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Author Topic: Prantz is burning!  (Read 543 times)


Prantz is burning!
« on: December 27, 2010, 03:57:49 am »
Across Rael soldiers are thinned in their ranks from outlying areas of the nation as the bulk are recalled to Prantz after it seems the Cult have initiated a series of strikes on the capital city Prantz.

Days after Lord Rancion III was recalled from Castle Mask news is starting to spill forth.

It seems that despite Rael's best efforts the Cult have infiltrated Prantz through a number of Cult cells and positioned themselves for suicide strikes on different quarters of the city.

At least four groups have been identified by Rofireinite and Rael investigators within the city itself already.

Prantz is in a state of Martial law as Lord Rael has vowed to find the perpetrators of this most insidious offences against his people.

Even as the bulk of his armies make their way back to Prantz, soldiers, milita, fire crews and local citizens in the city work hard to battle the blazing fires that have already consumed a number of lives and are spreading in many areas.

In the Military district a large local militia barracks was targeted in which 150 militia have lost their lives as they slept and the building went up around them.

In the Courts district part of the courthouse was destroyed and some surrounding buildings belonging to various functionaries were lost as well as the lives of a dozen fire fighters when a building collapsed without warning.

An attempt to light the Office of records was thwarted but three buildings nearby have been lost.

At least thirty homes have been lost in the poorer quarter of the city where the houses back up against a large warehouse that stored army supplies.

Several warehouses in the Haft lake district have been lost and a dozen homes are still ablaze.

In the merchants district the main market place is burning out of control as it consumes all the businesses surrounding it.

One wing of the castle where Lord Rael works has also been damaged by fire in the closest any have come to the Lord of Rael in the attacks.

Several signs have been found in the city stating the following:

"Stay out of our business or the damage will be far worse."

For now there have been a large loss of life but numbers will not be known until the blazes are gathered under control and investigators can begin to sift through the mess.

Early indications are that Lord Rael himself has been walking the streets of Prantz inspecting each and every fire and he does not look happy. It's said he held a human women who had lost her husband while she cried and vowed to bring those responsible to Justice.
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Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2010, 11:04:48 am »
*Upon hearing the news, Jil rushes to the House of Hope Orphanage  to check on the children under her care.  She prays that those working there were able to see the children to safety if the fires spread into that corner where they are housed.*


Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2010, 06:29:43 am »
As night falls, a figure emerges from a hidden cave mouth. From an opening that leads to the Deep in the Rael Kingdom, Ni'haer dons a hardened expression as he observes the fires and the smoke at a distance. He re-enters the cavern and makes for whatever awaits him underneath the world.

"This is seriously bad for business."

Lance Stargazer

Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2010, 07:26:44 am »
*Upon hearing the news Lance dispatches a courier towards the city, aiming at overlooking the damages and the workings that are done, The courier arrives as well with a letter to the Orphanage looking for her caretaker and delivers a letter , he stays on the city for some days and then returns to Hilm Castle*


Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2010, 08:45:06 am »
*Somewhere in Folian's forest, an old ranger/arcane archer is seen dancing with his dire wolf after hearing the news.*


Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2010, 09:17:21 am »
Three better known Knights of the Wyrm are seen attempting entry into Prantz several days after the fires.  One in particular, a large fellow, is stopped at the gates by the guards.  After a brief whispered conversation in which a loud bellow of "Mes smash baddies!" is heard more than once the two Knights are left at the gate and one goes into the city proper after clearly dismissing the other two.  After several moments the smaller of the two knights leads the other away from the city into Haft Lake District, a look of clear disapointment evident on his features.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2010, 09:17:52 am »
*Kurn and Gorm drink a heavy amount of liquor back in a bar on Mistone when one belches to the other*

Kurn: Oi Gorm, what ye call a fire in Prantz?
Gorm: I dunno Kurn, Wha?

Har Har Har!

K:Yer heard all them peasants folk in the poor quarter?  Lost everything, thar homes, thar family, thar arms n limbs, even the shirt off thar back in tha fire...
G: Oi, too bad fer em, eh? Cult must be gettin ter em.
K: Cult nothin!  They happy! They think this just be Rael FINALLY GOIN EASY ON EM!



Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2010, 03:00:57 pm »
*Sounds of a weapon contacting a training dummy echoes throughout the Angels Guild hall in Port Hempstead. When Kyle is told of the fires in Prantz...the strikes become cleaner more focused...his step having more bounce to them...*


Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2010, 11:55:12 pm »
An older woman, dressed in a purple dress and wearing a hooded cloak, leaves the Leringard Orphanage after some business there and heads to the docks, looking to board a ship headed to the nearest port to Prantz.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2011, 03:43:18 pm »
*Jil arrives to find the House of Hope Orphanage untouched.  She assesses the situation, taking whatever measures are needed for the safety of the children and those caring for them.  If needed, she would take the children to her home in Haft Lake if the situation requires.

Sharyn is there as well to help with whatever is needed.*


Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2011, 04:11:11 pm »
An aged half-orc woman walks the quarter-mile or so to Jil's doorstep and offers her help in whatever needs to be done for the kids.  With her are two grown men, one in the colors of Katia and the other wearing a symbol of Rofirein around his neck.  Both men offer up whatever help they can including extra security for the orphans during this troubled time in Prantz.


Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2011, 06:38:55 pm »
Almost three weeks later and public announcements are issued throughout Rael that the fires caused by a Cult attack have been extinguished and services are returning to normal.

Lord Rael has lifted the curfew but soldiers prevent any from going near any of the scenes of the fire. Rofireinite investigators sift through the debris trying to determine more facts while Lord Rael awaits their reports on the attacks.

In the meantime the people of Rael are grumbling and complaining about the attacks and the indecency of it. Many already are calling on Lord Rael to retaliate the same way he did against the Dark Elves.

