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Messages - Locust

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General Discussion / RE: Pan's Quarterly Roleplaying Rant
« on: October 28, 2005, 08:17:00 am »
I haven’t played on Layo for some two months now. Nonetheless I like to comment something.

First of all. I play in the GMT+1 zone and usually have 4 to max. 8 hours a week to play. I try to be as flexible as possible but RL is a major factor I have to take into account and is therefore limiting the contributions I can make, this made my appearance online sporadic and erratic.

What took away the fun from Layo for me these past months are actually the Guilds and the Crafting.

The Guilds create groups of people (which is fine) but also makes it difficult for people with little time to join or contribute online since their either not part of the Guild or can not spend the time to contribute because of RL issues (I’m not as charismatic as George Bush or have a high ability in RP or masters in English so that can be an issue as well). Most importantly however I have the impression that the world becomes more ‘closed’ to outsiders compared to 6 - 8 months ago. Information is no longer readily available on the forums or online and stays behind the closed doors of the Guild. In the end I felt I could contribute something but had nobody to share it with. Either because they were not there, caught up in other matters or crafting.

Crafting for me is a circle. You start gathering CNR, create items, sell them, buy better items so it becomes easier/faster to gather CNR, earn more money etc. My impression is that in my time zone most people are there for crafting and don’t want to spend time to RP (there are exceptions), something (the crafting) which bores me even after less then 5 minutes. I have the impression the RP is more dedicated to other time zones. I understand though that the crafting can be fun if you are in a group but I must admit it’s not for me. Also sending tells to everyone on the server asking if they want to RP is not how I want to play it.

On the flipside when you do not craft you don’t have money and don’t have access to better items that means you can contribute very little in the gathering runs so why would you be asked to join one? The other circle. As an example my character is lvl 8 and only has one crafted item (received from a friend IG) but still has major difficulties in defeating the goblins just outside of Hlint, I think I have 50 gp and I don’t expect things to change soon. Anyway I feel that there is very little I can do in with this character but to RP. Also I noticed that there were (just after the summer break) many new names on the server that were all almost double the lvl. my character currently is, I felt a bid out of place here.

The only way I could RP though was during DM quests and a little outside it but, especially during the summer break, it became scarce to non-existent. Maybe that was due to the Pibemanden added in his last reaction regarding people with little time.  The difficulty of finding like-minded people within the limited time you are allowed to be online.

Although above is looking very pessimistic there are still many positive points about this world and I haven’t given up entirely yet.

Hope it made some sence.

General Discussion / RE: quests in european timezone
« on: September 09, 2005, 12:50:00 am »
Yep as above and also add it to the ‘Player Led Events’ Calender that can be found through the link at the top of this site.

I can make it after 8 pm Dutch time and adding it to the calendar would help me in a big way so I can plan ahead. Sorry but RL is often not allowing me the joys of Layonara if I don’t plan ahead. Probably sound silly to a lot of you but in my case this is it.

« on: September 08, 2005, 03:54:00 am »
* an arrow pointing from a piece of text towards the drawing *

I’m also looking for this slender elf. Not long ago a wolf crossed my path, again, and maybe he has some answer regarding this.

His friend Na~hani.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Planar Travel
« on: September 08, 2005, 03:49:00 am »
There are rumours followers of Corath have recently tried to retrieve something from another plane but none of them survived.

* Underneath a shield is drawn bearing no specific markings, there is no name *

Development Journals and Discussion / Me's find
« on: September 07, 2005, 06:35:00 am »
‘e! Issa yous again! *here eyes still twisting and some foam hanging from here lower lip, the remains of the poisonous bites she had received earlier that day.*

Me’s been ‘aving some fine time issa started w’en me’s was going from ‘lint to ‘aven. T’ere was t’is fella anda ‘e was all messed up anda s’aken anda screaming from ‘is lungs. ‘e was going on about t’em spiders so w’at me’s did was follow t’e road w’ere me’s met some other fella’s. All s’iners, ‘oney’s, pretty’s, little skinny ones anda big skinny ones anda one s’arptoot’ anda me’s ‘ad t’at one good buts more on t’at latter. All went looking for t’em spiders anda t’em ‘oles t’em spiders come from. All fine but noso w’en we ‘it t’e sand, lossa spiders anda t’em spiders bite me’s one time to muc’ anda t’en me’s don’t remember.

