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Author Topic: Heralds  (Read 2575 times)


« on: July 30, 2016, 09:20:44 pm »
Told by those who listen and watch for such things, by those whose jobs it is to see patterns in things, come disturbing rumors out of the Liwich Kingdom.On the same day at about the same time, in Hurm, Wymere, Redferns, Bitterridge and Liwich Castle, a lone stranger arrives. Each of these strangers is robed and hooded with the bearing of a person with strong beliefs and an unwavering conviction to them. Though largely human in appearance, reports differ as to the details. Some are said to wear pale grey-blue robes, carry a staves of pale sapphire with skin and eyes the tone of glacier ice, while others wear robes of earthen brown, carry staves of granite with skin and eyes colored like unfired clay. All seem to bear markings of some sort upon the skin that are visible. Whether the are scars, tattoos or some combination of both is unclear, and all seem lacking hair of any sort.In all reports, this figure comes into the center of town, plants its staff in the ground and speaks a prophecy of doom. Like so many false prophets, their words are initially vague except for one disturbing piece of information: Each of these heralds speak a specific date, exactly one fortnight plus one day from the first day they appeared, as the day of this doom. Once their words are spoken, they leave as they arrived, speaking to no one, answering no questions. This pattern repeats itself almost exactly for five days before anything changes. By this time, townspeople are either increasingly amused or apprehensive. Having already heard of the rumored and recent incursion into the lair of the Black which stirred the wrath of the great Wyrm, there is an undercurrent of anxiety throughout the kingdom. However, with no signs of anything resembling a dragon, even the elders who have memory of the last time begin to dismiss both rumors of retribution and the claims of the strange herald. Yet there is a gathering that grows by the day to hear the herald speak all the same. On the sixth day, the herald begins to tell a story, giving only a part of it each of the next five days. It speaks of the Five who trespassed into the lair of Dre'zlunkazhn, seeking plunder and death until at last they stood before the great Dragon Lord and that only because the Wyrm did will it to be. With the great Dragon, the Five did parlay, and a deal was struck, one that would allow the Five to keep their lives in exchange for a mere token from each and a tribute from One. Yet the One, the Foul, at the last moment cast aside this deal and struck at the Great Black, finding fortunate purchase with his weapon and dealing a mortal injury to the Dragon. “But the mighty Dre'zlunkazhn is not so easily destroyed,” says the herald. “and a Dragon's memory and wrath come unmatched.” And so, it is told on the last day, that five towns, one for each of the Five, will feel the touch of the Wasting.News of an impending plague grips the kingdom, adding fuel to previous rumors that the black dragon of the Moss Crypt sought revenge. Yet many elders in the visited towns, those whose memories are long enough to remember the last time someone dared to trespass on the beast, would say that retribution came much swifter and without warning. Those who did not panic and heeded the wisdom of the elders began to dismiss each herald's words as the propaganda of some new form of cult seeking to spread fear. Those who did panic left their homes behind in search of somewhere, anywhere, to be safe from the black dragon's vengeance.During this time, the townspeople showed growing disinterest in the herald, as the story goes on.. By the end of the tenth day, only a few bothered stop and listen and usually not to the whole of the herald's words.The next five days, and the final days before the predicted doom, the herald tells the tale again, but with one addition: The Five are given names. The tale is told again, naming each Daniel Poetr, “Knight Captain of the Great Gold”, Lana Poetr the Songstress and mate to Daniel, Farros Galdor the Loud of Arabel, Tori the Reluctant and lastly, Vrebel the Foul and he who brought this ruin upon all.On the last day, when the story ends with the treachery of Vrebel the Foul, the herald makes a final declaration, “Those who are worthy may yet survive. Those who are not shall fall and serve as warning to all others. Defile not the lair of Dre'zlunkazhn!”In a final act, the herald raises its staff and plants it forcefully into the ground one last time, only this time the staff and the herald disintegrates into vapor or dust, in the case of the “brown” heralds, that expands rapidly outward past all gathered and gets carried forth by the breeze until it seems to have entirely diffused and disappears from sight.For the rest of the day, nothing happens.
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin, Serissa, Acacea, Olme, cbnicholson, davidhoff, willhoff


*Muscles bulge from his
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2016, 02:58:46 am »

*Muscles bulge from his hulking biceps as he crumbles the brass ale stine with one hand.  The hooded man orders another ale and asks the local bard to play "The Black Plague" written by Farros the Loud again for the umpteenth time*

Fortunate purchace?  Fortunate purchase?!

