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Author Topic: A notice appears on random message boards  (Read 355 times)


A notice appears on random message boards
« on: February 16, 2008, 03:18:13 pm »
*A pink haired girl can be seen posting a notice on random notice boards throughout Dregar and Mistone as she travels. She seems very angry and upset, and is crying often..

Upon reading the notice (or if they cant), many ask her about it..she tells them what she was told by the aeridinites, especialy to the half-races and mixed couples she meets...


Know the truth of why you cannot have children!

Aeridin says we are corruptions of the world. That after thousands of years of life he is finally setting right the world and ending the chaos our existence sows!

We are not meant to be a part of the natural cycle....we are abominations to be eradicated! Born out of existence...if you are a mixed blood then your presence is an abomination to his natural order! If your a mixed couple, then you will not be allowed to create a corruption!

I say after thousands of years we are a part of nature's cycle! We are natural and how dare he attack us unjustly!

Ask the head priests of aeridin for the truth of it if you doubt!


Re: A notice appears on random message boards
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2008, 03:36:09 pm »
*The following notice is tacked on to the bottom of all but the most remote postings.*
We are not abomination - merely the products of a grace which the Lifegiver no longer affords mortals. The union between elf and man, or halfling and gnome, or mortal and outsider - these are not natural things. Never have they been, but Aeridin granted us the ability to join with one another to create new life.
Great and terrible things have happened in the past hundred years. The war with Sinthar Bloodstone, the coming of the Dark Times, the spread of plague and the return of dragons to Layonara...
These things were not without cost. The cost of one such event was the Lifegiver's blessing between the races - now, it is the sanctity of Life as much as the Cycle that is vital. Just as life leads to death, so, too, must life be kept uncorrupted by unnatural change.
I am half elven, and half human. I know your pain, and wept with grief when I first learned of the Lifegiver's will in this, for I will never father a child. But on long meditation, and many weeks of prayer, I have come to understand.
Many will never understand; I wish that I could truly give you that comprehension.
But know this: Aeridin does not "attack" anyone, in this fact that has now been with us for many years. His blessing, so long taken for granted, was revoked. A difficult period of acceptance lies ahead of us, especially those for whom life's road is long.
Know that I share your plight, yet know, too, that the reasons for this change are not in petty or cruel intent. It is Aeridin's will, for the betterment of Life.
~ Ceviren Lightstaff, Healer of Aeridin


Re: A notice appears on random message boards
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2008, 04:03:54 pm »
Before the days of Aeriden, the Dragonlords ruled the Land,
In those times they took on heirs, of demon beast and man,
Before Aeriden the breeds doth crossed, he had no blessing to "give",
So if now half breeds are tossed... tis his doing, we shan't forgive.
Life was before the god of life, wars waged long before Vorax's rise,
Half breeds spawned before he did, Aeriden's Grace is naught but lies,
For without his blessing they proliferated, this he cannot deny,
From him now lets be liberated, they will be born again if Aeriden should die...

-History and Precedance

P.S.- What God of Life would slay the children of love and tolerance as they gestate within the womb?  Abortion is murder, Aeriden is death.
If abominations we are, then abominate we shall!  Kill for Life!


Re: A notice appears on random message boards
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2008, 04:48:38 pm »
*Amended to this latest posting.*

No mass stillbirths of half-bred children have occurred due to Aeridin's shift in power. Only the conception is impossible, much as between dogs and cats. Children conceived before, and born after the first signs of this change, were born normally - many children alive now are proof of that.

Misunderstandings are a part of reality. Lies, however, are only hurtful.

~ Ceviren Lightstaff, Healer of Aeridin


Re: A notice appears on random message boards
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2008, 05:07:10 pm »
*a note is tagged to this wall below these notes with a dagger, The writting is as if writen in anger.*

No person should be taken away the right to give birth to what ever child they wish to have. Whatever reason or words the Lifegiver has for his deads will not bring back our right and ability to have children again.

Signed Huntemara.


Re: A notice appears on random message boards
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2008, 05:15:53 pm »
His clergy claims the druids shifting in the woods are "unnatural", yet they are the guardians of nature.  This god of life would rather intrude upon nature of how things have been for ages long before he ever lived and make innocent women barren.  Perhaps Aeriden is truly dead and all you worship is Corath in a mask, for this is truly madness!  For one to look into the eyes of a half elven babe in the crib and call it abomination... such a soul is blackened and corrupted far more than any half giant I've met.  How abominable is Abigail?  Honora?  Tegan?  I know these people well, they are honorable, good and all better souls than Aeriden ever will have.

The Toleflor gave us life.  They seeded us all from their own stock.  The Dragon Lords gave us life.  They molded many races into what they are now, all hailing from similar stock.  Aeriden grants no life... he merely claims to be a loving god of peace who wars verily on the very symbol of love... for what child has more love in it than two parents of different races who come together despite all differences.  Aeriden would rather strike millions of wombs barren than raise a finger against the Soul Mother's thirst for our eternal souls.  What god of life is this?

If he was truly concerned with stopping the unnatural, why didn't he die a mortal life instead of seeking immortality through godhood, consuming the souls of his followers?  No, instead he lives forever to stop life where it starts.  Sounds more like a lich to me.

If he had half the power over life he claims to have, why then did he allow the Bloodwells to keep flowing?  Why was Sinthar not stricken dead before the millions of corpses that he made?  No, he and his clergy sat by, mumbling of peace and tolerance.... we know it to be cowardice.  His clergy would spare a butcher like Corash, but judge the unborn children of pure innocence in the the womb?!  In the grove of the Silkwood, there stands a mighty butcher orc who slew thousands; they would say that he has more right to life than any of us!  The very notion that a newborn child is more abominable than a death bringer like Corash is pure madness, and no matter what honeyed words you Aeridenite's construct in his defense, you KNOW this to be true!

