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Author Topic: Deities and Classes Suggestion  (Read 1313 times)


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2009, 07:38:29 am »
Quote from: Dorganath

What do people want from Layonara?  Do you want the quests? Do you want the GM involvement? Do you want the enhancements to RP and mechanics that come from having a quirky and diverse Pantheon? Or do you just want us to let you do your thing, put whatever you want on, in and near your character without consequence or requirement and just beat things up all day long, however little sense it makes to do so?  Do you want the living, breathing world or do you want a gladiatorial arena where you are the champion....Aeridin's slayer of the wicked...Az'atta's redemption by steel?

I am really and truly interested in your answers, and please do not insult me by just telling me what you think I want to hear.


We want a chart!


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2009, 08:15:59 am »
Quote from: Dorganath

It all begs the question (and this is not directed at Honora or Hellblazer in specific but anyone reading this):  

What do people want from Layonara?  Do you want the quests? Do you want the GM involvement? Do you want the enhancements to RP and mechanics that come from having a quirky and diverse Pantheon? Or do you just want us to let you do your thing, put whatever you want on, in and near your character without consequence or requirement and just beat things up all day long, however little sense it makes to do so?  Do you want the living, breathing world or do you want a gladiatorial arena where you are the champion....Aeridin's slayer of the wicked...Az'atta's redemption by steel?

I am really and truly interested in your answers, and please do not insult me by just telling me what you think I want to hear.

If you or the Team considers this a valuable point of discussion or expression, may I recommend the creation of an apporpriate stand-alone thread. Otherwise I'm afraid the discussion of the original poster might be overwhelmed by feedback to your request.

I'm sure the community can provide feasible feedback if that is your wish.


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2009, 09:28:27 am »
Quote from: Honora
After the Sacred Fist discussion, it became apparent that this is not the first time by a long shot that a class has been denied to a specific deity.  While I am not a fan of that, in the spirit of someone else not being stuck with a character they can't progress as they had wished, I suggest a simple "Deity/Class" chart along the same lines of the deity relations chart.

Use the Deity Relation template and replace the deities on the X axis with the classes, denoting which can have what.  This chart could then be posted ahead of the classes section of LORE and would prevent any further unhappiness by spelling out the restrictions.

For example: Az'atta: No classes with more than X% "fighting" feats (fighter, barbarian, battlerager, duelist, assassin, dwarven defender, spellsword, arcane archer, weapon master, monk, sacred fist)

Vorax: No classes with more than X% "casting" feats with bard, cleric and sacred fist the exceptions (sorcerer, driud, wizard, spellsword).


Layonara is a mature game, with a population who have been with it for years.  With alts being important to keeping things fresh, this won't be the last time there will be a class/deity conflict.

I am happy to make up the chart if requested.

Thanks for the suggestion, it would probably be useful to have this.

It could be a bit simpler then how you describe it by just stating (for example):
Sacred Fist: Not allowed for deities X, Y and Z
Undead Slayer: Only allowed for deities B, D and F
And so on.


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2009, 09:38:01 am »
So just like with paladins? LORE: Paladin

Not every deity sponsors an order of paladins, only Aeridin, Lucinda, Rofirein Toran, and Vorax require holy warriors beyond their normal clergy. All Paladin characters must follow one of these deities.


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #24 on: October 22, 2009, 11:06:40 am »
Quote from: Honora

If not in a chart (which I felt was something that could be done quickly since it already exists for another reason), then in the class descriptions as a separate line item.

There are 28 deities, and 29 playable classes.

From a CA team perspective, I can tell you that nobody has gone through each of the 812 combinations, and thought about whether they would or would not work (I'm not sure if that's what you were getting at with the "exists for other reasons"), especially for the seldom played classes. Second, what will fly for a lay member of a church might not be as ok for a cleric, so that's a whole other chart. Third, in some cases a player may convince us about something we would generally be skeptical about, and a black-and-white list ahead of time would preclude that kind of player imagination.

