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Author Topic: Memorial Desecration  (Read 217 times)


Memorial Desecration
« on: September 22, 2009, 10:50:46 pm »
Through the town of Vehl, half whispers talks of the desecration of Arkolio's memorial. Somehow, under the nose of the guards and people that were gathered to pay their respects, a writing of red ink appeared on the pages of the book.

"Arkolio, the biggest farce of all"

No one that were present at the moment the writing appeared, saw who did the deed, nor how the person did it.
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Script Wrecked

Re: Memorial Desecration
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2009, 11:43:10 pm »
// FYI, the in-game DM supervised event. //


Re: Memorial Desecration
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2009, 11:35:08 am »
Ni'haer eyes the writing meticulously before leaving. He walks towards the docks and mumbles to himself as he ponders. Afterward, he makes haste for Fort Wayfare through the portal in Arkolio's old abode. As he reaches the fort, he vanishes as he casts his magic. He reappears inside the inn and speaks to a man, garbed in dark robes as they talk for a bit in one of the more private parlors.

"These fools are getting far more courageous now that Arkolio is gone. No matter, so long as they stay away from our affairs they will be of no trouble. For now, we must find information on those that seek to exploit our diminished numbers, and exterminate every last one of them."

"Understood, my liege" the lackey replies.

"Halt all operations for the time being and recall all of our agents. I shall silence these infidels with help from the other individuals investigating the mess made in Fort Vehl. Recent events have also opened up an attempt for a scrying ritual to find these fools, provided I secure something from them. Perhaps the desecrated parchment from Arkolio's mourning book will help in the process, how convenient. They claim that we're expendable, what an insult! I'll rend the flesh from their bones and show them what it means to be expendable!"

The subordinate simply nods and writes a few things down as Ni'haer leaves the private parlor and runs off towards the woods.

//All part of a bigger scheme of things regarding the TLI quest series as well as Arkolio's death. I'm just showing off Ni'haer's anger towards the people that attacked us in Fort Vehl. Misdirected anger to say the least.


Memorial Desecration
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2009, 02:59:37 pm »
*After picking a few ears of corn outside of Fort Vehl, a small elven lady dressed in blue steps into the gates and heads to Ark's memorial.  She cast a soft glow around the book as she kneels down in front of it. Her eyes widen as she looks to the open pages then tilts her head up at the  woman next to her*

*The near by lady sniffs as she looks to the one in blue*

Some people are sick.. just sick! Who would write that.. it.. its just.. awful!

 *The woman in blue sighs softly as she looks to the lady*

Did anyone see who did that?

*The teary eyed lady shakes her head and buries her nose in her hankerchief.*

*Sadly she looks at the writing as she runs her fingers across the red ink. Then looks around to the others near the memorial.*

Did anyone see anything?

A mourning lady close by speaks in an icy tone, staring at the book

Nothing M'lady. But such people should be hung

*Nodding sadly the lady in blue sits a few moments studying the writing. Mostly to herself as she opens her spellbook*

There has to be something that can be done....

*The mourning lady sniffs before moping off* Unless you can remove ink...

*Sighing as she flips through the pages* I will try and see if I can...

                                                        *Then stops on a page and runs her fingers across the lines on the book, softly reading to herself*   This may work..

           *The woman lowers her book so she can look at the red ink again, then goes back to reading the page in her book. It seems she is almost having a conversation with herself as she sits her open spell book on the ground next to her. One more time before she starts to cast she looks over the red ink again making notes of the hand writing.

The teary eye lady watching curiously ... *

What have you done?

Nothing yet miss...I'm going to try a spell to see if I can remove it.

 *looking at her and then looking at the book* Really? You can do that?

It should remove the ink from the pages..

           Oh! That would be marvellous! *As she starts clapping her hands together excitedly*

Don't get to excited yet..

*Then she focus on the red ink and begins cast with repeat the words in her spell book. Afterwards the woman smiles as she runs her hand over the pages*

           You.. you did it! Oh this is wonderful!

           But we need to try to keep it from happening again

                      We will keep a constant vigil on it... to make sure no one can write such.. horrid things again

           Make sure they keep the sight up Miss

           *Several ladies make an arm chain, linked one to the other, grim feminine determination in their eyes that strikes fear into the hearts of men*

           *The woman in blue pulls her hood back up and tosses her bag over her shoulder. With her spell book in her hands she nods to each lady and smiles softly to a young man near by before heading to the gates*


Re: Memorial Desecration
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2009, 03:41:13 pm »
*Some where on the walls, a man looks at the scene and snickers. He is not dressed as any one ever seen him dressed in before*

"they will have to rest one day or an other.. I'll be there"

He whispers to himself.

"one has to wonder though.. pages and water don't go well, nor does pages and fire. But still it will rain and the poor book will be done for. Well unless it's protected somehow. Well if the book can't be destroyed.. what surrounds it can."

*He walks slowly and after turning a corner, he is no where to be found.*


Re: Memorial Desecration
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2009, 04:15:25 am »
*A small elven woman, dressed all in red, approaches the memorial and looks about her. She reads the words and seems pleased at what she now sees. Turning slightly, she nods slightly to the RedArm guard and makes a small motion with her hands; perhaps in recognition and an unspoken command?
 She walks among the mourners, speaking words of encouragement and condolence. She makes sure she is seen as she drops a donation into the well before she walks off slowly and is lost among the shadows of the town.*
 'Ah must talk tae ra guards tae see if they knows any mair aboot ra murderer. We canni let lawbreakers go unpunished.'