-Common Logic and Observation

//edited to reflect the official timeline


Re: A notice appears on random message boards
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2008, 06:03:10 pm »
Tell that to Rhynn's womb. I felt it kick up until Aeriden changed his mind!
This is complete nonsense and out of line with events. Those who were pregnant had no trouble at all, and there was a certain lag time before it became totally impossible.

If it was RPed as you stated then that was incorrect and is hereby officially stamped as "That did not happen" regardless of how long it was RPed that it did happen.


Re: A notice appears on random message boards
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2008, 06:13:52 pm »
//Rhynn Did have a baby...  A freaky looking one butt, she had one...  With Ozy


Re: A notice appears on random message boards
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2008, 06:31:13 pm »
Sinthar was a match for the gods themselves and not an easily removed threat.

- Get Your Facts Right

// Edited to reflect the previous edit... though, one point doesn't sound nearly as good as two. :p


Re: A notice appears on random message boards
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2008, 06:50:54 pm »
//ah, sorry for any misinformation there.  From talking to them before they left, I was under the impression that they were pregnant with a 2nd already before the deadline and that the plot events resulted in a miscarraige.  If this is not the case I shall change those points in the post.  

//Just confirmed with Rhynn I was mistaken over that point.  Sorry, after half a year of real time, the months start to mesh together.  Please disregard any previous mention of miscarraiges... thought he rest of the anti-aeridenite propaganda ranting still stands ;)


Re: A notice appears on random message boards
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2008, 03:53:14 am »
Quote from: lonnarin
thought he rest of the anti-aeridenite propaganda ranting still stands ;)

Of course :)


Re: A notice appears on random message boards
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2008, 11:12:19 am »
*penned on a neat note tacked on the same wall with the rest with a bit of pine-sap to hold it in place at the corners*

Now, my friends, let's not all get so carried away here.  Particularly, I'd like to address the point made regarding the Soul Mother and her role in death.  I may not be the most educated fellow, and I may even have my facts wrongly, but my understanding is that each being has spiritual tethers called "Soul Strands" by many that bind their spirit to their mortal body and flesh.  Now, for most folks those strands are severed all at once upon the death of their body, and with nothing physical to hold to the spirit is freed to move on to it's rightful realm in the afterlife.  For those of us who've chosen to bind ourselves to this world using the relics scattered about the realms called "Bindstones", the magic of the Bindstones prevents the loosing of our Soul Strands, and creates a new physical body to which the soul becomes attached, or repairs the formerly broken body as though anew.  Without the Soul Mother to come sever a strand at a time, we who're bound to the Bindstones would continue on in an endless cycle of dying and being raised again.  Think of the pain and suffering such souls would endure when their aged bodies, though continually reconstituted by the Bindstones, did no longer have the strength to persist in living, and they would thus immediately die over and over again.  Would you wish to go on 'living' in such a state, with every breath you take being both first and last between ressurection and death?  I sincerely doubt it.  I don't think persisting for any amount of time in such a state would be any fun at all.  So, you see, the Soul Mother is not so greedy and malicious as many of you persist in believing, but actually does us a favor each time she chooses to visit one of us who is otherwise forever bound to this world by the magic of the Bindstones.  In time, we who have our lives un-naturally prolonged by that magic, will also have our final strand severed by She, so that our spirits can make their journey to the afterlife, and thus be at rest in the heavens or the pits as our deeds in life have merrited.

Now, as for this new era of infertility among mixed races, I agree it seems wrong that the fruit of joy found between any two united in love should be looked upon as abberations solely for being of mixed heritage.  Love is a sacred and scarce thing, one which does not usually last, and for those who find it and do manage to make it last, I am overjoyed and envious.  Children bring joy to living, and indeed continue life's cycle as they grow to adulthood, hopefully passing on their joy to the next generation through their own passionate moments of desire, carnal pleasure, and in rare cases true love.  However, so too are those among any race, mixed or not, who become abberations of greed, selfishness, and murderous intent.  It is not by heritage that such folks pepetrate their crimes against others, but by self-will and choice to do so.

My message for the world, indeed the message of Mistress Xeen, is that we should all seek pleasure in every precious moment of our lives, in eachother, and in our surroundings.  The greatest pleasure comes from bringing joy to others, be it through sensual, carnal relations in which all who participate are willing and brought to the highest heights of physical delight, or through simply being an encouragement to our neighbors and an aid in their times of trouble, livening their spirits with hope and good feelings.  It does no good to harbour hatred, ressentment, or bitterness for these feelings drain the fun out of anyone.  Let's instead enjoy eachother for our differing views, which serve to sharpen our wisdom, intellect, and understanding, thus leading us to a greater variety of sources from which to find pleasure in eachother and in this world we live in together.  Yes, the infertility between the races is here, but as it was once not, so too in the future it may again be removed if we unite together and work toward such a happy and pleasing end.  As individuals, we may be pawns in the movements of the heavens, but as a united whole, we can make the heavens move ourselves.  It is we ourselves who choose to be abberations and abominations of selfishness and hatred in this world, or the fortuitous sowers of pleasure and joy found in unity with eachother.  In the end, we shall reap what we sow.  The choice is yours my friends.  I urge you to sow joy and reap greater joy as your rewards as opposed to the alternative.

Your Friend,

Dradnats Lausu


Re: A notice appears on random message boards
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2008, 11:27:30 am »
*Benjamin reads the notice at first frowning then snickering to himself as he finishes the last of them and realizes the implications* I'll never tell Tar..*he snickers as he runs of to find her* Time ta try fer more babies!
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