I don't mean to sound as though I'm unsympathetic to players who find out down the road that they built their character to work with a class that doesn't mesh with their deity - especially, like you, where it was mentioned in the original submission. However, there are people with a lot of knowledge on these things that are only a PM or thread in the ask a gamemaster forum away, that can be consulted ahead of time.

From a LORE team perspective,
Yes. LORE should have as much info as possible on the various classes, and some notes might be apropos. At the same time, if a chart (or list or whatever was made), it would be seen by some people as giving pre-approval for some combos that may only work with some kinds of RP or backstories, and not others. Maybe something in the [lore]Character Submission[/lore] page about being aware of possible conflicts might work better than a list or chart?


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2009, 04:02:15 pm »
Quote from: ycleption
(I'm not sure if that's what you were getting at with the "exists for other reasons")

I think this quote:
Quote from: Honora
If not in a chart (which I felt was something that could be done quickly since it already exists for another reason), then in the class descriptions as a separate line item.

relates back to this one:
Quote from: Honora
Use the Deity Relation template and replace the deities on the X axis with the classes, denoting which can have what.  This chart could then be posted ahead of the classes section of LORE and would prevent any further unhappiness by spelling out the restrictions.

where the chart already exists for the other purpose of showing deity relations.


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2009, 04:24:58 pm »
Ah, thank you Gulnyr - just as a note, normal tables can be created with the wiki format with some time (eg. [lore]DeitySummons[/lore]), but the LORE team has no access to prettier things like the deity relations table, (nor do know how its made, or who made it) so adapting it would likely take some time by one of the admins, rather than something that could be a quick LORE team task.


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2009, 08:32:30 pm »
Quote from: Pseudonym
Will lore explode if there is a Priest(ess) of Shindaleria who thinks the ebb and flow of Shindaleria is an OK fit for a martial artist? I'd have thought such a concept to be a nice fit for some of the softer impact and deflection based martial arts?
 You know, what pseudo said right there made me think a bit of the shaolin buddhist monks. They revered peace at the out most, to some degree even stepping on a ant was a sin. but yet they practice fiercely their martial arts for the purity of the body, to a point where some people in the past, thought they had supra natural powers, because of the things they could do. Their motto was that it was to bring balance to their body and soul, a fit physique with a fit mind, but also to protect themselves. How much is this different from Shindaleria? not much if you actually look at both belief. I know it's a real world vs game world, but I'm saying that both principles are the same, and if a belief system that was based on sanctity of life, purity of one self, and peace, would practice an art that would definitely harm some one else (just look at the shaolin saber technics), I'm sure there is place in Shindaleria for a sacred fist who resemble very much what a shaolin monk (who are really more priests) would be.


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #28 on: October 23, 2009, 10:22:44 pm »
Total derail but:

"Earlier versions of Toran in the Lore do not say "Toran prefers his most devoted paladins not to eat babies, unless they're really hungry and there's just nothing else in the icebox, or it's a dinner invitation they simply can't get out of. They absolutely may not, under any circumstances, do so without the proper silverware."

...still laughing...which fork?  Do you use a soup spoon for the soft bits?  Napkin in lap or in hand to prevent vexing blood stains on the Official Tabard?

*snort* *giggle*


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2009, 10:41:52 pm »


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #30 on: October 23, 2009, 11:51:56 pm »
I have started a new thread related to my "what do you want..." question.  All further responses to this should go into this thread instead:


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #31 on: October 24, 2009, 01:11:37 am »
Due to thread/post moving and editing, I am pasting something here, extracted from a post I moved to the other thread.

Quote from: SteveMaurer
Dorg, for example, makes the comparison of a "bashy" Az'atta to a Toranite "eating babies". But when you look at the history of the Az'atta page, the documentation tells a very different story.
 At revision 16, the text reads:
Az'atta has no favored weapons for her clergy, as she prefers her clergy not to kill or harm anyone. She does place one restriction upon the weapon choices of her clerics: They absolutely may not, under any circumstances, poison their weapons. Given the acts she performed while in the service of Baraeon, she does understand the need to take up arms on occasion, and does not restrict her clerics from doing so with good cause. It would also be appropriate for a cleric of Az'atta to take up arms to defeat any evils that are menacing the people or area they are currently assisting.

