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Author Topic: For those fast leveling characters out there  (Read 7074 times)


RE: For those fast leveling characters out there
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2006, 08:44:01 pm »
After revisting this a few thread times,
Dorganath - 9/19/2006  11:46 AM
  Only a few did not. But those few make other people, good players, take notice and wonder why some other people who started after them get to gain so many levels and they do not.  It inspires jealosy and a desire to obtain what others have.  It inspires a culture of fast leveling and that is simply not good for this community.

I know I have seen some fast levellers out there. Some that would get to level 9 ina a span of a month or less. Yes I too started to wonder. But when I thought about it, I felt that they are really only going to affect me if I actually interact with them. So I just let them be and RP/quest with those players that do want to make this the great world this is.

In truth, power levelling does becoming boring after a while, and for those people that do will probably leave on their own accord anyway.



Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2006, 02:07:29 pm »
gods I wish I had these friends...  my first post was 11/21/05, and I'm still level 9.  I prefer to RP than to level, but I do wish to level at the same time.
I was gone for three months, and in that time the people that started the same week/time as I are now twice my level, and people that started while I WAS away are up into thier 20's for some.  I feel horribble that I was an am left out, and many adventures are lost to me, but that is ok.  I know I am NOT going to level for a long time still, cause I am not one to go out adventuring much.  My fault.  
BUT I'm not a power leveler, and I bet a ton of people know me now.  I'd prefer to be known not as "level 20 wow, super killer"  but as the sweet lil elfie that sits in town talking to people.
and now theres bards calling me bard! huh...  ok, lost track of thought...


Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2006, 05:28:56 pm »
Heh, I bet I got ya beat on slow leveling :) I used to get worked up about faster levelers, but eventually everybody levels faster than me. But it does get hard to rp inexperience when the one you are rp'ing with is a higher level but only been around for a month or two. But we just need to remember that is all ooc and not grind my teeth ;)



Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2006, 07:08:19 am »
gods I wish I had these friends... my first post was 11/21/05, and I'm still level 9. I prefer to RP than to level, but I do wish to level at the same time - Lilswanwillow

Gods....and I thought I was slow. I must confess....Im dying to hit my next level....but I sure as hell aint gonna go wandering Dregar under-armed and unequipped. I remember when a Epic char Perm'd, leaving the wise message to 'look after your Death Tokens. At level 10....youre not so concerned if you gain Level 20, its a bloody nightmare.


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    Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
    « Reply #24 on: September 26, 2006, 03:15:23 pm »
    My main character has stayed at level seven for quite some time now, mostly because I enjoy sitting around hlint and roleplaying...Alot of the players I started out with are a higher level than I, but I really do not mind. I enjoy playing my character the way he is, I update his CDF frenquently and have found myself greatly immersed in his character.


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    RE: For those fast leveling characters out there
    « Reply #25 on: September 27, 2006, 10:56:44 am »
    Thinking on the matter... some people may rush to level ten with one character in order to play another. To be able to submit a chaotic neutral character you must have been at Layonara for at least two months, and have a character of level ten or higher.

    A player who spends all their time role playing will not reach level ten in two months. But they will probably increase their skill in role playing. Still, this aquired skill in role playing will not gain them their chaotic neutral character.

    So a person who is desperate to play a cleric of Corath - a cleric that would need to start as chaotic neutral, would probably spend two months levelling their first character as fast as they can in order to submit their Corath cleric.

    I personally think it would be better to make the restriction four months instead of two, and get rid of the level requirement. At least then, the player would realize that rushing their first character would do them no good, they would simply have to wait four months - and why would they spend four months powerlevelling, when they could be role playing a character trying to find out as much as they can about the world to prepare them for playing their chaotic neutral character?



    Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
    « Reply #26 on: September 27, 2006, 11:42:32 am »
    @d20mushroom, yeah we had it like that for a bit. What the players decided to do was submit a character and get them to level 4-6 then quit playing... then apply in 3 months (I think that is what we had it at). No matter what we do people try to work around the system. :)


    Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
    « Reply #27 on: September 27, 2006, 10:07:05 pm »
    Well setting a firm time frime of heavy rp with a well develped cdt and world integration would be the easyest way.  Say that you have a firm time frame of 6 Rl months on the server, have to be seen by all teh gms and Wl as a good rping person that takes parts in the world development and interaction.  Then have a mini test of what it is to be evil (have 200 question ready with a randomizer so no one can actualy say this is what you will get lol).  If the person passes all that then he would be approved to get a chaotic evil person once approved at char submission and even then, have him be a true neutral for an other 6 months with a couple of cdq and an other well develop cdt to get to his evill side.


    Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
    « Reply #28 on: September 27, 2006, 11:46:28 pm »
    Unfortunately, that person wouldn't be able to play that character after the alignment switch to Chaotic Evil... Or rather, the PC would automaticly be turned into a NPC. ;)


    Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
    « Reply #29 on: September 28, 2006, 12:03:54 am »
    The main thing that used to annoy me with fast levelers is the respect change once they pass your lvl.
    Back in the day I used to have people see my character and flock to him so they could go for a trip around mistone and earn some experience which they couldnt do alone.  Then the minute they pass your lvl they change their respect and even look down upon you as a lesser being.

    That can be viewed as a form of metagaming in my opinion.


    Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
    « Reply #30 on: September 28, 2006, 12:39:37 pm »
    it is as the only way for them to know your level or aproxcimation of level is through lore, ooc talk or the info card.


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      Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
      « Reply #31 on: September 30, 2006, 01:08:19 am »
      It takes me ages to level *sighs*


      Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
      « Reply #32 on: September 30, 2006, 07:58:25 am »
      fighting_cheese - 9/30/2006 4:08 AM It takes me ages to level *sighs*
       I have a lot of old characters, cheeseman, one of which who is older than nearly every epic out there, yet it's still 19. Does it make me a better RPer? Nope. Do I have better standing in the community? Nope. It's all a matter of how you want to play, and I just do not have the time to put into this when I did back in highschool.


      Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
      « Reply #33 on: April 14, 2007, 09:05:16 pm »
      i am in total agreement that power leveling is a bad thing, i also believe its unrealistic to expect people to artifically level slowly.(ie removal of xp, refusal of xp on quests etc) since the gaining of xp from rping and combat represents the growth and strengthening of a particular character. so character a goes out and kills a bunch of monsters or learns some things from someone or is integral to some crazy plot etc etc. it seems to me that this character would learn and grow from this experience. slowing your leveling by not going monster pwning and sticking around town and chatting with everyone is a very good way to do it if thats your wish. but i see nothing wrong with leveling quickly if you actually rp and participate in the community.
            take tadhg for example, ive played him for two months and hes already reached lvl 13. i keep a cdt, attend many DM quests and RP while out PvMing. i have bowed out of a quest before because 1. the members of the party were all rubbing him the wrong way and 2. the goals of the quest werent really correct for his alignment(heh, he even went as far as to warn the enemy of the party of their plans). also, by his very nature he wishes to be powerful and be like one of the many heroes hes read/heard about, so it makes sense for him to train/study alot.(not to mention im a complete layo addict ^_^)
          @polack 76. i agree with you, though it would make sense for a character to know whos powerful and who isint if theyve traveled with them and seen them in combat. then it isnt metagaming i dont think.


      Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
      « Reply #34 on: April 15, 2007, 04:30:55 pm »
      Does this actually apply still?


      Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
      « Reply #35 on: April 15, 2007, 05:27:51 pm »
      I couldn't agree more, however, it gets frustrating when you are the only one who can't participate on a quest, because who's running it puts all kinds of level, party members restriction.
      I play my character for a couple of months now [I think], Lino is level 7 and I am still to find one quest that will accept me.
      Yes, in these two months, all quests I attended either had a level limit of 10 - 12, gave preference to the older players and many actually closed just for an exclusive group. I haven't seen any rolling of dice being done to see who gets to participate or not. I have seen GMs put party size limits, and ask of the players that did not get to participate not to "sweat it"... Come on now...Players just want to participate. It's why we are here in the first place and if we don't get the chance to show our RP, interact with others, there's no point in being here.
      I also don't have much time to play, so when I hear a quest is going on I do my best to reach the folks and ask if i can participate.
      ...I still haven't found one single quest I was either acepted or invited to participate, and I've looked/asked around, believe me. Not to mention most quests are ran in Central, which has a level limit of 8...
      While I have seen characters really powerlevel, and even actually saying to me "Let's go somewhere hard, I want levels" and disagree with it, I also can understand why would someone want to rush it to at least level 10 and feel a bitmore "accepted" or allowed to participate in the world...

      My sincere apologies if you consider this ranting or complaining, but it is not. It's a fair point of view of a guy that joined this server about two months ago and had some disapointments. Thanks for the time reading it.



      Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
      « Reply #36 on: April 15, 2007, 06:00:36 pm »

      I understand where you are coming from about getting on quests. I will say this, not to defend the DMs, but as a point of fact, that the number of people allowed on a quest HAS to be limited if you want good rp and less lag.

      When you get 10+ people running around with spell effects and everyone trying to talk, it makes it extremly hard for the DMs to run a 3-4 hour quest. Then with the lag you run into people dying and receiving DTs.


      Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
      « Reply #37 on: April 15, 2007, 07:07:50 pm »
      Quote from: Odranoela
      Not to mention most quests are ran in Central, which has a level limit of 8...

      If a GM-led event takes place on Central, you can participate if you meet the level requirements for the quest.


      Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
      « Reply #38 on: April 17, 2007, 06:10:16 am »
      I just don't get it why would there even be level requirements for quests..
      It makes absolutely no sense that all quests are level restriced and we're asked not to gain levels too fast..
      Should a lvl 3 character just rot and wait until he's lvl 10 to able to participate?
      Would it really be powergaming if this player tried to rush as fast as he can the levels to be able to play quests with others?
      This brings me to the Oh Well post...
      I can relate to what that player has been through, would you still have him experience all this difficulty to participate in a quest after that disastrous episode?
      It would be greatly appreciated, and not only by me, if there were quests specific for low level characters, new players or not, unless they're not worth the effort and time.
      I'm sorry for insisting on the subject, but couldn't we find some balance for this situation?




      Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
      « Reply #39 on: April 17, 2007, 06:28:17 am »
      youre completely right odranoela. on the one hand they expect you to not level too fast and on the other many quests have level requirements. this cannot be a balance issue since the higher levels can simply pick up the slack and DMs can tweak the spawns. it is both unfair and hypocritical (heh and dont even think about getting to be in a plot quest unless youre level sixteen or higher)

