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Author Topic: A Call for Help.  (Read 124 times)

Lalaith Va'lash

A Call for Help.
« on: June 26, 2007, 09:42:14 am »
*Posted in simple black letters on a light colored parchment*

Help requested -- Seek information at the Pirate Cove Tavern, Hurm.

//More details:

If you can't make this time but are interested in hearing more, post a reply here IC about going to the Inn in Hurm and requesting information.  You will be send a Lore bird with the information


Re: A Call for Help.
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2007, 12:35:33 pm »
**Steel travels north from Haven, heavy sacks of iron ore and clay on his shoulders. He makes his customary stop at the Surge to check in on old Yastin and have a pint. Setting down his baggage, he shoots a glance at the boards. A certain ambiguous posting catches his eye.

Within the week he has completed the journey north to his home, Leringard. From there he boards one of the frigates bound for Hurm. He pays for his full array of battle gear to be loaded in a crate.

Upon reaching Hurm, he pays for a week of storage for his crate. He settles down into the Cove Tavern, purchases a few of the briny brews, and begins an analytical survey of the staff and customers, looking for the opportunity overhear a certain call for help.**

//// can't make it tonight because my wife has league, which means I take care of Hannah, and we both go to support mummy. =)


Re: A Call for Help.
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2007, 12:44:39 pm »
*hearing a call for help Clarissa makes her way to the inn in Hurm to determine the nature of the need*


Re: A Call for Help.
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2007, 12:59:48 pm »
*he sighs, seeing the letter*

Just when I can be useful, and I can't go figger out what it is...  Better get this food to Val...  Although...

*he smirks, looking down at the bundle of food he's been carrying, and walks off towards the tavern, with the intent to buy a buy some juices for Valmara, and get some information about whats going on**

//Gotta work tonight =(  or i'd be there


Re: A Call for Help.
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2007, 01:06:02 pm »
What the hells could be going on in Hurm now. Does it even have to do with....? We may as well see....

Rhynn, settling the half year old child in her arms peacefully makes her way by book back to Dalanthar , making sure someone is home before leaving the child in their care then heading to Hurm to see what this is all about

//Not sure If Ill be able to make it, I may have other obligations//

