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Author Topic: Possible Hlint quest.  (Read 254 times)


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    Possible Hlint quest.
    « on: August 10, 2006, 03:44:16 am »
    There was a discussion once about why the undertaker has all the essences and so on. I think there could be a quest where they are using the goblin ears and dark soul essences with skeleton knuckles to make some sort of goblin zombie things to attack *insert name of place here* im thinking that an event like that would be great for lover level characters.]

    note: I forgot the topic where the conversation was so if anyone could post it I could give credit for it.


    RE: Possible Hlint quest.
    « Reply #1 on: August 10, 2006, 04:39:29 am »
    I like the idea...but Talon the guard of Hlint - I don't think he would be giving a supply of ears to Erag. Then if the DM quest is done, Erag may have to be taken out of Hlint. Then it's one less quest for new players.

    I like the idea (Oops said that) -- Somehow it could be reworked. ;)


    Re: Possible Hlint quest.
    « Reply #2 on: August 10, 2006, 04:44:17 am »
    Hm... I have a slightly different IC info about why Erag is collecting those things... ;)


    RE: Possible Hlint quest.
    « Reply #3 on: August 10, 2006, 05:14:36 am »
    MasterOfMuppets - 8/10/2006  6:44 AM  There was a discussion once about why the undertaker has all the essences and so on. I think there could be a quest where they are using the goblin ears and dark soul essences with skeleton knuckles to make some sort of goblin zombie things to attack *insert name of place here* im thinking that an event like that would be great for lover level characters.]  note: I forgot the topic where the conversation was so if anyone could post it I could give credit for it.
     As has been pointed out, the "guilty" NPCs would have to be removed after the quest.  However...  It could be kind of fun to make the PCs think that these NPCs are up to something nefarious, and then later (in the course of their investigations) find out that it's something far more innocent.  I can see a couple of different outcomes off the top of my head...
      Yes, they are building "goblin zombies", but not to attack anything, but instead as a "live" but weak foe for the army to train against.  More fun to be had if the "zombies" get out of control and the PCs have to save the NPCs from their own mistakes.  The NPCs promise to be more careful in the future, though the occassional "goblin zombie" could pop up from time to time as running gag (and for continuity).  [Note: the "zombies" wouldn't actually be undead, they would simply be automatons (like really, really small and weak golems), so as not to offend the bulk of the population.]  
      Despite whatever odd rumors the PCs think are true, the trio of NPCs are actually involved in a bootlegging scheme (this could be expanded to include the accountant and the Ratman, with the keeping of "second books" and why the accountant is so desparate to retrieve them), making up their own (untaxed) supply of Broken Knuckle Beer (skeleton knuckles), Pig's Ear Pilsner (goblin ears), and a new brew that Erag is working on using the Darksoul Essence.  The PCs unconver the scheme and have the options of letting the NPCs go on with their business, reporting them to the authorities (the NPCs would only suffer a slap on the wrist and a fine for their misbehavior, though Talon could be reduced in rank), or extorting/taking a bribe to keep quiet.  In any case, post-quest, Erag could have an additional conversation option to sell those three types of drinks -- the Darksoul drink being non-craftable and only purchased from this "shop", and, being experimental, could have some random effects on the drinker.  PCs involved in the quest could receive a batch of the new brew as part of a quest reward.
      [/list]There are, I'm sure, many more possibilities that could be thought of that would not require the permanent removal of the NPCs but could still provide an "official" story as to the point of their individual quests.


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      RE: Possible Hlint quest.
      « Reply #4 on: August 10, 2006, 08:27:50 am »
      that sounds better than my idea  :p


      Re: Possible Hlint quest.
      « Reply #5 on: August 10, 2006, 01:15:14 pm »
      Wow. I am HUGELY supportive of that second story idea.



      Re: Possible Hlint quest.
      « Reply #6 on: August 10, 2006, 09:27:58 pm »
      Yep it is an awsome piece of thinking there Faldred and would be quite funny to see the randoms effect up to a point of no death induced to pcs.


      Re: Possible Hlint quest.
      « Reply #7 on: August 11, 2006, 05:14:11 am »
      Thanks all... though I would like to point out that these are just possible suggestions that are intended to give ideas of ways this could be done without requiring removal of the NPCs afterwards.  As for the "bootlegging" idea, I can't say it's that original.  I've seen several people speculate on 1) why Erag wants the essense and 2) why he always seems to be hanging around the kitchen in the Wild Surge -- the general assumption is usually that he's trying to make a beer/ale with the essense.  The idea above just kind of expands on that a little...  And, yes, I would imagine the Darksoul Drought (patent pending) would, in addition to alleviating thirst, have a die-roll driven list of possible effects, including none, that would generally be minor buffs or penalties of some sort, all with reasonably short duration.  Possible examples:
        Random stat raised/lowered by 1d4 points
        Blindness or Darkvision or True Seeing
        Slowed or Hasted
        Paralyzed or Dazed
        Dispel all magical effects on self (buffs and penalties)


      Re: Possible Hlint quest.
      « Reply #8 on: August 16, 2006, 07:42:25 pm »
      So have we just lost interest in this? I think this is a GREAT idea! Let's see what the team thinks.


      Re: Possible Hlint quest.
      « Reply #9 on: August 17, 2006, 04:56:23 am »
      Well, I like the idea, but I have to admit a certain level of bias.  :)  If I were a quest GM, this would be the type of thing I'd love to do.  However, I'm not a quest GM, for two very good reasons: 1) I don't meet the requirements, and 2) more importantly, I can't commit the time.

      gilshem ironstone

      Re: Possible Hlint quest.
      « Reply #10 on: August 23, 2006, 08:45:08 pm »
      I think this is a superb idea for a low level quest.  It could be high RP, with some real ramifacations in the owrld made by low-levels.  Very rewarding all in all.  I hope someone gets this going.