skin.

gilshem ironstone

Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2011, 12:36:33 pm »
Not Paranioa Milty although I remember that one too.  I sooo know game Aerimor and I can not remember it for teh life of m.


Re: What a natural 20 should be
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2011, 12:47:40 pm »

