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Author Topic: A Parchment  (Read 190 times)


A Parchment
« on: March 17, 2008, 07:06:07 pm »
*A notice is posted in various establishments (generally those serving hard liquor)*


Should I invent a noble sounding cause?
Or, should I just admit that Sall and Ark need mithril?

Despite our fervent prayers, the precious mineral faeries are yet to magically nor mysteriously bestow these two heroes with any of the precious metal. As such, let's do it the old fashioned (and vastly more difficult) way!! Unfortunately it would seem that rugged handsomeness in no way assists in the procurement of mithril and therefore stout companions with relevant abilities suitable to overcoming dangerous obstacles and opponents are required to assist.

Comrades assisting will be unlikely to share in any mithril found (though all other items and loot to be shared as equitably as possible) however will still likely be subject to much belittlement, whingeing and good natured abuse.

Dalanthar is the place to see and be seen!


Due to the areas we will be travelling/fighting/dying - level limit is 17+.
Starting location - Dalanthar
Starting time - 8.30pm AEDT
Calendar link[/size]


Re: A Parchment
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2008, 08:13:14 am »
* receiving a letter from Ark, Sall heads up to meet him in the Wild surge Inn. At first, Sall threatens Ark with bodily harm and promises of a chunk of concrete around his neck and walk off a pier... something in regards to a man named Balthazar and a Rose.
But afterwards, having calmed down, Sall order's a drink and tells a tale.. to which several patrons in the inn come curiously over to listen to.*

Well... regarding going for Mithril... this is the thing.
You see... there was this bunch of adventurer's... tough buggers yeah... but not too bright. Climbed the Thunderpeaks they did... and hacked their way to the Mithril deposits... taking all they could carry.
They came back... and made themselves some fine Mithril armour.
Proud of themselves... they said " You know.. I could do with a weapon to go with this armour."

So... they went back up again... mined all the Mithril they could... and made themselves some Mithril weapons and shields.

Then they said... " you know... I could really do with some Mithril kitchen utensils."

So.. back up they went again... mining more Mithril.

But then... the big chief who rules the mountain came down and said " Whose been mining all my mithril?"

Now... what generally happens to people who climb that bloody mountain too much... is they find some magic items.. make a few kills... and think they're a bloody Demi-God or Kobal or something. Personally... I think its the air at that altitude.
But anway.... the big chief came down... the Adventurer's took one look at him and , not being the brightest bunch, basically told him to sod off.

Well... needless to say. They got their butt officially whipped and kicked down off the mountain. So now... there's patrols up there... big Hammer's screaming " death! death! death!" ready to keep these people and any who go with them away from the Mithril.

Of course... when I went... no one seemed it prudent to mention this bloody fact to me... so of course... so close to Mithril... here I am getting my head smashed in by a " Death! Death!Death!" screaming bloody hammer.

So... thanks to those Mithril mining plonkers... Im apparently barred from there... and the place it tightly guarded. So now... "possibly"... "No-one" can go mining Mithril safely... until these Mithril rich people make amends.

But of course... will they make amends? They've already got Mithril weapons, armour, mithril coated kitchen utensils and Mithril polished floor... why would they care if no one else can get Mithril now they have all they need?

So.... for the moment... Mithril is out of bounds for me. Even though I aint even see a vein of it in my bloody life.

** Sall mutters and takes a swig of ale, finishing the tale**



Re: A Parchment
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2008, 12:36:41 pm »
*A hooded figure from the back smiles a bit before speaking*
 "Actually I heard it was just one that told the chief to sod off, so don't blame the group blame the idiot that is too dern stubborn for his own good.."
 *And with that the hooded figure walks cat like out the tavern still smiling, two rapiers dangling from his belt*


Re: A Parchment
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2008, 01:33:52 pm »
*Voon Reads the notice with a smile , on his face as he walks around the inn saying a few words to himself just loud enough for people to over hear*

I could put 1000 trues down as abet and i bet that the person was a dwarfe *grinning a little to himself*

Gravy ....


Re: A Parchment
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2008, 01:46:23 am »
*Ark, quite thoroughly sloshed by this stage, stands unsteadily and attempts to unsheath his sabre with a dramatic flourish. The sword unfortunately flies from his hands, causing much dextrous avoidance of said flying blade by the inn staff and patrons. Recovering admirably, Ark draws another short blade off his opposite hip, jumps atop his stool, and waves the  sword with great spirit (if not great skill) in wild circles above his head. The stool teeters precariously as he delivers his inspiring speech*

"My dearesht Shall. Shall, Shall, Shall .. ya liddle Shallarooni *shakes his head* I'm met to yeet .. I'm yet to meet the dwarfsh mountain death God thatsh I cannot over *hic* .. overcome. I'm shtill goin' and i'm goin' to havesh me the finest pair o' mithril spursh on ma boots thatsh you ever did shee! Now, ya shcurvashous amshirush *the next few syllables are completely unintelligible* .. now whoshe with me??!

