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Author Topic: IC thread: The Path of the Claw  (Read 1676 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« on: July 19, 2009, 05:11:28 pm »
* Fighting the white tiger took it's toll upon the group. Two fell to it's claws and are currently being dragged to a spot where most of you sit for a moment, to catch your breaths and bandage your wounds.

Some of you cannot help but glance to your right, towards the lights that seem to dance before your eyes. Shining and sparkling in all colours they are dazzling to behold. On the bare ground below the lights a black rune has been etched into the rock and coloured black.

Suddenly the momentary peace is disturbed by the heavy steps of newcomers. But instead of comrades that fell victim to the teleportation traps, strangers appear. Six in all, the dark clad strangers enter the chamber with weapons drawn. The group consists of a tall man with a strange mask, two dwarves - a warrior and what must be a spellcaster of some type, a heavily set male warrior, a lightly armored female and a large lizard-like beast walking upright.

They approach you but stop dead at a handsign from the masked man. In a deep and pleasant voice he speaks... *

At last!

Script Wrecked

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2009, 11:44:36 pm »
// Apologies for the OOC post. I just need a bit of clarification (and perhaps others do too).

Quote from: Harlas Ravelkione
What I would like for you to do now is to RP on the forums the last moments here before the bad guys emerged(1). You will get a chance to take a look at them and perhaps speak to them .... on the forums.
The dead stay dead - unless they are raised. Well, there are ways to get the dead not-dead. Elohanna was behind the bad guys when they entered, for one thing. Ahh yes, sorry. My bad. You dragged them along.
I want to see some action on the forums before we set the next session.

So, from (1), I'm assuming postings should encapsulate the period before "Suddenly the momentary peace is disturbed..." (at least initially).

Also, I'm assuming you are looking for something more from those that have been "affected"(?). And I'm also assuming those people know who they are(?). Unless I've missed something ('cos Arg was going through the whirlpooly things twice while the above was happening), and we are all actually feeling the effect of being in such proximity to the runed sparkly rainbow lights(?).


Script Wrecked. //

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2009, 02:01:55 am »
// OOC clarification:

So, from (1), I'm assuming postings should encapsulate the period before "Suddenly the momentary peace is disturbed..." (at least initially).


Also, I'm assuming you are looking for something more from those that have been "affected"(?). And I'm also assuming those people know who they are(?). Unless I've missed something ('cos Arg was going through the whirlpooly things twice while the above was happening), and we are all actually feeling the effect of being in such proximity to the runed sparkly rainbow lights(?).

Some were more affected than others. I will PM the people in question, just to make sure. If you were not informed during the quest (in tell) or receive a PM, you still are affected by a pull or wish to walk into the lights, but you are aware of the effect and able to resist it. Even if you manage to resist, you cannot help but wonder what would be in it for you, if you entered that circle... what opportunity are you missing? Will your comrades around you not eventually decide to sneak over there and enter before you? Can you trust them to have the same strength of will than you?

Should you not perhaps be the one to enter, to ensure that the person to walk the path is not someone weak, someone without honour or even someone with dark intentions...

Script Wrecked

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2009, 05:43:58 am »
Argali ran through the passage of caves for the second time after being sucked through the vortex. Too late she arrived; Fehriel and Amgine lay fallen on the cold of the stone floor. However, the others had dispatched their peril; a large white tiger; who knew whom that had been.

As she caught a glimpse of the colored lights past the group, Argali's eyes closed as she blinked.

A bird's eye view soared across a familiar landscape; the Hills of Taur'en, her beloved home. The view swooped down to the clanhold, and then deep underground. A passageway; the sounds of combat. She beheld a battle she had only heard stories of, a group of orange haired dwarven berserkers being struck at by silvery talons from the shadows. Argali tensed in Vorax's blessing(1); how she longed to stand with her valiant kin, to protect them, to shield them from this menace.

Her eyes narrowed and her lip curled.

"K'A TZHAZHGATH WAAAZH RUR TAAZK'"(2) echoed in her ears. In her mind, she murmured the appropriate reply, "Zha pohark taazk' kur k'a aralo."(3)

The view surged up out of the ground. Before her a mountain range blanketed by a heavy black cloud. In the distance, the battered walls of Bloody Gate.