*an insect lands on here chin, she slams it and foam is flying around freely. Some of it hitting you on your clothes and some exposed body parts.*
Some long time later me’s could see again anda me’s was ‘anging in the arm of a luger anda wit’ t’e other arm the luger was ‘itting some scallies anda me’s don’t know w’ere me’s was. Oyeoyeoye .. t’em lugers are some fine folks. T’ere was also lossa water anda t’e smell was noso nice anda t’ere were many scallies, spiders too. Do yous grok? Okies.

Later me’s was walking again anda t’ere were mountains anda t’e s’arptoot’ again and t’is time ‘e was kibitzing. Oyeoyeoye .. t’as annoying me’s ‘ad to slap anot’er fella two times in the face so me’s felt a little less pressure on t’e nerves. But t’en it ‘appened, t’e s’arptoot’ was sleeping on t’e job anda t’ere is fine cure in t’e mines for t’at anda me’s kicked ‘im in the bud few times anda did ‘e wake? Oyeoyeoye .. ‘e did anda me’s kicked ‘im again w’en me’s caught ‘im sleeping on the job again. Oyeoyeoye .. t’em s’arptoot’.

Anyway me’s also did find t’ere. It’s looked like a rock so me’s picked it up since me’s never know w’as in it anda w’em me’s chopped away t’e bits some paper came out. It ‘as lossa writing on it and it’s pretty wort’less so me’s gives it to yous anda yous.

CRUNCHA!!! *waving an empty hand directionless through the air*

*when she walk away you unfold the paper and start to read*

The heroes from not so far away

Watch the heroes see them go
Armour strapped with steed they wave while we bow
We cheer while they brawl and they chatter
About the bees and sunny weather
About a virgin marry once saved
Far away lands and high seas they braved
Living a life of wonders where everything is bliss
Tales how they silence the viper’s venomous spit and end its hiss
Adventures with colourful dragons and spiders that roam in shadow
Places where tyranny was reaped and on their glorification they grow

For us they will wield
Sword and shield


Excuse me, if I may
Hear me when I say

Before we put on our nightgowns and before the sun will set
They will return hastily reeking off fear and off sweat
Begging you please to hide in your cupboard and under your bed
Their pride vanished, their pants wet
Scared of the critter, the rabble and the brutes
I tell you their myth shattered by the goblin recruits

Believe it or not
The heroes .. poor sod

Biddle Toodles Slickfoot

Wild Surge Inn / Bailing out
« on: September 04, 2005, 10:38:00 pm »
Sorry I had to bail out on this one last night. The baby was wrestling with the mother and in these situation only a mans touch can calm here down so both can go to sleep.

Thanks to those being there early.


Wild Surge Inn / RE: Waking the undead
« on: September 04, 2005, 05:04:00 am »
//I may have to delay this by 15 mins. if RL intervenes.


Wild Surge Inn / RE: Dwarf Meeting
« on: September 02, 2005, 10:42:00 pm »
//sorry can't make first two, vacation, the third would still be fine.

General Discussion / RE: Reclaimer's Work too!
« on: September 02, 2005, 04:13:00 am »
What? Summer finaly here and you spend it inside?

General Discussion / RE: Leaving for a while...........again
« on: September 02, 2005, 04:11:00 am »
Hopefully we will see you back before November starts.

Development Journals and Discussion / In dreams once again
« on: September 01, 2005, 11:48:00 am »
I sit with my back against a tree holding the broken part of the ruby in my left hand, the ruby that protected me from Jasslin’s soul instead of forcing mine out. The tattoo of the III is gone and a scar is all what remains as remembrance of what I, and others, have gone through. I am now free, released from the past. The chain that tore me apart for so long .. gone, the shackles torturing me .. broken. The hunger of the III found its end.  My friends they have taken me through this, Toran, without them I would have been lost long ago together we prevailed, after so long I can see that now. But with what I’m left. The feeling, the gratitude, that I experience on my own, nothing can compare with that.


