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Messages - orth

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Are my old pc's been deleted long time ago?

player name Lord Eldoran

I'm afraid if you last played before 2005 your character might not be available. I'll try to check some other backup locations.

There appears to be a lot of problems with folks trying to migrate their characters, so if you're having problems just create a new test character and tell me their name in this thread and I'll move your old characters over and delete that test character.

That's your problem then. Keep that off to connect to layonara and get synced up.

There appears to be something you or a program has configured in your OS that wants to redirect every http to https or something.

This has me really confused.

What happens if you try to visit: through a web browser?

Yes. Forked. The PC can't expect to play both the old server and the new server and expect continuity with their characters. The new server contains a snapshot of the old server's character at this point.

This is all just for now, the old server is going to be taken down eventually when we're confident everything is working fine on the new one anyway.

The test server is running for people to drop in and help report any issues.

Direct connect to

Note: I'm running some profiling stuff, so things might be a little slower than what will be typical.
Note 2: Your PC will be transferred over automatically as described earlier in this thread. If the testing turns out to not mess up anything critical then we will continue with all experience/info gained. If there's major problems I may need to reset all chars/database to the previous point.
Note 3: The old server will continue to run for now but your characters will now be forked if we don't need to do a redo.

Feel free to talk with me on Discord to discuss issues, I'll also be logged on as DM but not always at my keyboard.

Time for a bit of an update on some of the changes, some are done by me, some are in NWN:EE, some are community enhancements:

  • PCs can now use all three ammo slots for the same ammunition using the =c rangedfocus command. This allows PCs to queue up 3 sets of different arrows to progress through instead of NWN automatically grabbing a random stack when you run out.
  • Many minimap and walkmesh fixes
  • The "grave" system has been revamped. Only the PC (and DMs) who died will see a special marker where they died. Other PCs will no longer see a headstone. This was to avoid some of the OOCness of a physical grave being there which isn't really correct
  • Most subrace and prestige class bonuses are now hard coded, that means if your subrace is +2 Strength then it's not considered a "buff" but rather your character has that value changed at the core
  • Combat modes are now toggleable, meaning if you use Power Attack or Expertise you turn it on and off with a toggle, it doesn't break when you move.
  • The entire polymorph engine has been revamped helping to avoid some of the issues that came up with polymorph/wildshape/elemental shape etc
  • Many of the stock tilesets have been improved with a visual facelift
  • Bartering gives a lot more feedback so PCs have a record of trades in their chat logs, also autosave no longer cancels a barter
  • PCs can set their size to give a bit of a more custom look, size can be tiny, small, normal, large, huge. Currently a PC can use this as often as they want but please only set it with the setting that you want, experiment and then stick to it. Changing of size is logged and we don't want to see a PC manipulating it on a whim whenever they feel like it
  • The dynamic names system has gone through a complete revamp (I even wrote the C++ for the NWNX plugin) so I've tweaked it for Layonara. PC Names show up normally on the Player List so tells are easier.
  • Vendors no longer need to be "triggered" to fill their inventory the first time they're spoken to
  • Whirlwind was fixed

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: April 14, 2019, 06:10:00 pm »

I remember you of course. When I saw your forum registration I wondered if Eldo was indeed you Eldoran. Welcome back, it'd be great to see some old faces with the facelift the world will be undergoing, just to catch up on old times and create some new memories. Hope life has treated you well over this time.


Not seeing Layonara coming up, so I assume its not ready?

Not yet, no! Very soon.

I was waiting for one more contribution but it's been delayed. I may just skip it though, just need to see how close they are.

GAH.. DLC's... WHY!...
$52 for a 10+yr game.. jees..

Well considering the games that are out now this isnt bad as most are half baked.. reskinned of previous versions... Oh wait.. thats what this is..

You don't need the digital deluxe edition to play on Layonara, just so that's clear. Beamdog has NWN:EE for $19.99, has it for the same as well as Steam.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Bug - lost item on dead ox
« on: April 01, 2019, 10:54:59 pm »
Thanks for the report. I did indeed find a bug. I've updated the script on the live running server and have restored all the items on your new ox that weren't bags of sand.

