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Author Topic: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)  (Read 309206 times)


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1680 on: April 13, 2021, 08:27:55 pm »
Tuzar Gulazen walks in and


Iron Half Plate 2000 CR
10 Spider Silk 100x10= 1000 CR

total 3k CR


Stone Boots of protection Listed value 3500 T
Archers Belt Listed value 2300

Total value 5800-3000 CR = 2800 T Left in payment chest


The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1681 on: April 15, 2021, 03:36:13 am »
Ysheera brings some goods:
8 birch to Riven's chest x 40 = 320 (takes 80 T)
5 purple mushrooms to Lia's chest x 50 = 250 (takes 125 T from Riven's chest)
5 aloe x 30 = 150 (lia's chest, takes 75 from Riven's)
6 silk x 100 = 600
7 spotted mushrooms x 100 = 700
2 purple mushrooms x 50 = 100
2 red mushrooms x 20 = 40
10 comfrey x 30 = 300
4 witch hazel x 66 = 264
9 wheat x 30 = 270
10 oats x 30 = 300
4 garlic x 50 = 200
Total deposited 3,494
Previous Credit 450
450 + 3494 = 3,944 Credit

Takes Oak Longbow 1500, Pays 150 T
Takes Gold Harp 1500, Pays 150 T

New Credit = 944
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 04:03:41 am by Riven »


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1682 on: April 15, 2021, 04:52:05 am »
Hank Everdale returns for some official business:

Dropped off:
12 walnuts @60 = 720
2 black mushrooms @20 = 40
Subtotal of dropped General:  760

Lia's Chest:
2 aloe @30 = 60
Subtotal of dropped Lia's: 60 (Took 30t from Riven's chest as Lia's chest coin empty)
Riven's Chest:
1 birch @40 =40
Subtotal of dropped Riven's: 40/took 10
Total of dropped = 860

Picked Up:
Ring of divinity I = 2000
112 skeleton knuckles @10 = 1120
Total of Picked Up:  3120

Old Balance = 3853/2260

New Balance = 1593

*Donated up front:  312
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1683 on: April 15, 2021, 06:50:32 am »
*Tipsy Oak in again*

Death armor scroll = 250
Continual flame scroll = 250
Total Took = 500

In Lia's chest:
Total in Lia's chest:

Ring of Str +1 = 1750
Skelly knuckles 25 at 10 = 250
Total Left = 2000

Old Credit: 5383
Total Took: 500
Total Left: 2000
New Credit: 6883

Lia's chest trues taken:
Donated: 50

* Priced at .75 x Lens Price
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 06:55:23 am by davidhoff »
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1684 on: April 16, 2021, 10:34:40 am »
Barley lugs some wood into Saddlebag:

He purchases:
Cloak of Resistance +2. 9000
Silk Hood 1200
Total purchased: 10,200 (pays 1,020 True)

He deposits:
Cloak of Protection +2  2000
24 Hickory Branches x 25 = 800
1 lion skin = 75
Total dropped: 2875

Previous Credit 38,742
38,742 + 2550 = 41,617
Minus what he purchases today (10,200) = A total credit of 31,417

« Last Edit: April 16, 2021, 10:47:43 am by Riven »
The following users thanked this post: willhoff


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1685 on: April 17, 2021, 12:21:01 am »
Ysheera returns!

Previous Credit 944

20 Birch Bark into Riven's chest x 40 = 800 (takes 200 T)
8 spotted mushrooms x 100 = 800
13 purple mushroms x 50 = 650
4 sage x 60 = 240
Total deposited: 2490
Plus previous credit of 944 = 3434

1 lichen (price? 20?)
Cloak of Protection +2  2000
32 Hickory Branches x 25 = 800
Total Taken = 2820
Paid 282 T into chest

New Credit 614

UPDATE: Ysh returns shortly:

She drops off 2 spotted mushrooms x 100 = 200
5 birch x 40 = 200 (50 taken from Riven's chest)
6 aloe x 30 = 180 (90 taken from Riven's chest, aloe put in Lia's chest)
4 garlic x 50 = 200
Added total of 780 to credit, + previous 614 = New credit 1394

17 oak branches x 50 = 850
Pays 85

New Credit = 544
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 01:48:58 am by Riven »


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1686 on: April 17, 2021, 11:39:11 am »
Hank Everdale returns for some official business:

Dropped off:
18 raven feathers @15 = 270
Subtotal of dropped General:  270

Lia's Chest:
Subtotal of dropped Lia's:
Riven's Chest:
31 birch @40 =1240
Subtotal of dropped Riven's: 1240/took 310
Total of dropped = 1510

Picked Up:
Cougar bag = 900
Total of Picked Up:  900

Old Balance = 1593

New Balance = 2203

*Donated up front:  90
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1687 on: April 17, 2021, 01:33:01 pm »
1 Dust of Az'atta at for a total of  1,000
4 Raw black onyx at for a total of  200
Total left 1200

2 Red mushrooms at for a total of  40
Total taken 40

Total: 1,160

Balance b/d:  0/b]
Adjustment: 1,160
Balance c/f:  1,160
Cash payment at 10% of purchase: 4

