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Author Topic: Dragon attack on Leringard!  (Read 933 times)


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #40 on: May 29, 2008, 10:29:18 pm »
Shiff helps unload the ships (if hes allowed to) and helps distribute them to those most in need, as well as keeping an eye on what he can to insure it does not "disappear" into the hands of any nefarious individuals


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #41 on: May 29, 2008, 11:35:17 pm »
Ophelia tends to the wounded at the temple of Mist she spies on the horizen two ships heading toward the docks. She quickly finishes seeing to some of the wounded and makes her way back to the docks of Leringard.
 As the ships make port she eyes the wood and any marking on the vessels and its crew. When the emissary disembarks from the ship Ophelia walks up to him and thanks him for supplying wood for her, the temple of Mist and the Leringard Arms currrent effort to rebuild the docks of Leringard.
Quote from: EdTheKet
Two cargo vessels, escorted by four naval vessels appear off the coast of Leringard.
 Smaller vessels start to transport supplies from the vessels, one can see large sturdy pieces of wood, probably from the Forest of Fog, that would be very useful for the reconstruction of the docks.
 Also, a lot of blankets and clothing to help the citizens that lost their homes stay warm arrive in large quantities.
 An emissary and his escort can also be seen leaving the small fleet and heads south towards Blackford Castle.

Script Wrecked

Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2008, 11:36:55 pm »
*Catching sight (or hearing rumour) of the cargo vessels, Argali frowns heavily.*

"Now the vulturre cirrcles."

*For a moment, the weight of circumstance takes her, and she slumps heavily. Finally, after what seems like several minutes, she straightens her frame to exude the bearing of a proud kin, growling something coarsely in dwarven. Then, quietly.*

"He will get no toe-hold herre."


Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2008, 08:58:50 am »
*Barion sends a letter to those in charge *

Sir's / Madam's ,

The OrcBashers request a list of what is most needed .

The way we see it , we can keep transporting every kind off materials and food into the town , but if it's not immediately used it might be in the way .

So please give us an indication on what is needed the most .

In name off The OrcBashers , Barion Firesteed .

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #44 on: June 15, 2008, 08:28:25 am »
* Slowly, but deliberately, peace and a resemblance of order returns to the large port city on the northernmost tip of Mistone.

Aid arrived quickly and from many places. Therefore the docks have been mostly rebuilt, destroyed homes cleared out and repair crews have moved in. Meanwhile a large camp site outside the city housed the many homeless during past months.

The stout people of the north have weathered yet another conflict and come out bruised, but intact. *

Script Wrecked

Re: Dragon attack on Leringard!
« Reply #45 on: June 15, 2008, 01:28:01 pm »
**In the still of the Leringard night, a first story window is thrown open. A dwarven lass anxiously peers out across the night scene, her copper tresses, tied in pony tail by day, are caught by the gentle night breeze.

The scene is almost one of tranquility, of a city gradually restoring itself to normal after the terrible calamity. And yet the dwarf is ill at ease, uncomfortable with the suggestion of hope presented before her, that it all might be made a dreadful lie again.

She rubs at the discomfort in her chest, but gets no relief from it, nor her nagging fears.**

// That's "first story window", not "ground floor window". //