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General Discussion / Bug report created. Bug
« on: March 19, 2015, 10:24:52 pm »

Bug report created. Bug fixed. Shouldn't be an issue any more. Just turned the door entrances to point more towards the inside of the room instead of the edge of the wall. I could see why it would affect Grog more. I wonder if it happened to Charm when she was on her pony?

Fixed Bugs / Fixed in next update.
« on: March 19, 2015, 07:14:19 pm »

Fixed in next update.

Ancients Legacy / Plen removes some parchments
« on: March 17, 2015, 12:19:01 pm »

Plen removes some parchments strewn about on top of him, his face appears tired and angry. He assesses the health of the party from a glance and shows a slight sign of relief.

"So. Now we remain five. We either travel to Nith and stay on the seas longer or begin the walk to Arnax and make our seafaring the shortest. I can only assume our party ahead of us will ascertain something failed and will attempt to meet up with us on Tilmar."

"Commander I believe it would serve you well to summon your warhorse. We need to travel at a heavy pace with little rest save for when absolutely necessary. I will be ready to fly with you at a moment's notice."

"We should get one last good rest in."

He turns to the dwarves.  "Prepare your weapons and search your packs for your favourite marching boots. There will be battle, a gruelling pace and much weariness. Nesar can be most unwelcoming at the best of times and now we draw even greater interest. The quicker we move, the better."

"So then, which way?"


Ancients Legacy / Plen stifles a tired chuckle
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:41:00 am »

Plen stifles a tired chuckle as he makes his way into Abiorn's. "It seems as though Chimes has somehow beat us this way. Perhaps she awaits in Center." He doesn't remark on how he knows this but returns his thoughts to the task at hand.

"I agree with the Commander that it'd be wise to leave both ends guarded and have her departure being midway in the line. Foresta does raise a valid point that there may be some odd reaction to these particular portals as opposed to the one we first used, but I think that's a chance we'll have to take."

He takes another moment to think that speaks up again.

"Perhaps it would be wise that someone maintain a personal connection to Daniella as they pass through the portal. If you wish Commander, we could enter simultaneously, hands locked. Thus if some sort of unwanted redirection occur it would be the two of us at least."

"There's no doubt that we're being watched. I wonder if the watchers are intending to waylay us somewhere or simply just continue to watch. I know not what level of battle we may face if attack is on the horizon."

He strokes his chin thoughtfully and continues.

"Perhaps it wise that those who have steeds would travel mounted. Speed and escape may need to be planned. I believe my horse is grazing somewhere near Center. Commander Stormhaven, of course, can call hers at any point. Maybe we should cross that bridge when we all reach Center. Though we should leave that peaceful area and its villagers as soon as possible."

"The order  for travelling through the portal I'd suggest is Grog, Foresta, Daniel, Daniella and myself, Griff, Zig, Iron." // If I missed anyone I didn't see your post saying you're with us.

Fixed Bugs / No, there'd be no override
« on: March 14, 2015, 12:54:00 pm »

No, there'd be no override necessary or else it wouldn't be working for others and myself.

Do you see the existence of the crates when you hit <tab> or <space>? Perhaps it's a texture thing and maybe suggesting downloading the layo_tga.hak from just to be sure would be an option.

Do you have anything in your override folder yourself? I don't suppose you have a placeables.2da in there?

The only files that are impacted by this change are in the layo_plc.hak (3d models for the crates) the layo_tga.hak (textures for the crates) and the layo_ctrlv3r20.hak (change in placeables.2da)


Fixed Bugs / I assume you've tried
« on: March 14, 2015, 11:14:00 am »

I assume you've tried relogging just to check as well?

Also just because you can get in fine doesn't necessarily mean the haks are not corrupt or anything unfortunately. I'd suggest you give downloading the plc hak again just to be sure. Remember to overwrite the existing one. You can download it from


Ancients Legacy / Plen thinks for a short while
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:01:10 pm »

Plen thinks for a short while and finally speaks up. "I would prefer we not have to deal with any keepers of gates or other bureaucrats who may wish to observe things in the castle. There could be odd reactions and danger involved with portalling with such an item and we risk having to declare its possession amongst us. The fewer people who know, the better."

"I stand by my original suggestion. The distance from Center to Hlint is expedited by century old roads and fairly flat lands. It is a road all of us are very familiar with and we could move at a keen pace, even mounted if we wish."

Ancients Legacy / Plen has been darting up and
« on: March 10, 2015, 11:18:17 am »

Plen has been darting up and away every now and then into the canopy of the Great Forest. As the group approaches Hilm Castle he notices the strength of the company has diminished somewhat and he returns to the ground to walk with them.