The bug was related to SetItemCharges, if you set an object to 0 charges then it just destroys the object. That's why bags of sand were saved, they actually have charges so the script correctly set it to 1, but when it set the others to 0 they got destroyed. This bug was introduced 4 years ago, surprised I've not seen another report of it.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Bug - lost item on dead ox
« on: April 01, 2019, 04:29:46 pm »
Character and player name please.

Was the ox bag off when it died?

Here are a couple starting notes for the migration:

Migrating your Characters
If you have played on Layonara before and still have your old CD Key you will be able to migrate your characters from the servervault automatically. To do this you need to copy your old nwncdkey.ini file from NWN 1.69 and place it in the new NWN:EE folder (this is usually My Documents/Neverwinter Nights for Windows installs.) You will know it's the proper place for the file if you see a cdkey.ini file in that folder, as that's the key file for NWN:EE. Once that's done, you will also need to make sure your login name is the same as the one you used on the old Layonara. You will be prompted for this before you login. Remember it's case sensitive! if your login name before was orth don't enter Orth. If you do not have your old cd key and can prove you are the player who once played certain characters, please send me a PM. If you have access to your forum account this is usually sufficient evidence.

Automatic Content Downloading With NWSYNC
The first time you connect to the new version you will be presented with an automatic download dialog box. NWN:EE includes a fantastic new feature called nwsync that means players no longer need to download, extract and install haks. Whenever changes are made that would in the past require hak updates you will now just automatically download the content before connecting to the server. Note: there is no way to speed this process up for the first time even if you already have the old layonara haks. In addition while the download will be large the first time, future downloads will be much smaller.

New Features and Bug Fixes
The extent of the improvements made and bugs fixed in NWN:EE can be viewed in this log of updates at Steam. (some are still in the dev edition) I have also added some great new feature enhancements and fixed a lot of issues specific to Layonara. Over the coming while I will outline some of these features so they're used and passed along. To get you started please make sure to read the updated online help system using =c help

Definitely try to run it on your current system and see how it performs.  Alternatively, look at Ubuntu which it appears NWN EE runs on natively. Then I would use Wine to run your on-prem Office software. No costs above the NWN EE costs.

This is all good advice if XP doesn't work out. That's what I run as my NWN:EE client, Ubuntu 18. And for all my office suite I use Libreoffice.

Thanks again.  We're kinda still waivering on the cost issue and the setup time.  Also I've formed a bond with my old Dell.

We're considering the Linux option now.  It seems to be free.  I'm learning more about it but it sounds interesting.  I was hoping on being able to run it at the same time as windows, but not sure if I can or how.  Any advice about installing/running Linux and playing NWNEE on it?

Also, we might just get the EE and try running it on our current system n see what happens.  Some forum posts say it may work.

You can look up dual booting linux and windows xp, it's not incredibly difficult. But certainly give it a try on just windows xp  if you've caught some reports of it working perhaps.

Feel free to consult me before buying but I think for the headache that can come from attempting an upgrade of XP to 7 plus installing new graphics drivers the cost of that would be close enough to just grab a refurb instead. Here's another option right here.

It says on some of the NWN EE descriptions that you need an OS of windows 7 or higher.  So, my brother and I only run windows XP right that gona be a problem?

Yes. If you're still running XP I also worry about your graphics cards too. NWN:EE will support 10 year old type hardware but not 20 and the same goes for the software drivers needed. I don't know what your hardware is so I can't comment on the upgrade path or cost. Nor do I know what else you use your PCs for but if you want to continue on with Layonara you're going to have to upgrade to at least Win7 or move to Linux or if it's in your budget consider an altogether new (refurb) machine, even something like this will suffice.

A lot more details to come.

Expected migration is a couple of weeks, could be sooner, could be later, may depend on testing but there are administrative tasks that need to be performed as well.

Speaking of testing though, I'm going to need testers so if you have EE already and want to help test please raise your hand in this thread. You will need to be accessible via Discord to help test.

Again, I'll have a post(s) in this thread with a lot more information but I wanted to start with an official heads up and let people know if they don't yet have EE it will be needed soon.

Layonara Server / Re: Post here if the Server needs to be restarted
« on: March 27, 2019, 02:34:53 pm »
Just FYI the server was just restarted.

Maybe for the last time everrrr dun dun dun

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