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Author Topic: Toranite Rogues  (Read 1108 times)


Toranite Rogues
« on: August 16, 2012, 11:33:17 pm »
I'm sure there probably are some out there though still gotta ask... how?

Rogues tend to sneak up and well... stab there enemies in the back (IE Sneak attack) So... how can a rogue truly worship Toran when there style of combat is well... not all that honorable?
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Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2012, 12:07:56 am »
Rogues aren't actually defined by sneaking up and stabbing people. That is more defining a class by one feature and assuming there's only one way to play it. Just like there are cops that can break into places for good reasons, or hackers employed by companies to keep our data safe, or (to bring it back around to IC) people who study poison to make cures for them, or people who learn to fight expressly for defense, etc, etc. I could go on a while but I think that illustrates the point. Clearly let me know if it doesn't.

Toranite rogues (as in the OOC class), we do have a few here and there but the concept does have to be about honor in some way, either honor reclaimed, protecting those weaker than the character, or some other theme that brings the story around to be more than the class.

Let us know if that doesn't quite make sense and we can delve a bit deeper into what I'm trying to say.



Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2012, 12:20:25 am »
Well, maybe I'm just looking a little to much at the mechanical side but would seem to me in order for a rogue to be an honorable fighters they would have to be careful not to perform any dishonorable sneak attacks.

Additionally, and OOCly Cops don't necessarily go braking into places be it for a good reason or not. They go through the chain of command as it were and attain a search warrant. The hacker one however I don't really know.


Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2012, 01:35:04 am »
I could see a rogue Toranite excell in criminal investigations and espionage for the security of their faith or nation.  When given a warrant or fulfilling the clauses of probable cause, their skills to get around locks and traps are vital.  Perhaps street saavy bounty hunters that learn how to blend in, shadow suspects and gain information.  As for the honorable fighting and sneak attack paradox, sneak attacks aren't necessarily low blows.  They are hitting exposed areas of the distracted enemy for greater damage.  Archers making use of the feat I envision as snipers and sharpshooters, firing from cover at just the right time as the enemy is unaware.  SWAT teams and military men in the modern day do much the same thing lawfully.  Walker Texas Ranger takes cheap shots and sneaks around all the time.  It's not so much what you do or how you do it, but why you do it.  As long as you aren't using your rogue skills to commit crimes and cruelty, you could play a rogue Toranite concept with ease.


Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2012, 02:16:14 am »
but isn't honorable combat NOT to take cheap shots or attack the enemy from behind?

The rest of the roguish stuff is ok I suppose its just been my understanding that Toran was mostly about honorable combat though I suppose by not being a cleric or a paladin of Toran they don't have to uphold everything about him do they?


Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2012, 10:06:30 am »
I suppose it would depend on how one defines honorable combat. If you let your opponent know you're going to attack them before you actually do, and then use a 'sneak attack' while fighting them, did you fight the person dishonorably?

Some would say 'yes', some would say 'no.' Perhaps that is part of the dogma that is left up to interpretation.


Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2012, 10:21:04 am »
Also, you have to realize that you can "sneak attack" without actually stabbing someone in the back.  It means that you are able to hit them more critically when they aren't paying attention.  "Rogue" is an ooc class, and diplomats and scouts often have this class.  Someone who would not necessarily be a front line tank fighter, but instead a flank fighter, could be "sneak attacking" but not back stabbing.  Knowing where to hit so that you do more damage isn't always a cheap shot.  It's how you roleplay it.  You're also talking about a layperson class, not a cleric or a paladin or a champion or an undead hunter.  They may be a devout follower of Toran, but have other skills.  There are plenty of reasons why a person may have the skills they have.  Some may be more honorable than others, but that doesn't mean that they have to be dishonorable, and it doesn't exclude the class from worshipping a LG deity.


Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2012, 08:11:31 pm »
Shameless self-promotion!  

A Rogue by Any Other Name

Most notably, note the mention of the scout.

Script Wrecked

Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2012, 08:41:14 pm »
There was much less confusion when they were just called Thieves. ;)


Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2012, 02:07:58 am »
Quote from: lonnarin
I could see a rogue Toranite excell in criminal investigations and espionage for the security of their faith or nation.  When given a warrant or fulfilling the clauses of probable cause, their skills to get around locks and traps are vital.  Perhaps street saavy bounty hunters that learn how to blend in, shadow suspects and gain information.  As for the honorable fighting and sneak attack paradox, sneak attacks aren't necessarily low blows.  They are hitting exposed areas of the distracted enemy for greater damage.  Archers making use of the feat I envision as snipers and sharpshooters, firing from cover at just the right time as the enemy is unaware.  SWAT teams and military men in the modern day do much the same thing lawfully.  Walker Texas Ranger takes cheap shots and sneaks around all the time.  It's not so much what you do or how you do it, but why you do it.  As long as you aren't using your rogue skills to commit crimes and cruelty, you could play a rogue Toranite concept with ease.

hehehe makes me think of an gov assassin.. They do the dirty work that regular forces can't for the good of the nation.

In any case as for sneak attacks and back stabbing. I've always viewed it as training to do the most damage the quickest to end it. Attacking the vital points of the body where a fighter would mostly swing to hack in half with strength but less finesse, a rogue would go for the jugular, femoral artery, heart through the ribs stuff like that.


Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2012, 02:11:15 am »
Quote from: Hellblazer
hehehe makes me think of an gov assassin.. They do the dirty work that regular forces can't for the good of the nation.

IN any case as for sneak attacks and back stabbing. I've always viewed it as training to do the most damage the quickest to end it. Attacking the vital points of the body where a fighter would mostly swing to hack in half with strength but less finesse, a rogue would go for the jugular, femoral artery, heart through the ribs stuff like that.


Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2012, 03:39:50 am »
You can't tell me Robin Hood wasnt a Toranite Rogue!  :)


Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2012, 04:30:33 pm »
Now I'm not gonna claim that tyra is by any stretch a devout toranite or that she claims to be, be she certainly tries to use her skills to save people and stop evil (even if her sense of justice has been a tad cruel at times). But right now she's trying very hard to save two nations from going to open war with each other, so i'd say she's a good example of the 'toranite rogue' paradox.  

Or I could be deluding myself. Take your pick.


Re: Toranite Rogues
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2012, 03:19:12 am »
Or deluding us from some nefarious grand plan!