He speaks stoicly. "The safety of the artifact is paramount. I will continue to journey with you to get it to a safe place. As for Milara, there was never any agreement on how soon we return the item. In fact to be quite frank I'm not sure what we actually agreed upon. I also want to study it myself once we reach a safe place. Through Her divinity, I've some skill in ascertaining magical properties."

"I counsel we travel to Miritix then take Abiorn's portal to Center then travel to Moraken's and take the portal outside his place to Tilmar. I'd rather not be on the seas much and I also feel like the journey from Center to north of Hlint will be fraught with the least peril as well as possible allied escapes or perhaps even counsels with the Silkwood Witch and Moraken himself or guarded towns such as Fort Wayfare, Krandor and Fort Llast."


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / The visual fx mean nothing to
« on: March 09, 2015, 03:02:00 pm »

The visual fx mean nothing to the server, it's the clients who may benefit from reduced graphics lag. The elements fx was actually changed for Layonara, the colourful rune ring surrounding the players was an effect created by Thak.

As a defensive caster I don't like the idea, I'm always using the graphical representation to keep tabs on the state of the party's defenses even after the pre journey buffing. I don't want to have to examine a character to see if they need a spell again because they've been dispelled or I've forgotten. 

With all that said it's not a huge code change if the majority of the server wishes these go away. I'm afraid I can't make it client specific such that it could be controlled over who wants to see it and who doesn't.

There could be a way if someone makes the textures on the models transparent that individual players could put in their override.

Fixed Bugs / It looks like the
« on: March 08, 2015, 06:48:18 pm »

It looks like the ActionGiveItem didn't fire to transfer the ingots back from the ox to you however they're still on your ox though. You currently have 43 items on your ox. This can happen at times when you try to jam things in too swiftly. 

I wouldn't advise players try to keep jamming things on their oxes to attempt to fit more than 40. This will cause me to rethink oxen altogether and generally put me in a bad mood.

Fixed Bugs / This appears to be only the
« on: March 08, 2015, 02:36:00 pm »

This appears to be only the pipeweed that is gifted in the Adventuring Kits as those aren't "Herbal". 

General Discussion / So your new bioware account
« on: March 08, 2015, 11:03:44 am »

So your new bioware account is DarkMerc_1017? We will need to know this to move your account over before you can play these characters again.

General Discussion / DarkMerc_1017 wrote:Its
« on: March 08, 2015, 09:50:35 am »

Quote from: "DarkMerc_1017"&cid="2757045"
Its darkmerc1017 or darkmerc89 I'm fairly sure its been a few years lol

There is a DarkMerc89 account with a Zandor Glowingaxe and Zargo Stonehelm still there. (Both last used in June of 2006 if you're curious!)

General Discussion / No characters are ever
« on: March 08, 2015, 09:26:02 am »

No characters are ever deleted unless explicitly requested. Your characters are most likely still there. I can double check for you if you tell me your bioware account. 

Fixed Bugs / It does indeed appear that
« on: March 07, 2015, 10:38:29 am »

It does indeed appear that you created her more than once with the same name. All along Bioware was resorting to the new creation but now the new server likes the old one.

Anyway I've removed the old creation from your vault so you should see the proper one now.

Layonara Server / I reset the server but it
« on: March 06, 2015, 01:59:30 pm »

I reset the server but it looks more like that there's a bad route somewhere. Just one of those internet hiccups.

Fixed Bugs / There is a bug (fixed now for
« on: March 05, 2015, 10:00:18 pm »

There is a bug (fixed now for next update) in the key saying it's useless when it's used but the door should still probably say "The door is locked but you have a key." if you're carrying the proper key. If it gives you the option to open the door then you have the proper key. Be patient and wait for the door to open when you attempt.

Fixed Bugs / Still a bug with the player
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:06:00 pm »

Still a bug with the player list not refreshing names right after you dub them, will have a fix in soon. Should be fine when they login or you relogin any time after though.

Forum Discussion / jadewillow wrote:Could
« on: March 05, 2015, 01:56:14 pm »

Quote from: "jadewillow"&cid="2756993"

Could someone kindly direct to the IRC details/instructions?


Visit and enter your name, press Connect.

or Download an IRC program and connect to and the room to join is #nwn

Fixed Bugs / Yep, there is a bug and it's
« on: March 05, 2015, 09:08:00 am »

Yep, there is a bug and it's going to be fixed in the next update which I expect to get out tonight.

In the meantime if you see someone online through the server status page, you can send them a tell using their bioware name (the Player column) shown on there with /tp "Serissa1" for example.

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