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Author Topic: World Cup  (Read 816 times)


World Cup
« on: June 11, 2006, 10:01:46 am »
Right so, the World Cup has been going on for THREE days already, and given the sheer magnitude of the event, it blows my mind that no one has made a thread about it! Probably half of our player base is from countries other than the US; and while the US isn't very gung-ho on soccer (football) I seem to recall the rest of the world being nuts about it. So let's recap.
  Germany 4 - Costa Rica 2 England 1 - Paraguay 0 Trinadad and Tobago 0 - Sweeden 0 Argentina 2 - Ivory Coast 1 Netherlands 1 - Serbia-Montenegro 0 Ecuador 2 - Poland 0
  Right so I think everyone expected Germany to win their first game, but what a high scoring game it was! Wowzer! (Thank you Doc.) Englad beat Paraguay, again I think it was expected but this one seemed to be a little LOW scoring. T&T tied Sweeden?! Sheesh, first the Cav's almost upset the Pistons and now this? Argentina wins over the Ivory Coast. Again, I think this was expected. Netherlands win over Serbia-Montenegro. I expected this only because I didn't know much about S&M, but to be honest I think the Netherlands sort of "stopped" playing hard after the first half. And last, Ecuador beats Poland. Can I say wow? Who expected this? Anyone? Not me!
  So yeah, make your predictions on games! Start a poll! Criticize me analysis! One... two... three... go!


Re: World Cup
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2006, 10:24:58 am »
Hey, I know a lot about S&M... Then again, I know nothing about World Football.

Lord of the Forest

Re: World Cup
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2006, 10:31:47 am »
Everywhere where I take a walk I see german flags *grins* Hmm, wonder why?


Re: World Cup
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2006, 10:54:29 am »
Trinadad and Tobago 0 - Sweden 0

I'm not from Sweden! Nope! I don't even know that country!



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Re: World Cup
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2006, 11:55:54 am »
Well I am Italian so I'm rooting for my home team, since Canada didn't qualify....GO ITALIA!


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RE: World Cup
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2006, 01:03:36 pm »
I'm not really a soccer fan... more of a rugby fan, although I do play hockey, but that's boring to watch, and seeing as our soccer/football team is too horrible at the sport to qualify for the world cup, I'm rooting for trinadad and tobago! (and no, I don't have a clue where that is :) )


Re: World Cup
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2006, 01:06:52 pm »
To Mr. Schmack: It's in the Carribean... duuuur!


Re: World Cup
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2006, 01:09:42 pm »
Trinadad and Tobago is slightly Northeast of Venesuela, if my rememberance is proper.
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: World Cup
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2006, 01:34:13 pm »
The German offense looked nice in the first match, but their defence was almost non-existing. That 4-line back-chain was in serious trouble. It is the host nation, so I expect them to get rather far - to the finals? We'll see... things will have to improve.

Sweden looks good. They somehow managed not to score even though they had ten 100% chances, but they'll get back on the track in the next game I think.

England - disappointing, I'll have to say.

Argentina looked terrifying in the qualifying matches, but that last match did not convince me.

I hope that the teams improve as we get further into the matches, or I think we'll have Brazil on the top of the podium again.


Re: World Cup
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2006, 01:46:30 pm »
Harlas is right - the German offense was surprising good - but they looked vulnerable in defense. They are not a patch on the German sides of former years.

England - well Gods own (:P) always start off slow. First half was OK, but a dire second half.

I still hope and pray that they can get it together. On paper England have one of the best teams there. That said you can never write of Brazil, they can always produce incredible flair on top of a rock solid performance.

Oh and Trinidad and Tobago are two small islands north of Venezuela. Lets just say they are more cricket than Rugby. Fabulous country with some of the best scuba diving in the world.

As a final note, and anyone on the Eastern side of the Atlantic may well laugh as hard I did when I found this out. FIFA currently ranks the USA as the worlds fifth best team - maybe they are worth watching, it will wipe some grins off faces if they start knocking European or southern american countries out.


Re: World Cup
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2006, 02:12:00 pm »

Of all those results the Swedish tie is by far the most entertaining and surprising. :)

Poland disappointed me a bit, I expected more.

Argentina.... no comment...


Re: World Cup
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2006, 02:12:26 pm »
"....As a final note, and anyone on the Eastern side of the Atlantic may well laugh as hard I did when I found this out. FIFA currently ranks the USA as the worlds fifth best team - maybe they are worth watching, it will wipe some grins off faces if they start knocking European or southern american countries out....."

Hey now! :)

Go USA!!


