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Author Topic: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?  (Read 368 times)


Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« on: July 19, 2006, 09:18:12 am »
This is in the early stages but it is defined enough for me to start looking for somebody to be the Associate Executive Editor and/or an Editor or two. Please do not apply for it unless you have the time to dedicate to the service and product once per quarter for at least a year. At the beginning it may take 20-40 hours a quarter but as it grows it could take more, these are estimates on time due to quality and quantity of submissions as well as any particular duties one may have. This may be the start of something big or it may go nowhere, only time will tell. Clearly I can't do this myself and I will need a couple of dedicated and professional people to run with it while following strict guidelines on quality and professionalism.
  At this time I have one potential Editor but that is not guaranteed so I am still seeking two to three highly dedicated and professional people. People that can work well on a team take direction and have an interest in being a part of something that could be huge but it could also fail miserably—a chance I am willing to take. If you are somebody that will not let your ego get in the way of working well on a team, taking direction and meeting deadlines, but at the same time allow your ego and talents to produce a quality product please reply in this thread. You must be at least 18 years of age in order to fill an Editor position. One can be any age in order to submit articles or do reviews. Thank you.
  Layonara Magazine
  The goal for the magazine is to spread the word about Layonara, converse about and enhance role-playing, and to bring in-game and world information to those reading the magazine. The other major goal is to assist in paying for hosting costs for the world and website servers. Things such as D&D, PnP games, GM’ing, in-game GM events, in-game player events and Role-playing in general can and should be discussed and written about. At least 1/3 of the magazine should be about Layonara specifically, ranging from the history of Layonara to in-game events to GM quests and any other number of things. This magazine will be released quarterly, so four times a year, as a protected PDF and hosted on the Layonara website. The length of the magazine should include a cover page, table of contents, and then on the inside cover page the contributors and Associate Editors’ names, including those pages the magazine should be 18-30 pages for every release, this will grow in page numbers as the staff increases or if we think it should. The font will be Arial 11 throughout as it is easier to read and I think we need to allow for that. Later on we may allow advertising but that will depend on the popularity of the magazine. This magazine is not just for the Layonara Community, it is for anybody that wishes to subscribe to it. We need to keep that in mind while writing the magazine, keep it open ended about role-playing and those types of worlds or settings. We could even cover other RPG Games or settings, MMO’s, or PW’s with the magazine and that I think would be pretty neat, but still 1/3 of it should be about Layonara itself. We will advertise the magazine at various sites around the internet as well as on the Layonara website.
  The cost of the magazine is $5 per magazine ($5 per three months). The following is for once we have 100 subscribers to the magazine, before that number we will have to figure out what can be done (if anything) with what income we would have, if any. We will have three positions for the magazine that are paid from those donations and in addition we will pay for submissions by word count. The Associate Executive Editor will receive 40 cents for every subscriber, and the two additional Associate Editors will each receive 30 cents per subscriber. We will then pay people that submit articles that are of high quality and are accepted and appear in the magazine 1 cent for every two words in an article, to a max of 5,000 words (or $25). That will give Layonara itself around $2.50 - $3.00 per subscriber after all payments are made, this will help with hosting and server costs for Layonara as a whole. The Associate Editors will also be paid for articles created wholly by them and appearing in the magazine, this will be on top of their position/title payment. Not all submitted articles will be accepted and we need to make that clear. Only those that are accepted and appear in the magazine are eligible for payment by word count as stated above. Clearly the goal is to get a large subscriber base (preferably in the thousands at some point down the road) so that we have a better pool of submissions and readers so that the paper can grow. Once we reach 250 subscribers the submission payment will go up to 1 cent for every word in an article with a max of $50 and once we hit 600 subscribers the submission payment will go up to 2 cents for every word in an article with a max of $100. We will play it by ear after we reach 1000 subscribers.
  All subscribers will be entered in to a database and it will be used for verification and access to the magazine. This database will be maintained by the Associate Executive Editor or me as subscribers sign up or fall out of the payment structure. Only those entered in to this database will have access to the magazine. We need to allow for new sign-ups and password changes. There will also be an ‘authorized through’ date field that the Associate Executive Editor or I will modify when payments are verified.
  At first I will have sole control on who fills what position and giving the direction of the magazine. Eventually the Associate Executive Editor will be given more authority and control (within reason) and the other editors will have a strong input for the direction of the magazine.
  The hope is that this will increase our ability to provide Layonara to the public, improve and enhance role-playing, and attract new members to Layonara as a whole.


RE: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2006, 09:59:14 am »
sounds cool, but is the mag just for the USA?


Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2006, 10:10:20 am »
It will be written in english but anybody that can subscribe will be able to download it. But it will only be written in english.


Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2006, 10:17:53 am »
Personally, i love RP magazines. I hate the paper version though because, well... i have three small children... you can imagine the potential mess. Sending it in PDF is major plus as far as i am concerned. I'd read it. I'd pay to read it since the donations go towards Layo.


RE: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2006, 10:21:57 am »
sounds cool i wouldsubscribe to it


Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2006, 10:43:16 am »
This sounds like a great idea. I would pay to subscribe to it.


Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2006, 10:49:13 am »
Sounds like a good idea, I would subcribe to it. Would there be a Layo character centerfold?


Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2006, 11:20:27 am »
I'd subscribe but you'd have to charge me for the international shipping.  :)


Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2006, 11:23:52 am »
*pokes SuperMunch* there's international shipping on internet? *squints at him*


Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2006, 11:30:57 am »
I'd Subscribe! It sounds fun! I'd write up articles too, and as soon as I hit 18 I'd like to apply to work as an editor. Oh! And if I managed to get any articles accepted, or managed to become an editor,  if anyone tried to pay me I'd hit them with the Fly Swatter >_>; and that is a promise!


Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2006, 01:53:55 pm »
I'm with Rhynn on payment; I plan on writing up a few articles on RPing and NWN vs PnP comparisons, and a big ol' Sneak Attack (subdual damage, of course) will be coming for the first person to try paying me for it. *He smiles.* Hey, just having my stuff in there (assuming my writing's still up to snuff) would be payment enough.

One suggestion, though, or rather a request. A special edition of The Dragon's Whisper for each of these; I don't think Pen N Popper would mind, but here's me reqesting it.


Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2006, 01:56:03 pm »
Do you think Pen n Popper would let us call this thing the Dragon's Whisper? That'd be awesome!


Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2006, 02:06:10 pm »
That WOULD be awesome... *Stephen Thumbs-Up*


Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2006, 03:55:16 pm »
Re-reads Leanthar's post...



Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2006, 04:04:31 pm »
That's alright, SuperMunch. We'd need a couple thousand dollars to get an actual printed magazine off the ground.

And a much, much larger target.


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Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2006, 05:01:42 pm »
Mmm, i just got a nice fat raise too (about twice what i was making *dances*) So id subscribe!

You can do alot with this to devlop the world, such as add things about the condition of where ever. Maby add something about the Layo's government, the different nations, the armies for these different nations, rulers of this and that, talks about raids that have happened, goblin uprisings, whatever! There is alot you could do with this. It could be alot of fun, now that im thinking more about it im looking forward to this, if it gets of the ground of course.


Re: Potential Layonara Game Magazine -- Are you interested?
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2006, 07:28:46 am »
It looks like this may not be happening after all. I am not able to get any editors out of the community and I can not do it myself.