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Author Topic: Hungry  (Read 2562 times)


Re: Hungry
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2012, 11:32:29 am »
Vell'dryn travels the City of Stone and inquires with the grocers.

Why hello my deep gnomish friends.  I was wondering if any of you knew any skilled mycologists?  With this famine besetting us, I am looking into alternative sources of nourishment.  What about those mushrooms of the deep?  They seem rugged enough, not needing sunlight or tillable soil.  Growing in the mountainous crags on moisture and muck.  Any insight into the cultivation of nourishing mushroom species would be much appreciated.


Re: Hungry
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2013, 01:47:56 pm »
Andrew and Elly are seen out on the docks bargaining with fishermen.  The flamboyant and flexible Vell vanishes for Stone.  Kat and Melody walk the marketplace and other parts of town to determine need and supply while Charlie hunts outside the city, teaching what city-dwellers wish to learn as well.  Argali heads for Bear Island to determine the extent of the damage and the potential for crops, and upon discovering the famine effects heads next to the Dragon Isles.  Keela and SehKy engage the populace of Mariner's to determine what they want, and what they need.

Andrew, having information now about what will mitigate the damage to the soil, starts compiling information about areas unaffected and contacts the Prunillian church about how to compost good fertilizer.  There is hope, but it will depend on choosing well and lots of hard work...


Re: Hungry
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2013, 02:32:54 pm »
One day, Charlie leading another bunch of people on his hunting tours, they stumble across an young, amber eyed elf carefully honing an arrow shaft calmly. He wears a holy symbol of Folian S'pae around his neck, albeit not overtly overt.
Hm. Iracce Charlie. Need help?


Re: Hungry
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2013, 04:22:16 pm »
Charlie does a bit of a double take, "Um sure?  I guess.  I'm lookin ta kill some animals fer food, ya ain't gonna stop me are ya, elf?"
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Hungry
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2013, 03:10:25 pm »
It would certainly help you survive if you got along with rangers and druids. Would be great if both sides get along and learn something new.
If you're not interested, I am just here to tell you that you are adding more weight to an unbalanced scale, and that when it tips it won't be to your favour. Makes sense?

He twirls the arrowshaft between his fingers and puts it in his backpack.

Otherwise - you doing fine, Charlie?

Aden smiles a bit.


Re: Hungry
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2013, 04:35:24 pm »
Now jest a minute, Elf.  Folk is starvin in the Hold and I mean ta help them.  Whatcha mean by unbalancin things?
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Hungry
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2013, 05:05:44 pm »
There are only so many rabbits, deer, fish, wolves and so on in the world. If you kill all of them, they can't have enough offspring which will survive in enough numbers to maintain their role in the forest. Everything is interconnected with each other, if you will. It's just like a house - if you pull enough - or just the right - stones or beams out of it, it'll fall apart. Same is true in nature.
Makes sense?
I can try to talk with the Wolfswood Rangers and some others if they can take some people in, as pupils. That will not help all, but maybe ease the pressure a little so they do not turn against each other. Pits, I do know that some of the druids think the famine is not so bad - they're wrong. They could be teaching others how to understand nature and survive in and alongside with nature better.
Thus, I am here. Now, if you do not want to, I'll see that I get back to Mariner's to see if I find any worthy pupils there.


Re: Hungry
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2013, 09:52:00 pm »
I guess that makes some sense.  As fer the druids..they dun care bout city folk at all, but we gotta eat too!  *Charlie closes the distance to Aden and whispers to him* Folks are near riotin over food in the Hold, Elf..these ain't gonna listen ta yer yammerin bout balance.  I get what yer sayin..but thems with me, they just wanna eat.  Ken we take em fishin at least fer now?
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Hungry
« Reply #28 on: January 11, 2013, 11:12:20 pm »
Celador enters the Silver Buckle and glances around looking for a familiar face. He does not see the man that he has traveled to see so he heads straight to the bar and lowers his hood. He looks over the bar staff before speaking making sure he has their attention.

"Pardon me, I was hoping I would be able to find Andrew Reid here. I believe he is expecting me? The name is Celador Blackleaf. Perhaps anyone of you might know where I could find him, if at all possible?"


Re: Hungry
« Reply #29 on: January 12, 2013, 06:10:48 am »
Hm. Let's get these people something to eat first.

He uses his ranger skills to teach them a few tricks how to survive in tune with nature. He is a strict, but homorous teacher.


Information and notes shared with Andrew, Elohanna and Galathea
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2013, 12:37:44 pm »
The famine started with the finding of dead animals, mostly the young,  sick and old, who had inflamed instestines.

At  a meeting with Connor and AnnaLee in Krandor, the adventurers, among  them Ty Reid-Dragonheart, Lance Stargazer, Jilsophine Kendall and others  first encountered a Vil'arie, a black demon horse associated with a  dark elf house. Neither Lance nor Jil could truly harm it, but it ran  away nevertheless.

On another occasion, again in Krandor, a  meeting was held to share information. The moth, which seems to  originate from the pits, seemed to be responsible for the lack of  fertility in the soil. Brisbane was not happy to hear that an individual  moth, which was caught and brough to Spellguard for study, escaped.
Rose,  the seer of the Leringard Arms, then began to walk around in the Inn in  strange patterns, forming a summoning circle during the meeting. A  demon appeared but was struck down. In the following days, the plants  nearby withered, and the plane the creature came from was identified. As  of now, Brisbane, Connor and AnnaLee are missing for more than a year.  Last seen in the Wolfswood, I went there to talk with Freckled Owl, who  said that it had nothing to do with the future, but it was due to wounds  of the past.

Not all areas are affected by the famine, and some  are thus better off than others. Many have tried to help with the  famine, with different effects.

More importantly, the cities of Vale and Clover have been wiped out, and a new constellation is on the rise:
Refugees report of the destruction of Vale and Clover
Rumour of Vale being destroyed


Hlint is affected
Port Hempstead is affected
Dregar is affected
First shortages
Movement of Rael
Angel's Guild Famine Relief Effort
Angel's Guild Famine Relief Effort, II

Current, overall information update

Current ongoings in Mariner's Hold

It  appears feasible to cure the soil by removing the top soil and creating  a new top soil using manure, according to AnnaLee, Brisbane and Connor.