In some corners others are calling on Lord Rael to finally bring the kingdom fully under his control including Golden, Castle Mask and Lor to show a strong unified nation and face the terrible threat of the Cult once and for all.


Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2011, 12:20:19 am »
"Unified?"  Tyra laughs at the last bit of news.  "Lor just took up arms -against- Rael, and the people in Prantz think strong arming the southern province will unite the people?"  She shakes her head sadly.  "What morons.  This is what complaisancy does to people.  Makes them ignorant and foolish."


Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2011, 09:52:18 pm »
Two weeks after the fires have been controlled and the Rofireinites continue their investigations.

In the Castle in Prantz messengers are seen heading out to all quarters of the kingdom with dispatches from Lord Rael himself. Their contents unknown, each one sealed and carried personally by loyal All'ra.

Meanwhile the recalled armies from across Rael once again settle in the established camps south of the city and await fresh orders.


Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2011, 10:03:33 pm »
Word is that the Rofireinite Voices of Justice in Westerngate have given orders for the assembly and transport of a small unit(20) of Knights of the Wyrm under the command of Knight Captain Kyle Vendrik to Prantz.

The Knights are to escort Senior Warden Markus Lorn and his attendants to Prantz with all due haste and assume command of the investigations currently underway.

This action of the Rofireinites is supposedly in direct response to a request from Lord Rael himself for a senior investigator to tie everything together and make a final report within the next month.

Rumours are that Lord Rael has confirmed to the Rofireinites when asked, that he had nothing to do with the attacks in Kuhl. But then, he said the Dark Elves were at war with Rael too...


Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2011, 06:30:18 pm »
In the nation of Rael the city of Prantz has almost literally come to a standstill as the Rofireinite Senior Warden Markus Lorn has at last entered the castle to present his final report to Lord Rael directly on the matter of the attacks on Prantz purportedly undertaken by the nation of Kuhl under the direction of the Green Dragon Cult.

Outside the castle thousands of citizens have gathered to await word of what transpired and also to see what Rael will do once he knows truly what happened.

Also, just hours before the Senior Warden entered the castle a small force of mixed Raelite soldiers assembled and marched south under the leadership once again of Lord Rancion III. The prominant human in the Rael army having previously been part of an unusual and supposedly bungled attempt at bringing Golden and Castle mask under Rael control. An attempt which saw a large Rael force routed by a small host of combined Lor and Castle Mask forces led by Captain Argali of the Beacon Guards of Lor.

The force of 1000 soldiers led by Lord Rancion carries the Flags of Rael, the Rael Southern Army, House Rancion and a symbolic white flag of truce as they wend their way south. What is going on???


Re: Prantz is burning!
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2011, 11:01:08 pm »
The day passes and thousands more gather until the streets of Prantz are effectively blockaded by concerned citizens. Even much of the soldiery have come into the city to hear what their Lord rael will announce to the people.

Finally in the late afternoon there is movement at the castle and the Rofireinite Senior Warden along with his attendants leave the castle. They are tightlipped and eager to depart the area as quickly as they are able.

Shortly after a dozen All'ras leave the Castles main gate and arrange a clear area before it and assign Elite Castle Guards to form barricades between the cleared area and the masses.

Not long after that several Rael generals leave the Castle and take up position to the right of the gate. Moments later the familiar figure of Lord Rael moves forward. He pauses for a few moments just inside the gate as the afternoon sunlight falls across his face. The he moves forward again to rise a podium the All'ra's had arranged.

A priestess of Sulterio moves to stand beside him and a human Raelian mage to the other side who casts some sort of incantation to project Lord Raels voice across the entire area.

"My beloved people of Rael, hear me.

The facts of the matter at hand have been collected, sorted, investigated and finally presented in a report by our friends and allies the Rofireinites.

I tell you now, the truth is this;

That agents of the nation of Kuhl, those that call themselves the Green Dragon Cult have indeed infiltrated our lands, our towns, our villages, our beloved city of Prantz.

Indeed the very men and women that attacked our city are believed to have been part of an elaborate plot to force us... yes I say force US! to march south and take over our southern cousins in Golden, Castle mask and Lor. While we were to be occupied in such a venture it was their goal to strike elsewhere and consolidate their grip on Dreger before we could respond.

This is also the truth;

The facts are not certain in some cases but when I look at the report this is what I see.

I see an attack on MY people, I see an attack on MY city and I see an attack on OUR way of life, our peace, our safety.

YOU, the people of this great nation are more important to me than anyone else in this world and I will protect you and defend you to my last drop of blood.

But...there is something we must do and we must do it together. We MUST right a wrong. We MUST see that JUSTICE is done. Not only for our city, but for those whose lives were lost in this vicious and grevious assault on our city, those who have worked alongside us to make this nation GREAT! Our friends and families."

He pauses for a moment almost melodramatically hanging his head lamenting the lost lives. The crowd is quiet hanging on his every word until finally he raises his eyes to the crowd once again.

"I do not wish to, in good conscience ask this of you, my people, but it is necessary. We, the people of this nation must ensure that we cannot be terrorised, nor brought low by such cowardly actions.

My beloved people of Rael, it is my humblest request that you stand with me as we endeavour to reclaim our dignity and honour and exact Justice on those that have sought to act against us.

I ask YOU now, will you join me, will you fight for our nation, will you support Rael as we join those who would seek to bring this Green Dragon Cult to its knees?"

He raises his arms high and almost as one a mighty roar goes up from the thousands of peolpe gathered, deep dwarves, humans, elves, haflings, gnomes alie, together, shoulder to shoulder.

Through it all Lord Rael basks in the glory of it his arms raised to the sky his eyes closed and a grim smile on his lips.