Yes, this is true, and it was the Az'atta that existed before she was more thoroughly fleshed out.  Our Pantheon, as it currently exists and of which the community has only had a small taste, has been effectively complete for well over a year, but there's been a matter of editing and making sure that the text in the 186-page Pantheon document was fit to be considered "final" and publishable, so that we would not have to go back and keep re-editing a thousand times after it was released.

Remember this is an all-volunteer effort.  While Layonara Studios LLC is an actual, incorporated entity, there is as yet nothing resembling revenue.  We're all still doing this in our spare time, between our day jobs and families and other RL obligations.  That's not meant for sympathy, but rather to underscore the fact that things of this scope take time.

So the "six months ago" version of Az'atta was on its way out before that.  Though really that's not the meat of this issue.

Also, I am not talking about what "was".  In some cases, what "was" never really was at all, due mostly to IP issues regarding legality, copyrights or several other issues. In still other cases, what "was" simply changed due to in-game situations, plot level happenings and so on, including at least two WLDQs that at least got the ball rolling.  And lastly, other changes were simply an organic formalizing of what was a lightly-defined deity and/or dogma in the first place.

Quote from: SteveMaurer
At revision 17, the text then reads:
Az'atta forbids weapons for her clergy because she prefers her clergy not to kill or harm anyone. That is not to say they are not trained to defend themselves or those whom they have promised to protect from the violent and aggressive nature of others. Each hopeful is trained in the way of unarmed combat, usually in the style of the locality the temple exists in. Az'atta's clergy are never permitted to strike first. They may not, under any circumstances, use poison.
While the text from revision 17 has remained the same, Ed has, on the website, added huge additional devotional restrictions by, what are, frankly, overwhelmingly strained interpretations. So that effectively, the real (unwritten) rules are as follows:
Az'atta forbids [strike]weapons[/strike]any activity that might possibility lead to violence for [strike]her clergy[/strike]all of her worshipers [strike]because she prefers absolutely her clergy not to kill or harm anyone[/strike]. That is not to say they are not trained to [strike]defend themselves or those whom they have promised to protect from the violent and aggressive nature of others[/strike] in artful ways of running away. As an alternative to wielding weapons and armor, which are forbidden her clerics, each hopeful is trained in the way of unarmed combat, usually in the style of the locality the temple exists in, but this training is never meant to be used. [strike]Az'atta's clergy[/strike] Worshipers of Az'atta, who find themselves being assaulted and unable to flee, may attempt to disable their opponent, but are never permitted to strike first at anything, and must flee at the first available opportunity. They may not, under any circumstances, use poison. They must not kill, ever.
 The above prohibitions mean that anyone who wishes to have Az'atta in their deity field must be one of the following classes: Cleric, Bard, Sorcerer, or Wizard. All other classes are too steeped in combat to be acceptable to Az'atta. Despite the training in "unarmed combat", Az'atta will not allow her worshipers to become Sacred Fists, Undead Slayers, or any other class that has any significant combat ability, whether or not it is used only against soul-less menaces like undead or constructs.
 The extent of the prohibition against potential violence is so absolute, that Az'atta worshipers may not even participate in rescue operations of their own clergy, even as an unarmed medic who only heals people.
Originally, the clergy, and clergy alone, has specific instructions to never use poison, and to avoid instigating violence, except in defense of people they had pledged to protect. And this was flat out changed into every single Az'attan, clerics down the lowliest initiates, being forbidden to go on quests in which there is the slightest chance of violence erupting.

Respectfully, this is a somewhat inaccurate depiction, and while this has been well-covered in another thread, it's clear you continue to disagree with the offered interpretation.  However, if that is how you or one of your characters wishes to interpret it, please feel free.

While it is true that Az'attans (faithful and clergy) are to avoid violence as much as possible, it is not true that they are never to use the skills they have learned. They are allowed to defend themselves and others.  If there is another course of action that will serve just as well, they will take that.  But to say they are never to use these skills, never to actively defend themselves is just not true.

