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Topics - Hellblazer

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As the title says, such a tool would be great to have.

Just for Fun / Animal love
« on: September 22, 2012, 12:47:34 pm »

Just for Fun / Now that's one unafraid kitten
« on: September 17, 2012, 08:53:14 pm »

General Discussion / so chocking
« on: September 05, 2012, 12:53:42 am »
Don't like to talk much of politics on a gaming forum, but today in Quebec, we had our election day. Our biggest turnout in years, politicians after the fact at their best, very courteous and all, an election that didn't have any thing wrong seemingly with the voting system. The first Woman ever elected as Prime minister for our province.. and yet a !!@$%@$! comes into the theater, opens fire on two people in the back of the theater (one died from some news) no one knows how close he got to the new prime minister, and sets fire to the back of the theater.. What has the world come to, really?....

Just for Fun / Non-rangers, ever had a problem getting a chiken?
« on: August 21, 2012, 10:20:12 am »

I'll start by putting things in perspective and then I'll write about the idea.

First, this is specifically aimed toward the SS and permadeath system, but could be used for regular use also.

In my eyes although the idea of a permadeath system truly makes sense in a role playing server, I have to say that in "today's" gaming world, where all the games I know of out there, even online games, do not have that type of system it will be a show stopper for many new, unused to P&P style of gaming players that you will try to recruit.

Over the years I've been here, (not as many as some true but still, I often end up reviving old threads.. due to reading them :p)  it is something that has always came back as a major thing. And as you try to recruit new players to invest hundred of hours into character and they know that at one point they will lose the character mechanically, then it will putt off a lot of possible great role players. To which, how many good role players and friends have we lost on this server because of this? Too many. Heck when Brian lost his last strand so close to level 21, it even went through my head.

So without going over the debate again of why we the players who live with this daily vs the team and the idea behind it and the role play worldly reasons, I'd like to propose the idea that I will, but first. The person that thought about the graceful plea system should receive a statue somewhere in game :D and I'd like to suggest an amendment to it that may help with the permadeath system.

The idea is pretty simple, and maybe could be somewhat automated in Lore, since I think that the CA's and GM have a way to check LORE about the number of GP someone has(?).

For every year a player has been playing, 3 GP could be added to their totals, to either use for ss returns or the other reasons that it is used. This way players that invests a lot of time in their character and have stayed tune to the server and played on it, they would have the possibility to push off the unavoidable.

Just for Fun / Now this could be freekish...
« on: August 02, 2012, 07:01:55 pm »
Honesty on MSN Video

Imagine being that person.:D

Trade and Market Hall / Golden Circlet auction
« on: July 31, 2012, 01:52:44 am »
A golden circlet in perfect condition is available.
Starting bid at 20 000 true.

Fehriel Cailomel.

//Golden Circlet, Helm/Headwear
Immunity: Mind Spells & Effects, Spell Resistance 10, +1 Will Saves, +1 Concentration, Level Req. 12
//Auction ends at Saturday auguest 4rth 2012 00:00 EDT

Bug Reports / Treasure maps
« on: July 29, 2012, 07:29:43 pm »
I had done a little set up for a treasure hunt where you had to follows clues to find the next step, and today when the person it was intended to tried to do it, we noticed that there had been a bug.

The set up was pretty simple, set the treasure chests in opposite order.
Chest 5 containing the last clue, map of chest 5 goes in chest 4
chest 4 containing the clue and treasure map for chest 5, chest 4 map goes into chest 3.. and so on. The map that leads to the first treasure chest either handout manually or left in a quest chests.

The problem today is that the two last chests (5 and 4) were no where to be found. I had made sure to where I had buried the chests, but when we went to find the second to last chest, standing at one or two steps away from where it was buried resulted in a "the landmark of the area does not correspond to the location of the map" or something similar. No matter if you moved on top of where it was buried, you would not get the chest to appear.

4 years ago I had done something similar and did not have this happened, so maybe it's something in an update?

Milton (as a gm avatar) tried to find the two missing chests but he couldn't either.

General Discussion / To all the 29ther's
« on: July 29, 2012, 06:12:42 am »
Happy birthday!

Just for Fun / Too much time on their hands
« on: June 25, 2012, 02:01:00 pm »
But too cool too

Alright, now that we have a new central starting location that actually attracts people to rp which is a good thing, I would like to propose something that might even help a little more.

I want to suggest that the portal to Dalanthar be moved to center, and that a portal to Miritrix (300gp) be created in center also. This way people who have a trips planned could meet at center and stay there to rp with their groups and any other people that might be there but not part of the trip without worrying of how much time it would take to move to a certain point. This would in fact reduce quite a lot the travel time needed to go to Miritrix and the higher level grounds, enabling the higher levels to spend more time in one place to promote rp, making Center even more a center of gathering and rp.

Just a suggestion.

Just for Fun / I don't think they sell ice cream
« on: June 06, 2012, 02:22:32 pm »
:o O.o

[SIZE=10]click on the emoticons[/SIZE]

Ask A Gamemaster / Need a port out of the rift
« on: May 20, 2012, 07:23:09 pm »
Had to log quickly on our last trip and I would need a port of the rift please.

Trade and Market Hall / Raw diamonds needed.
« on: May 09, 2012, 06:36:56 pm »
Cailomel's goods and wares are looking to purchase raw diamonds for 2000 true a piece. We'll take your cut and polished, but un-enchanted diamonds also.

Trade and Market Hall / Silk needed
« on: May 07, 2012, 11:54:44 pm »
I'm in the need of two full box of white silk, will pay 4 thousand in total.


Forum Bugs / new PM notification by emails not working
« on: March 13, 2012, 09:02:55 pm »
Until today, I used to always receive an email warning me that I had a new private message waiting for me. It's not doing so anymore although the option is activated in my account options.

Just for Fun / this just cracked me up
« on: March 11, 2012, 03:55:41 pm »

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