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Author Topic: A few notes on the latest version of the server  (Read 345 times)


A few notes on the latest version of the server
« on: September 15, 2006, 05:46:14 am »
We have several new systems in place that will improve the RP (we hope) and allow players more freedom. Please read up on these systems. The PC Quest Generator Systems need to be further defined and we need your input and feedback on how to make them better. Remember it can not be exploited and it needs to be reasonable. We are trying to give players more freedom to run their own quests so we need feedback on how to make these two systems better. Let’s define them further and then we can move on to other systems, but first lets expand these two systems first. PC Quest Generator – Buried Treasure PC Quest Generator – NPC and Chests World Leader Abilities and Wands  Please visit to see all of the in game systems.  PvP rules Update: In addition to GM authorization you may now request PvP from both GM’s and World Leaders. If a WL believes that PvP is warranted they will target both (or all) participants and you will be able to PvP for 5 real life minutes. The WL has the final say of defining if PvP is warranted. A WL may not target him/herself for PvP, that must happen from another WL or GM. This is a update on the PvP rules. The PvP rules on LORE has been updated. New Loot System “Added loot reporting system. Initial testing will take place on East and Planes and will be enabled elsewhere later” Please help us to test this system. We want to see if it works for the server and how much lag it causes.  An additional note: I don’t know if anybody saw this but it is a pretty major update that Dorganath did. Everybody hates how creatures are dragged to transitions that then ambush and slaughter those that transitionand how they do not return to their spawn location…right?They do now though! It is not immediate as that could (and would) be exploited but it does happen. All creatures will now despawn or return to their spawn location, even camps that are hand placed. From the new version online “Added system to return placed creatures to their spawn points after a period of time to cut down on PCs being jumped at area transitions.”

Pen N Popper

Re: A few notes on the latest version of the server
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2006, 06:12:55 am »
Those PC quest systems sound great!  Looks like the those Saturday Dragon's Whisper investigations will have some things to actually find.



Re: A few notes on the latest version of the server
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2006, 07:17:24 am »
New Loot System
“Added loot reporting system. Initial testing will take place on East and Planes and will be enabled elsewhere later” Please help us to test this system. We want to see if it works for the server and how much lag it causes.

could you detail this a litte.  Do you mean that from now one the persone who is looting will somehow show what has been taking?

An additional note:
I don’t know if anybody saw this but it is a pretty major update that Dorganath did. Everybody hates how creatures are dragged to transitions that then ambush and slaughter those that transition and how they do not return to their spawn location…right? They do now though! It is not immediate as that could (and would) be exploited but it does happen. All creatures will now despawn or return to their spawn location, even camps that are hand placed. From the new version online “Added system to return placed creatures to their spawn points after a period of time to cut down on PCs being jumped at area transitions.”

Ah man good work Dorg this is a real good news.

Guardian 452

Re: A few notes on the latest version of the server
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2006, 07:26:50 am »
yeah if your within a certain radius you will see "X" loots "Y"  or some such.... go check it out!


Re: A few notes on the latest version of the server
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2006, 07:30:08 am »
Hellblazer - 9/15/2006  9:17 AM could you detail this a litte. Do you mean that from now one the persone who is looting will somehow show what has been taking?    
 Sure. Simply if someone loots in a party, a message will go out to the party members about what was picked up, be it gold, items, whatever it may be. The point of this of course is that while we cannot see what people pick up, if anything, our characters would. For example, you'd notice if a halfling pulled an adamantium greatsword off of a corpse. :)
   And so the ultimate point of this is to inspire honesty in looting and dividing that loot, and paradoxically, also inspire RP in case conflicts come up (i.e. "Hey, what about that want you took off that bugbear?")
  Anyway, the system is currently active on East and Planes only, but so far it seems to be working and be fairly lag-free. It can and will be activated on Central and West (probably in that order) at any time as we get comfortable with it.


Re: A few notes on the latest version of the server
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2006, 10:03:04 am »
Comment on New Loot System.

I already like it and I thought of the following.
Can this somehow be implemented into the crafting system?
So success and failure of crafting are shown as well?



Re: A few notes on the latest version of the server
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2006, 04:10:30 pm »
The new looting system is a great adition. I cant wait to see it on central.


RE: A few notes on the latest version of the server
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2006, 04:24:05 pm »
I really like the new quest systems. Can we add a conversation to the NPC ( have not tried it out yet but this would be great) with that a PC quest could be set up with a series of NPC's giving hints. Using different langs for the NPCs would be soooo cool.

The NPC/Chest system worries me. It seems like just another thing that will need to be watched closely by the DMs. Useing the NPC system and the buried treasue are more then enough for a PC quest.


RE: A few notes on the latest version of the server
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2006, 04:31:19 pm »
jrizz - 9/15/2006  6:24 PM  I really like the new quest systems. Can we add a conversation to the NPC ( have not tried it out yet but this would be great) with that a PC quest could be set up with a series of NPC's giving hints. Using different langs for the NPCs would be soooo cool.  
  The NPC/Chest system worries me. It seems like just another thing that will need to be watched closely by the DMs. Useing the NPC system and the buried treasue are more then enough for a PC quest.
 Thans for the feedback.
  There is a good thread started on the new quest systems:
  Putting suggestions and observations there would serve to keep things nicely together for later.
  On the NPC/Chest system: I'd like to know more about what concerns you. First of all, the NPC quest chests are not persistent, so this isn't really a way for additional storage for people. The use of these quest systems is logged, so we can review its use, frequency of use, etc.


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Re: A few notes on the latest version of the server
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2006, 11:59:36 am »
Pen N Popper - 9/15/2006  6:12 AM

Those PC quest systems sound great!  Looks like the those Saturday Dragon's Whisper investigations will have some things to actually find.


YES! It's been three weeks since I've found somethig worth reporting! No longer will my investigations be filled with misery!

