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Author Topic: Layonara 3.21.2 Patch Release  (Read 809 times)


Re: Layonara 3.21.2 Patch Release
« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2009, 08:30:50 am »
Not to mention, how would you make a single houses floorplan larger if the owner decided to pay for a renovation and add an additional 2 or 4 tiles to their floorplan and there simply was no room to do so because all the other houses floorplans in the same are were already squished up next to it?

But really, this has far digressed from the intention of this thread, which was to inform about changes with the most recent patches.


Re: Layonara 3.21.2 Patch Release
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2009, 10:20:24 am »
yes I remember reading those when I was making the areas, but those were mainly for adventuring areas if I remember. Houses are not use to the extend that they would create such a massive lag even less for the loading time now that they have spread it over 40 seconds.. But yeah for the database thing I knew i was missing something, that is a very good point. for the community housing project. Although it doesn't count for the npc warehouses, as it would simply use what is already in game beside the npc script to hand out the key. And my guess is that persistent chest are saved to owners already, because you can set them in any houses/guild/inn interior areas by anyone, and they can be locked or unlocked only by the one placing them. So that wouldn't change.

Nehet, the bigger houses have roughly a 9 by 9 tile set at the moment if I remember. The larger areas are 32 by 32 if I remember correctly that still leaves space to have them made bigger. BUt 32 by 32 is huge really huge... I madea  desert out of it once, massive... too big to adventure in. if you take a 9 by 9 house leave 5 tyles sent in between them, and put the other one that is still 24 by 24. Big but not overly.

If you want to discuss this here I am willing to keep on trying to figure out a way to make this work.


Re: Layonara 3.21.2 Patch Release
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2009, 11:55:27 am »
I'm just going to weigh in briefly. There's a lot of generalizations being thrown around, about what players do do, or should do, or can do.

Player times, available storage space, ability to get CNR, and general habits vary widely.

I think that the idea to have more things stacking is a good one, but realize it could backfire and just give people incentive to keep even more things in their inventory.


Re: Layonara 3.21.2 Patch Release
« Reply #43 on: April 19, 2009, 04:24:22 pm »
I went from 603 to 423 =)! Best I can do for now.


Re: Layonara 3.21.2 Patch Release
« Reply #44 on: April 19, 2009, 06:33:39 pm »
There are 3 forum threads on this now...  only one of which I think bears useful conversation - and that's the community driven effort to clean up their bic size.

I'm only speaking for myself here - but I find it frustrating that there's so much conversation on this, as I'm ultimately seeing Dorg and Orth's time sucked into explaining systems to length in folks, sometimes with multiple iterations of phrasing to help them understand.

The major question I'd pose to you all is:  What do you want to see your resident creative devs spending their time working on?

New housing setups?  Storage expansion?  Really?  You want that over new feats or spells?  Or clever new systems to promote roleplay?

The reason this is so frustrating to me is twofold.

1) In the past month I've spent hours and hours talking to Orth about possibilities in the modules.  All manner of cool things like the stuff you just saw in this update - that these guys busted to get out and get out well.  But in those conversations there was at least double or triple the quantity of ideas and concepts and fixes and improvements.... and almost all of them were awesome to even think about.  So seeing that maybe half or a third of all the great ideas actually made the cut given time and resources... the assumption that we should bog down time in something that I'll describe in #2... it bugs me when I think about those cuts, and that this ultimately cuts more time.
2) This is 100%, through and through, a player-manageable system.  It's called personal accountability.  Clean up your junk.  You don't need a government system to make sure it works best for you, you just need to clean up your junk.  Don't have a house?  Find an inactive one and start sending off emails, make posts, whatever - and offer to buy it.  Don't need a whole house?  Rent some darn crates from someone that you're friends with.  It's a small server, it shouldn't be hard to find a friend with a house.  Have a house and don't use it?  Stop being a jerk and sell the darn thing.  Need to horde CNR for an ongoing project that you don't intend to get done over the course of the day, week, month, or in some cases year?  Maybe it's time to evaluate yourself a bit.

Additional systems to expand and promote more and more clutter seem like an awful waste of time.  I don't want folks brainstorming on this to feel like I'm disrespectful of the time they're putting into their thoughts and posts... but at a certain point you need to rank the effort.

Quote from: orth
I'm starting to consider per item surcharges on portals to help promote leaner inventories, any other suggestions are quite welcome.

All for it.


Re: Layonara 3.21.2 Patch Release
« Reply #45 on: April 21, 2009, 09:29:17 pm »

if I can get Miss Jennara to finally come get all the donations Tyrian has, there might be a huge space that people can slap crates down in....

might need GM assistance in clearing the crates, so the donations get counted...



Re: Layonara 3.21.2 Patch Release
« Reply #46 on: April 21, 2009, 09:30:30 pm »
I'm working on that.  Ask Milt, who I poke regularly, heh.


Re: Layonara 3.21.2 Patch Release
« Reply #47 on: April 22, 2009, 12:07:06 pm »
PM sent to Merlin.


Re: Layonara 3.21.2 Patch Release
« Reply #48 on: April 23, 2009, 12:23:50 pm »
I am new to the server but I am glad to learn I may rent a chest or even more an house. :)
 With so many house available,  may I squat one ?;)
 I personnaly try to earn xp in food crafting and pickup anything cookable. But I don't thing my char (Phobo) as more than 300 item on him.