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Author Topic: Reward  (Read 763 times)


« on: October 09, 2011, 01:02:34 am »
*** A notice is nailed to a bulletin board near the Stormcrest Crossroads with a single sterling silver brad ***


[SIZE=18]Reward of at least 1000 true for killing worshippers of Rofirein.

Extra special bonus for Knights of the Wyrm or those professing to be clerics of the faith.  

Place containers with proof of the kill at the Stormcrest Crossroads.  Ensure proof is in the form of a body part from the kill.  Coin shall be deposited in your world bank account at the Fort Vehl branch.
The following users thanked this post: Alatriel


Re: Reward
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2011, 01:23:01 am »
A patrol wandering through the area have some locals point out the sign to them in outrage at the temerity of someone to do such a thing.

The authorities concur with them and dutifully remove the sign reporting in to their superiors eventually of its discovery so future patrols can do the same should they find any.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Reward
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2011, 10:28:00 am »
*Melody wanders past and sees a sign (before its removed) and notices that its tacked up with a single sterling silver brad.  Its looks quite familiar, so she makes a quick sketch of it and what the poster says and heads off to find Andrew.*


Re: Reward
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2011, 03:56:38 pm »
*G'ork heads to the Harpy after training in the arena, there he over hears some one mentioning this, and sighs towards the group*

*grunts* If they added few more zero's onto offer might start to consider. *smirking to the one that brought up the subject*


Re: Reward
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2011, 05:27:15 pm »
**stepping from the shadows of the old tavern, the masked mercenary matches the behemoth half-orc's gaze** I'm broke these days... I could use a thousand True. You're rich. Got a coin to spare? **The mask neither smiles nor frowns.**


Re: Reward
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2011, 06:33:55 pm »
*After hearing a report on the posted bounty, Jennara narrows her eyes at the reporting clerk.*

Are you sure that is what it said?

Yes, Commander.

That is... very... very... decc.  Thank you for your report, Protector.

*Jennara completes a small amount of paperwork and takes a little trip.*


Re: Reward
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2011, 08:49:41 pm »
*During the first few days of Jennara staking out the crossroads, she catches 2 mercenaries leaving boxes with elderly hands inside.  Apparently the notice by the dock wasn't the only one distributed...*


Re: Reward
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2011, 10:36:52 pm »
Ni'haer muses to himself.

The price shows the true value of these dragon-worshipers... I think I'll have a bit of fun before leaving for the Deep.


Re: Reward
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2011, 03:56:20 pm »
Jennara catches two additional persons attempting to collect the reward, this time with two adults and two children in a scorched wagon.


Re: Reward
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2011, 06:04:52 pm »
Nym'roos comes across the notice, enjoying some resurfacing memory that such an event triggered, a smile forming on his hooded features before he departs once again.


Re: Reward
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2011, 04:24:13 pm »
*** The paper boy slowly walks up to where Jennara is hiding and apprehending the mercenaries ***

"Uh, ma'am... um, Honorable Knight Creekskipper... um, ma'am, you better look at this paper... "


The head of Knight of the Wyrm Jennara Creekskipper



Re: Reward
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2011, 04:57:43 pm »
A blue clad woman grins, reading the bounty.

"This person is either extremely arrogant, or is looking to thin out the bounty hunter population significantly.  Because the Commander is going to tear this persons head off."  She then snickers.  "After she claps them in irons."


Re: Reward
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2011, 05:20:33 pm »
*Jennara giggles and offers the paperboy two plums and ten True.*

You can call me Jennara.  I am not as important as titles and ranks and large numbers make me seem.  *She shakes the paper a little at that.*  I must be doing very well, though.  I think this is the highest ever offered for me.

*She giggles again, smiles at the paperboy, puts a finger to her lips, and returns to her hiding spot.*


Re: Reward
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2011, 10:58:24 pm »
William Walker stops by the Stormcrest Shack for a few days, fishing and writing. Eventually he makes his way towards Fort Vehl. Upon seeing the sign, he decides that he will write a report and brief history on the populace of Fort Vehl and their relations with the Rofireinite temple known as Sanctuary.


Re: Reward
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2011, 11:21:58 am »
*as Tyillaan passes by the stormcrest one day she reads the notice and says in her usual barely audible voice*

H..Hold a. and behold o. one day w we will know t. that it w. was the rofies w. who placed t. those rewards to b. be able t. to apprehend a specific b. bounty hunter...

*She moves away leaving a few fruits for the small boy*


Re: Reward
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2011, 11:22:07 pm »
A Blackwatch guard is summoned by the sounds of the fighting just outside the Twin Dragon Inn.  When he arrives the fight is all but over and two figures stand over a third. "Sorry wretch jumped me, Lana, tis a good thing your hit him in the head with your tambourine so quickly." Daniel bends over and checks for life sign by pressing two fingers into the man's neck. "Blast it, but he is dead." Looking up, Daniel motions the Blackwatch guard over to them.  "See here, this man attacked us.  No help for him now, but I wager if you search him you will find some silly notice for a reward in bounty for those of the Dragon.  I assure you such bounty is unlawful in Mistone, sir.  On my honor twas self defense entirely.    Now, if your Officer or Sergeant requires testimony, he shall have it. "  Daniel goes on to give the watchman his name and where he can be reached if there are further questions. "Now, if you will excuse me, Lady Aylana and myself are quite done in by a long night at the Arms."  Daniel waits a few moments longer if there are no further questions from the watch he will make his way home to Wayfare.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Reward
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2011, 11:49:07 pm »
Protector Samantha Merritt arrives, breathless, at the temple of Rofirein in Fort Vehl.  She explains that she was attacked on the road and only managed to get away by the grace of the Gold and His sanctuary that He provided her.  She asks for back up to go and find the man that attacked her, and she gives the description as best as she can of her attacker.

Once ready, the team heads back out to see if they can find and apprehend the would-be assassin, but he is nowhere to be found.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Reward
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2011, 07:04:23 pm »
*Upon finally done his investigations for the moment in Vehl, Aesthir is seen to be moving towards the Stromcrest, and looking around on his travels for this situation, he seems to be oddly conforted by eating some well prepared viper meat on the way to do that *