*He mutters under his breath but gritting his teeth in an effort to not draw unecessary  attention to himself from his growing anger*

Fortunate my arse.  Thats decades a trainin', sacrafice, concentration.....*he trails off with a hickup*

Vrebel the Foul?  Ain't that a compliment comin' from them? eh?

*He flings his cloak around a bulky back, grabs his greatsword and places a large tip of five hundred trues under the table in a duffle bag. The large man heads to the Hurm docks as he weaves through the bar*





Daniel  upon hearing the
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2016, 12:48:38 pm »

Daniel  upon hearing the rumors and reports makes his way to Liwich Kingdom.  Upon arrival, he openly acknowledges his role to any who confront him and accepts any ill will with patience, stating he is there to help and perhaps, Gold willing, to take the hammer blow that is sure to come.  He questions any who witnessed the prophets, pressing for more details.  Finally, he dispatches a letter to Justicar Reus, informing his superior of his location and his intention to remain for the time being.



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


As usual, Lana tags along
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2016, 09:47:41 am »

As usual, Lana tags along with Daniel, hoping to keep him out of trouble.  She is heard to say with a sigh, "That man is stubborn as a donkey, but I love him."



// Thanks for the responses,
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2016, 10:57:41 pm »

// Thanks for the responses, folks, but the devil is in the details. IF you are going to Liwich somewhere, it's important to tell us where in Liwich and how you traveled there. We don't want to make any assumptions, and there are, in fact, different circumstances depending on where you go.



//Vrebel traveled to Lilwich
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2016, 06:43:52 pm »

//Vrebel traveled to Lilwich via ship from Leringard to Hurm when he heard of the Heralds.  After hearing the one in Hurm and his blasphemies he decided to get drunk in the local Hurm Bar.  He boarded a ship to North Point from there and left Hurm for North Point (I'm hoping they still have routes to there).  He hopefully left before the guy disintegrated but I'll leave that to you all.



willhoff wrote://Vrebel
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2016, 08:38:07 am »

Quote from: "willhoff"&cid="2760670"

//Vrebel traveled to Lilwich via ship from Leringard to Hurm when he heard of the Heralds.  After hearing the one in Hurm and his blasphemies he decided to get drunk in the local Hurm Bar.  He boarded a ship to North Point from there and left Hurm for North Point (I'm hoping they still have routes to there).  He hopefully left before the guy disintegrated but I'll leave that to you all.

// North Point is not within the Liwich kingdom and was not part of the initial description. If Vrebel wants to go to North Point, that's fine, but he won't find any heralds there.



//Okay.  I'll keep Vrebel in
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2016, 04:42:03 pm »

//Okay.  I'll keep Vrebel in Hurm then for now then.  After he heres of Daniel and Lana showing up he'll join up with them to face the music.  I had planned on having him try and pay a visit to Xora but thats probably better to do after we know what we're dealing with!



Twin figures stepped from the
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2016, 09:38:46 am »

Twin figures stepped from the portal in Dalanthar, the first, a taller older man with short cropped silver blonde hair,  sky blue eyes and matching silver face badger dressed in the clear regalia of a Knight of the Wyrm stepped clear then offered his hand to the next, a older beautiful woman of some elvish blood. "Well dear, this is where we start."  the man said to the other. "I must warn you , I doubt we will find much welcome in Liwich.  In fact, if we find any welcome at all it may be hostile, as in a mob with pitchforks and ropes." The Knight grimaced slightly. "We know we have come to help, but they may feel differently.    We are known by ill deed there now, if the rumors are true.    Are you certain you wish to brave such things, even at my side, Lana?"


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Still holding his hand, Lana
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2016, 11:28:53 am »

Still holding his hand, Lana turns to Daniel and says determinedly, "I'll not leave you to face them alone.  Your guilt is no more than mine.  Besides, if worst comes to worst, I want to be at your side.

Where are we going from here?  South to Liwich Castle?  I could keep us invisible until we reach it, although if they have guards at the border, we probably should check in."



