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Author Topic: Disturbances in the Al'Noth  (Read 1982 times)


Disturbances in the Al'Noth
« on: September 09, 2015, 08:40:17 pm »

Rumors circulate through some circles that disturbances in the Al'Noth have begun to appear and disappear randomly. Those "in the know" have been advised to keep their eyes open for them as they can be unpredictable and dangerous...

//If a player finds AND repairs one of the anomalies; let me know via an IC post to this thread describing the harrowing event. It will be worth 1 fortune point.

The following users thanked this post: swoop, lonnarin, cbnicholson, willhoff, xsweetpeaxs


*Sibbicai on hearing
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2015, 10:45:27 pm »

*Sibbicai on hearing hushed rumors  on strange anomalies at the Al'noth craft hall in port hemp,  he questiones the traveling merchants for anything out of the ordinary, (otherwise known as. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT! )  coming into town.

There can be only One.


You hear a rumor from an old
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2015, 10:58:00 pm »

You hear a rumor from an old mage who swears that when he was travelling through Krashin recently... or was it Fort Vehl? or Mariner's hold? (He's old and not very sharp with the memory anymore) he tried to cast a simple light spell and the energy turned into a small fireball that blew him off his horse and caught his beard on fire. You wouldn't have put much stock into what he was saying except for.... well, he had only half a beard, and a light spell is pretty hard to mess up.

As you were leaving the craft hall you also saw a horse that was bald on one side only... strange days these are.

Der be a bunch of kittens in
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2015, 11:49:20 pm »

Der be a bunch of kittens in Center oi not sure if dis be de spot to report it



*sibbicai  gets his name and
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2015, 09:08:20 pm »

*sibbicai  gets his name and and after thinking for a moment proceeds to to his house and pens a letter to Demisa Shimrastri.

After the weekly Reaching council meeting Sibbicai hands her the letter.

// the letter writes in formal script


Demisa Shimrastri ,

I come to you regarding the strange occurances of the Al'Noth. I have found a man (gives name) who describes what seemed to be wild magic. (describes what he saw as evidence and the story).

I am a young mage and would like to be helpful in anyway possible to assist in your efforts to find the cause of these disturbances.

I have not been through the school but was taught by my mother ( gives name ), She is a follower of Lucinda and We have helped many with what the Lady of spells has granted us.


There can be only One.


One of Center's residents
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2015, 09:13:31 pm »

One of Center's residents overhears you and nods sagely as the smell of alcohol wafts over you and he states the following, almost as if it were some deep philosophical secret handed down through the ages from student to teacher...

Errr (Burp) Yeah... Dem cats be everywhere! Prolly a lot of mices been running 'bout. (Hiccup).... and he wanders away in the direction of the Bullseye.



Demisa Shimrastri smiles at
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2015, 12:55:32 am »

Demisa Shimrastri smiles at you politely and hands your letter to one of her assistants to hold onto for later reading... after she has finished making her rounds with the other more prominent mages and arch mages attending the meeting. “Thank you child” is all you receive from her before she melts into the crowd…

*Several days later a Lucindite courier delivers a letter to you sealed with Demisa’s personal wax signet.


Your description of events does indeed seem to indicate the presence of a Wild Magic disturbance. These beautiful anomalies are unpredictable. They come and go of their own accord… almost as if they were sentient creatures with a will of their own. Sometimes they can stay for years, sometimes merely seconds. Their occasional presence reminds us of the all-pervading presence of the Al’Noth… and by extension our duty to protect and nurture it. We eat of it, we breathe of it...we should cultivate and defend it at every opportunity.

As you well know, The Al'Noth is not a constant phenomenon. Its strength varies, and a region that was once particularly strong could grow weak over time. It flows. Some think this is a manifestation of normal cycles and currents… there are many opinions and arguments. Do not look upon this as an opportunity to merely dismiss this energy. Look upon it as an opportunity to learn and grow. View it as a chance to return the Wild Magic disturbance to the natural ebb and flow, so that it may have an opportunity to reappear somewhere else and thereby enrich the land.

It is usually best if someone well-versed in their recognition and nomenclature return them to the embrace of the Al’Noth. There are some who have had much experience in working with them, but I will outline the basic techniques. Be aware it does carry significant risk to the person attempting the closing. (She goes on to explain a complicated formula and process)

I wish you luck. If you should discover that this is not a natural event and that mortal hands were behind its appearance,  or significant damage or harm has been caused, we at The Reaching would be greatly interested in hearing about it.

May the Lady of Spells smile upon you,

Demisa Shimrastri


//There is a mechanical process for attempting to dismiss them. You click on the anomaly in game and follow the directions in the menu that pops up. They are very difficult to get rid of though and there can be negative consequences. The more arcane practitioners and more mechanical arcane class levels available, the easier it is. We can meet in game to attempt a group dispelling if you put one together… but there can still be negative consequences if you fail.