To the mountainsh we go!"


Re: A Parchment
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2008, 07:11:26 am »
** Sall groans and slaps his head, keeping his foot on the stool to steady it. **

Ugh... your gonna die you plonker! And me along with unless...

** a slight gleam appears in Sall's eye, and a wry chuckle escapes him. He raises his ale up to Ark in agreement.**

Hell yes! I've just had the best "worst" idea of my sodding life! I'm there ya bloody crackpot... if only to hear ya scream " Sall! Sall! Save me!" one more time!


Re: A Parchment
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2008, 07:53:28 pm »
*swaying violently atop his stool*

"Shall, s-shave me?? My dear friend .. I love youse .. I really love youse *jumps down from the stool and attempts to shower a protesting Sallaron in man-kisses* .. yesh I do, yesh I do, but there is a stat-oot of limitashuns on remem'bring thingsh like that! Letsh go ya crazy lil' fella, yesh you are ..!"

[size=-2] // Well, let's go in about 9 hours time I mean! [/size]


Re: A Parchment
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2008, 07:44:51 am »
*wakes up at the bindstone in Dalanthar*

"Who dat? Who dere?"

Script Wrecked

Re: A Parchment
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2008, 08:40:31 am »
*Shortly thereafter, Ark gets bumped at the bindstone by Hilda, then Abigail, and finally Argali.*


Re: A Parchment
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2008, 04:11:47 pm »
*After waking up at the bindstone, she accidently bumps into ark.

"Ark! Your still in one piece! Sortof..."

*grinning mischievously, she smiles "At least you didnt scream like a girl when you were attacked this time."  :D

"here, I keep this in my med kit for will fix most anything" ;)

*she reaches into her medkit and produces a few bottles of Dwarfs head and passes them around to argali and ark.


Re: A Parchment
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2008, 07:32:33 pm »
*Ark, still not entirely sure how he went from full health to quite dead in 0.06 seconds looks at the figures apparating around him*

"Hold on, hold on. Those Ettins can sneak attack us now too????"

Script Wrecked

Argali Replies
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2008, 09:34:17 pm »
"Yes, they arre quite sneaky, no? Not all of them though, just zome of them. But who can tell one ettin frrom the otherr?"

*Argali takes a refreshing mouthful of the Dwarf's Head ale, and nods her appreciation to Abigail.*


Re: A Parchment
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2008, 09:50:36 pm »

"No, they are quite sneaky, yes."


Re: A Parchment
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2008, 11:36:55 pm »
"Fear not my brave companions! Who needs mithril anyway? Mithril is so very last season .. not a nobleman in Katherian would be seen dead in mithril now ..... Cobalt is where it's all at! To the cobalt we go! An advantage, other than the sartorial of course, is no ettins ... I have heard those dark elves in the rift are positively warm and welcoming, I foresee smooth sailing all the way."



Re: A Parchment
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2008, 12:28:18 am »
*Sasha runs in skidding suddenly to a halt in Dalanthar. Seeing the others gathered around the Bindstone she walks slowly and carefully and wipes the sweat from her brow not wishing it to appear as if she had actually just bolted for her life from deep in the Mountains to Dalanthar without stopping.*

Well we can look on the bright one got a visit from the Soul Mother. And at least some of us got out. Sallaron and Ranewin are somewhere not far behind me!

*she coughs lightly trying hard not to show everyone how tired she is from the long arduous run...or should I say panic stricken bolt for life!*


Re: A Parchment
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2008, 07:02:42 am »
** Sall comes wandering over to the Bindstone, muttering to himself.

Seeing the group slumped in a poor state by the Bindstone and getting slowly drunk, he sits beside them, snatching a bottle from Abi's pack and taking a few long quaffs.

"Well... " he says, wiping the froth from his mouth... " I aint gonna say I told ya so. But er... I did.
And I'm with ya Arkskies... Cobalt's all the rage lately. Mithril's over-rated anyways."

*he coughs into his hand, a shifty look in his eyes and takes another drink*

Krell Himmler

Re: A Parchment
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2008, 10:41:31 pm »
**a stranger walks up to the notice and pauses, reading the message with a slightl smile on his face**

Perhaps I can help you get Cobalt, I have escorted others up there before, so I would rate our chance of success as quite high. If I find time and chance to go, then I will accompany you. I only ask you don't annoy the owner of the island and that in lieu of cobalt I take whatever coins are found....


Re: A Parchment
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2008, 01:47:00 am »
*pulling out another six pack of beer and taking one for herself abi just smiles at them all

I agree, I think cobolt is gonna be all the rage. And as long as Arky here doesnt go screaming like a girl in the opposite direction again we should do quite well.

*laughs lightly as she hiccups in a slightly drunk way.

But dont worry arky..i'll pertect ya

*passes around some more beer

