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Author Topic: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call  (Read 369 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« on: June 27, 2009, 05:43:29 pm »
I have posted the date and time for the next quest for those who followed Aerimor, Zarid and Caerwyn into the Hammerbound Peaks:

Feel free to use this thread for IC discussion, conversation, etc.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2009, 01:21:36 pm »
Since the party has not ventured far into the Hammerbound Peaks yet, I will allow you to recruit additional members to your party. Call them in via falcon, bird, familiar or whatever other means you have at your disposal.

There are both IC and OOC reasons for this opportunity. IC: You already more or less know who and how many you will be facing - you will need whatever aid you can get. OOC: I would like to keep plot quests open for as long as possible.

See you guys on Sunday :)

Black Cat

Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2009, 02:45:27 pm »
*while the group makes camp for the night and decides to perhaps ask for reinforcement to join the group, Grohin recalls what he remembers from The Path (at least what he's allowed to tell //OOC winks at Jennara - sorry that promise to Gilshem still stands//)... the speech is of course in strong dwarven accent, with a grim tone to it... it's obvious Grohin is not in the mood to laugh*

Ruben a few years ago managed to unlock Turhal journal, which was stolen from it's hiding place. I'm still not sure yet if Ruben actually commissioned that theft or if he just grab the opportunity. He opened The Path and apparently walked it then. But that is in my opinion still subject to doubt, since he never was, as far as I recall, a strong fighter - and I've "known" him for quite some times. I'd say he's a Loremaster or scholar. But the fact is, he has the abilities of those who walk the path, including a kind of immortality. As part of my acquaintance with him, I and many others at the time, were asked to bring the Lumbrals - of which I won't tell more here. But when we open a portal, near Milara's domain, Milara himself showed up and attacked us. In that fight, Ruben was presumably killed - but of course he seems to have survived.
I must warn you though... although I and Jennara and some others will call Ruben an old friend, I at least still have doubts about his goals and allegiance... although he seems to be on our side, or more likely on his own.

Anyway, more on The Path itself, although you probably know by now as much as I ever know. It's some kind of ritual, not sure the exact nature of it though. But while you "walk the path", you'll meet with others who are on it too. And you'll have to fight them to death. I doubt you have much choice in this, unless perhaps you have a very strong will.

Last time it was open, many druids and such person were drawn to it, including two youth from Highpath Fort. Their disappearance was the main reason I and several others met up there. I forgot exactly how it ended, but it seems at least one of the youth died... and I believe we "saved" the other. Although against his will *looks to Jennara if she has anything to clarify or add to this... then continues*. I'm not too sure how it all ended... for we were sent on others errand for a time. But The Path was closed... and the book returned to the Rofirein's church... until it was stolen again.

I don't know how to close The Path. Perhaps getting the book back, and perhaps simply closing it will do the trick. If we doesn't find a way to close the Path, I guess the book will have to be destroyed. Or.. and this must be a last resort, or perhaps we will have no choice, someone will have to walk The Path and emerge victorious.

Let me warn you though, The Path is dangerous and deceitfull. You might or will believe it is the way to fulfill your ambitions and dreams... it is not. Sure, it will probably make you strong and unbeatable. But the cost is high... probably way too high. It is my belief that you perhaps loose much of yourself... at least for a while... the changing process is long and most certainly painful. And of course you'll have to face all the others who are drawn to The Path, friends or foes, it will not matter.

So let's hope it will not come to that -  and I conjure you not the fall to the lure, try and resist as much as you can to the call *at that points seek the eyes of Zahid and Aerimor (if they're around and listening) and looks them straight in the eyes*... believe me, you don't want, nor need to walk that path. Those of the cult are strong already. If you are to face them on the path, you'll be all alone.

//OOC - I'm not sure I'll be able to make it for the coming Sunday (5th of July) - I'm flying to Stockholm, Sweden that day, and although I should arrive at the Hotel on time, it's not a sure thing, and it's not certain I'll have access to an Internet connection (I believe the hotel is equipped though - hopefully a free fast connection :rolleyes: one can always dream).


Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2009, 05:03:48 pm »
*Jennara continues when Grohin finishes, as if it were simply her turn.* I met with Ruben Wintersby before we met the group gathered at Fort Vehl.  He had sent a letter.  I had thought him dead, and told him so.  He expressed his own surprise, commented on the rumors of the continual reappearance of Tuhral Araljan after reports of his death, and then listed other changes he has felt.  He claimed to never be ill and rarely feel tired, to be full of life and energy, but at the cost of knowing he is not who he once was and can never be again.  He even said that he sometimes wishes for death, as his life is now a constant struggle against the beast within him, the thing he has become, but that peace is denied him by the curse of the Path and his apparent immortality.  There is nothing natural about the Path.  It is a perversion created for war.