Upon recieving the letter
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2015, 04:36:07 am »

Upon recieving the letter Sibbicai cant wait to open it. He return to his mother and shows her the seal beaming with pride. She wrote me back he says excitedly, Open it mother I give you the priviledge!

After reading it out loud to his parents they seem excited for him and commend him. He re-reads the letter several times wondering what to do next.

Well I guess I should actually find one he mutters to himself. .

Thinking back to the mage who scorched himself and the locations he mentioned he packs some extra food and the letter. He sets out but not before giving his parents a kiss goodbye.



There can be only One.


*Ryubi enters the borders of
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2015, 04:53:03 pm »

*Ryubi enters the borders of Center and heads to the Bullseye for a shot of chocolate liquor.  He doesn't talk much to the bartender while there except for some small talk.  He leaves the bullseye and heads to the crafthall and posts a note in exquisit manuscript:*

I may have found something of interest to those who call the Al'noth their friend.  Meet me at the bonfire and we'll talk.  This could be of grave importance to pracitioners and weavers of the Al'noth.  Something very disturbing has occured and needs to be investigated properly.  All who are versed in the Al'noth and especially those versed at resolving anomolies in the Al'noth please try to attend.

*The note is apparently intentionally not very descriptive.  It does however leave details as to the time and date of the meeting*

//Ryubi has found a potential wild magic area and intends to investigate it.  Those interested please meet at the bonfire in Center on Sunday, September 13 at 6:00 p.m. est. and we'll look into it.



*after a short meeting with
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2015, 07:40:58 pm »

*after a short meeting with Ry and visiting the Anomaly with Shiff and Ry they both discover this is way over their heads. Sibbicai performs some experimental spell casting trying to learn as much as possible. he confers with Ry and makes the comment about the Anamaly being something like a small child that needs to be taught on what to do, by setting it free by those that are versed in such things. He returns to his parents and sets down to write another letter to the Reaching*

 *sibbicai goes to Demisa's house and gives this letter to her if at all possible or to her assistant*

This is of utmost importance regarding the wild magic anomalies that was found !

 Demisa Shimrastri,

We have found the wild magic disturbance in the Al'Noth (gives location). We investigated what we could and we could not tell if it was indeed made by human intervention or otherwise. It seems to be natural occuring, though we are not well versed in such things. We also did not have the understanding to fully comprehend a way to set it free as you instructed. I feared for my life and the individual who discovered its location Ryuby Jingles feared so as well to tamper with it. We have a  limited knowledge to do such a thing and will have to resort to a higher source of understanding to do this properly and without loss of life. I did perform some experimentation casting spells and so forth and it was most interesting (explains what he did and the reactions that occured).

There are a few that I can ask to assist in this matter, Charm a powerful sorcress and Kenzie a powerful wizard have a deeper understanding   of the Al'Noth  and they would prove useful to setting this free as you instructed, along with myself and Ryubi asisting as best we could. If this is acceptable to you please inform me and anything else you can instruct us on, combining our knowledge.

My thanks again.


*Sibbicai sends a copy of the letter to both Ryubi, Charm and Kenzie his friends.*

There can be only One.


Daniel reads Ryubi's script
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2015, 08:23:31 am »

Daniel reads Ryubi's script and frowns mightily.  "More of these have appeared eh?  Long ago, only Storold possessed the ability to unmake these, I wonder who now possesses the skill and knowledge to do so? Myself?"  he mutters looking around.  Affixing another parchment below the first, he writes," I will aid you if I am able, please leave word here or at the Angels Store if you are planning on further action.  Daniel"


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Brualot glances up from his
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2015, 10:25:00 am »

Brualot glances up from his temporary office. He has some scrolls before him but is preoccupied with pie and ale. "Daniel! what in the Pits are you signing up for now? You are a Cleric of many paths. Why if you are not searching for rare flasks in faraway hills I find you here - and you are....planning to follow in the footsteps of he who is known as SD , there no end to this mystery?"



*Corky pens a notice and
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2015, 01:06:54 pm »

*Corky pens a notice and attaches it next to the others at the Center Craft Hall*

"Found another one of these and I am not comfortable with handling it by myself.  Let's meet up and when we try to resolve the others then we can throw this on that list please.  It's location I will only tell in person."




*A letter bearing the
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2015, 10:44:42 pm »

*A letter bearing the official seal of The Reaching arrives via courier… addressed to Sibbicai.


I am writing to you on behalf of Demisa Shimrastri. Your investigation and findings do indeed indicate a wild magical disturbance has been found. Although dangerous, it is a wonderful opportunity to experience the wonders of the Al’Noth. Our understanding at this time is that this appears to be a natural event, a manifestation of the ebb and tide of the Al’Noth… therefore we will not be sending any official representatives to return it to the flow at this time. There is nothing that should prevent you and your group from attempting to do so though, as long as it is done with respect and in a way that does no harm to the Al’Noth. (She then outlines a process for a group to perform a ritual for returning of the anomaly.)

