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Author Topic: Lor  (Read 3104 times)


Re: Lor
« Reply #160 on: November 03, 2010, 05:00:44 am »
Sasha takes time to do a full investigation into who triggered the false alarm. Then askes for an overall assessment from each division on response times etc. She demands a full accouting for all materials taken from the warehouses and demands everything be returned in full.


Re: Lor
« Reply #161 on: November 05, 2010, 05:47:46 pm »

Word hits the streets in Lor, rumours abound, stories and imaginations run wild!

4 scouts from the army were captured as they camped 10 miles inside Lors sovereign territory. Soldiers trained by Captain Argali found the men and eagerly and triumphantly dragged them to Castle Mask where authorities have placed the men in prison, unsure and fearful of what to do next.

A messenger has been dispatched to the Diet in Lor for help in deciding the matter. No word has as yet come from Rael.

All this as the bulk of the Southern Rael army wends its way ever closer to the southernmost regions of Rael.


Re: Lor
« Reply #162 on: November 07, 2010, 02:05:25 am »
A specialist team of negotiators led by Captain Argali are sent to Castle Mask to conduct the potential handover of the errant scouts back to Rael before further border incidents can develop. Reassurance is provided at Lor with increased vigilance.
 The scouts are likely to be expertly questioned and to better identify their task before their proposed negotiated return.


Re: Lor
« Reply #163 on: November 07, 2010, 02:45:50 am »
// Quick insert...

As the negotiators are assembled one joins their ranks and takes charge, Captain Argali with express orders from the Diet joins the team travelling to Castle Mask.


Re: Lor
« Reply #164 on: November 13, 2010, 03:56:53 am »
No less than 24 hours after Captain Argali reaches Castle Mask to interrogate the prisoners than they are escorted under heavy guard to the border with Rael and released. The prisoners appear somewhat beleagured after their sojourn with the Castle Mask soldiers and are eager to put the place behind them.

Within days the Diet issues a proclamation to the effect that while Lor is considered to be in agreeance with Rael over their continued war against the Dark Elf threat to the lands it does not give sanction to any Raelian military units for any purpose to cross the borders into lands controlled by Lor.

The Diet further declares that any such transgression may be seen as an act of intention. A serious matter indeed.


Re: Lor
« Reply #165 on: November 18, 2010, 12:38:46 am »
Lor celebrated today as the visiting ships from Liwich docked at the famous port. Regnant Saviar Morgensen was greeted with raptuous applause from the large numbers of people who gathered at the docks.

Many too arrived just to see the ships of the famous Blood Circle Captains who in the last decade have given Liwich almost entire control of the seas west of Dreger against slavers and pirates.

City officials took the advantage of the visit to put on a large show for them and for the people of the city who in recent months have lived with more fear and trepidation from threats to the north that they care to think about. It was a good chance to many to revel for a while and forget about their own worries and the worries of their beleaguered nation.


Re: Lor
« Reply #166 on: November 27, 2010, 06:02:38 pm »
Regnant Saviar Morgensen was extended an offer by the Mayors of Lor to stay for a few days and view the city. An offer the Regnant has graciously accepted.

On the second day he was treated to a tour of the more charming areas of the city including the old boat building yards that had been filled in to provide more warehousing for mercantile consortiums trading through Lor.

Rumours began to spread when the Regnant of Hurm also took time out of his scedule for private meeting with Captain Argali of the Beacon Guards. Supporters of Rael claiming that Lor may be trying to gain an alliance with Hurm while supporters of Lor indicating it was probably just to get advice on the use of the ships Captain Argali had helped capture from pirates several years prior.

As yet the content of the discussion at the meeting has been left to speculation.

On a side note there was an incident near the docks in the early hours of the morning. Details are not clear but it seems several persons, presumably smugglers, have been killed by the Regnants Guards as they tried to get aboard Saviars own ship. The Regnant refused to comment on the incident. The bodies were handed over to Militia after the incident.