Milara. Her teeth ground in reply.

Argali's eyes opened again, slightly dazzled by the dancing lights. She seemed to understand what was being presented, what was possible. She had missed a previous opportunity, and now another one presented itself so tantalisingly close.

She drew a breath. Her eyes darted to the others, to see what looks betrayed their thoughts, what they were thinking...

(1) the body's response in anticipation of battle
(2) "The dwarves fear no death."
(3) "We bring death to the enemy."


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2009, 11:45:28 am »
Quote from: Script Wrecked
Argali ran through the passage of caves for the second time after being sucked through the vortex. Too late she arrived; Gunther and Amgine lay fallen on the cold of the stone floor. However, the others had dispatched their peril; a large white tiger; who knew whom that had been.

 //OOC - it was Amgine and Fehriel that were dead at that point, not Gunther.  ;)


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2009, 12:26:26 pm »
Steel watched the others be flung about the cavern by magical winds. He noted the areas where such affects seem more likely to occur. He calculated the distance between each elevated rock, each handhold and stalagmite. He kept to the wall and perches, sometimes leaping from stone to stone, only venturing out into the chamber to deal with a more mobile threat, like the death-gaze spider.

The revelation of the Black Rune gave Steel pause, and he dropped the corpse of Fehriel, one of two killed by a white tiger, before the tiger itself fell. Steel kept a steady grip on his black bow, having drug Fehriel with his other hand, he now looks to see who remains of his party. He is ever silent, keeping a distance from the rune and flashing lights, supported by the shadows at the corner of the cave wall.

He does little more than observe, though, his calculating nature requiring more detail.


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2009, 04:15:35 pm »
Gazing into the lights, the vision came...

There she stood, dressed in an ornate armor she'd never seen before, at the side of a majestic Golden-Green Dragon...  The two seemed close, friends, very close...  At their feet stood bodies, tattooed with various incarnations of a dark green dragon...  It changed, now she stood among kings, queens, dukes, shaking hands.  She had their respect.  On her chest shone her family crest, gilded and set with rare gems.  She had power...  her family had respect...  A voice promised her all she saw...  A compelling voice...

"At Last..." came another voice and she spun around.  Out of a dream and into a nightmare, Tyra stood looking at that which she wanted to destroy, The Green Dragon Cultists.  Only six, but six more then there should be.  She gripped her blades in her hands and glanced back at the lights.  No vision this time...  but now another voice came into her head.  It was that of those she had travelled with, all blended together...  

"The Path lies..."  "The magic is false..."  "It's a trick..."

But there it was...  calling...  promising her the chance to accomplish all she's spent years yerning for...

But could she just leave the others?  Leave them to have to face the Cult alone...  and if it was a lie...  what would it do to her...  could it just as easily rob her of any chance at her dreams, the same dreams it promises to fulfill?

She moved to stand beside Steel, watching, but she could not help but look back at the portal...  nor could she stop thinking about what it might grant her...


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2009, 04:39:48 pm »
*Drexia takes Elohanna aside a bit*

Um, I'm sure you've noticed, but some here are acting a bit unusual... particularly Lance, but I think a few others too may be being affected... can you cast additional mind protections on them, or perhaps, since we are sitting here for a bit, ward the area against magical intrusions?


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2009, 08:10:10 pm »
Running into whirlpool after whirlpool, cursing all the while, Gunther trundled after the others as fast as his stubby little legs would carry him.  

All the while, spurring him on, visions of endless fields of various and sundry pies, cakes, and the occasional tart danced in front of his eyes.  The tarts grew off of low lying bushes, the pies off of an assortment of shrubberies, the cakes sprouted forth from every tree in sight.  Serving up the veritable horde of pastries was a variety of pert and winsome dryads, nymphs, and sylphs, dancing and frolicking in the meadows.  Nearby streams, full of various liquours and ales, chuckled merrily as they gurgled their way down to the ocean.

At last, stumbling through the last whirlpool, past the dead bodies of fallen comrades, Gunther came to a stumbling halt where the other survivors had come to a halt.

Slobbering more than was typical, Gunther stares at the rune in the floor and nearly incomprehensibly declares, 'Gunther likes pie!'