/Valerius Fulmen
The following users thanked this post: Riven

gilshem ironstone

Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1688 on: April 20, 2021, 07:16:18 am »
A large shadow sweeps in to the shop, leaves a mass of silk and departs swiftly

//Thhakuk's Previous Balance: 6,150T

//Thhakuk Left: 53 Silk - 5,300T

//New Balance: 11,450T
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1689 on: April 21, 2021, 10:19:29 am »
*Tipsy Oak in again*

Firebrand scroll = 2500
Light scroll = 50
Total Took = 2550

In Lia's chest:
Total in Lia's chest:

Crows feathers 6 at 15 = 90
Blackberry 3 at 45 = 135
Walnuts 37 at 60 = 2220
Total Left = 2445

Old Credit: 6883
Total Took: 2550
Total Left: 2445
New Credit: 6778

Lia's chest trues taken:
Donated: 255

* Priced at .75 x Lens Price
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1690 on: April 22, 2021, 02:22:21 am »

Johnny drops off some goods for credit

23 branches of Hick.@25 ea=575
3 dire bear hides @200 ea=600

new credit 422,314
There can be only One.
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1691 on: April 22, 2021, 11:59:48 am »
*Tipsy Oak in again*


Total Took =

In Lia's chest:
Cranberries 26 at 30 = 780
Total in Lia's chest: 780

Total Left = 780

Old Credit: 6778
Total Took:
Total Left: 780
New Credit: 7558

Lia's chest trues taken: 390 (from Riven's chest; Lia has no trues)

* Priced at .75 x Lens Price
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1692 on: April 22, 2021, 12:17:04 pm »
Hank Everdale returns nodding to the help and proceeds to conduct official business:

Dropped off:
6 walnuts at 60 = 360
24 rice at 30 = 720
17 garlic at 50 = 850
Subtotal of dropped General:  1930

Lia's Chest:
Subtotal of dropped Lia's:
Riven's Chest:
21 birch @40 =840
Subtotal of dropped Riven's: 840/took 210
Total of all dropped = 2770

Picked Up:
Total of Picked Up: 0

Old Balance = 2203

New Balance = 4973

*Donated up front:  0
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1693 on: April 24, 2021, 05:45:33 pm »
Willik comes in and take

Gegnar Werfeud's Armor Value 628 * 0,75 = 471 T

471 T left in donation chest
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1694 on: April 25, 2021, 09:12:37 am »
Hank Everdale returns nodding to the help and proceeds to conduct official business:

Dropped off:
3 spotted mushrooms at 100 = 300
12 chestnuts at 60 = 720
11 garlic at 50 = 550
Subtotal of dropped General:  1570

Lia's Chest:
25 cranberries at 30 = 750
Subtotal of dropped Lia's: 750/375 took from Riven's chest
Riven's Chest:
Total of all dropped = 2320

Picked Up:
Total of Picked Up: 0

Old Balance = 4973

New Balance = 7293

*Donated up front:  0
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1695 on: April 25, 2021, 11:29:12 am »
Willik comes in and

Buy Iron Warhammer Value 1000 T (on the paper in the chest for medium iron weapons)

Drops 1000 Trues in donation chest

Few moments later Drop back

Gegnar Werfeud's Armor 628 *,75= 471 CR


Bronze Half Plate 1000 T value

Drop 529 T in donation chest


Ring of Bull 1 1750 T value

Drops 1750 in donation chest

« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 12:00:55 pm by Eldoran »
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1696 on: April 26, 2021, 06:53:57 am »
Belgar drops off:
Dreppi Rigsid's Mercurial GS                           @ 638
Anorfiwiel Neryftyln's double scimitar          @ 638
Merner Smith's Large Shield                           @ 402
Lagnar Hauksen's Club                                    @ 337

He acquires 2 potions of lore@ 150 each =    300
and puts 30 gold in the donation chest          (270)

Previous credit                                                   11,788
New Credit                                                          13533
« Last Edit: April 26, 2021, 07:04:32 am by eltalstroneves »
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1697 on: April 26, 2021, 12:16:06 pm »
Ysheera Elyndar brings by a few items:

19 aloe into Lia's chest: 570 (285 T taken from Riven's chest)
Old credit: 544
+ 570 = New Credit 1114

takes the Beliolith Melodon Helm: lens of 1440 x .75 = 1080
(leaves 108 True in the chest by front door)

New Credit: 34
« Last Edit: April 26, 2021, 12:23:03 pm by Riven »


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1698 on: April 27, 2021, 02:09:13 am »

*nyx drops off some goods for credit

2ea glass @97 ea=194
48 purple shrooms a@50ea=2400
19 garlic @50 ea=950
Iron scimitar= 1000

new credit= 8065
There can be only One.
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #1699 on: April 27, 2021, 09:50:32 pm »
Tuzar walks in


22 Aloe at 30 T each = 660 CR
21 Greenstones at 21 T each = 441 CR

Total 1101 CR


Iron Full Plate 2500 T value
Cougar bag 900 T Value
Vandi Meynolt's Cloak Value 488 x 0,75 = 366 T

Total 3766 T - 1107 CR = 2659 T left in donation chest

The following users thanked this post: Riven