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Author Topic: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned  (Read 1743 times)


Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« on: June 21, 2007, 09:01:28 pm »
Hi folks,
 I am sad to inform all of you that I have banned this player permanently.
 I have had to speak to him on multiple occasions about a myriad of issues both in-game and out of game. It just was not getting through to him and I give up. I don't give up on people very easily but in this case the team and I have spoken to him multiple times, we were never able to get through to him I am sad to report.
 We just had another complaint and I told him last time that I spoke to him that if I had to speak to him again it would be a permanent ban, well I had to and I carried through with what I told him would happen. It was crystal clear to him what would happen if we had to speak yet again.
 The team and I have spoken to this guy so much over the past year that I can't count it on two hands. I have just given up. This last report was not a major issue and indeed it was a sort of IC type thing. The thing is though that was always his excuse and it got old, real old--to the point that I no longer believe him. Take the fact that he would do silly (and wrong) things out of game that was very much like his "IC" fiascos that I just gave up.
 This is nothing personal with him or with any of his friends, but I could not get through to him and I am not going to spend more time trying to explain the same thing over and over again. He is a good guy, but right now he does not fit on this server.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2007, 09:12:44 pm »

I know that this had to be a difficult desicion for you and sad at the same time.  So with that I wanted to encourage you to keep up the good work.  Thank you for keeping us accountable.  Thank you for not lowering the standard.  You and the team are so appreciated!



Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2007, 09:37:23 pm »
Frankly I'm upset and a little disgusted. I know Nepp was a hard guy to make understand things that are a little easier for others to get. Nepp enjoyed playing his character, because it was something easy for him to play. He was a fun loving guy Threfore he played his role as a character well. Sadly I think this is yet another example of people getting the OOC person mixed with the IC character.

If 'the last straw' was a sort of IC infraction, then I am further saddened to see such drastic measures being taken for In character actions even if they were a sort of 'last straw on camel's back'.  It concerns me and forces me to wonder; why Role play any uniqueness , conflict, evil, chaos etc if there's this added bonus of being banned along with the other headaches.

Everyone is bound to post their feelings on here. Just because most of them can be good feelings and agreements, doesn't mean people shouldn't know when there are those that have concerns about the measures taken.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2007, 09:50:24 pm »
I've always found him fun as well... I hope its not because his character shows a rude demeanor, because well, mine did the same and for quite some time.  If the complaining players are taking his in character actions in an ooc mannor then I don't think he is the problem.  But I don't know the whole story and its not entirely clear in this post.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2007, 10:04:48 pm »
I am also sad to see a good friend banned, his character could be crude sometimes, chaotic, but he brought an element of bad to the server, that the server needed more of. I never took anything he did IC as anything more than IC antics.

I wish I knew the full story about what brought this about but I know its also not my business, but I am a concerned friend.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2007, 10:10:05 pm »
Well since I don't know all of the details I will defer to L.  It sounds like he has put a lot of time and energy into this.  It's always sad when anyone gets banned.  I am sure this was not just because Hawklen was disruptive.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2007, 10:11:25 pm »
Just a quick comment from someone who has no stake one way or the other.  Feel free to voice an opinion or state how you would have done things different, but this is Leanthar's world.  He makes the rules, the GM's adhere to them and the player are bound by them.

The rules are public and they are not onerous or unreasonable.  If a player has been warned about a specific action, whatever it may be, the player needs to flex, not the GM team.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2007, 10:16:37 pm »
I'm really of two minds on this subject.

On the one hand, from an administration point of view, Nepp was a handful and a burden, and too much of one to continue to be dealt with...

On the other, however, I had just started to grow to enjoy the majority of his antics, and have watched him both IC and OOC maturing over the time he's been here - much like I did, myself (and still am doing).

Unfortunately, it looks as if he didn't do it fast enough.

I'm sorry both to L and the team, and to Nepp and the player he's played with, for this unfortunate turn of events.

But hey. One does what one has to for the good of the community.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2007, 10:25:18 pm »
Right on Laldiien.

I, personally, am sad to see this happen and indeed, was one of (probably) many who asked L to reconsider.

Yet, at the end of the day, as stated, I imagine even the most tolerant sand-box owner reaches the point of fed-up-edness. I think it was Darkstorme who posted the other day, 250 (or thereabouts?) active characters who were played last week. If L has to spend just 5 minutes dealing with fallout from IC or OOC actions for each and every one ... well, you do the math.

I, too, must confess to being a bit of a 'boundary pusher' with my some of my characters but when someone gets told something again and again and again and again ... well, you do the math.