Re: Lor
« Reply #167 on: December 14, 2010, 05:02:50 am »
*Xanya Enyafailm comes back to her home in Lor(outskirts of castle mask) after being away for several months. As she drops some supplies in her home she starts to wonder what has been happening in Lor while she was away.
So she starts to walk to and around Lor asking people for information*

Script Wrecked

Re: Lor
« Reply #168 on: December 14, 2010, 05:46:26 am »
Quote from: silverdraco
*Xanya Enyafailm comes back to her home in Lor(outskirts of castle mask) after being away for several months. As she drops some supplies in her home she starts to wonder what has been happening in Lor while she was away.
So she starts to walk to and around Lor asking people for information*

// [POST=1709975]Link[/POST]. //

Script Wrecked

Re: Lor
« Reply #169 on: December 15, 2010, 07:10:24 am »
When news [POST=1710572]comes[/POST] of the occupation of Castle Mask by the Southern Rael army, (amongst other things) word is sent to any dwarves [POST=1708053]remaining[/POST] in the outlying communities that this is likely the last opportunity they have to relocate to Lor before things turn, at the least, exciting, and, potentially, deadly.


Re: Lor
« Reply #170 on: December 16, 2010, 08:26:40 am »
On hearing of the fiasco unfolding at Castle Mask Sasha orders an inspection of the quartermasters warehouse for the militia and other forces in Lor.

Upon arriving at the warehouse she is suprised to find it half empty. Demanding to know where all the equipment has gone the harrassed clerks indicate that when Diet Member Angela Swann resigned her post and left Lor she reclaimed everything she had provided for the forces.

Sasha's response was to click her tongue in annoyance before spinning on her heel and marching for the offices of the Mayors.


Re: Lor
« Reply #171 on: December 16, 2010, 04:50:31 pm »
*As Rael's forces grow ever closer to Lor and with Lord Rancion III's bold new move into Castle Mask, Vrebel makes haste to the Marshal's office to ask if there is anything that Lor and its army is in need of in way of armor, weapons, or any other military related supplies*


Re: Lor
« Reply #172 on: December 16, 2010, 05:07:02 pm »
Having just emerged from the Mayors offices Sasha has that look of growing anxiousness mingled with determination when she almost runs down Vrebel in her haste. Uttering a curse in dwarven she stops suddenly recognising the muscled wall of flesh she ran into was actually Vrebel.

Relaxing suddenly she clasps a firm hand on his shoulder gripping tightly. Just the man I needed to see, and leads him towards her offices.

(A discussion unfolds after that in relation to growing angst in Lor, growing unrest, lack of arms and equipment, fearful soldiers, and lack of strong directional leadership since Angela Swann has departed.)


Re: Lor
« Reply #173 on: December 16, 2010, 06:15:22 pm »
*Vrebel blushes a bit when Sasha bumps into him but quickly regains his composer.

During their discusions in her office Vrebel agrees with her that fears and anxieties are hightened among the soldiers and the common folk.  He lets her know that he will fight till the end for Lor as it his home.  

As far as leadership, Vrebel makes is known that he doesnt want to step on Captain Argali's toes or get in the way of Sasha but will do what ever is needed to help contain the situation.  He will help to supply armor and weapons as well.

After his discussion with the Marshal, Vrebel visits the soldiers on the front lines and shares war stories and helps them train to boost their moral*


Re: Lor
« Reply #174 on: December 16, 2010, 09:26:14 pm »
*A hooded man disembarks at the port of Lor and takes in the air. The restlessness among the dockworkers spices the air. The signs of great conflict and change at hand is nothing less then invigorating. He mingles with the populace and tries to discern what the common opinion is on Angela Swann's departure and the Raelite threat.*

*If the townsfolk of Lor regret Member of the Diet Swann's departure, he would berate them for their silence, stating they could have changed much by lending their voice to her cause. Still, he would tell them there might still be ample opportunity for them to let their voice be heard. The battle has not been fought yet and even if the guard of Lor has lost their nerves, the Stonebound have not, neither has Angela Swann.*


Re: Lor
« Reply #175 on: December 17, 2010, 03:01:01 am »
*Xanya Enyafailm comes back from her unsuccessful trip to Castle mask wearing a rather sexy outfit. She immediately goes to her home and as she enters some elven curses and loud roar almost sounding like that of a bear can be heard before the door is thrown shut behind her, rumbling most of the house windows.