Lance Stargazer

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2009, 08:41:46 pm »
*Lance Stands quietly as he looks towards ahead, the way is full of obstacles, and the first one is the knight foe, The red Dragon itself , So bold , so daring , always measuring and cunning. Lance restrains at the moment, as much as he desire to face the dread creature, his duty stands for a greater good at the moment. he should wait and look over to reach his destination. The dark rune -

He follows blindly, All the answers will be there. So promising so fullfilling Toran has put him in that way on that very place on that very day, there could not be otherwise, his redemption, his happines just close.

Finally he and his lady would be able to be at peace, no more fighting no more problems, no more arguing, All is in there just waiting for him, he looks back at his comrades in arms.

-Comrades ?  ha. They scorn you knight. you have been always faithful and helped them and how do they pay? They call you selfrigtheous and prideful, you deserve to be happy, you deserve this chance , Lance Dragonbane, not them - The voice said to him with a seductive tone . A deep voice deep in his tought .

They don't follow as you do... you know of sacrifices.  what they could understand my son? Now the chance is yours.

No more Dogma issue, you'll have the power to redeem yourself and you and your lady will live forever happily. The inmortality awaits you. Aragen does not longer will interfer in your life. Don't doubt on the moment you need to be strong. This is your moment.  TAKE IT!!!! - The voice said finally

*Lance keeps looking behind hessitantly meanwhile taking slow steps backwards towards the rainbow tunnel, as his sight stops a moment over Drexia, his cold as  iron sight is softened for a moment, yet the moment of weakness does not last long, With serene step he turns towards the rainbow tunel, he steels himself as he starts walking, he knows he'll regret to leave  Drexia to its fate with the rest of the group, but this is not the first hard choice he had to do, Hurix is at stake, he decided to find the journal, and what would be worth the sacrifice of the people in there if he does not fullfill his duty here, With serene step he start to walk towards the tunnel, muttering mostly to himself.

Lae nycelaa... eanla lae nycelaa  (1 )

*A Shout of his name is heard behind him, For a moment all goes blur and he can see it at the rainbow, the figure of the stealer of his happiness, Aragen itself apears in his sight don't allowing to cross over the rainbow tunnel. As the moment pases the figure of the sage god disolves in his mind, he turned backwards as he looks at his friend Drexia with a empty bag. he has seen the stardust that is around her. he frowns at himself as the Clarity return to his mind, but his expresion turns into one of shame. he resist the impulse of falling on his kneels observing towards Drexia, his face a riddle of confusion,*

-This could be not as easy -he hears his own voice on his head-. There is no easy exit, there is no happiness into a bottle, Tests are worthy because of that. If it were easy everyone would do it, Brace yourself Stargazer.

But ... What if it is true? What if its me who am bound to change the things. I am the knight of Balance, That has its meanings .

*his stare still looking at Drexia, whit a mixure of anger and thankfulness. when he spots the enemy coming from the back of the cave, he grips his Blade strong, and walks towards Drexia to stand beside her,  Determination in his eyes now,  One thing is to leave her to the fate of the rest of the mistonean, but another enterly is to leave her to the fate of the enemy, he cracks his neck and readies himself to battle, as he smiles a bit at Drexia, The smile of the warrior , he start to pray a hymn of honor as he starts looks at the enemy aproaching *

(1) So close... its so close ... In elven

Just to make it clear the first voice is his mind representation of Lance's father.


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2009, 06:33:59 am »
Being dead, still, his helm's snout resting on the cold cave floor, his body deeply sliced by the unforgiving claws of the white tiger. He awaits to be raised.. or maybe forgotten.. nothing he can control at the moment.

// =) just thought I'd post but being dead.....


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2009, 08:54:03 am »
//my apologies to do this as I hate to but Drexia would not be able to talk to Elohanna as she was behind the group, fallen through one of the whirlpools, no one would be able to talk to her, there is a great chance no one knows where she is.
 Again fallen victim to the traps and whirlpools she finds herself back near the entrance of the caves they had most recently stepped through only to hear the voices of strangers, she can only guess are those of the ones following them, trying her utmost not be seen she casts a spell of invisibility upon herself and tries her best to run ahead to warn the others.
 She finds Argali on her way, only again they are seperated by the traps and sent back behind the group she was trying desperately to warn the others of, and again runs ahead, keeping to the edges of the cave she eventually makes it back only to find herself behind the strangers unsure of what is about to happen, trying to keep herself from being spotted.
 There is a nagging in the back of her head that wants to pull her forward, one that she seems compelled to follow. But with the current groups in her way she is forced to stop consider her options.
 She could let them destroy themselves or help protect those she came with. Something of a pact spoken by a familar voice lingers in the back of her head but the call is beckoning her forward, her heart pounding in her chest. The call to strong to ignore, she stands frozen in place for what seems like eternity waiting for the others to react to the strangers presense. Her own thoughts swimming through her mind of her options, 'No one knows I am here, no one would know. They don't have to know. There can be only one. I could be the one."
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Black Cat