Consider Audira.  Az'atta has one real, main temple, probably one of her most important sites in all of Layonara.  If the interpretation that it is some small, unguarded commune for pacifists, then why is it still standing?  We have no need for a mechanical artifact in a temple that would be easily overrun by a Ca'Duzite raiding party.  Some people seem to think that they'd just roll over and offer cookies.  That's just not true.

Now, I'll say that it is quite true that this defensive-only dictate is a rather difficult one to mesh with NWN and more specifically an adventuring lifestyle.  This fact has never been in dispute, though I contend still that it is possible to have a viable, if slower-leveling, Az'attan character, clergy or no.  Your class list above is also fairly accurate, though the reason for Undead Slayer unavailable is simply that Az'atta doesn't really have any care one way or the other about Undead, as they cannot be redeemed.  But there are other deities who do not support Undead Slayer as well, and it has nothing to do with combat ability but rather simply it being an unsupported fit into the dogma and/or church organization.  Lucinda...Beryl...Prunilla...Corath!  None of these really make sense as far as Undead Slayer goes.
And remember, any character can say "Hey, I'm Az'attan!" and be any class, and behave in any way.  We have a character who claims to be "Aeridin's Champion" (you probably know him) but is a rather combative character (Fighter/Wizard/Duelist) and really doesn't follow that "don't kill" portion of Aeridin's dogma.  In truth, it's a self delusion and perfectly acceptable because he does not have Aeridin in his deity field.

I know your own character Rottie used to have "Az'atta (imperfect worship)" in his deity field, and mechanically speaking, that really didn't give him any benefits, as the deity field must match exactly for any bonuses based on faith to apply.  Did I personally have a problem with Rottie claiming to be an Az'attan?  Nope.  Do I think that there's any grounds for an Az'attan faithful to become a Weapon Master? Not really. At the very least, it just doesn't fit with the unarmed, self-defense only sort of expectation.

Though on the flip-side, a Weaponmaster who "repents" and finds faith and redemption in Az'atta, and subsequently lays down his weapon of choice, would be a very interesting character to play.

Now please do not say this is not a change. And please do not compare it to Toranites not "eating babies". Earlier versions of Toran in the Lore do not say "Toran prefers his most devoted paladins not to eat babies, unless they're really hungry and there's just nothing else in the icebox, or it's a dinner invitation they simply can't get out of. They absolutely may not, under any circumstances, do so without the proper silverware."
It is a change, but it isn't monolithic. It's part of a whole and focusing on just this one thing misses the bigger picture.  And for all the talk of "changes", the last two Az'attans (yours and Hellblazers) that have come into conflict with the dogma of Az'atta were submitted after the changes were posted publicly.  
The Az'atta of just a half a real-world year ago, and today, are entirely different deities.
Actually, they're not.  There's actually little change between the prior and now.  The prime shift is in the dictates on combat.

For what it's worth, for characters caught  by the changes in any deity when we released the updates, we were willing (and said as much) to allow for shifts, adjustments and other accommodations as a result of changing things mid-stream like that. Such accommodations do not (nor should they) extend to characters submitted after the changes, of course.

We knew when we were writing these changes and again when we released them, that some would be difficult to some people.  Some also would not fit well with NWN.  I know you believe some of these decisions to be arbitrary, but they're not.  To call some things "in flux" is true, though as I mentioned above, in an all-volunteer effort, flux doesn't happen overnight.  Even so there are things that are important to solidify as much as possible.  This is at the root of all the deity-related changes.

As a final note, strong consideration was given to make a clean break with the various dogmas, where we'd switch over at the moment the MMO went live.  The problem is that, as I said above, some changes had been precipitated by in-game events, and the repercussions of them began to confuse people who were not aware of them, bringing lore conflicts and other ugliness.  For that reason, it was decided to just release these updated summaries so that everyone could work off of the same information again.

It has been an arduous process updating not only the Pantheon but the world setting handbook as well (which has swelled over 300 pages and is being edited as fast as we can manage), which also has crucial information that is needed, but is not yet released.  It is difficult, and we really do understand and sympathize how it can cause confusion.

