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Messages - orth

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Ask A Gamemaster / Hi Olme,The formulas aren't
« on: January 30, 2015, 09:11:50 am »

Hi Olme,

The formulas aren't an easy thing to provide, they're pretty complex and also reliant upon all the properties on the existing item. A GM can certainly help you by doing a simulation and letting you know though. I'll look for you online when I am home from work and can log in as a GM and help you out unless another GM beats me to it.

All the best,


Trade and Market Hall / Hello!I've added a box of
« on: January 29, 2015, 10:46:21 pm »


I've added a box of eggs and a box of glass ingots to your approved resources crates. I have 22 more glass ingots but your crates are full so I will exchange them at a later date. 

I purchased 1 Diamong Ring for Strength and 1 Diamond Amulet for Strength.

Please calculate how much True I owe and payment will be made promptly. I have the True in the bank.

-Jay Peacemeadow

Forum Discussion / Could be your ISP's DNS is
« on: January 29, 2015, 01:30:12 pm »

Could be your ISP's DNS is having issues, try connecting to just (note the 5121 is not needed as it's the default)

General Discussion / The bonus XP/sleeping soul
« on: January 25, 2015, 01:32:00 pm »

The bonus XP/sleeping soul mother event lasted a lot longer than it should have. I'm sorry you feel like the XP climb to achieve higher levels is too slow in its normal state.

In terms of your sentiment on the Soul Mother? Sigurd is a level 30 Barbarian with 0 strands lost who has died 4 times, the last at level 6. Ben is a level 30 Monk with 0 strands lost who has died 2 times, the last at level 7. Xaltotun, level 39, 5 strands lost. Your only player who has suffered from the Soul Mother much is Eleandilethessa with 7 strands lost. You did no adventuring with her at all this bonus period.

In terms of your sentiment about going out exploring with the Soul Mother sleeping, you only changed things once with Ben on 1 trip with the Hoff boys. You didn't do anything else with him except the Misted River Hideout. In fact the vast majority of your time spent during this bonus period was with Sigurd who gained 2.3 million XP in the bonus period by logging and looping the Great Forest giants and trollocs 2-3 times a day for a total of  31 hours of play time in the 33 days of bonus period.

This seems to me an attempt to curry favour with the community as an end to level your characters faster in the limited amount of time you can login (which I understand!) but the admin is not going to sway on changing the bonus XP/GP/fortune to be permanent. We are however going to introduce reward systems to encourage exploration, diversification and roleplay.


Trade and Market Hall / Guardian 452 wrote:// My PC
« on: January 24, 2015, 11:29:43 am »

Quote from: "Guardian 452"&cid="2756204"

// My PC is acting up & I have not had the time or funds to get it going. Would someone who frequents the saddlebag be willing to monitor the $ chest please and thank you? Until I am able to get in game again.



I'm in game right now G, I can empty the coin from the chest(s) and place it in a bank account if that helps. Which PC's account would you want it in if you want me to do that?

Ask A Gamemaster / Just as an addendum to this
« on: January 23, 2015, 07:10:33 pm »

Just as an addendum to this I've added the following command

=c noneed item

So far acceptable items are:

  • dicebag
  • orb
  • emotewand
  • ronusboots
  • jonascloak
  • knucklenecklace

This will destroy the items and you'll not get them when you login with that character again.

If you can think of any more let me know. No, this won't work with the PC Properties skin unfortunately. Looking more into that.

Implemented Ideas / For what it's worth, 4 years
« on: January 23, 2015, 02:52:38 pm »

For what it's worth, 4 years later, GMs can now easily toggle whether they wish to be shown on the server status or not.  If a GM shows on the server status it means they may have the time to help with anything, may be looking for some fun RP or are just hanging about.

Implemented Ideas / davidhoff wrote:Great to see
« on: January 22, 2015, 09:12:10 am »

Quote from: "davidhoff"&cid="2756177"

Great to see this being addressed and thanks a bunch Orth!  Please forgive me, but if I understand correctly what you said, you've modified the S/T enchants to somehow recognize it's being applied to a "slashing" weapon and then convert the S/T enchant to extra "piercing" damage.  The only issue I see with making it extra piercing damage is some weapons say they are "slashing" but technically they inflict a hybrid of slashing and piercing damage (Greatswords and Longswords are two that come to mind).  The application of a S/T enchant to a hybrid weapon may not add the extra damage as intended because there may still be stacking issues with the base enchantment of the weapon or if the spell greater magic weapon is used.  I guess testing would be the only way to tell.  Unless there are balancing or technical reasons for not using bludgeoning, then I still think bludgeoning might be better.