Inside Xanya locks all chests that belong to her to prevent them from being opened incase unwanted people enter her home. she also changes her clothing to that of her usual outfit. Then she grabs herself some wood cutting axes and heads out of the house.

As she exits her house she still has a rather angry look on her face and her body language isn't that friendly either. Wood cutting axes can clearly be seen on her belt as can be her large blade which seems to be almost as big as herself. She is seen heading into the woods.
One can only assume she is going to cut wood to help protect her home.*


Re: Lor
« Reply #176 on: December 17, 2010, 11:24:06 am »
*After speaking to Vrebel regarding his talk with Sasha and the situation in Lor, Tralek makes way to the Quartermaster's warehouse to donate the following items to the army of Lor:

1 Cloak of Reistance +2
1 Dragonskin Buckler
1 Archer Belt
1 Brawler Belt
1 Swordsmans Belt
1 Belt of Eluding
1 Cobalt Reinf. Cloth
1 M. Adventurer's Robes
20 Rings of Bull's Strenth +2
1 Ring of Fox's Cunning +2
6 Rings of Endurance +2
4 Rings of Garnet set in Plat.
14 Rings of Cat's Grace +2
1 Designer Ring
2 Dorand's Helper Rings
1 Ring of Protection
2 Amulets of Owl's Wisdom +2
4 Amulets of Fox's Cunning +2
5 Amulets of Bull's Strength +2
5 Amulets of Endurance +2
1 Amulet of Cat's Grace +2

After leaving the Quartermaster's Warehouse, Tralek goes back to his home to make arrangments to store its belongings somewhere safe and to secure it from a possible invasion.  He then graps a few special items and packs his bags and heads out the doors into the woods around Castle Mask.*


Re: Lor
« Reply #177 on: December 19, 2010, 04:06:45 pm »
*after a long time Xanya comes back to her house in Lor, outskirts of castle mask. She has a large amount of hickory planks with her. She uses them to cover up her windows since she expects war to come to her home any time now. She then goes back inside the house to prepare herself for what the future has in-stored for her and Lor.*


Re: Lor
« Reply #178 on: December 19, 2010, 05:12:32 pm »
*Vrebel approaches the quartermaster's on horseback with a small cart in tow.  He slides off four large chests and opens them for the soldier in charge to view.*

Hope this helps *a nod*  Tell the Marshal there'll be more comin'

*With that he hops back in his saddle, a slight grunt from his horse, and heads back to his home.  Contents of the chests:

1 Cloak of Resistance
1 Adamantium bastard sword-silver lv3, fire lev4
1 Garnet set in platinum amulet
1 Exceptional garnet set in platinum ring
1 Adamantium Great Sword- titanium lev4/electric lev4
1 Gloves of Fury- fire resist/-10
1 Adamantium Great Sword- titanium lev4/cold lev4
1 Gloves of the Scouts
1 Pair boots of reflexes
1 Talisman of the defenders
1 Pair Stones boots
1 Diamond ring of bulls
1 Diamond ringo of bulls - cold resist/-10
1 ring of the defenders
1 Amulet of Bulls Strength- elec resist/-10
1 Adamantium Helm- cold resist/-10
1 Pair boot of the Militia
1 Greater Flight of Fancy Bow
6 Adamantium shortswords
3 Iron chain shirts
2 Iron shields
1 Belt of Aquisition
1 Utility Belt
5 Cobalt Helms
1 Iron Heater shield
1 adamantium dagger
1 Iron chainmail

*Most of the armor and weapons have the markings of being recently made to the trained eye


Re: Lor
« Reply #179 on: December 20, 2010, 01:37:49 am »
The man looks at him open mouthed as he departs then turns to a subordinate,

"Well dont just stand there gaping! Get some men out here to get it inside!"