Now, I really don't want to prolong yet another long debate on the virtues and pitfalls of Az'atta, and certainly not in this thread. We can do it in private or on the other thread that dealt with this at great length.  This is greatly a sidetrack to the original post.

And for what it's worth, I agree that a footnote for the PrCs and other classes regarding any dogmatic conflicts is a good thing, per Ed's suggestion on how it might be done.


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #32 on: October 24, 2009, 10:39:20 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
While it is true that Az'attans (faithful and clergy) are to avoid violence as much as possible, it is not true that they are never to use the skills they have learned. They are allowed to defend themselves and others. If there is another course of action that will serve just as well, they will take that. But to say they are never to use these skills, never to actively defend themselves is just not true.
 Consider Audira. Az'atta has one real, main temple, probably one of her most important sites in all of Layonara. If the interpretation that it is some small, unguarded commune for pacifists, then why is it still standing? We have no need for a mechanical artifact in a temple that would be easily overrun by a Ca'Duzite raiding party. Some people seem to think that they'd just roll over and offer cookies. That's just not true.
 I think the main contention here Dorg is the fact that two back a back cdqs were made quite clear that any ''action'' to save someone or one selves would not be tolerated. Where in fact on one of those occasions, the cleric let herself and the others with her be killed, instead of defending herself and the others she was with, in a situation that there was no other choice possible. This is not a slight at the persons who did the cdq's, but what is told here and what is shown IG are two different things.


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #33 on: October 25, 2009, 02:26:24 am »
Quote from: Hellblazer
I think the main contention here Dorg is the fact that two back a back cdqs were made quite clear that any ''action'' to save someone or one selves would not be tolerated. Where in fact on one of those occasions, the cleric let herself and the others with her be killed, instead of defending herself and the others she was with, in a situation that there was no other choice possible. This is not a slight at the persons who did the cdq's, but what is told here and what is shown IG are two different things.

Alright, I can see where you are coming from here Hellblazer but there is a critical difference between the situations described by Dorganath and the situations that occurred on those CDQs.

Basically, it was the principle of each event that was different. These were not CDQs for the Az'attan priests/esses to save the day like super heroes or something. That kind of roll falls to the PCs in question. Did the Az'attan priestesses follow dogma? Yes. Did they do everything in their power to stop whatever tragedy that was occurring? Perhaps! We don't know the full of their stories. The goal, however, was for the "Az'attan" PCs to make a choice. The choices were made and what followed was the direct result of those executed decisions.



Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #34 on: October 25, 2009, 12:58:11 pm »
Quote from: Weeping Lily
So just like with paladins? LORE: Paladin

You see?  Aeriden sponsors people trained in martial weapons.  Paladins aren't just temple guards and deacons, they are expected to swing a weapon as incredibly well as a fighter in service to their god and don heavy armors for the most part.  If Aeriden will not have a cleric or even a basic follower who can use weapons, why in the world would he sponsor holy WARRIORS like paladins?

This wasn't an issue years ago when we just let people make a submission and play a game.  And then we kept adding rules, stereotypes, procedures, excrutiating standards for approvals that rival most college level english courses.  The server didn't collapse all those years ago before we started the intensive care treatment with LORE, bios, classes and races.  When there was a monk of Aeriden running around, people just grouped up, RPed together and had fun.  Nowadays, some guy wants to create an Aeridenite monk, or even a sacred fist and it's denied outright.  THIS is the problem.  

Not only has the hurdle been raised by several meters, but we're telling people who fight with their fists that their god doesn't support them, the very same god and dogma that supports paladin holy warriors and temple guards.  We're told again and again that we can't sack or even act up in a temple because they are well protected, but in the same breath the players are told that they absolutely may not protect themselves.  It is this level of contradiction and absolutism that I feel is the most confounding issue here.  Not the inherent Lore of the dogmas, but the manner and the method that we are now over-actively enforcing them.  It doesn't appear to be enhancing the enjoyability factor for most here, just the frustration level.  This is a procedural and policy issue rather than a dogmatic one.