Daniel looks at her with a
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2016, 12:26:34 pm »

Daniel looks at her with a smile then to the  south then nods, "Aye, Liwich Castle, I suspect we will be stopped long before we get there, my dear. I just want want you to be prepared for the worst.  I do not think it would be wise to attempt entry under illusion.  No, let them see us come openly, but I do think I will prepare us as best I can." His smile widens, "You remember the assasin of Leringard all those years ago?  This may be the same.  What I ask differently is that you give me a chance to speak ere you smash them with that wicked tamborine, eh?"  He starts walking south after a few prayers, still holding her hand, his blade firmly sheathed at his side.



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


p { margin-bottom: 0.1in;
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2016, 11:04:05 pm »

In the week following the apparent (and dramatic) disappearance of the doom sayers, the Church of Rofirien puts out a call to all able hands of any skill set. Those answering the call are put to immediate work, taking stock, coordinating the movement of supplies and bodies and/or actively being trained for healing work at all levels. All of their prepatory work seems, to even the casual observer (who might actually pay attention to such things), readied for mobile work in localities.

In the first few days of this openly observable preparation in Mistone, the islands and some places in Dregar, some note the appearance of white robed individuals appearing to be Aeridintes arriving with additional supplies.



After chating up some local
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2016, 09:15:33 pm »

After chating up some local salts at the docks about the rumours of the Black Plague Vrebel walks the permiter of the town studying the fortifications.  The reminisings of the old salts about the last attack on this town from the Blacks finally sinks in.  He also hears word of the Rofireinites movements and mobilizations.  Realizing he has to take action he heads to the town government center asking to speak to Regnant Morgenson and the local clergy.  He'll fill them in on what has recently transpired in the Mossy Crypt, taking full reponsibility.  He'll also offer his full support to help defend the city offering his mastery skills of woodmaking, tinkering and weapon making among others.  He'll also search to find if there are any Rofireinite mobilizations in the area and speak with them as well .  Lastly he offers to help pay out of his vast fortune whatever the costs to help prepare the city for what is surely to come.

Here we go again.  If they've fought them before they can fight em now.  That Black finally got his for what he's done and I got more of that when he comes back.

He mutters to himself as he heads into town



Rumor has it that Daniel
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2016, 07:03:00 pm »

Rumor has it that Daniel Poetr was assaulted by a kobold assassin of some skill while he was working in the Angels guild today.  Daniel was victorious, though a little shaken by his ordeal.  Worried shoppers were given free pie for their troubles.



willhoff wrote:After chating
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2016, 12:57:00 am »

Quote from: "willhoff"&cid="2760708"

After chating up some local salts at the docks about the rumours of the Black Plague Vrebel walks the permiter of the town studying the fortifications.  The reminisings of the old salts about the last attack on this town from the Blacks finally sinks in.  He also hears word of the Rofireinites movements and mobilizations.  Realizing he has to take action he heads to the town government center asking to speak to Regnant Morgenson and the local clergy.  He'll fill them in on what has recently transpired in the Mossy Crypt, taking full reponsibility.  He'll also offer his full support to help defend the city offering his mastery skills of woodmaking, tinkering and weapon making among others.  He'll also search to find if there are any Rofireinite mobilizations in the area and speak with them as well .  Lastly he offers to help pay out of his vast fortune whatever the costs to help prepare the city for what is surely to come.

Here we go again.  If they've fought them before they can fight em now.  That Black finally got his for what he's done and I got more of that when he comes back.

He mutters to himself as he heads into town

On his way toward the Mannor of the Regent, Vrebel over hears a number of supportive statements about the Regent's declaration to lock up any and all people responsible for the stirring of the Black Plague, as well as (possibly empty) threats to lcok up their families, their friends and their gods. A few people discuss his public rantings with a mixture of awe and fear, wondering what lengths he will go to when trying to punish those responsible. It is clear to Vrebel that the public generally supports the declaration.




His pace begins to slow as he
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2016, 09:01:23 pm »

His pace begins to slow as he makes his way into town.  Each time he overhears some commoner or noble talking about the Regent locking him up and his family and his....gods he begins to reconsider if this is the dummest things he's ever done...well maybe not the dummest.  He considers his options as he fills his canteen at the local sistern but then pours it out just in case.  The likelyhood of him getting arrested and locked up high, fair trial with these pirates and gangsters...low.  How much good is he going to acomplish sulking in some vomit filled prison cell?

