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Author Topic: Dark Elves in Silkwood  (Read 1104 times)


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #60 on: August 13, 2011, 02:22:41 pm »
//I've had a few PM's, and for the sake of good communication want to update everyone with the following:

Today's event is one of three for this series. Today is open to dark elf players who will be accompanying Ni'haer to a meeting with a group of the invading dark elves. This meeting can have a significant impact on how things play out. We will see. Again, dark elves only. Those in jail will not be able to participate. This session will be RP heavy.

Early to mid-week next week will be Session two of the series and will be open to all players. The day and time are still open because I want to include as many of you as possible. My usual quest limit on players will not apply. Feel free to PM me with suggestions. This session will be combat heavy.

I'm planning the finale to be on Saturday the 27th. This session will also be combat heavy, and should conclude the series. My usual quest limit on players will not apply.

Any questions, please PM me. I'd like to keep this thread IC as much as possible.


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #61 on: August 13, 2011, 02:26:25 pm »
When Zigruum arrives at Folian's Vale there is an upbeat feeling as he meets with friends and comrades to discuss the situation.


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #62 on: August 13, 2011, 04:24:32 pm »
//This makes me hate Brelinite scum even more..


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #63 on: August 13, 2011, 05:17:34 pm »
Aesthir made his way into the Silkwood forest from Haven after completing his legal business and began following the trail of the Mithril Legion. He could tell the mercenary company was well disciplined and versed in unit tactics from the tracks and abandoned campsites he found. He estimated their numbers at approximately 25 Medium Calvary, and 3 to 5 scouts.

After several days of tracking, he pulled his horse up short and immediately drew his weapon and equipped his shield. As he entered a small valley in between two hills the indications and smell of battle became very noticeable. The ground was torn up, blood stained the leaves of bushes, an odd weapon or shield lay in the dirt. He could see no bodies though. The hair stood up on the back of his neck as he progressed further. It seemed common sense that a military unit would not leave weapons and armor lying about after a battle, and he could not see or hear any signs of life.

As he prodded his horse further, he discovered what happened. Hanging from the trees were approximately 30 humanoid shapes wrapped in cocoons of spider silk, many of them with dark elf arrows protruding from them. Cutting one opened revealed the face of a dead human, eyes wide open and full rigor set in. It appeared he had caught up with the Mithril Legion...

Lance Stargazer

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #64 on: August 13, 2011, 05:34:05 pm »
*Aesthir smirks looking at the bodies and shakes his head*  

Seems that my orders are fullfilled now, i don't think this men are able to do any of the wrongs that Brother Daniel mentioned  *this said in low voice mostly to himself *

**he inmediately after looks around making a note on his map of the forest , he takes note of the battle trials and tries to determine the course of the battle with the trials found , once done this , he takes a couple of banners of the felled company with him and start to head back towards Haven*


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #65 on: August 13, 2011, 06:05:38 pm »
*Ygraine arrives at Folian's Vale and frowns at all the metal-clad people that are assembling. She wonders if it is worth taking a different form to assess more on the steadily worsening situation.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #66 on: August 13, 2011, 10:45:19 pm »
*Some days later, Aesthir is seen returing to the Anti dark elf coalition camp, still riding his black steed, fast as northern wind, but at this moment he seems to be walking with presence, he first arrive to the campsite of the Rangers looking for Rory and other scouts. He speaks of the grim found of the mithril legion and will ask for help regarding the trails , he will tell her and Enzo's rangers about more once he presents the proper reporrt to the Rofirenites , he'll ask them to be ready to depart in case they are willing to help. *

*Once this situation is settled he approances Captain Daniel's tent with a slow stride, once he is there he asks to be announced, if Daniel shows himself Aesthir will extend his arm again for greeting then released*

Greetings Brother, There are several things i would like to speak with you to give you the report of what you requested, in private if you might like

**he smiles politely at him and awaits for his answer*

gilshem ironstone

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #67 on: August 13, 2011, 10:46:15 pm »
Gel'larian grows increasingly anxious as soldier after soldier pours in to sanctum of the Silkwood. Reports coming back from rangers on patrol only heightens the state. Shortly after the Druids begin arriving Gel'larian gears up and the ascends the tallest tree he can find.