Back just a few years ago if somebody wanted to make a monk or sacred fist of Aeriden, we would have commended the player's wanting to play by the deity's restrictions by making an unarmed character.  Today we insinuate that they just want to get around the rules and turn their hands into weapons and go on a slaughterfest.  The difference in atmosphere is like that between a favorite, fun-loving uncle vs. a cold-glaring librarian checking your pockets for bubblegum.  "What's this, a rubber band?  You just want to use it to fling paperclips at children and poke their eyes out! Confiscated!"


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #35 on: October 26, 2009, 10:50:14 pm »
I'm going to write in the other thread, because I hope that you find it useful.   However, before I do, let me make one last comment here.

Quote from: Dorganath
Respectfully, this is a somewhat inaccurate depiction, and while this has been well-covered in another thread, it's clear you continue to disagree with the offered interpretation. However, if that is how you or one of your characters wishes to interpret it, please feel free.
While it is true that Az'attans (faithful and clergy) are to avoid violence as much as possible, it is not true that they are never to use the skills they have learned. They are allowed to defend themselves and others. If there is another course of action that will serve just as well, they will take that. But to say they are never to use these skills, never to actively defend themselves is just not true.
Consider Audira. Az'atta has one real, main temple, probably one of her most important sites in all of Layonara. If the interpretation that it is some small, unguarded commune for pacifists, then why is it still standing? We have no need for a mechanical artifact in a temple that would be easily overrun by a Ca'Duzite raiding party. Some people seem to think that they'd just roll over and offer cookies. That's just not true.

I completely agree with your logic.  In fact, I argued in the exact same way that you did here, in a previous thread.   I specifically said that there had to be some sort of protection for the Az'atta cult to fend off a raiding party, or pretty soon there would be none left.        But in response, I was told that the Az'atta church didn't need protection because, in spreading death and misery, Ca'Duzites and Corathites wouldn't attack weak defenseless healers.

Defenseless healers who forbid their worshipers from gaining any skill in using weapons or armor, and for whom "rescue missions are out of the question".  And that latter is a direct quote from Ed.

But I'm glad you're walking this back.  Now please go convince the loremaster.


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #36 on: October 26, 2009, 11:46:54 pm »
I think either your misinterpreting or taking something out of context.

There's no "honor" among Ca'Duzites and Corathites that would get them to leave Az'attan's alone.  Ca'Duz hates Az'atta with a passion. To say Ca'duz wants Az'atta and her followers dead would be an understatement of massive proportions.

There's an enormous difference between a "rescue mission" and self-defense.  The former is something that is inherently aggressive while the latter is sanctioned by the dogma.

Do not, however, take up weapons or dress yourself in armor unless it is to prevent harm from coming to yourself or others.

So, unless Ed would like to tell me I'm wrong, there is the ability to learn the art of defense, sanctioned and approved by Az'atta, but that's where it ends.  Once "defense" turns into "offense", Az'atta says, "No."


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #37 on: October 27, 2009, 12:23:52 am »
I think this is another part of the "Why can't martial prowess be used EXCLUSIVELY for defense" argument.  So this calls into question Weapon Master, Sacred Fist, Dwarven Defender, etc when talked about in conjunction with our controversial Gods/Deities


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #38 on: October 27, 2009, 12:31:33 am »
Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
I think this is another part of the "Why can't martial prowess be used EXCLUSIVELY for defense" argument.  So this calls into question Weapon Master, Sacred Fist, Dwarven Defender, etc when talked about in conjunction with our controversial Gods/Deities

Because these things focus on the "individual as a weapon" concept, not the "individual as a shield" concept...which is profoundly different.


Re: Deities and Classes Suggestion
« Reply #39 on: October 27, 2009, 12:35:21 am »
Taken from LORE:
A line of Dwarven Defenders is a far better defense than a 10-foot-thick wall of stone and much more dangerous.

So can I make a Deep Dwarf Dwarven Defender of Az'atta?  *grins*

