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Author Topic: Guys Roleplaying Gals  (Read 836 times)


Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2006, 04:20:09 am »
In your defense....if i was to make a gal char....yes, i would make her look yes, she probably would look like a tart. I would have thought it would be easier to be a guy and play a guy than a girl. You already know how a guy would think in RP situations. If we knew how a girl would think.....well.....thats one of those mysteries of life aint it lads. Knowing that would solve a whole lot of problems. *chuckles*

Of course, before the girls start shooting me down, this is easily reversed from a girls perspective.

*runs and hides*


RE: Guys Roleplaying Gals
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2006, 07:14:10 am »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 9/19/2006 11:39 AM
Wraithdur - 9/19/2006 3:31 AM *not sarcastically* thanks for making it even harder for elven guys to get a date. have the thumbs up (')(') (whoops, those thumbs look like they've been bitten off)
Well, there's always other elven guys. They are elves, after all. ;)
 ahem...Karn....ahem ;)
  *Runs away*


Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2006, 09:55:27 am »
ThrainSil - 9/19/2006  11:57 PM

I dont really care what sex the player is personally.  As far as being able to tell if its a guy playing a girl, a good rule of thumb ive found in this and other games has to do with how the female char is dressed. Actually I was told to look for this by a woman 10 years ago and it seems to be true.  If the char is dressed as a tart its likely a lad behind the keys.

Rhynn's played by a girl. And look at her! *Chuckles.* Though it is just illusion.

Male players who'll dress thier character up in skimpy clothes are either poor roleplayers who want attention, or better-than-poor roleplayers who just enjoy seeing a scantily-clad woman run around, pixellated or not.

And honestly, now, who doesn't fit into those two categories? *Laughs.*

Myself... I've had trouble playing non-feminine female characters. It was harder for me to get into character, because I wasn't making one shift, from masculine to feminine... It was from masculine to feminine, and then a partial shift back to masculine, while still in the feminine mindframe. Yeesh. A real challenge, and one I sadly failed at.

Then again, I'm not sure how good I'd be at playing a feminine female, either. It's the finer points that make it tough. I am a guy, after all.

Again, I suppose my contribution consists of "It's an interesting, challenging RP experience to write as the opposite gender, be it in a book, a movie, or an MMORPG."

EDIT: By the way. Kenty, you make me happy inside. It's been too long on Layo without a good Karn.

And he's a Bard, too!


Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2006, 11:41:24 am »
  A pleasure Stephen! :)


Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2006, 04:14:59 pm »
If you believe the Koppel-Argamon algorithm, even the style in which you type/write might reveal you to be of a gender other than that which you play.  Roleplaying a different gender is a time-honoured tradition in PnP games, to be sure - and either way, it's roleplaying, so a perfect portrayal need not be necessary... but there's nothing wrong with it, that's for sure.  I think it's a healthy exercise of creativity, if nothing else (mind you, this is true of roleplaying in general - roleplaying a character dramatically different from your own personality is just a bit more of a stretch - and everyone knows that stretching is good for you .;) )


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Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2006, 06:35:38 pm »
Well, me being a gal roleplaying a gal, I KNOW I could never RP a guy right. And who HASN'T seen Ash look like a "tart" at some point? ;) She's one of those "boots are made for walkin'" type of girls, incase you haven't figured that out. Plus a lot of women look tarty to me in RL anyway... even *I* look tarty to me!

I say, if you want your guy char to dress in tight pants *coughs, not pointing any fingers and winking* Then so be it. Everyone is unique in RL right? You should always RP individuality from my point of view.

I've seen plenty of guys RP girls almost exactly right. I'm not sure if I've seen a gal RP a guy right though, without being a pansy that is.


Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2006, 12:22:28 am »
Zelda1 - 9/21/2006 2:35 AM I say, if you want your guy char to dress in tight pants *coughs, not pointing any fingers and winking* Then so be it.
 cant for the life of me think of who you are talking about! ;)
  On a side note, if anyone remembers Kali my female PC, does anyone think I RP'ed a girl?! Odd question I know!


