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Author Topic: Area(s) that need updates?  (Read 1094 times)

Guardian 452

Area(s) that need updates?
« on: October 27, 2013, 04:43:06 pm »
Hello players of Layonara. I have a few questions for you today. I am on the Layo project/content team and I am presenting these questions to the player base with the hopes of finding areas in need of changes for various reasons. With that said... please lets not get into asking for Mithril placed in the Red Light Caves, or Emeralds outside Hlint. :) I also request that we don't get into a discussion / arguing of other peoples ideas if we can help it. Also to be clear we may or may not implement changes folks request. We have to consider a great number of things with each change proposed to ensure balance and all that stuff you know! :) Question 1: What places don't you go to with any or all of your characters that you would like to? Why?Question 2: What areas would you like to see changes made to? Some examples of "changes". Different creature spawns in an area(s), relocated creature spawns, added CNR, moved CNR, quest series related changes to area(s), changes to the look, feel, sounds of areas that never made sense to you... or the area(s) you feel needs a fresh(er) look. Or other changes you'd like to see made & why please. Thanks for you timeG-452
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 I remember years ago when I
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2013, 05:11:55 pm »


I remember years ago when I ran around the Battlehem Moors and constantly locked up or froze because of the tile set. It made for a beautiful visual gaming experience, but the freezing was horrible. I have been running around Layo after coming back for about a week now with no issues, and today when I ran into the Battlehelm Moors I locked up and froze 3 times in about 20 minutes or so. I think I'd vote for a new swampy tile set for that area. Something fresh, nice looking, and less buggy. Just my two cents.



Question 1: What places don't
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2013, 06:14:52 pm »

Question 1: What places don't you go to with any or all of your characters that you would like to? Why?

Most areas in Alindor, though there is a fairly good feel to travel - dungeons could do with more depth. In recent years groups have gone to central at lower levels making much of this area and bits of Mistone  little visited.


Question 2: What areas would you like to see changes made to? Some examples of "changes". Different creature spawns in an area(s), relocated creature spawns, added CNR, moved CNR, quest series related changes to area(s), changes to the look, feel, sounds of areas that never made sense to you... or the area(s) you feel needs a fresh(er) look. Or other changes you'd like to see made & why please.


However that said (in answer to Q1) I think the most useful changes, given the limited amount likely to be possible, would be changes linked to player action.

IE changes made as a result of quests. Monsters finally slain or tamed, replaced by new monsters or just removed to allow other ideas into the game. Whether the builder drives this and passes it to GMs for action or vice versa would not matter I dont think.

Either way things would change, the world would feel dynamic and players would see tangible change to the world as a result of actions. Regardless of where or what this changed I think this would be way more important than voting on any particular area for change. We get to live and breathe a changing world, and this outweighs any attempt to provide the perfect balanced world and indeed forgives any change which turns out not to be perfect.

For example Evil characters may get to display smug grins as the ruined city gets haunted, only to be dismayed later on when player run paladinesque action turns it into something more splendid.



Thanks for the question and
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2013, 07:52:45 pm »

Thanks for the question and opportunity to address some area changes G!

I just saw this but let me throw some ideas out.  I know you have two questions, but the first question to me is more about character build (ie, I don't go to some places mainly because my char isn't strong enough or doesn't have adequate protections).  So, mainly just addressing question 2 (in no specific order of importance):

1.  I really like what Mix said about things changing based on player quests/cdq's or plot type events.  I'd like to see a sprinkling of dark elves aroud Vale in the Forst of Fog to indicate how they sacked that area.  I'd like to see some Drach patrols in the outlying areas of their new stronghold, maybe some in the Great Forest, Witherlands, Roughlands or such.  I know Sagewald has been trying to infiltrate Tauren area, so maybe some Sagewald bandit patrols on the outskirts of Tauren.  I'm sure there's more of these type but not coming to me now.

2.  Areas visited by alot of folks.  I know lots of characters go to the fire opal caves and the silver caves on Dregar.  Maybe change those to make them a bit more difficult and interesting.  Folks will always need to get that cnr so why not give them a change.  Put some stronger giants in there and/or maybe give them some cool pets or maybe make them in league with Ors or Goblins.

3.  I know some areas were closed for plot/quest reasons, but I'd sure like to see the Rofi Ruins and the area past K'halziras opened back up.  Those were some really neat areas, and its a real shame our char's can't visit them anymore.

4.  I think Storan should be made stronger.

5.  I'd like to see a new brand of giant in the Great Forest.  Right now we've got Fellers, Stalkers and Chief's.  I don't know what else you could pick, but lots of folks travel that area and would be neat to see a new addition.  Maybe more of a strictly mage type giant?

Well that's it for now...great question.  I'm sure I'll think of more...but thanks for posing the question G! 



*deleted duplicate post*
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2013, 07:56:41 pm »

*deleted duplicate post*



Seconding a few of the Hoff's
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2013, 09:10:07 pm »

Seconding a few of the Hoff's ideas.

1.  I really like what Mix said about things changing based on player quests/cdq's or plot type events.  I'd like to see a sprinkling of dark elves aroud Vale in the Forst of Fog to indicate how they sacked that area.  I'd like to see some Drach patrols in the outlying areas of their new stronghold, maybe some in the Great Forest, Witherlands, Roughlands or such.  I know Sagewald has been trying to infiltrate Tauren area, so maybe some Sagewald bandit patrols on the outskirts of Tauren.  I'm sure there's more of these type but not coming to me now.

