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Author Topic: Angels Guild - What the Heck?  (Read 5813 times)


Well, I dunno... Cellar door
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2015, 08:17:14 pm »

Well, I dunno... Cellar door ((Celador)) remarked about some sort of curse emanating from this building, so I was goin through all the chests looking for clues. But Cellar door hasn't come back from his study in a really long time!



*Kyle appears holding shards
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2015, 09:01:12 pm »

*Kyle appears holding shards of a wooden hitching post*

"Strange...the wood near the stable is rotted away. I..." *sees the damage to the store*   "Guess it's not confined to there. Has anyone checked the hall in town?"



Oh good idea! Not that I know
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2015, 09:18:18 pm »

Oh good idea! Not that I know of... I'll get right not that!

*Q runs out the door to the stable and grabs his semi-war pony, Horace, and rides to Port Hempstead to check on the main guild hall.*



As “Q” rides out he notices
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2015, 10:04:58 pm »

As “Q” rides out he notices that nearly every manmade wood structure in the general area seems to be infected with rot, some advanced, some less so. He sees a lot of wild overgrown vegetation too, and is not too sure if it is new or if he just never noticed it before. The further from the Angel’s building he gets, the less rot he sees. After several miles he notices nothing. When he arrives at the Angel's hall in Port Hempstead he finds everything is as it should be…nothing amiss.



A couple of travelers passing
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2015, 10:50:55 pm »

A couple of travelers passing by the Angel's building in Port Hempstead Fields look at it and chuckle. "Looks like they are falling on hard times." The other responds, "Aye, you'd think they'd have a little pride in keeping up the establishment. Hope their goods are no reflection of that." He smiles and chuckles again as they disappear around a bend in the road.



*Realizing it seems to
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2015, 11:11:19 pm »

*Realizing it seems to eminate from the guild store, Q heads back and reports his findings*

It seems like maybe there is a bit more vegetation despite the rotten wood... We gotta figure this out and quick!



A Thistletoe Traders
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2015, 04:12:20 am »

A Thistletoe Traders representative stops by to check on the commotion. Thorn Thistletoe himself it turns out has arrived to offer tea and sympathy. So Tea, sympathy, and name dropping quickly dispensed he sets aside a space outside to plant an iron framed cloth sign into the ground. "Yes that's real handcarved iron there, made to order, but you could probably spot that right off." He stands back to admire his handiwork.

The sign reads; In these terrible times of trouble Thistletoe Traders stands ready to help the Fallen Angels in their time of unfortunate but predictable circumstances. Anyone seeking goods at fair prices while trading rots off somewhat at the Angels should seek out Thistletoe Traders who will step in to try and help where they can. This company can be trusted to remain open all hours until the Angel can be dovetailed back together.

"Least I can do for a neighbour!" He reflects with apparent and flamboyant sincerity.



As Daniel makes his way
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2015, 10:38:03 am »

As Daniel makes his way across Hempstead fields toward the store, he stops and stares for a time at Thorn's sign.  With a shake of his head and some muttered words, one being "opportunist" the others being inappropriate for man of his station, he opens the door carefully and steps in surveying damage.  Breaking out his carpentry kit, he makes some small repairs where he can, then sits down in the middle of the floor, attempting to sense where this malady is eminating from.

//pm sent.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


After about a week of
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2015, 09:48:30 pm »

After about a week of investigation, spell casting, and repairing Daniel is startled and almost jumps out of his cod piece when the front door falls onto the floor when the hinges pull loose from rotten door framing. (Crash!)

//pm sent



With a deep sigh, Daniel
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2015, 08:17:32 am »

With a deep sigh, Daniel cleans up the mess and goes back into Hempstead where he fashions a door out of copper.  Dragging the heavy portal back with the help of a very reluctant ox, he sets it on the ground, eyeballing the problem of how to get it in place without hurting himself.  He waits for others of the Guild to show.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Daniel notices on the way
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2015, 10:22:05 pm »

Daniel notices on the way back to the shop there are quite a few other homesteads, farms, and shops within about a 5 mile radius of the Angel's building that are similarly affected. A couple of families are living in tents temporarily. You are a little concerned for their safety and hope they have no encounters with the local wildlife... or worse. When you finally arrive with the new copper door you notice that vines are now covering a good portion of the building sides. You hope their weight does not endanger the rapidly deteriorating structural integrity of the building.



*Kyle comes from the stable
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2015, 10:28:53 pm »

*Kyle comes from the stable area...Eldarin in tow. Chuckling a bit when he sees Daniel with the copper door on the quickly dawns on him on what he wanted to do.*

"Seems you need a little help there Dan. We could rig up a pulley and use Eldarin here to hoist it up. He can take the weight while we put the door in place. And how do we fasten it to the door frame? All the wood seems to be rotting."