May Lucinda watch over your endeavors,

Andily, Assistant to Demisa Shimrastri


//The GM team is developing a RP process for allowing a group to try this. It can have consequences though…and once you begin you will have to take the good with the bad. It will be very hard, even for a group, and may hinge on dice rolling. A group improves the chances, but we have decided that no more than 5 can take part in the attempt, although others can be present for the event to lend moral support and good RP. The mechanical process is geared for individual attempts only. If you guys decide to go this route, please post the appropriate RP in the forum thread and I will set a date to calendar for an in game session. Due to the difficulty, a success will result in significant reward for both those returning it, and those present for moral support and RP. Please disregard the previous "1 fortune" mentioned. A success will garner more...



*Sibbicai recieves the letter
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2015, 05:29:53 am »

*Sibbicai recieves the letter and this time opens it himself in front of his parents.*

He glances it over then reads it aloud. *He frowns a bit*,

It seems we will not get help from the Reaching, but this is a good thing that it appears to be a natural event, and one they believe we can take care of.

*He makes copies of the letter and sends them to his friends Corky, Charm and Kenzie asking for thier asistance. With the copy of the letter he asks them if they know of anyone else who might be able to assist.*



There can be only One.


Brualot rises to the bait
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2015, 06:18:43 am »

Brualot rises to the bait after conversation with Daniel he adds his mark to the notice. "There is barely a moment to lose if we are to gain any understanding from these events. They usually do pass of their own accord it would seem and well if not we need to examine things up close and dangerous. Gather your wits Cleric  we have work to do!" He struts about searching for the door.



Magnar and Arvan come across
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2015, 03:46:26 pm »

Magnar and Arvan come across such a distrubance north of Vale.  Engraged that he could not hear the power of Pyrtechon in its presence, Magnar curses at the blight and strikes out at it.  The dark energies course through him and he falls to the ground, drained.  Crawling to the camp in Vale, he licks his wounds and growls at the druid.  "This blight seems beyond my powers.  Perhaps some mage could look further into it.  Would that I could rips it apart and destroy it myself!"



Stephen paused for the
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2015, 09:30:53 pm »

Stephen paused for the fiftieth time to wipe sweat from his overheated brow muttering disparinging comments about Vorax, dwarves, and all those that adventure 'for fun'.  Finally under the cover of his invisibility spell he passes through a ring of trees only to stop and stare.  Belmir, his companion through the forest of Mists has stopped in front of a shimmering sphere.  It takes a moment, but then he realizes, all his spells and wards are gone!  Belmir's plate gleams dimly in the fading forest light, red accents making it clear that Belmir is a warrior of Vorax.  Stephen steps closer, his mind working furiously at the sight before him.  One of the rifts in the Al'Noth of legend? How can this be?

Pulling the belt from his large waist, Stephen holds it out as  a measuring tool.  The sphere undulates and pulses, but he estimates three to four feet in diameter based on a complicated system of belt notches and stretch marks in the leather that only he understands.  A number he makes a notation of in the back of his book of spells on a clean sheet, along with the time, location, and local weather (too bloody hot!).  Finally, his observations made and recorded in neat script, Stephen puts his book back into the pouch on his waist and gives Belmir warning.  Stay back, this will be very dangerous for me.  A coward in battle he may be , but not in these realms, not with the Al'Noth.  No, he will repair it or die trying!

Bare hands in front of him, Stephen advances as Belmir takes an uneasy half step back.  The orb flutters, black flies of energy dart in random patterns.  Closer his hands draw until he feels the cold, the heat, the vibration of pure chaotic energy.  A shiver runs up his spine and down again, settling into his left big toe which throbs with a sweet pain.  This is..A frown, eyes narrow in concentration.  Yes, he has a small chance, a very small one of removing this hole.  If only..

Belmir screams as white lightning rips them both, fatty chunks of Stephen's chest explode outward, spraying the trees and leaving a sickly sweet smell of burnt meat in it's wake.  The ground shudders as the big man falls, chest blasted beyond repair, his heart, visible through bared ribs, thumps once, quivers, lies still.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


*Ryubi pens another notice
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2015, 11:00:14 am »

*Ryubi pens another notice over the one he previously posted at the Bulls Eye.*

Dear fellows of the Al'Noth,

It has come to my attention that there is more than a few of these disturbances scattered around our world.  We shall convene in a weeks time to discuss the intricasies of dealing with these phenomina and how best to resolve them for the greater good of continuity.  A closed door convention shall be had at the old wizards tower on Thorn River (he offers a brief directional guide) to compare notes and decide on course of action (a date and time is afixed).

Yours in the bond of Al'noth we all share,

Ryubi Jingles

//Meet time Tuesday, 9/22/15 at 8:00 p.m. est at the old wizards tower near thorn river on your way to Bydell Castle.  We can continue the meeting on forum for those who can't attend.



// Can you please post this
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2015, 11:37:54 am »
// Can you please post this on the calendar as a player initiated event? I would like to lurk in GM mode. Quest reward will be granted.