*She pauses a moment, looking into the fire.*  I have known of the theft of the journal for some time.  I was very angry to hear of it.  It was to be a quiet investigation, bringing in others only as necessary.  It is necessary now.  I have traveled a lot since hearing of it, even to places I cannot name and do not know how to reach.  Some of the questions have been answered, but others remain.  I know the journal was taken by the Cult; the tattooed bodies of some of the attackers were left behind when the others left with the journal.  I do not know how the Cult knew of the journal; there are several possibilities.  I know that the Cult narrowed their search for the journal by abducting and torturing Ruben Wintersby, who told them he had given the journal to me.  I do not know how the Cult knew Ruben Wintersby had information.  Evidence indicates that the Cult learned the exact location of the journal by abducting and torturing a guard of the location, who has now gone to the Heavens.  I do not know how the Cult determined he had information.  I know that the Cult knew exactly what they wanted and how to get it; the journal was hidden with other important artifacts that were not bothered in any way.

We have to get it back.

*She stops talking for a few seconds, still looking into the fire, and then begins speaking so quietly it is only clear to those next to her that any sound at all is coming from her moving lips.*

Black Cat

Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2009, 06:17:40 pm »
*Grohin then utters one name*


Ehs da one dat 'new ov Ruben all alon'.  He's da one dat kill' 'im loike in dat last foigh' bah da portal.
Da foirst toime da journal been stolen eht was bah dark elves.. remember.
Milara prolly 'new ov Tuhran foirst hand ta... 'em bein' wit Blood an' all.

Script Wrecked

Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2009, 10:37:51 pm »
*Argali grinds her teeth at mention of Milara*


Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2009, 08:53:08 am »
*Aerimor writes a letter and sends it off*
*As it becomes obvious that the area of call can not be reached in short hours.   Whenever the rest of the group must halt for rest or food, Aerimor engages in Meditation.  Aerimor is always amongst the first ready to continue and is the in the front of the group while marching.  If anyone takes note of his demeanor, outwardly he appears calm, reserved and focused.  He starts no conversations, but responds to anything asked to him.*

*In response to Grohin* Your information is appreciated.  I have not decided to walk any path or to avoid one.  It would be unwise of me to do so with the limited information I currently have.  But I will draw closer and discover more; perhaps we will locate this journal.  With the journal in hand we would thwart whatever _they_ are planning and have the key for later use.

But know I fear not this path. What it presents to me is real.  Every step closer I take, it fullfills on its promises.  
*Unless questioned Aerimor wanders to the edge of camp, eats and meditates.*


Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2009, 11:02:10 am »
*Fehriel listening to the others decide to write two letters, that he sends after calling down birds. He then remains quiet listening to the others.*


Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2009, 12:22:41 pm »
*Jennara shakes her head and sighs, whispering to Grohin.* It fulfills nothing but its own purpose.  He is already on the Path without realizing it, like so many last time, another puppet on the Path's strings.  He is already believing the lies.


Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2009, 04:16:36 pm »
With what can only be viewed as extreme reluctance, cursing and grumbling to himself as he goes, a man in a brown coat and black curly hair is seen picking up the trail of those that went into the HammerBound.

He keeps a fair distance for awhile, until night falls and the group exchanges words... before he very miserably walks into the light of the camp fire and sits on a log.
He gives everyone a quick look, before just bowing his head sadly and staring into the fire.


Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2009, 06:58:56 pm »
*Beli recieves a message and heads out to Hlint. Those close by at the time hear him grumble something about "that bloody book".

When he arrives he has a look of concern on his face and says nothing.*


Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2009, 09:21:04 am »
*While waiting Beli remembers something*

Yea guys know dat deh book nay needs teh be at deh call teh cause all dis. Lats time Ruben had deh book near by and it caused deh call teh be invoked.


Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2009, 12:14:57 pm »
*Jennara nods once.* Very nearby.  Highpass Fort was locked tight at night because of the attacks.


Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2009, 10:11:45 am »
*When the rumour reach Danny he pack up his stuff and a few supplies and head off from his work heading to Hammerbound and his Clan home , hoping to catch up with the rest that have made there way there*

Black Cat

Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2009, 02:11:36 am »
//Grohin was with you in thought if not in deeds. Hope all went well last night. Couldn't get the Hotel connection working until this morning. Now on my way to enjoy Stockholm...//


Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2009, 10:31:45 am »
/// Similarly, Steel was in the shadows somewhere, observing, as I was unable to make the quest. For those with keen eyes, the form of a large predatory cat is seen near the blue wizard for a short time, and then it is gone. ///

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2009, 02:43:11 am »
// New calendar event posted for the upcoming Sunday. Please sign up as soon as possible if you're able to make it, so that I know whether I should move it forward instead.


Re: Hammerbound Peaks - Following the Call
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2009, 12:26:12 pm »
//Hope to make it, have been having Sunday's off.  And if I work I don't usually make if home until the quest will be half over.  Will do what I can.


