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Author Topic: rp or power gaming ?  (Read 437 times)


rp or power gaming ?
« on: August 01, 2009, 08:20:11 pm »
I just reread
And i couldn't help but again notice something .

When talking about Weapon Master , each time people will throw in that it's useless to take more then 7 levels in it for the bonus you will get after 7 levels is not worth it .

It always gives me an strange feeling , because to me only taking the 7 levels to gain the extras and then leave the class seems on the border of power gaming .

A character that trains to become one with its weapon , suddenly giving up a part off that training to learn new things somehow doesn't seems right to me .

Then again , that is just my personal opinion so i was wondering what others think off it .
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Re: rp or power gaming ?
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2009, 08:59:15 pm »
If one went 10 fighter/10 weaponmaster+++, in the epic levels they get +1 to attack with their favored weapon every 3 levels.  LORE: Epic Superior Weapon Focus  THAT is powerful.  +50 base attack by level 40, or rather a +20% base attack bonus above and beyong fighter +1/level.  And when you count hmmm, 30 ki strikes per day which pump up criticals to 120+ (I've seen Barion's and Cassius' and they were scary, and Mikey nearly made me wet myself with that scythe of his!) I really wouldnt worry about the 7 level weapon masters being too powerful.

With the new updates, basic wizard spells now have no upper cap.  A fireball does 10d6 dmg at 10th level, then another 1d6 every 3 levels.  That is powerful.  More powerful than a sorcerer/palemaster or a sorcerer/fighter/dragon disciple.  Is it powergaming?  heck no.

Powergaming is not just a build.  There are good builds with great roleplayers and bad builds with powergamers.  Powergaming is running off into the middle of nowhere by yourself camping the same area for uber xp for weeks at a time, and climbing the levels quicker than most people can blink.  So to insinuate that all people who take the most readily useful levels in a PrC are all powergamers is rather inaccurate.  PEOPLE powergame, not builds.


Re: rp or power gaming ?
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2009, 10:38:47 pm »
As long as we do what fits our own characters there's little need to sweat about everyone else's.


Re: rp or power gaming ?
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2009, 11:59:34 pm »
With my current main character, it fits him to be out digging sand in the deserts, often alone.  Does that make me a power-gamer?  I don't think so, because if I wanted to gain levels more quickly I know it'd be faster to group up with others to gain XP.  Heck, I could probably earn more Trues selling drops from high-level party adventuring than what I do selling glass for that matter, and I make a lot selling glass.
 I am often willing to RP when I encounter other characters...  though I'm not always going to greet total strangers, nor acknowledge them unless they try to get my attention, or unless I have a good reason to try and get theirs.  I also find this true in the reverse, and often see other characters running or walking by without a word or an emote.  I try to keep my character seeming like one who is for the most part, easilly approachable though.
 As for these fast-track weapon masters (and other such PrC's) I seem to see quite a few of them lately... and I think to myself.. I'll probably just stick straight fighter, just to be different from the crowd.  On the other hand, if I do chose to go the weapon master route, I'll wait till level 21 or later to do it because that just seems right to me.
 I think Acacea's got a great point though.  As long as we're all really being true to our own characters, there's no need to really worry about how other's play theirs, except where they come into affecting our characters through their RP (or lack of it) when encountered.  And if there's a lack of RP, well.. we can always just choose not to associate with those characters, which it would seem they'd prefer we do anyhow.  So long as they're not starting up with PvP willy-nilly or some other such wrongful behavior, I say let 'em have their fun 'cause they're not really ruining ours if they keep to themselves.


Re: rp or power gaming ?
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2009, 03:35:05 am »
well, having any sort of good build is uncommon for me, lol.. I'm not too good picking out stats, I just mix what ever I think makes my character who they are... otherwise, why sack some wizard levels with rogue?

Mainly, I concur with Acacea.


Re: rp or power gaming ?
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2009, 05:39:25 am »
Yup agreed with Acacea. Set up your character based on what your character would be and how you would like to RP them. Heck, I have a wood elf with ECL of -3 to CHA and he is a sorc! Love him to bits and would never change any of his stats or anything. I like him just the way he is.


Re: rp or power gaming ?
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2009, 12:47:29 pm »
It's not powergaming until you take 4 levels of Mistone Alliance Scout.

Someone keep a sharp eye on those ones.


Re: rp or power gaming ?
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2009, 12:57:11 pm »
Quote from: Chongo
It's not powergaming until you take 4 levels of Mistone Alliance Scout.

Someone keep a sharp eye on those ones.

LOL!  Yeah, better watch out for that cat's grace & eagle's splendor 1/day, the +2 vs. mind spells, +2 vs. traps and sleep 1/day at the super low DC!  The enemy might just die laughing.

Good thing they require a WLCDQ or 3 regular CDQs to join too!