See ya Nepp/Hawk, all the best.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2007, 10:34:20 pm »
This kinda upsets me...  I'll be the first to say I wasn't a Big Nepp/Hawklen Fan, but I always enjoyed having him around.  He added some spice to the world.  It was fun arguing with him IC, it was fun arguing with him OOC, and I dont mean on IRC.  I talk to him on AIM too.  I liked having the Demi-God always around, someone who (while utterly insane)  Would be willing to help you gather Fire Opals all buy himself, then on the way out tell you "Give me all yer gold Or I'm leaving down here."  Sure, I was like What the Heck!!!  But hey!  thats Hawklen.

Jeff, if you get the chance to read this, I'll miss having you around.  There will be a big hole left in me, mainly from the Huge thorn in the side that you were ;)

I'll miss you man...  No one is left to put shiff in his place ;)

All hail the Demi-God!


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2007, 10:39:08 pm »
He brought spice to the world, something different from the normal. Maybe he was over the top, but I've never seen chaos in such a true form as the character Hawklen.

Where will the fun be now?

My stance...I wish something could be done to bring him back, but the decision is made, and even if I don't agree with it, I'll sit here and bear it and do what I can.

I highly doubt it's debatable anyways.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2007, 11:01:23 pm »
My character Cymeran and his character Neppaku hit it off from the start.  Our friendship goes back to Nepp's creation.  We explored and learned about this game world together in many ways.

OOCly, Hawk always wanted to push the boundaries of the server rules.  He would then back up violating the server rules by saying that his character was chaotic.  A good example would be entering a home with out the owners permission to use the portal.  He would send me a tell "Well, my character is chaotic."  I think that is the bottom line here.  He was always trying to see how deviant he could be, with no regard for the consequences of his actions.



Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2007, 11:11:07 pm »

IIRC, Hawklen never ran into someone's home "without their permission." I would normally never argue in a thread like this, but I don't want to see lies being spread about him. Personally, I want to see his ban be as graceful as possible since that's the best way out in a situation like this. For closing, he only ever used portals that were open for use, and if he did "get inside a house," it takes two to tango, so obviously someone opened the door.

I'm going to bow out of here. Sorry to the mods for this, but I won't sit back for what I feel isn't true.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2007, 11:14:24 pm »
AeonBlues, I don't think that blatant accusitory attitude is what this thread was for.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2007, 11:14:27 pm »
I've been here long enough to see this happen before, with other players I've enjoyed RP with. It won't be the last time, either. Everytime it happens, it irks me.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2007, 11:18:48 pm »
I was not writing about an experience with Hawklen, I was writing about an experience with Neppaku.  Mind you that was just one of many examples.  I am reading and can see a lot of players reactions on the line of "He was making harmless antics."  I stand firm on my point that he was pushing the boundries of the server rules with no remorse.



Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2007, 11:25:34 pm »
Leanthar, Unless you want more accusatory posts, I suggest that you lock the ban postings as soon as you announce it. I don't enjoy seeing the "Why did you do that" , the "No Wai! I demand you Reconsider!" or the "Yeah You're Right You're All So Wonderful"

Its only natural that people will want to talk about it, but if they want to do so they can make their own threads, do it amongst themselves, or bring concerns to you privately where it will cause less mass hysteria

All of its not really needed in these situations.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2007, 11:27:11 pm »
Alright people, let's not do this.

It should be obvious to people that it is the player who was banned, not the character.  Because you may or may not have seen a particular action does not mean it did not happen.  There are many reasons and many incidents over a long period of time.

So let's let the accusations in either direction end here and now.

Quote from: LynnJuniper
Leanthar, Unless you want more accusatory posts, I suggest that you lock the ban postings as soon as you announce it. I don't enjoy seeing the "Why did you do that" , the "No Wai! I demand you Reconsider!" or the "Yeah You're Right You're All So Wonderful"

Its only natural that people will want to talk about it, but if they want to do so they can make their own threads, do it amongst themselves, or bring concerns to you privately where it will cause less mass hysteria

All of its not really needed in these situations.

If I may...because we still trust our community to use their best discretion in such cases. So please use it.  I personally don't like locking threads to avoid conflict, but we do when it starts harming the community.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2007, 12:12:24 am »
Quote from: AeonBlues
I was not writing about an experience with Hawklen, I was writing about an experience with Neppaku.  Mind you that was just one of many examples.  I am reading and can see a lot of players reactions on the line of "He was making harmless antics."  I stand firm on my point that he was pushing the boundries of the server rules with no remorse.


I normally stay clear of threads like this.  But its not right bash someone who can't even tell his side of the story. :\\


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2007, 01:30:12 am »
It is always sad to see characters leave the world for any reason.  Nepp created some interesting and memorable characters.  Lets remember the great online moments interacting with this character and focus the positive.  Consider this eulogy to that which was Nepp/Hawklen.

Hawklen was one of the few characters that was always sitting around town and the first to greet many new players and characters.

Eulogy:  A laudatory speech or written tribute, especially one praising someone who has died.