Re: World Cup
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2006, 02:26:37 pm »
Yeah i heard that.. How can a Team be the 5th best in the world when you only play with yourself and Canada. Well I guess FIFA knows what their doing.. * grins *


Re: World Cup
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2006, 02:28:14 pm »
Harlas Ravelkione - 6/11/2006  10:34 PM  The German offense looked nice in the first match, but their defence was almost non-existing. That 4-line back-chain was in serious trouble. It is the host nation, so I expect them to get rather far - to the finals? We'll see... things will have to improve.  Sweden looks good. They somehow managed not to score even though they had ten 100% chances, but they'll get back on the track in the next game I think.  England - disappointing, I'll have to say.  Argentina looked terrifying in the qualifying matches, but that last match did not convince me.  I hope that the teams improve as we get further into the matches, or I think we'll have Brazil on the top of the podium again.
 I dont agree with Sweden, 0-0 in that math was awfull. they had a million chances and their were superior i numbers and didnt score. Also they just played 0-0 again. I feel this is the end for sweden.


RE: World Cup
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2006, 02:30:01 pm »
My predictions:
[TABLE=head;sort=1a,2,3]     Germany|   1|   1|   Costa Rica|  
     Poland|   0|   1|   Ecuador|  
     England|   2|   1|   Paraguay|  
     Trinidad & Tobego|   1|   2|   Sweden|  
     Argentina|   3|   1|   Ivory Coast|  
     Servië & Montenegro|   2|   2|   NETHERLANDS|  
     Mexico|   2|   0|   Iran|  
     Angola|   0|   2|   Portugal|  
     Australia|   1|   0|   Japan|  
     USA|   0|   1|   Czech Republic|  
     Italy|   3|   0|   Ghana|  
     South Korea|   2|   0|   Togo|  
     France|   2|   1|   Switserland|  
     Brasil|   3|   0|   Kroatië|  
     Spain|   2|   1|   Ukraine|  
     Tunisia|   1|   1|   Saudi Arabia|  
     Germany|   1|   0|   Poland|  
     Ecuador|   1|   1|   Costa Rica|  
     England|   3|   0|   Trinidad & Tobego|  
     Sweden|   2|   0|   Paraguay|  
     Argentina|   4|   0|   Servië & Montenegro|  
     NETHERLANDS|   2|   1|   Ivory Coast|  
     Mexico|   2|   0|   Angola|  
     Portugal|   3|   1|   Iran|  
     Czech Republic|   2|   0|   Ghana|  
     Italy|   2|   1|   USA|  
     Japan|   0|   2|   Kroatië|  
     Brasil|   2|   1|   Australia|  
     France|   2|   2|   South Korea|  
     Togo|   0|   1|   Switserland|  
     Saudi Arabia|   0|   1|   Ukraine|  
     Spain|   3|   0|   Tunisia|  
     Ecuador|   0|   2|   Germany|  
     Costa Rica|   0|   2|   Poland|  
     Sweden|   2|   2|   England|  
     Paraguay|   2|   0|   Trinidad & Tobego|  
     Portugal|   2|   1|   Mexico|  
     Iran|   3|   3|   Angola|  
     NETHERLANDS|   1|   3|   Argentina|  
     Ivory Coast|   1|   2|   Servië & Montenegro|  
     Czech Republic|   0|   1|   Italy|  
     Ghana|   1|   4|   USA|  
     Japan|   0|   3|   Brasil|  
     Kroatië|   1|   1|   Australia|  
     Saudi Arabia|   0|   2|   Spain|  
     Ukraine|   2|   0|   Tunisia|  
     Togo|   0|   3|   France|  
     Switserland|   1|   2|   South Korea|  


Re: World Cup
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2006, 03:01:14 pm »
Heh teams there are Brasil,England and Netherland.
Germany always grows in a tournament,seeing them win their first match may be the last thou *grins*
France will be hard to beat,so will be Spain and the Czech republic.
Dont have a clou why all think South-americans wont get far,Argentinia and Paraguay fought heroic battles in the Coppa libertador.(hope thats right=D)
All in all's costing me playtime to watch i wont...
AND THE WINNER IS.............LAYO!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: World Cup
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2006, 03:09:37 pm »
Portugal just won by 1 vs Angola... i must say i didn't really like the match, though :S


Re: World Cup
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2006, 03:17:50 pm »
The three best teams in the tourny are Brazil, then a distant second, Germany, and a close third Argentina.  At least that's what all the experts are saying :P

Went to a bar where a whole bunch of Argentinians were gathered - thank goodness I happened to be wearing blue and white or I'd probably not be here to talk about it...heh


Re: World Cup
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2006, 04:08:48 pm »
Ive a feeling that Germany may surprise us all.

England 2 Sweden 2!

Are you insane! We will have Rooney by then.



Re: World Cup
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2006, 04:28:09 pm »

ED, Traitor! 3-1 for Argentine???

