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Author Topic: A public missive from Trelania  (Read 88 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

A public missive from Trelania
« on: February 19, 2009, 11:21:04 am »
Dear citizens of Trelania. It has come to our attention that rumours about an immediate war and an enemy invasion are being passed around on market squares, street corners and backyards. We hereby wish to clarify that no evidence of a direct threat to our Kingdom exists.

It is with a calm and steady hand that I write to you, people of Trelania. My council to you is to remain calm and go about your daily lives as always. There is no need for rash action, nor war mongering. Rest assured, however, that the Queen's Regiment is ever alert and ready, should a threat emerge.

Seize your worries and be at peace.

Kethrys Powell, Senior Aid of Queen Mouring


Re: A public missive from Trelania
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2009, 05:25:02 am »
Barrett Ashaley, The Bird Lord's son and his own daughter, Erin, are heard talking outside Kheldell as they stare upon the missive.

"I must tell father about this." he pronounces with alarm.

Erin replies "I am sure he'll find out about these rumours before we can let him know.  In fact he already knows a lot about this already".

"It's not that Erin..."
he responds.

*she gives him a curious look*

Wise in his own years, Barrett speaks as his father would.  "If Trelania remains passive during an attack on Brelin, she may simply become the next victim."

Her reserves should be called upon and preparations made to secure their own borders and be prepared to aid Brelin at the front if it is necessary.  Even loan some ships if possible.

Father spoke of a few dozen ships, with hundreds of men.  And monsters in the sky.  Is Brelin capable of handling such a force, perhaps 5000 men, twenty to thirty or so warships, and extreme terror in the skies?

*he stands still a moment and pauses looking at a couple passers by who began eavesdropping*

I don't think there's time to let father know of this.  *he looks to Erin with urgency* I need you to find Acacea and tell her these thoughts.  She will know who to contact in the Lucindite church to question their preparedness. I must find Vynfela and get this message off with haste.

Script Wrecked

Re: A public missive from Trelania
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2009, 09:35:30 pm »
**Argali Trueaxe visits Blackford Castle, seeking an audience with their commander-of-arms. She apprises them (either then, or subsequently) of the latest developments.**