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2009, 11:11:11 am »
*Grohin looks at the lights and rune and shakes his head slightly as to get rid of an annoying thought tugging at the back of his mind. Maybe due to his past experience... or perhaps something else, he doesn't seem to be exactly drawns to it or otherwise concern by it - but he doesn't watch those with a link to nature or those that have indeed shown some attraction to the rune
Rather, after falling through one of the whirlpools and rejoining with the group just in time to fight the white tiger, he starts to look behind the group worriedly and avoids standing in the middle of the caves and keeps to the walls*


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2009, 11:16:13 am »
"Gunther lies pies!"

Tyra turned to look at Gunther, a scowl forming behind her mask.  He wanted the promise of the Rune as well, and Tyra knew it.  But she would not let a fool waste such a chance for pastries!  She gripped her sword, and took one step back closer to the rune.  She glared at some of the others, changing her grip on her swords, then relaxing, caught between two choices of action.  She could take to the Rune now, and risk it all, or stay and get another chance to spill some Cultist blood.

She looked over her shoulder at the lights, and for a moment she thought she saw Golden-Green Dragon beckoning her to come closer...  But she shook the thought out of her head.  She wouldn't let herself be drawn in...  not yet...  She had spent so many years training and planning to achieve her goals, and she knew something like this was too easy...  much too easy...  She looked back at the cultists, and tried to remain unnoticed by everyone there, waiting for a chance to strike...

Or to make a break for the Rune...

//Tyra's IG Move Silently and Hide checks are both +18, after Items and Ability Scores are added to the base skill points


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2009, 03:15:11 pm »
*Jennara fought hard against whoever looked like a tiger.  She tried a nerve strike that had worked on big cats before and a certain knee-to-the-chin kick they especially hated, but whoever it was kept attacking.  She couldn't make it stop.  It had already killed two and she wasn't going to let it get another.  She was getting tired and had a nasty gash on her left side that made twisting maneuvers harder, but fought on as ever before.   All the blows from various attackers finally overwhelmed the "tiger" and it slumped dead on the cavern floor.*

"Myhha!"  *She nearly shouted it.  Her eyes were wet with tears.  She had tried to stun it or drive it away, but it wasn't a tiger.  It was a person, caught up in the lie, fighting for some outrageous promise, and dead now for no reason.*

*She stumbled toward the next portal and leaned against the cavern wall.  Was this one different or had she just lost too much blood?  She pulled a potion from a pouch, a strong one she had made herself.  She poured half of it along her side and drank the rest.  I tasted awful.  Sometimes while making potions, she would consider the possibility of finding recipes for strawberry potions that would taste good, but there was never time for frivolous thoughts when the potions were needed.  The potion did its job instantly.  She could move without pain and didn't feel quite as tired.  Too bad potions can't stop the inner pain of the soul.*

*She looked back at the portal, then around at the others.  It was different, and so were some of her companions.  They were lost, or almost so, having trouble distinguishing whatever promises they heard for the lies they are.  Glassy stares.  Paranoid glances.  Aerimor and Lance seem to be on the verge of coming to blows and...*

"Gunther likes pie!"  

*And that.*

*"If I have to fight them...  If I have to kill them, how can they ever forgive me?  How can I ever forgive me?"  A feeling of failure washed over her, made all the worse when...*

"At last!"