He mounts his horse Chekeetah, flips over his hood and makes his way out of town  in the cover of a dark and wet night.  He'll make camp in the outskirts and contemplate his next move...possibly one of the other affected towns...the least fortified most likely.



((Just a long conversation
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2016, 02:00:30 pm »

((Just a long conversation between friends about the rumors while attending other things, nothing important, totally skippable, hehe. Of course once I finally wrote it up, things were already happening, I suppose that's appropriate in a way!))

At an inn near Vehl's temple to the Gold, a colorful halfling admires the somewhat plusher surroundings than what she's accustomed to from the city. Frequented largely by the Rofies&Friends of other cities, on their way to or from the temple, there seemed altogether less chance of getting her throat slit for cheating at dice here than in her usual. Though the water was still cheap ale, the food seemed much less likely to have something crawling in it, and they even had a half-rate lute player in the corner telling a story that she's arrived to in the middle.

She sits backwards on the bench to see, clapping or making impressed noises at sometimes odd places, but all in all being one of the few paying much attention to the poor fellow. Her bright smile shifts with the quickness of a bad poker player when names are announced, however, and the nature of her attention changes. Near the end, she interrupts to ask him to repeat a part, and asks with a grin if he chose that embellishment or if that is as he heard it. Bells chime at her wrist as she absently flips him a coin she'd forgotten she had at the response, then races up the stairs with light feet to hiss at a door.
"PSSSSST. We gotta problem!"

Jennara stands to ask her the nature of the problem as she leans back against the door, tongue lolling out of her mouth as if she's just run a marathon. Realizing she's neglected to tell her dream-sister some of the latest news, she sketches out the bones of what she's heard of a recent raid before outlining the story that's come "five ways from Pirate Land" as she heard it, emphasizing its ending.

"If the story has not been embellished, and the messengers disappeared as described, could the vapor or dust be dangerous? How old is this story? How long ago is 'a while back?'"

Acacea spreads her hands in an exaggerated motion and contests that the first question is at the very core of her suggested problem, but as she starts to answer the next she pauses with an eye squinted and then shrugs with a sheepish expression.
"Um... I don't know. A lot of traveling ago, but not like YEARS..."

Jennara nods, unsurprised at the other's inability to narrow it down. "The story has had time to come five ways from Pirate Land."

"Yeah! But man, if these guys are Dre's and not just inspired fanatics," she starts, and muses on the calculated difference between this and his previous lashings out.

"I am not aware of the political situation among the dragons," Jennara admits, another halfling but recently returned from the world as others knew it. "Do you know anything about it? Could a more subtle dragon be controlling the response?"

Acacea's arms fold as she begins expressing skeptically what might lead "McShadface" to being more relevant than "Fisty," but shifts gears midsentence with,
"but I haven't been really although there have been some issues with the younger dragons, so if the big boys were staying above the fray, Dre would have to make an example not just to keep out raiders, and not just to save scale - so to speak - to the big dragons, but maybe also because of having lorded over all the younger ones..."

The soft-spoken halfling in the simple robes listens calmly through the shift in direction, accustomed even after all this time to the lightning-fast jumps in thought and the usually silly, but occasionally brilliant connection of far-flung points. "What kinds of issues?" she asks, patiently clarifying the points that seem important.

A few colorful curses grumble out of the other before she tosses off some examples of getting "too big for the skins" or clashing with locals.
"Prolly just in their cow-torching stage," she shrugs after admitting she'd thought previously that someone had been deliberately pulling their tails. "But if they are nipping at some of the older dragons' talons or what have you, or were, might be another reason to come out strong. Just a thought!"

Jennara nods a little. "A less direct approach could be seen as more powerful. Where are 'all these places?'"

Acacea opens her mouth, pauses, and then closes it again with a sheepish grin, admitting that she has no idea besides that Hurm was one of them, and that there'd been one for each raider, to which Jennara nods and wonders if Hurm had some significance for one of the raiders, or if it was merely a convenient and easy target. At first the bard seems inclined towards the latter, but a thought strikes her and she suggests the opposite. "
After That One Time and then the war, Hurm really built up their anti-dragon stuff." She nods to herself as she continues, "If he'd come out in a rage, Hurm might not have fallen as quick as he'd like to make a show of it? But if those guys are really his and he really pulls it off..."

