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Author Topic: The Re-taking of Stone.  (Read 626 times)


The Re-taking of Stone.
« on: December 22, 2005, 07:42:00 pm »
Calling all warriors , mages, and clerics willing to help take back Stone from the forces of Bloodstone. It is true that they have set up camp and are trying to enter into the temple. I do not know how much longer the stone walls will last against the deomons and fierce warriors he has. Beryl needs us now and if you are willing to help fight and plan an attack on the town that they now hold please provide your name under this parchment.
    May Beryl keep you hidden and safe.


RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2005, 07:53:00 pm »
*Inscribed in on a fine parchment in calligraphy that is flowing and graceful, yet austere - attached to the preceding.*

I am strongly committed to defending Beryl's interests.  And so, I am at your disposal in any manner in which I may assist you.  You may contact me at the Temple of Az'atta in Saudiria.  Otherwise, I shall pay close attention to these notices.

Ael Rynthien d'lil Maethra


RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2005, 10:05:00 pm »

*written underneath*

You would serve Stone better by investigating what might have caused the weakening of Beryl. In my opinion a direct attack on Blood is futile.

-Daeron Stormcloud-


RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2005, 10:25:00 pm »
*Aralin nods as he read what Daeron wrote then pens in his own comment*

What Daeron said is correct, it may weaken their forces but it will not make much difference in the longterm. You should look for the cause of Beryl's weakening, and the reason that he was their choice of target.

-Aralin Harenya


RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2005, 11:29:00 pm »
*sighs and thinks to himself Aralin should stop smoking weed* Beryl be de Deep Mother ye daft elf nay male *grumbles*
*Writes down below*
She be haven me sword at her disposal Q', as ae've told ye.


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RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2005, 01:07:00 am »
*Vesath enters and reads the notes... spewing drink from his mouth in surprise*
  What is this?  Investigate the cause?  Oh for the love of beans, forget the causes of gods and their petty wars... real people on this plane were slaughtered!  That is all that is important! Are we to blind ourselves to this for the notion of some god's power struggle?  Posh!
  *Vesath turns and paces back and forth, waving his arms about*
  Talk talk talk... that is all anyone does around here is talk.  Tell anyone about what is happening and they want to talk about deeper causes and.... blast.... there is no action!  Can these demons not be killed?  Is it better to let them encroach than to fight every step of the way?
  *Vesath grabs a parchment and writes a note on it*
  The time for talking is ended... the time for philosophizing is past... deeper issues and matters of gods be thrown to the winds... people are dying whether they are of one god or another or not, by the hands of a person who fancies himself a god but isn't.
  Making excuses for not acting is another mask of cowardice.  Either confront me with my charge, or prove your worth against Blood! 
  Where are the paladins?  Where are the clerics?  Where are the guard?  Where is anyone who will go and hunt down what they can and destroy them?  I have written where their camps are... must the mighty warriors who so proudly display their weapons await the orders and leadership of a lowly wizard to lead them in battle? 
  *Vesath posts the note on the board and storms out of the inn*


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RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2005, 01:17:00 am »
I will do my best to assist you in this, Quill.



RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2005, 06:32:00 am »
*Quill comes into the inn staggering and observes the notes. Then he writes*
  Thank you all that have answered the call. To the comment about lookin for the cause of Beryl weakening. I think the answers that I and all Beryl followers seek will be found in Stone.  


RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2005, 06:44:00 am »
After passing the notice several times, Acacea finally makes herself tag onto the end of it-

There is no "trying to enter the temple." I am not sure there can be any "retaking." It's not a matter of holding out, or keeping them back; it's a matter of ash and bodies. Can something completely destroyed be retaken?

She sadly hops down from the chair and orders several drinks before walking out.


RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2005, 07:04:00 am »
Bil be ready to help yes he is...Bil nots sure he shoulds though no he isn't....when Bil looked at Stone Bil notice that Bloodstone destroy all crops of Hops and none grows anymores no they don't...Bil wonders if this be good thing yes he does.


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RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2005, 07:39:00 am »

There is a question of whether Blood's forces destroyed the temple or whether the gnomes tending the shrine collapsed the entrance in desperation.  Was anyone witness to the event?  If it is the latter, there may still be survivors buried in the temple.  If it is the former and all is in ruins, the question is why Blood's forces still remain in Stone.

We were confronted by a creature of great power, who did his best to frighten us away from the area.  Blood's general could have killed us easily, but he chose to terrorize us instead.  I believe there is something to be gained by acting quickly and striking back at the enemy, or they would not be taking pains to put off anyone venturing into Stone.

Stone may be lost, but we can not stand idle and let Blood capitalize on his victory.  To do nothing tells the enemy he can take any town or hamlet at anytime and that there will be no reprisals.  I will join anyone ready to respond to this outrage.

To do anything else is worse than cowardice.  Failure to act now is the same as surrender to Blood and his ideals.


RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2005, 08:33:00 am »
If someone needs help with the investigation. I can help them on their journey to Stone, just send a bird to Hlint I am by the bank most of the time.

