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Author Topic: Black mage warning  (Read 304 times)


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2006, 02:37:59 am »
All we've done is to tell you what the black mage said since he really wanted us to. Dont blame us for anything, we're just delivering the message on. No reason to discuss this. About being drow, several others who arent drow has verified the truth of this.
  - Zan


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2006, 06:54:09 am »
//ooc i did read you through Acaces

*Rain comes back and reads the few notes that got written while he was gone and writes.*

Then die with your prejudice.

He storms out of the Inn.


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2006, 08:53:35 am »
True, it is difficult for many to trust any Drow. As a culture they have a long standing history of deceit and treachery, even within their own ranks. Does this mean we should ... the lot of them? I say no, but let those that come to us be given a chance to earn our trust.
  As a paladin of the Lort Protector I have been witness to Cymeran's conduct on many occasions and I would not hesitate to vouche for his character. I cannot, however, vouch for the motivation or intentions of this.. wizard.. but it is always good to be mindful and on guard in these times.  
  ~Caighd Brendimeere


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2006, 09:41:36 am »
*Barion reads the notes and writes a reply*

 Seems to me that a lot of you dont understand how the world works,running around and telling stories ,warning people and dont have a clou for what or were the threat is coming from. Do you realy think that those capable of interfearing will react on something like that? You must be a bigger fool then i thought if you do! Come with a direction ,some proof of your words or better yet ,bring the mage that warned you and others.

*He thinks to himself if he will write the next thing and as you can see he desided to write it*

As for your repeating statements of people NOT willing to fight and stop Blood their socalled greadyness and lust for gold.
I have only a few things to ask you then....Where were you when Stone was liberated ? Where were you when Roldem was freed ? Where were you when Velensk was attacked and the attack stopped ?....Dont assume things you know nothing about ..specialy not when you dont have a clou what those you talk about have already sacrificed to stop Blood sofar ...and as a final coment ..if you think that people in Hlint ,who are talking about their own lives and troubles,
will jump up the moment another person comes and disreguards their conversations ,breaking in ( or trying to atleast) there dayly things rambling about a warning , you better think again .

ps: And mister Rain ...if you have a problem with this reply ....come and tell ME in my face.

 Barion Firesteed..fighter for the liberation of Roldem,Stone,Velensk and many other places.


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2006, 10:09:26 am »
I am not suggesting you should up and slaughter the guy (though I know many who would be disappointed about that), merely saying that he is far better off than he thinks he is, but tries to force an image and respect that he has not really earned yet for many people. For those he has, great, no one's telling you to turn around and stab him.

Barion also is somewhat correct when he says that saying 'someone said that something is going to happen somewhere' and then expecting to see Blood overthrown all at once, is not exactly reasonable since many people have already been trying to do so, and this is not exactly the most detailed of reports. Which is why the most a lot of people can do, who do not have the means to read his mind right at this second, is pass it along and be careful.

But instead of implying that they overstepped themselves somehow in trying to help, just better to just thank them for what they were able to offer. Maybe it will make sense with more pieces.

You know, keeping some lines of communication open, instead of everyone thinking they're being whacked in the head by someone else. Pass around a beer or something.

And someone needs to buy me more ink. Honestly... I give up!


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2006, 10:51:10 am »
Ok lets put this logical
  The fact that we are several people, both drows and humans, who saw this makes its hard to explain why we should lie. Well did the black mage lie then?? Ask yourself, why should he? He warned us that Blood were plotting and that we should stay on our toos? Does any enemy of the good people get an advantage or chance to ambush because of that?? There would be no reason for anyone to lie about this.
  Right so what does it help to tell people Blood is planning? Dont ask us, we're just the delivers of the message!
  - Zan


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2006, 11:00:39 am »
"Mebbe da drow got to da humans?  Means only dwarves kin be trusted now... -Bjorn"

*laughs and keeps an eye out for dark robes and skull-lickers*


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2006, 11:12:16 am »
Which is precisely why all we can do at this very moment in response is to be aware... clearly awareness is a hard thing to come by, however.


Acacea slaps her forehead and laughs, then takes a run-and-toss approach to throwing the last of her meager ink supply into a nearby trashcan, promptly tripping over an unnoticed rock in the road in the process.


RE: Black mage warning
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2006, 03:05:12 pm »
*A note on plain parchment and written in a slightly irridescent black ink is posted with the rest*
  If the individual truly was a Black Wizard, the wise person should not immediately trust what it is they had to say, for deception and half-truths have been their tools before.
  If the individual was merely posing as a Black Wizard, then once again, the wise person should not immediately trust these words either, for someone is going through lengths to pretend to be something they are not.
  In either case, it would seem unwise to rush to the assumption that the information learned from this individual is the truth or is offered without another hidden agenda.
  Caution would seem to be in order.
  *the note is unsigned*


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2006, 03:16:40 pm »
//ooc ok lets make this thing clear, we are using the word black mage because this is the tag that was used by lanthear or who ever it was from the dm who played the char to warn us.  As Rhynn stated it may be that it is the tool set that work in a way that they might not be able to change the tag I dont know.  But this is clear if teh dm came on line to warn us then its because there is a reason.  Now I understand the rping trill about the drow coming in and warning ppl but could we please forget that it was a black mage tag that we saw and take the warning for what it is. It is getting a bit annoying at the end that all that is important is tossed asside because of a simple tag. Cuase if this would ahve been the real thing (in rl I mean) we would ahe not seen the tag and we would have not use that name to discribe the man that appeared from no where to warn us.


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2006, 03:39:30 pm »
//The OOC responses aren't usually necessary in an in character forum, particularly when they are IC responses regarding "Black Order of Mages" which are also specifically responded to in character. If the multitude of messages are read, the warning is consistently acknowledged along with with consideration for source and an explanation of why immediate action is not possible for the characters responding. This was all done in character, and so trying to force a reaction out of character, with an out of character reason (the DM said so), based on an in character series of events, is actually less realistic. Thank you, and I do think it did at least get across.//


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    Re: Black mage warning
    « Reply #31 on: June 19, 2006, 03:49:50 pm »
    *Walks in tired and dirty, his day having been long and worrisome...notices the large patch of parchment and feels compelled to read it, hoping insanely for some news of his wife...after reading a few of the notes, his eyes narrow and his face takes on a look of disdain...t'was not the news he sought...but something to worry him even more...he sighs glumly and, his reason for being at the inn either forgotten or no longer desired, shuffles back out the way he came.*



    RE: Black mage warning
    « Reply #32 on: June 20, 2006, 05:26:49 am »
    *Sonya comes out of her room Quitly and closes the door behind her. She looks at the notes And the writes the folowing*  
      I'm glad to see that so many have read the message. I hope that when the time comes and Bloodstone truelly makes the move that has been said he will do. We will all stand together to protect the world we have come to know and love.    I will do what ever I can to be there and protect this beautifull world. I can only hope you all wil do the same.     Signed   Sonya DarkAngel     *After writing the note, she gets back to her room to wait for her love to wake up.*