There was snow falling most of the day but now the wind has torn the thick clouds to threads, blazing while they reflect the colour of the setting sun. Still small snowflakes trickle down from above radiating the orange glow they have captured within. The spectacle, the orange curtain, ends abruptly just before they join the white blanket covering the grounds around me.

As snowflakes fall on my exposed skin cold collides with the warmth from within and with it shivers run through my body. With the blink of an eye the flakes melt and the resulting droplets of water follow the contours of my arm towards my left hand before dripping form the ruby onto the ground. After a while the water is mixed with the last blood left on my hand. When it flows over the broken ruby however the red colour is absorbed leaving a clear and pure droplet falling on the ground.

A droplet touches the snow, shattering upon impact. From this point colours erupt in ever widening circles, colours of the rainbow and I’m sitting in the centre of it all. Soon below my hand the blanket of snow is breaking open and a plant appears. It continues to grow until it blossoms into a blue lotus, the delicate leafs of the flower enveloping the point of the gem I hold in my hand. Soon after multiple plants appear, daisies, butterfly’s, tulips .. every plant and every colour you can imagine.

In the distance I see Quantum, a white light is surrounding him, the light of the shining hand. And there the wolf, both bearing a grin as if smiling.

Blackouts into dreams again.

It doesn’t change what is happening around me but I now know I don’t have to face if alone, maybe I never did as there was always something behind me. The tongue that sang its song, the song that resonates in my ears, even now.

Development Journals and Discussion / Blackout VI
« on: August 27, 2005, 10:35:00 pm »
Death is whispering in my ear but when will I see. Walking in dreams sleepwalking with the battered and the fallen. Losing it all when there is so much to gain. Anger, it rages within. Clenching my fists my head throbbing with pain as sweat and blood drop on the pages below forming wrinkles on erratic lines. Scratching from left to right, arching from top to bottom. I cannot stop, I must give in to that what is inside of me, uncontrolled the pencil continues to make its marks. Drawings of a sunset and falling snow forming a blanker on the ground, an outline of a shield. As easily as it was created it is crossed out again. Madness it continues until I lose myself again to the blackout.
Moments later I awake, slumbering as I feel a tongue licking my face. While the tip of the tongue momentarily rests on the tip of my nose a drop of saliva follows the curves of my cheekbone before finally dropping to the ground. Opening my eyes they stare right into the eyes of an animal. Both of us are taken by surprise and I role away while the animal takes a step back. It’s when I realize it is the wolf again that has awoken me, the wolf that was there when I wrote a letter to one of my dearest friends. One eye yellow, one eye greyed, he probably protected me while I lay lame on the ground in the middle of an open patch in the Broken Forest, there where sunlight cannot penetrate. What is the wolf trying to tell me, if anything? Something about my blackouts, my past or the result of my friend praying for me to be safe?

I notice my journal in my hand but my mind is still clouded, my muscles still weak but with the last of my strength I force myself to focus on what is there on the page. I see the drawings that are crossed out, it all doesn’t make sense until I see words appearing from under it. Or are they written on top?

Roses are red,
the Moon is white
Naked and hesitant you await
will love be yours tonight?
A flicker in moon rays
such a beautiful sight
Close to your body
lips dark cherry red
wet kiss on your stomach
sends shivers along the spine
Feelings as a butterfly
compare it to heaven
Velvet ribbons dangle
and darkness fills your eyes
your last dream just ended
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Blood flushes you empty inside
Die knowing being loved was true

Development Journals and Discussion / Path to salvation
« on: August 23, 2005, 12:40:00 pm »
Kurgaz .. Geir .. they recognized me as I strolled through Hlint the other day.

Today I dye my robe .. put on another glove to cover my healthy hand .. covering myself .. not an easy choice to hide from friends and those that stand by me .. Soon I may need their aid once more.