Sometime during a lull in the
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2015, 11:30:00 pm »

Sometime during a lull in the repairs, a bard has returned. From his unkempt slumber in the back room - so accustomed to wild living has he apparently become that he doesn't notice the decay at first, or perhaps it is that his spectacles have gone missing - he is awakened by Daniel and Quenton. His first thought is to his instruments and even before opening the crate his dismay is palpable. Disaster! Parts salvagable - pegs, strings, and the like, and the harps all of which are metal - are collected, but the rest of the lot is back-alley busk trash. He paces the room, merely confirming what others have felt. There is a taint in the Al'Noth. Something is off with the entire area, strongest where the Guild Shop sits. The vibrations of the room are angry, or perhaps taking vengeance, or is it justice? He can't tell. The resonance is fleeting, misty, as if he has to turn his attention away to feel a glimpse. He tries to play some Saytr pipes that came in with him, and are therefore still whole, but a murder of crows land on a nearby tree and their cawing drowns out his pipes. He feels the timing uncanny, yet it isn't such a coincidence that he can count it as a sign.

"Did you notice that only dead wood is affected?" His gaze is on the crows, perched in the robust tree that is mere feet from the right side of the building. Overgrowth is everywhere, and ivy crawls up the side of the beleaguered shop.

What is salvagable is taken to Port Hempstead and quarantined in an empty portion of the building for the time being. His bows and instruments are left in the safety of the Hall, and and only his platinum harp and mithril rapier return as his inspiration and weapon. With the others he loads up oxen to move the salvagable wooden goods to the Hall, cleans and patches, drags the few metal chests they have to the shop side, and slaps a sign on the splintered front door of the shop.



"Fair point, Master Kyle.  In
« Reply #33 on: September 16, 2015, 08:38:41 am »

"Fair point, Master Kyle.  In truth, the decay was not this advanced when I had the idea.  Since the majority of the stucture is stone, perhaps a copper frame, pegged into the stone?  What do you think?"


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


"Indeed...we'd have to fasten
« Reply #34 on: September 16, 2015, 03:15:53 pm »

"Indeed...we'd have to fasten everything directly to the stone. Lot of sore muscles to be had here. Has there been any word on what is causing the wood to rot away?"



Sibbicai comes by making his
« Reply #35 on: September 16, 2015, 03:18:18 pm »

Sibbicai comes by making his usual  rounds to do some trading, he stops well before reaching the store  to take it all in, overgrown buildings with vines and brush surrounding the guild and saddlebags pawn. Two men awkwardly handling a copper door with another looking on.

He reads the  sign from thistle traders prominently displayed out front. Huh, nothing like cashing in on someone elses misfortune...

Walking closer he reads the sign tacked to the rotted front door. Getting closer he overhears  Daniels comment to Kyle

"Sir Daniel, what can I help with, it would seen you need a smith not a woodcrafter, or you could stretch some hides over the entrance as they are quite a bit lighter and dont take to rot as this building has". * looking up he tugs at some of the vines from around the doorway to clear some of it away and some of the wood it was attached too comes with it tumbling to the ground.* // dex check 18+2=20//

 I dare say this seems to be most  unnatural !//spellcraft check 1+29=30//  I dont think you have time to craft a new building looking at the rate of decay of this place, hire a few guards and lets find the root cause of this!


There can be only One.


Daniel pauses in his labors,
« Reply #36 on: September 16, 2015, 04:42:39 pm »

Daniel pauses in his labors, whispering a quick couple of words to Kyle in elvish, "Cynyelweana amejilmw illw nyylaansesam."  He smiles at Sibbicai.  "Master Wizard Sibbicai, greetings.  Sadly, I think you may be right.  At this rate we may be rebuilding anew, but something must be done to keep the animals out.  I fear hides may not suffice and my own skill at such things is inadequate.  I do think your phrasing of 'root' may bear fruit, If I dare push the pun a bit further."


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


*Quenton ducks around the
« Reply #37 on: September 16, 2015, 07:48:47 pm »

*Quenton ducks around the copper door and comes outside* 

Oh Come on Sir Danny! You know I can keep the animals out, or in if we want em... I could get a bear or a dire wolf to keep watch. And Katrina ((his panther friend)) is always lurking, why do you think we haven't had any mice or rats since I joined! But ya know I can tan up some sorta hide door if we want... or copper or whatever *shrugs* And I'd certainly start collecting wood to rebuild once we figure this whole shebangle out. You want I could polymorph into a umber hulk and start digging down to get a peak? or I could just ask a badger to do it... Probably best if I just do it, badgers are always cranky. *casts polymorph self and turns into an umber hulk and starts digging a hole a good 30 feet behind the guild store.*



"Excitable fellow, is he
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2015, 09:13:59 pm »

"Excitable fellow, is he not?" Daniel says to the two remaining men with a chuckle. "Part of his charm, I suppose.  I have no better ideas so, perhaps we should go make sure he does not fall into a deeper pit than he can climb out of , eh?"  Daniel sets down his work and follows Q.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Quenton changes form, Al’Noth
« Reply #39 on: September 16, 2015, 10:08:02 pm »

Quenton changes form, Al’Noth wrapping him in her embrace, and in this new form he begins to dig. Soil and rock spray from the hole as he goes deeper. After a few minutes of digging he is about 15 feet down and is hitting a layer of solid stone. When he stops to assess his situation he begins to get a very bad feeling. He turns and nearly jumps out of his Umber Hulk carapace when he sees what looks like a small humanoid face composed of dirt and mud staring at him with angry eyes from the wall of his hole. He blinks and it is gone. Was it really there? He cannot say for sure…


