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Author Topic: Citizens of our beloved Kingdom of Brelin!  (Read 136 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

Citizens of our beloved Kingdom of Brelin!
« on: February 19, 2009, 11:20:06 am »
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that intelligence has reached us about an enemy fleet, sailing for our shores. Have no fear though, dear citizens, for the army has been roused and is preparing to welcome this enemy.

It is in such dire times that we must remember our responsibility to each other and the kingdom that has allowed us to prosper for so many years now. To many the dark ages seem distant and forgotten, but I implore you to remember. For the sake of your selves and your loved ones remember! Never will we visit such upon ourselves again! Therefore we must stand tall and stand together. Only by uniting will we ensure that our beloved Brelin remains as we remember and treasure it.

Lastly, my fellow citizens, I wish to inform you that the army reserve offers the opportunity for part time enlistment. I saddens me to call upon you in this hour, but lives, freedom and peace may be at stake.

Joy Vaeran, Ruler of Brelin


Re: Citizens of our beloved Kingdom of Brelin!
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 02:20:01 pm »
Tyra reports to the Lord of Haven the next time she visits, offering her services to the defense of her homeland.


Re: Citizens of our beloved Kingdom of Brelin!
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2009, 11:42:22 am »
*Chakar happens upon such a note at a random marketplace, and with a heavy sigh he heads towards the nearest Brelin guardhouse.*

"Sirs, I would hope to enlist myself into the defense of Brelin in this time of need. I have read that the invasion is to happen sooner or later.
I hope it is a bit later... That would give time...
I am a mage of some prowess and a fighter, also, if you would be as kind as to let your superiors know that I have some information about the threat, all the way from Belinara and the Kuhl kingdom of there, I would be delighted to share what I know with them."

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Citizens of our beloved Kingdom of Brelin!
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2009, 03:10:39 am »
* Those willing to enlist have their names written down in addition to their address. They are then told that they will receive word soon.

Soon a letter arrives containing dates for drill and training exercises along with general information. You are ordered to meet with your assigned seargeant once every week for exercise and weapons training.

On the first exercise it is obvious that most others in your unit have no or very little experience in warfare. Each time the training goes on for a full day.

Payment is received every first day of the month. Recruits in the army reserve are paid 10 gold a month.


Anyone with information pertaining to the current situation is taken to the nearest office of the city guard where you are interviewed. The guard commander on duty assures you that the report will be sent to via the appropriate channels will all haste. He thanks you for your cooperation and asks for a name and an address in case his superiors have further questions. // please PM me what you have to share // *

Lord Dark

Re: Citizens of our beloved Kingdom of Brelin!
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2009, 11:24:58 am »
*Tod hears what's happening and heads to a guard to ask how he can help*
 I'll help!


Re: Citizens of our beloved Kingdom of Brelin!
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2009, 09:41:31 pm »
Tyra spends much of her time during training exercises trying to help those she can with basic swordsmanship.  She even takes small groups on the sides during off hours to sure up anything taught during the day.  The rest of the time she is trying not to hurt anyone she's paired up with, especially her sergeant.

One day, she asks her "sergeant" if she could talk to a superior of his about perhaps getting a small group of volunteers or veterans for her to train herself.

//Harlas, please PM me with any sort of response she might get.


Re: Citizens of our beloved Kingdom of Brelin!
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2009, 01:56:52 am »
*Chakar rejects the month's pay with a smile on his face and a few friendly words.
When training is due, he spars with the militiamen firstly with sword-long sticks as is the common way*
*When time is due he asks from his superior that could have noticed his improved skill with the blade and bow compared to the other recruits, that if he could help as being a trainer, nevertheless not foregoing his duty to stand up in the upcoming possible battle*

//Two options below, marked as 1) and 2)

1) *If his superiors agree to his suggestion, he proceeds to teach them the very basics of bladework, and bowmanship, also how to apply and take care of their future armor. He makes sure they keep their weaponry in good condition as well, but remains insuppressing towards the trainees, trying to keep their morale high with plausible promises, encouragement and good humor*
*When this has gone on for a longer time, he teaches them how to fight defensively as per Expertise*

2) *With a shrug, Chakar walks away from his superior and keeps on training with the other trainees, however dull it might seem to him.
Nevertheless when opportunity rises, he gives hints and with a wry grin encourages them*
*He also asks around the trainees if any of them would like some off-duty further training, and if so, he trains that group as per above*