Ditto this - after PnP, it would make sense to have more bandits along the boarders of those kingdoms.

2.  Areas visited by alot of folks.  I know lots of characters go to the fire opal caves and the silver caves on Dregar.  Maybe change those to make them a bit more difficult and interesting.  Folks will always need to get that cnr so why not give them a change.  Put some stronger giants in there and/or maybe give them some cool pets or maybe make them in league with Ors or Goblins.

Or bardic giants....*cough* *Lance*




Center needs a guard presence
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2013, 09:27:58 pm »

Center needs a guard presence of some sort.  As I understand it, through rp, there is a small contigent of guards based out of Wayfare.  If the team is feeling particularily generous, a couple of Knights of the Wyrm as guards wouldn't be too far out of line.  My two true.  Yes, I know I'm biased. :P


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

Dorax Windsmith

My thoughts on Questions
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2013, 10:59:42 pm »

My thoughts on Questions 2:


1)  Moving/removing CNR along with new spawns/area layouts would really refresh the game IMHO, but understand that it takes time to create new areas.


2)  Adding new areas that currently exist in Lore but not in game would also really enrich the RP experience.  Again, understand it takes time and maybe some currently existing areas would have to be taken away to do so.


3)  The Planes used to exist in game and I only saw one or two of those areas...perhaps some of those could be added back in, maybe on a rotating basis?


4)  Without changing designs or creating new areas, just having different spawns/creatures is also a great way to refresh the in game experience.



I can not remember the name
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2013, 11:25:18 pm »

I can not remember the name of it now, because I've only been there once a while back. There is a halfing town in the Desert between the Ire mountains and Spellguard on Mistone that is; 1, hard to find and 2, seems incomplete. There are a few NPC's there that talk about this area near there that is plauged by sandstorms and seems to suggest something neat/questilike but it seems to be an unfinished map where only a small part is accessable.

Also this might need a LORE update as well, as it mentions that Ghostwise halflings live in tree top cities, but it does not say where, or even which continent they are on. I think another treetop area would be fun!


gilshem ironstone

swoop wrote:I can not
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2013, 12:25:19 pm »

Quote from: "swoop"&cid="2751715"

I can not remember the name of it now, because I've only been there once a while back. There is a halfing town in the Desert between the Ire mountains and Spellguard on Mistone that is; 1, hard to find and 2, seems incomplete. There are a few NPC's there that talk about this area near there that is plauged by sandstorms and seems to suggest something neat/questilike but it seems to be an unfinished map where only a small part is accessable.

Looks can be deceiving.  Talk to some veteran explorers in-game and you can learn a lot ;)

For my part I would like to see the Gloomwood Castle scale up in difficulty perhaps.  It is an amazing area, but very quickly becomes a chore to explore, as the challenge is trivial for a low-to-mid level character, and once you are in, you are committed to finishing it.

In regards to the Desert and Forest Giant CNR, I would even support moving it from there to another location entirely.  To say that those resources have been sacked would be somewhat of an understatement I would think ;)

A dungeon in the Saddleback Mountains would also be nice, as that region is woefully untravelled.



Hi G thanks for the question
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2013, 05:55:19 pm »

Hi G thanks for the question and the efforts of the team in advance to make some changes.  I also very much agree that changes that reflect in game cdq's, wldq's, plot quests would be fun and rewarding to the players and gms involved.

Question 1 makes me think of the deep as most people would like to go there but it takes a long time depending on were you go.  Maybe put a portal/rock near the mithril and emeralds that leads back to the great forest.  Its hard to prevent exploits on the CNR with such an easy way out so maybe change the CNR there to allow only one attempt.  Make the CNR reapear after a set time.

Question 2:  I'm all for changing up the spawns.  Some ideas for spawns would be puting a black wizard that appears near their tower in the great forest, possibly after the minions have been attacked.  Replace some of the great forest giants with other creatures.  Add some orc/goblin tribe in the rouglands to show their presense after they came down from the Osgaunt (sp?) mountains during the seige on Sundance (Dezza quest).  There is an unused camp and cave near the werebeasts area in the roughlands that could be suitable and is unused currently.

CNR:  I'd like to see some silver/opals in Alindor maybe defended by sagewald bandits near the Tauren mines.  Some platinum perhaps in Tilmar.  I dont think the great spikes has any high end CNR and its a very difficult area, maybe a bit of mithril or emeralds would help spice up the area.

I think Gilshem had the idea of making the dungeons in the gloom scale to level.  I dont know how hard it is to implement but I think it would be nice for most dungeouns/cave crawls to scale.


Thats it for now....more later perhaps.  Thanks again for the querry!



I was in the Forest of Moans
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2013, 12:04:30 pm »

I was in the Forest of Moans the other day, I don't go there often and I'm pretty sure no one else does either. I know the area after that is pretty much a death trap (perhaps by design), but those two areas (and maybe more if there is anything after the Dark Peak of the Watcher, I've never gotten very far) could use some excitement or updating. Being near Fort Wayfare is good for lower-level characters, maybe some nice lower-level spawns would be good?