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #68 on: August 14, 2011, 08:16:03 am »
Upon Aesthir's arrival Daniel is found outside speaking quietly to the newly arrived, Upon seeing his fellow Knight, Daniel dismisses those with him and greets hi, "Aye, Brother, what is it you have to report?  Speak openly, my tent is small and stuffy.   As you can see our small camp has *ahems* filled out this portion of Silkwood."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

Lance Stargazer

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #69 on: August 14, 2011, 08:23:36 am »
*Aesthir nods at him and after releasing the arm he pulls out and shows one of the standard of the Mithril Legion that he found , the standard would look battered and in bad shape*

-Those mercenaries should not be of your concern anymore Brother - *he speaks slowly and with a calm voice, not showing any emotion, if any a polite smile *  - They were eliminated by our very enemies, I found them all of them dead on an ambush spot, I plan to go back to gather inteligence with some more resources than mine, but i am affraid that the trail has gone cold so far, yet it might be fruitful. We have to learn of this mercenaries thought since what i saw it was a formidable ambush  *Aesthir narrates with luxury of detail the methods of capture and what he found on the ambush spot *

**he awaits for him to get the information and awaits for an answer from him*

gilshem ironstone

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #70 on: August 14, 2011, 08:56:03 am »
Gel'larian returns to the Vale and beckons Enzo, the head Aeridinite Healer, and the head of the Toranite contingent to meet with the Rofireinite leadership. Once all are assembled that will come he speaks.

I fear there is something nefarious at work here. Using a Bird's vantage point I could observe something more of a pattern to the enemies movements. I am not sure what their end is, but they travel between the Spider Cave and that den of corruption known as Arindor's Demise. I think it is of dire importance to discover what their connection with that place is.

He sighs and folds his arms


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #71 on: August 15, 2011, 07:08:23 pm »
Daniel offers Gel'larian a look of gratitude, "Good Work, now get your rest, sir.  We leave for our first investigation of the Silkwood Cave in some eight hours or so."  

//player event starts in 50 min.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #72 on: August 16, 2011, 12:34:01 am »
The coalition scouting expedition from Folian's Vale, led by High Protector Poetr of the Rofiereins, quickly became a strike force as they made their way deeper into the Silkwood Spider Caves, linking up with other mercenaries who were already in the area seeking heads for the bounties offered by the Haven authorities. They met heavy dark elf resistance throughout the expedition, and debated turning back numerous times.

After a brutal fight at what they determined to be the end of the cave system, they uncovered construction supplies and what appeared to be a gate or portal under construction. Bodies of many of the missing peasants, wood cutters, and miners of the Silkwood were found in piles, animated as zombies, or impaled on spears. The last dark elf presence in this area was destroyed. They attempted to take a dark elf mage alive, but he swallowed a poisoned pill before he could be captured and died by his own hand. Rory and Enzo confirmed he was not the leader type individual they had seen on a previous scouting mission. Aesthir destroyed the etched diagram in the floor, severing the incomplete magical inscriptions and nullifying their power.

The party found a captured Toranite soldier, apparently gone mad from his capture blabbering about atrocities "they made him do." The Rofireins took him into custody for further questioning.

The woods in that area of the Silkwood began to immediately see less dark elf activity over the next few days, as if they were retreating to the dark bolt holes from which they sprung. This coincided with a slight increase in dark elf activity near Arindor's demise. Haven has mobilized patrols of their own in that area, reporting minor skirmishes.

In the next weeks attacks and sightings of dark elves near The Spider Caves are non-existent. The residents of Folians Vale have politely requested that the Rofirein and Toranite presence be withdrawn. They are thankful, but tensions and concerns over disruption of the natural world are high.

//PM's are still being composed for other parties with active actions in progress. It may take a few days, please be patient as I have many. ;)

Ell and Lance, the translation RP for the note is still foremost in my mind, and still has a lot of importance in regards to knowing what has happened and why.

My dark elf player faction who were involved and had interest, there are possible tangets for you to follow from this, if you choose to seize the opportunities.

GM Brewmaster will be handling the additional RP the Toranite prisoner is going to provide. This may turn into a new quest tangent for him if pursued.

Thank you for a great time with this. It has been tons of fun and many hours of enjoyment for me!!


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #73 on: August 16, 2011, 01:21:01 am »
*notes made public by the Rofirienite lawbringers taking the prisoner into custody*

The prisoner has identified himself as "Turian", once known among those of the Toranite clergy as a paladin of the Order of the Longsword.  Sir Cedric of Toran  remembers him as one of the men he had gathered to purge the evil of the dark elves in Silkwood, fearing him taken below, once hopeful that he had fled the battle to the topside.  Up until his capture, he has had an impeccable record of virtue and self sacrifice, though the details of his interrogations since then are most troubling.