Her hand lifts to tug at her ear, almost talking to herself now as she considers defenses being rendered impotent with a word. "It would be a coup... yoa, if this were DeeDee I could see it easy. Crushing with a single - erm... person thing? Not even bothering to come out himself." Her dark eyes raise to meet Jennara's brown ones, and she adds that if this is really how it starts, she wouldn't have pegged him for it but it's good, before admitting that she also was gone for a long time, missing the last half of the war and its fallout. "The politics of it all could be all upended!"

Though they speak longer and with further details, Jennara slowly acquiring all the specifics that Acacea can recall, their conversation winds to a somber note when they both acknowledge that if all of this has already occurred, it could all be over, already, and they just haven't heard yet. "Or if the puffery really WAS an attack, the intent could be to spread from there... I mean, think of all the people that must have left afterward just in case, right? Let alone the normal traveling..." Jennara sighs and nods.

"What do you think? It all just seems subtle right now, like maybe the little dragons are laughing at him or something while nothing happens, but then..." she trails off ominously and raises her eyebrows to Jennara, then slides to the floor with a sigh after throwing out a few more possibilities. "Blah, I hate not knowing things!"

"I am curious how many of the raiders are protectors and defenders. Attacking the innocent is no punishment to some. Even the possible damage to reputation from such a response could be minimal; how much does it hurt a mercenary or adventurer to lose the favor of a certain town when he still holds the renown from killing a dragon?" She pauses, then shrugs slightly. "I may not understand dragons. Or adventurers."

"That's true... other than Moustache they might just shrug off the blame, and you know some people are going to start with their genocidal rants and want to hire them."

Jennara adds another task for herself once her obligations to the temple are complete, but the exchange seems to stall there at the belief that this has only just started -- that things are moving or have already moved, that they are far away and powerless to alter events in this moment.



*some days of travel later*As
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2016, 03:38:54 pm »

*some days of travel later*

As they crossed over the mountains south of Dalanthar, Daniel notes a curious sight, a small band of white robed priests ahead of them, bearing supplies and medicines.  Making haste they catch up, learning of the call for aid from Liwich to the North Point priests.  After some small words, they travel on, hoping to meet up with the small camp of his fellows.

"Bitterridge, eh?  Perhaps we will learn more of what befalls Liwich there, my dear?" Daniel says somewhat sadly, "At least my brothers and sisters of the Dragon seem prepared by accounts.  Aye, let us make for this village first and see what aid we can bring."

*the duo travels on by foot watchful for guards said to be on duty*



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Daniel settles into the
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2016, 09:50:55 am »

Daniel settles into the clinic assigned to him outside Bitteridge, grateful to the brother Rofirenite who alerted him to the dangers in Liwich.  Altering his clothing by switching to a plain white robe with matching white hood which he keeps up most of the time unless alone with Lana, he administers what aid he can to the afflicted.  He consults heavily with his fellows and the Aerindinites as to possible treatments, making careful notes of the disease progression and the practical efforts that seem to have some effect on it. 

As he hears the rumors of a halfling hero coordinating movements along with others known to him, he smiles.  Despite the death all around, there is hope.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


The embers hiss as he pours
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2016, 04:23:54 pm »

The embers hiss as he pours the last of his coffee on what used to be his small campfire from the night before.  Vrebel straitens and stands a grimmace at the new crick in his back.  He looks back at the pumes rising from Hurm's fortified city, the stench of burning flesh still permeates everything he wears and almost seems embeded in his skin and nostrils.

After hearing various stories regarding him and the others it seems his best option is to make his way back inside.  A glimmer of hope, as he learns of what he assumes is  Jennara and Acacea's arrival to Hurm.  Seems from most people he hears of those sharing his camp and passers by folks don't really recognize his advantage he thinks from wearing that horned helm religiously...sometimes even to bed.

He's sporting a haggered beard now and changes into some old leathers.  He'll store his enchanted mithril scale mail armour, great swords and other niceities at the bank vault inside.  Once he gets his bearings (meaning a few ales) he'll search out the famous halflings and look to help moving bodies, supplies or other things.....maybe he can do some good.