Yes it was made piercing instead of bludgeoning for balance reasons. I did my research on how it impacts weapons with multiple damage types though and the piercing is fine. See the bottom part of this page.

Implemented Ideas / I've made a fix so the
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:27:11 pm »

I've made a fix so the application of silver or titanium to slashing weapons will add piercing damage for the racial bonus instead. Going to wait until Dorg comes back to run this by him. I think piercing should be okay. It's not as good as bludgeoning but it's better than it doing nothing right now. 

I will also probably add a =c fixslashingracialbonus or something for players to correct existing weapons.

General Discussion / I've updated the portraits
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:48:10 pm »

I've updated the portraits pack to include the latest.

Lance Stargazer, the four you posted in early 2013 got lost in the crash.

Fixed Bugs / willhoff is correct. This has
« on: January 15, 2015, 09:09:09 am »

willhoff is correct. This has always been the case for Eschew Materials.

General Discussion / Charm2009 wrote:How do we get
« on: January 14, 2015, 09:13:32 pm »

Quote from: "Charm2009"&cid="2756094"

How do we get the different sizes and files now? The links in previous posts no longer available. Attached is the portrait I would like to add.

The conversion tool is now located here:

I've converted your desired portrait my way though as that tool seemed to mess up the black in that portrait. You can try the tool if you want but I've attached your portrait pack.


Ask A Gamemaster / A GM can take away your Ronus
« on: January 10, 2015, 07:48:55 pm »

A GM can take away your Ronus boots.

The Gem of Rememberance is an important developer object that stores certain variables about your character, so it must be kept.

The PC Dicebag and Emote Wand can be taken away by a GM as well but the system is coded to check if you have them when you log in and if you don't it gives you them so there is no sense in removing those either. Perhaps the community can decide whether they're needed any more and remove them if not.

Layonara Server / Just as a reminder and in
« on: January 09, 2015, 02:03:49 pm »

Just as a reminder and in case you're curious, the birds will only show up when your character is outdoors, above ground and not in combat. 

Layonara Server / Note to self: Add web PM
« on: January 08, 2015, 04:00:51 pm »

Note to self: Add web PM notification to users to let them know there is a bird message awaiting one of their characters.

Forum Discussion / Ahh, the system importing new
« on: January 06, 2015, 12:30:50 pm »

Ahh, the system importing new characters which is a growing work in progress was not recording the public cd key. Give it a try again after the next time you log in with Delia.

Forum Discussion / There used to be a FAQ on
« on: January 06, 2015, 10:29:00 am »

There used to be a FAQ on this but we lost it sadly. I"ll explain it more when the systems to interact with the NWN game world through the forum are put back into place. I'm currently working on restoring Bird Messengers through the web site and then hopefully the parchment system.

Basically by creating your NWN Profile under your My Account then adding your Public CD Key then bioware username all your players will be added to your profile. (If you create a new character you must go back in and edit your profile and save again to add the new character.) Once that occurs when you visit your character's page you can claim your character by clicking a link on the right side.

Layonara Server / There is technically only one
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:42:11 pm »

There is technically only one server now as they have been merged together into one. The server was down as I just performed an update but if you were not aware the address had changed a few weeks ago. 

You can connect by going to or -- the domain name is always preferred as then if we ever change the server again the domain should still work.

Important Layonara Announcements / Reserve Balance at beginning
« on: January 01, 2015, 02:41:22 pm »
Reserve Balance at beginning of December 314.84
Fees paid December                                            (100.00)
Monthly Donations December                             115.31
Reserve Balance at beginning of January         330.15
A reminder fees have now dropped to $40.00 a month. So right now there's over 8 months of reserve balance.

Ask A Gamemaster / RollinsCat wrote:Ditto Ty,
« on: December 31, 2014, 06:51:40 pm »

Quote from: "RollinsCat"&cid="2755894"

Ditto Ty, crashed in a bank. If a gm could reset me that'd be awesome. Will be on later tonight because new years eve drivers, meh.

Send me a PM when you're ready to log on.

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