Thus far, the prisoner is deemed mentally unfit to stand a proper trial, even though he has admitted to many atrocities unbefitting a paladin of his order.  In the interim, he has been stripped of his title by the Order of the Longsword and has been taken into joint-custody in the Temple of Toran in Ft. Llast.  He has since admitted to the crimes of torture, murder, unholy sacrifice, cannibalism, partaking in forbidden rituals of the dark elves, dereliction of his post, and supplying intelligence to the enemy, albeit under an extreme case of coercion. It is said by him that he no longer feels the light of Toran for these crimes.  The clergy of Toran, when observing him under divine guidance, find that he no longer bears His holy favor.  

He is under constant watch by both the Lawbringers of Rofirien and Protectors of Toran for fear that he may harm himself and others in the aberrant state in which he is currently in.  His once friend and confidante Cedric of the Order of the Longsword holds a constant vigil over his safekeeping, urging any who knew him well to come forward and assist with the healing process of his mind, heart & soul, as any others are asked who may have talents in such areas.  It is imperative that his mind be mended so that he may stand a proper trial for his crimes, and more importantly, relinquish the details of what he has witnessed while in custody of the Dark elf cult of Silkwood.

Guardian 452

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #74 on: August 16, 2011, 01:29:22 am »
*Enzo reads the public notice and sighs heavily before muttering under his breath*

Stand trial for his crimes? Has this poor man not suffered enough?


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #75 on: August 16, 2011, 08:33:50 am »
Daniel lead a group of Knights and Protectors back to the cave complex. After battling their way through the now greatly diminished natives, they set upon the task of recovering what bodies they can and prepare them for transport and burial. All those of the Toranite faith are carefully covered and removed to Fort Llast. Some of these are marked as evidence. Locals who can be recognized are sent home to kin. Finally, after many days of handling the fallen, Daniel gives the order for the Rofirein's to strike camp from Folian's Vale and relocate to Haven City. The Demise must be investigated next as it is tied to Silkwood in some way.
 //Thanks to Rory, Aesthir, Lana, Keela, Sharyn, Helper, Amireana, Gimli, and all else who I participated, if I missed you here, blame crs. Special thanks to Gel'larian for his forum rp and getting this rolling with Daniel. Kudos to the DM's - Brewmaster, Nimrod, and Ravemore.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

Lance Stargazer

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #76 on: August 16, 2011, 08:44:41 am »
**Once again Aesthir comes to Daniel's tent having being interrupted before*

Greetings brother, there is somethig that perhaps you woud like to have as well, just in case , our previous meting and our duties didn't mixed well .

**he present him  a document folded to him*

There . This is the support of the city for our crusade, Now the actions we are persuing are legal and chartered by Haven castle. This is a charter that allow us to actually persue this since it seems that the city didn't request the help formally, but this will cover it.

We might have to be wary now since *Smirks*  what you asked me to do of control on the mercenaries companies, its not likely posible, they are chartered and the goverment allows them to act freely without any chain of command that tie them to anyone. So if we have other of this companies we might try to convince them to join us, but we can't legally force them if make sense . I'll be leaving once the scouts are ready there is a cold trail that might lead to somewhere still .I'll be back hopefully in a couple of days .Lets hope that that Toranite has not killed himself by then

**he looks at him and awaits for his answer*


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #77 on: August 16, 2011, 09:31:23 am »
Daniel waves dismissively at the document after reading it, "So we have authority by a principality for our actions, so be it. Brother, do you truly think the victims care if we do?" Daniel eyes are red with weeping. "Forgive me, I am overwrought with the duties of conveying the dead. You are in the right of course, permission must be sought and received and it is good of you to think of this." He sighs, "As for the mercenary companies, let them do what they will, I care not as long as dark elves receive the Gold's justice in the end."
 Daniel places an arm on Aesthir's shoulder, "In the toranite matter, do what you can for Turian, my brother, but do not hope overly much. The Toranites are prickly about 'meddling' and I assure you, they will see our actions as such should we press them." He drops his hand back to his side. "I will look for you in some weeks time. May the Dragon bless your efforts."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

Lance Stargazer

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #78 on: August 16, 2011, 09:59:21 am »
**he nods slowly *

I won't bring more words with the risk of having another diference of opinion, On the subjects you mentioned, I'd rather ask you to keep that document just in case your actions are questioned by the city now that the campsite is being moved towards their walls. I'll see you back at Haven in some days then. **he pats his shoulder and moves away towards the scout campment*

**Once there he asks to Enzo, Rory or Gel ( in that order ) If his request for a scout was granted in order to follow a trail found some distance away to where the Mithril Legion was found , awaiting for answer *

gilshem ironstone

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #79 on: August 16, 2011, 10:38:44 am »
Aesthir finds Gel'larian conversing with some Aeridinites.

I can help you, but I think we should go see what the enemy has brewing in Arindor's Demise.  Why don't we head that way and see if the Mithril Legions trail heads towards or away from that Pit.

