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Author Topic: Alignment Shifts  (Read 161 times)


Alignment Shifts
« on: January 01, 2007, 11:07:46 am »
For all my searching, I haven't found much information on alignment shifts for characters, other than various examples of precedent. Perhaps this is just my mistake, and I've missed an obvious source, but... Well, I thought it prudent to lay down a set of guidelines, which I'll then be corrected upon by the powers-that-be. (And good that I'll be corrected! Good to have the right info.)
   [SIZE=18][SIZE=16]So, you wanna change alignments, eh?[/SIZE] [/SIZE]
   Well, the first thing you'll need is a CDT. This stands for a Character Development Thread, and the forum for creating these can be found here. The purpose of a CDT is to chronicle the life of your character, especially any developments or changes in the character's ideas or personality. For the purposes of an alignment shift, you'll want to have a well-developed CDT. That is, you want to clearly show how your character's alignment has been changing. Don't forget, though, that your character hasn't changed alignments yet! This is especially important, and WILL factor into whether or not your shift is approved.
   The second thing you'll need is to submit a request for alignment shift. This is done through the Character Submissions section of the forums, just like when you submitted the character the first time. This time, though, you'll make a thread with the title including your character's name, and the fact that you wish for an alignment shift to whatever alignment you're moving to. In the thread, you'll want to include the character's name (again), a link to the original approval, and a link to your CDT. If your CDT is ridiculously extensive (not a bad thing!), point out which posts are relevant to the alignment shift. With any luck, you'll be approved in no time.
   Some things to keep in mind...
   Firstly, it's been stated by Leanthar himself that "Alignment shifts do not happen in less than 2 months of ACTIVE RP and an active CDT..." This means that you'll have to work hard for it... But then, that's the fun of it! As to what an "active" CDT is, I don't really have a qualifier for. Just post once a week or so, or whenever anything significant happens.
   Second, I must impress again that you should play the alignment you were originally approved for! RP a shift, yes, but make sure not to totally switch over. (Honestly, this is one of the things I've been a bit confused about, myself. Do I have the right idea, here? I've heard both "RP the shift!" and "RP your alignment!" They seem like conflicting statements.)
  Thirdly and lastly... Patience is key. The Character Approvers have a huge load to bear. There are a half-dozen or more new submissions every day, and each has to be checked, rechecked, worked on, and eventually either approved or denied. Compared to getting new players into the world, shifting a player's alignment is a relatively low priority (I would imagine). But never fear! The Approvers are on the job, and much of the time that a thread is sitting there, there is a good bit of discussion going on in the hidden forums, between GMs, Approvers, and the rest of the Team. So, again, patience is the key!


Re: Alignment Shifts
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2007, 11:32:09 am »
Quick query then Stephen....( or the Corrector's )

....I got a CDQ coming up....but I can't very well request the Alignment the outcome of the CDQ will determine the alignment shift....towards good or....less good.

Do I still request the alignment change (although I don't know if I'll be going up or down)? Or wait for the outcome of the CDQ, then request?


Re: Alignment Shifts
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2007, 11:38:33 am »
I have no idea. *Chuckles.* The above was just a sort of in-the-works deal, as I don't know too much about specifics, myself.

I think, with the CDQ, it works the same way as a class change - instead of being approved by the approvers, you're approved for a CDQ which determines the shift.

My main confusion lies in the seeming contradiction of "RP YOUR ALIGNMENT" and "RP THE SHIFT."


Re: Alignment Shifts
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2007, 12:56:12 pm »
There is in fact no contradiction from "play your alignment" and "play the shift". The key here is being "moderate".  I have a NG character and assume now that I had the fancy idea of trying to make her TN. What would I do?  First of all, I would have to have a reason. In this case, this could be that she had multiple times seen that doing "good" sometimes have even greater consequences than if the "good" deeds wouldn't have been done at all. Like, being in a party who tried to kill some nasty dragon and whack some undead into dust, but fail and as result, accidently making thousands of people fall ill to a rather nasty plague (*Ponders.* Sounds familiar! ;) ). And maybe helps a man escape from a mob in some village and many months later finds out that this person was a Baron whom after the event ordered the village burned down and all people killed as retribution. Or having a very good friend whom turns out to be a betrayer.  I would write about all these events in the CDT ( her "diary" ) . Her painful thoughts about this and the doubts starting to appear about the light side of the force... erh... I mean... being "good". :)  Please note that I keep saying multiple events, as I personally feel that in 99% of the cases, a single event can NOT justify a huge character mind change as an alignment change is.  So, after being content with all the doubting-posts, I would apply for an alignment change in the Character Submission forum. It's very, very important to note that none of her actions for the moments have been against her alignment. She would still be as NG as she has ever been, with the exception that of the doubts comming up!  Assume now that I would be approved for BEGINNING (


Re: Alignment Shifts
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2007, 05:19:31 pm »
Actually, it makes a lot of sense. Now how do I incorporate that into my above post? *Laughs.*

And here's a question that really is just about my character... What do you do if you really haven't noticed the shifting alignment (as strange as that may sound)? In my case, Pyyran's personality has just been subtly changing over the past several RL months, and is still becoming more moderate (shifting from CG to NG). I really hadn't thought about it until just recently, and then I popped in a request for alignment shift immediately.

I guess what I'm asking is, did I do the right thing, and how do I do better?


Re: Alignment Shifts
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2007, 12:37:06 pm »
ok, so we covered going from lawful-true-chaotic

what about traveling good-neutral-evil lines?

I know to become evil, you need to be here for 9 months and have at least one character, but not nessecarily the character changing to be level 13.  And you can't reflect evil in your CDT, right?  just neutral...


Re: Alignment Shifts
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2007, 02:26:39 pm »
Becomming evil isn't that easy. Good -> Neutral is an idea I took up in my post and I would guess that Neutral -> Evil could be done in the same way.

To get approved to even start getting evil requires you to show that you truly can handle the alignments without a problem. This effectively means that being here for 9 months or even 9 years is NOT enough in itself. For the moment (i.e. unless it gets loosened up in V3), being approved for even starting a switch to evil is one of the more diffucult things to get approved for (the only one that I can think of right now is to get approved for WL).

And if you get approved, you would need several (not just one) CDQ to gradually switch your alignment down to evil.

With all great rewards, there are a great effort behind too. ;)