The chain swings again .. gently .. left to right .. vibrating as tension rises ..shackles twist and grind together .. where peace rained pain surges through me once more.

Swallows once flew free .. now I’m one of the lost ones .. they call me tainted, the one without a name .. now walk with me the path .. reveal to me my true name .. keep within my honest heart .. touch me with your love .. or let the call be answered by the past once more.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Dwarf Meeting
« on: August 23, 2005, 05:07:00 am »
Oye, w’as t’is a gat’ering of me’s men then me’s ‘as to be t’ere anda t’ey can use stong ‘and anda womans toc’.

//I would be interested to be there. I’m available after 7:30 PM BST for several hours.

General Discussion / RE: Heya..
« on: August 21, 2005, 12:13:00 pm »
Was tempted today to throw my old modems away, loft cleaning, but I'm glad I didn't.

See you around again.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Cow'erdin (new players in GMT evening zone)
« on: August 20, 2005, 01:27:00 pm »
//Things have shifted a bid. Let's change the time to 8:30 PM GMT in the Inn in Hlint so we can all make it to Hampshire in one piece, I'm looking forward to this.

General Discussion / RE: Layonara - my opinion
« on: August 20, 2005, 01:23:00 pm »
I’m one of those players that only has time to be online some 8 hours a week, for almost a year now. I tend to do play in blocks of several hours and not on fixed days. As a result I had to set some priotities and after trying everything a bid I ended up with.

- No (almost no) CNR, although I like the idea of the system, so I can try to do what I’m here for, the interaction with other characters. On the backside it means you don’t gain XP in huge amounts and you don’t ‘earn’ money cause there is nothing to trade.
- Playing a character that doesn’t steal from the dead/living (when there are others around :o) doesn’t help either I guess.
- I try to sell some raw materials or CNR created once but never actually succeeded in doing it, there is always something else to do or the inability to find an interested party, again no money.
- No money is no (flashy) items that can make live a little easier, house or whatever which costs money and difficulty in getting a boat ride to the other continents (usually there is someone to pass a ticket or other solution), soulstone. I’m glad this is a virtual world otherwise I would be living in a cardboard box. ;)

What keeps me here though is the ‘openness’ (or whatever it is called in English) of this world something I didn’t find in a few other worlds I’ve tried.

- The scheduled GM quests (which consume half of the 8 hours)
- The player quests or, try to, RP in Hlint (which consume the bulk of the rest of the 8 hours)
- The forum, player development threads and wild surge inn for instance during breaks at work.

The congregation of the faithful, the meeting of Toran and Rofirein followers are examples of this ‘openness’ that for 100% sure I wouldn’t have in other PW’s. This ‘openness’ makes it possible to feel a part of this world and if your lucky or try a little extra also able to play a part in another characters world.

But the thing I felt most frustrated about is that it is often difficult to keep pace with the rest of the world, the players that spend more time in Layo. Also the IG friends are already double your level and adventuring on the other side of the continent/server, so every time you have to start from scratch building up relations etc. Also being in GMT +1 zone from 20:30 – 23:30 on irregular days doesn’t help a lot either.

But if you are still having fun and others can sometimes profit from that I wouldn't bother to much about it, I know I don't.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Cow'erdin (new players in GMT evening zone)
« on: August 18, 2005, 12:42:00 pm »
//I could shift this to 8.30 pm but it depends whether there are others interested in doing this at 7.30 pm. Would you be able to meet in Port Hampshire? It would save us a some time since I got 2 hours and 10.30 is doable but on the late side of things.

General Discussion / RE: New Maps available!
« on: August 17, 2005, 01:18:00 am »
Locust - 8/17/2005  8:16 AM

They look great.

I was wondering, and before I give it a try, did anyone print them on A4/letter size? And what was the result?

Ohhh .. the're in the rulebook. Look before you ask.  :o

General Discussion / RE: New Maps available!
« on: August 16, 2005, 11:16:00 pm »
They look great.

I was wondering, and before I give it a try, did anyone print them on A4/letter size? And what was the result?

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