*Signed*Storold, defender of the weave


RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2005, 04:58:00 pm »
I have never been to Rilara
or Stone
But, since Beryl may be in trouble, I believe in my heart that as a ranger, the Prince of Wolves would guide my bow and my swords to help in any way that I can, however slight that be!  
I have heard that the invading forces have burned much of the forest that was once surrounding this 'Stone'  It makes my heart slow in dread, to know that I have never seen this place, and it has been scarred beyond what I may have seen it as!
~Supintaltha Kilortinlathan


RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2005, 07:19:00 pm »
You have my support, and my sword in this endeavor. I will fight alongside any of you to reclaim this town, no matter the danger. We cannot allow ourselves to fall victim to Blood's forces so easily. Name the time and place, and I will be there.



RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2005, 07:31:00 am »
*Owen walks by the note several times and each time he walks away in disgust.  Finally he grabs a paper, writes a message on it and adds it to the bottom*

You all so willing rush into battle but flee from asking questions.  There is a reason that Stone was taken.  Don't you all want to know why?  No one has asked the question of where the army marched from.  We visited Point Harbor, Karthy, and Lannisport and all three were untouched.  Does this seem strange to anyone?  

And where is Milara in all of this?  The Cobra first struck out against Xeen and then turned and faced off with the Scorpion.  If Rilara is under Milara's domain then why was the snake keeping him in check?  

What importance does Stone have and why does Blood want Beryl weakened?

And to those who would question the courage and bravery of myself or those who are asking these questions, I will tell you this: I was there the night that Stone was taken.  I helped fight off part of the initial attacking force and then some of the reinforcements.  Almost *every* one of us fell.  So do not question our willingness to go to battle.  I gave part of myself to the Soul Mother defending Stone.

And remember that Blood's forces have been camped near Bloody Gate for quite some time now.  Milara makes his home on Rilara.  Where was your call to arms then?  If we are cowards for not rushing to our death to retake Stone then what does that make you for standing idle while the entire continent was under Blood's control?


RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2005, 09:46:00 am »
*Vin reads Owen's message and scribbles a reply in crude common*
None should be surprised and it is of course a Drow that seeks to stop our fight for Beryl.


RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2005, 11:17:00 am »
*Luna adds her reply*

Owen is right. We need to think about why this has happened.

Stone is destroyed. There is nothing to retake. You can go and battle with Blood's forces if it makes you feel better. Any losses Blood takes is not a bad thing, however do not overlook the larger questions.

Why Stone? Milara has not been seen in a long time and suddenly his constellation is squaring off with the Viper. Why? What does that mean?

*she frowns a bit at Vin's note*

And this is just silly. No one is trying to stop any fight. We are trying to seek the answers for why this has happened. We need to unite together and work for the common goal of stopping Blood before it is too late. Drow or not, Owen fought just as brave as everyone else and died just like everyone else. So stop spreading such distrust...

*she walks off somewhat annoyed*


RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2005, 02:31:00 pm »
*Jet adds a reply to the notices*

So when is the time right to strike back? When Blood and his forces have destroyed all of Rilara, as well Mistone? If it is in Blood's interests to weaken Beryl, there will be plenty of time to find reasons, but only very little time to respond. Would we be better to find the reasons Beryl is to be weakened onced Beryl has been weakened to the point of no return?

If we do not act we send only one message: Blood and his men can destroy whatever they want with no retaliation. Waste your time argueing if you must. Just know that every minute you waste is one more minute that we all fall deeper into Blood's grasp.



RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2005, 02:43:00 pm »
   I understand your reasoning in trying to find out what has cause Beryls powers to be weakened but I only know where to start and that is in Stone and since Bloods forces are crawling over that place, I want them away from the Deep Mothers temple and what is left of Stone. The town maybe lost and the people dead but it does not mean it cannot be re-built. If anyone has other suggestions I am free please wirte me a letter  *scribbles his address* and I will be surley like to meet you and discuss what we want to look at or who to ask. 
   Would you do the same thing if it was your gods temple that was destroyed and your god weakened? I guess I just let my heart lead me while others their heads.


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RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2005, 09:38:00 pm »
Owen posed the following questions:

And where is Milara in all of this?  The Cobra first struck out against Xeen and then turned and faced off with the Scorpion.  If Rilara is under Milara's domain then why was the snake keeping him in check?  

What importance does Stone have and why does Blood want Beryl weakened?

And remember that Blood's forces have been camped near Bloody Gate for quite some time now.  Milara makes his home on Rilara.  Where was your call to arms then?  If we are cowards for not rushing to our death to retake Stone then what does that make you for standing idle while the entire continent was under Blood's control?

What are we?  We are ignorant.  We lack the knowledge to ask the proper questions, much less find the correct answers.  I call upon paladins and heroes to deliver justice, but I must seek bards and sages for knowledge.

What is the history of Rilara?  Why have the difficulties of Mistone's closest neighbor gone unaddressed?

These questions, in addition to the ones you pose, are worthy of consideration.  Any information contributed to the effort could make the difference between a well coordinated strike and a doomed counterattack.  However, people have been less than forthcoming with such knowlege.  As a result I know little about the nature of the attack on Stone or what purpose is being served by the troops remaining in the city.  

Just because the enemy poses a threat is no reason to ignore the problem.  Quite the contrary, I propose we investigate.  Crafting an effective response requires information, so if you have some suggestion for finding out what is going on within the former township of Stone other than a frontal assault, I certainly wish to hear it.

I want to make the enemy pay for what they've done.  I want to prevent them from ever doing it again to someone else.  And I want to make damn sure they aren't up to something right now.  If you can propose a course of action other than acceptance of this atrocity, I am willing to put my mind as well as my arms to the task.