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    Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
    « Reply #27 on: September 21, 2006, 11:43:36 am »
    In my defence! She is a xeenite so what can i do. :)


    Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
    « Reply #28 on: October 02, 2006, 02:54:25 pm »
    All hail the +6 fullplate (string) bikini


    Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
    « Reply #29 on: October 03, 2006, 11:09:33 am »
    I'm a guy. But coming from a theatre background, I have actually played the part of a woman for the stage (which still cracks me up, since I'm better than 6 foot [2 meters] tall). In games, nine times out of ten I play males. However, there are a few things that will often lead me to play a female character:

    1) In PnP, if the party consists entirely of male characters, I will very likely play a female character.
    2) If I feel the need to challenge myself and my RP ability.
    3) If I find the character concept lends itself better to a female than to a male.

    Oddly enough, my primary character at present is a female.


    Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
    « Reply #30 on: October 06, 2006, 01:42:56 pm »
    In the majority of Online games where the community is not as matured or experienced as ourselves.. the Female character is often the recipient of biased treatment... where by the Female gets better prices, attention, and free goodies from those quitting. Infact .. playing EQ2 as a human female necromancer I've often recieved several items free... just because some guy thought I was Hwaut... or what ever it is...


    Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
    « Reply #31 on: October 06, 2006, 02:20:32 pm »
    In all the years I have been gaming I have never played a fem PC. As a DM I of course RPd many fem NPCs. I really should give it a try.


    RE: Guys Roleplaying Gals
    « Reply #32 on: October 06, 2006, 02:34:28 pm »
    i've started it now, but my PC(version du femme), uses a male familiar who talkes more than she does. cheating? only time will tell :p

    The Vampire Pandora

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      Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
      « Reply #33 on: November 07, 2006, 02:38:00 pm »
      i RP girls alot...
      some times it hard because i think like a guy (DUH i am a guy!) but i have had alot of experince with females and general... for about the first 4 years i lived here (i have only lived here for 6 years) i only had female friends, but i meet one of my now best friends, on the internet, on Gaia... (looks at icon) ok...
      but to my point. i play better girls because i have had more time... i mean... i think Gerard from MCR is hot! and im not gay! they rub off on you... so...
      spend time with girls, get to know how they think (its not imposible) and you can play them better^_~


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      Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
      « Reply #34 on: November 07, 2006, 04:21:43 pm »
      I know of a lot of guys who play girls.  It doesn't indicate gender or sexuality, and having been on World of Warcraft for a very long time, you actually start to feel that every female you meet is played by a male even though you yourself (well, me) were an exception to the rule.  Mind you, RP was extremely rare on that game, especially towards the end of my time there.

      Some "girls" you can tell are really guys, but others you just can't.  Once upon a time I would have said that most girls who were dressed in very little were probably guys unless they had a good RP excuse for it (Brisbane was an example of the latter), but these days I've played girls who didn't wear very much either (with just as much of an RP reason for it as for the ones who dressed neck to floor).

      I do have a tip for guys who want to play girls though: don't play them like females in an anime - that's usually a big tip off, right there.

      I also know a number of girls who play males - I should try that again sometime.


      Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
      « Reply #35 on: December 05, 2006, 05:41:34 pm »
      ThrainSil - 9/19/2006  8:57 PM

      I dont really care what sex the player is personally.  As far as being able to tell if its a guy playing a girl, a good rule of thumb ive found in this and other games has to do with how the female char is dressed. Actually I was told to look for this by a woman 10 years ago and it seems to be true.  If the char is dressed as a tart its likely a lad behind the keys.

      I tend to agree with you here to some extent. This may be true in games like WoW, or other hack'n slash games. In RP games, even D&D table top, the women I have played with tend to be a bit under dressed and "sexy". Especially if you play in any kind of dark games with women (like whitewolf games). Just look at my wife's toons. Her half giant she has dressed in skimpy plate and her rogue she wears some skimpy things. Now if only get her to wear some of that stuff at home...*grins*


      Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
      « Reply #36 on: December 08, 2006, 12:02:21 am »
      I know I would do a horrible job at it, so I don't even try.  The only exceptions would be possibly a dwarven barbarian woman or an over amorous half-ogre who chased the comely Paladins ala Miss Piggy.


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      Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
      « Reply #37 on: December 08, 2006, 12:33:33 am »
      I roleplay mostly women as well but I believe that the best female halfling conversations and jokes are made by guys. Triba and Acacea still cracks me up randomly. You know you are going to have an awesome time when there is at least 1 halfling around.


      Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
      « Reply #38 on: December 08, 2006, 01:02:52 am »
      Except Acacea is not a guy...oops.


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      Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
      « Reply #39 on: December 08, 2006, 01:18:14 am »
      Well, half of the jokes then are made by guys, then. :)