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2009, 06:47:11 pm »
*Amgine thought as he hung in darkness, without sensation of body.  That is to say, if it can be called thinking after one has died?  In any case, he consciously chose to hold tight those anchors that kept his spirit near his body.  At least for a while longer he would hold himself there, in case his body should be restored and revived by the others and his spirit be given purchase within it again.  The last moments before his death, the second in just minutes on this dreadful trip, played prominently in his ghostly thoughts.  He'd been stupid, he'd known he shouldn't have tried to fight so soon after dying previously to the huge, ungodly spider...  that had probably been a person in all reality.  He had to keep that in mind.  At least after he'd died he'd been able to think more clearly for a time again, as the Call of the Path gradually re-asserted itself.  Still, it had become enough of a distraction again that when he saw the other fellow being mauled by the person in form of huge white tiger, he didn't pause to question his heriocs.  With altruistic intent, he dove straight in to save the fellow... yes, even that fellow, whom he'd blamed for his beloved's death in the giant's cave somewhere near a year gone by, deserved protection.  Unfortunately, he'd been too late to prevent the man's death, and his own followed quickly after.  The white tiger had ripped out the fellows throat, and had time to turn to face Amgine before he could even close to swing at it.  It pounced lightning quick at him and with a powerful swipe that connected with the side of Amgine's helm, it was done.  The last sound he'd heard was that of his own neck breaking from the force of the blow.  For all his spirit could discern in his present state, his head could be lying seperated from his body in some dark corner of the cavern.  He recalled the feeling he had as he'd glimpsed the rainbow lights beyond the white tiger's back the moment before the huge paw had collided with his dreams.  He'd felt as though if he'd only been able to get to those lights, he'd have been granted the power to protect them all, to protect her especially, his Snowflake...  Of course, he knew in death as he was, that the promise was not quite all it was cracked up to be.  Just as he also knew if revived again, he'd quickly forget his deathly knowledge of that truth, and in short time be driven to fight even against those he was there to help.*


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2009, 06:58:09 pm »
//since, apparently, Drexia did not speak to Elohanna...

*Looks around at the group, and speaks with an uncharacteristically firm voice*

People are being affected by the magic here. We cannot afford to lose control of ourselves and be splintered as a group. Everyone, look through your bags - if you have stardusts of Aragen, potions of clarity, scrolls that protect the mind, or any similar magics, take them out where they are accessible. I just used my last one on Lance... if you see anyone acting odd, or jumping for the portal, use magic on them. We need to take a minute, regroup, and calm ourselves before moving on.
*looks around, observing everyone's behavior*

Script Wrecked

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2009, 08:47:22 pm »
*catching Drexia's words, Argali bristles at the idea of being sprinkled with the stardust of Aragen*


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2009, 11:07:44 pm »
Gunther watched Tyra out of the corner of his eye.  Seeing her edge slightly closer to the rune, Gunther nodded grimly to himself and thought, 'She always did have the look of a pie thief, from the weaselly squint of her beady little eyes to the weak and frail nature of her puny belly to her misshapen and blob-like head.  She doesnt have the true belly of a champion pie eater.  She would never enjoy the Land of Nymphs and Pies, not like you would.'

Quietly, Gunther agreed with his musings.  Always in the past he had been able to set aside his natural urges to decapitate Tyra and mount her head on the wall of his den.  But now something had changed, his inclinations were turning darker, more malicious.  Raising his axe ever so slightly, Gunther continued staring at Tyra.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the thought filtered through his head that something had changed in his mind.  Having just recently been brought back from the land of the dead, Gunther paused to weigh his options.  Cutting off Tyra's head would certainly be worth the effort, if only so that everyone could enjoy a few moments of blessed peace and quiet.  But it seemed unlikely that the others would tolerate such an action and even if successful in such a worthwhile endeavor, she would likely just be brought back from the land of the dead also.  And probably yammer and complain more than ever.  

Now, was perhaps, not the time.

Sighing regretfully, Gunther turned in time to see the Cult members enter the room.

Aghast, eyes wide, Gunther glares at the newcomers.  

Axe in hand, he asks, 'You pie thieves?'


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2009, 11:14:15 pm »
Steel responds to Drexia's words, his manner absent, his gaze somewhere else.

"I'm not sure this is solely an effect of the mind, Drexia the White. That is to say, I am not sure protecting the mind alone will do the trick. And no, I do not yet know what would be the best protection from the Path's call, if such exists. Focus on finding the journal, with the assumption that it carries the power to close this Path as well as open it. You cannot save everyone."

