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Author Topic: Items in the Auction displace case at Enzos Bow Shop  (Read 421 times)

Guardian 452

Items in the Auction displace case at Enzos Bow Shop
« on: October 07, 2011, 09:20:39 am »
*The following items are displayed in the Auction case at Enzos Bow Shop*

First you see a Mace, its head glows with a flashy white light. Sitting on the glass case is a piece of parchment with the following. Fist of the Legion Mace. Opening bid 15,000 True.

The next item you see is a blue cloak. It seems to be exceptionally well crafted. The parchment by it reads. Exceptional Cape of the North. Opening bid 25,000 True *reserve priced item*

Next in the case you see a green reflective suit of padded armor. The parchment next to it reads... Mirrored Armor, Opening bid 25,000 True *reserve price item*

Finally you notice a bow in the case. It appears to be made of Mahogany. The parchment next to it reads. Mahogany Compound Bow of Constructs. Opening bid 20,000 True

Also on the displace case is the following parchement.

Auction rules:

- All bids will be made public on this thread and in at least 1000 True Increments.

- All auctions stay open for approximately 1 week (Real Time). After 1 weeks time any bid extends that auction by 24 (RL) hours. After 24 (RL) hours have passed with no further bids. That auction is now closed.

* = Reserve priced item? This item carries a price that if not reached. The item is not sold. Should you be the person with the highest bid, but the reserve has not been met. I will PM you with the minimum price I will sell it for. Its your choice to accept that price and get the item. Or decline and the item does not sell. Should the item surpass its reserve during the auction I will make note of the reserve being met.
- I will accept no less than half down on any item won. Leaving you to pay the rest as promptly as you can.

- Some of these items I am pretty sure no longer exist in Layo... if you place them on an ox pack they will be destroyed.

- Please ask any questions you have via in game tell, PM's or here on this thread.


Guardian 452

Re: Items in the Auction displace case at Enzos Bow Shop
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2011, 08:32:24 am »
*Thomas removes the items from the auction display case. He also removes the sheets to place bids on each item*

//Just for curiosity sake. Were the starting bids too high? Items not of interest to anyone? Other? (please elaborate) I appreciate any and all constructive feedback... thanks!

gilshem ironstone

Re: Items in the Auction displace case at Enzos Bow Shop
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2011, 09:32:06 am »
//None of the items were suitable for my characters at this time.//

Erik K

Re: Items in the Auction displace case at Enzos Bow Shop
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2011, 12:16:02 pm »
for me, they were a bit out of reach.  the gear is impressive, but I dont usualy have that much gold and getting trues as a part time player on layo is a bit daunting.


Re: Items in the Auction displace case at Enzos Bow Shop
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2011, 08:08:19 pm »
//Sadly none of my characters that would use the items had no coin to bid on any :)


Re: Items in the Auction displace case at Enzos Bow Shop
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2011, 06:49:09 am »
//Nothing wrong IMO - my characters who had the coin didn't need any of them and my characters who could use them didn't have the coin.

It's the age old problem :)


Re: Items in the Auction displace case at Enzos Bow Shop
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2011, 10:55:25 pm »
//same thing, the character that would use that nice armor wont be able to afford for a long time to come.

