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Author Topic: How summoned shadow it treated in Layonara?  (Read 419 times)


How summoned shadow it treated in Layonara?
« on: May 11, 2010, 07:15:28 am »

How shadows are seen in world of Layonara?
I know their race is undead by game mechanics but does every living people in Layonara see them as undead? By undead I mean undead like skeletons, wight, mummy, vampires and such?

Other PC:s tend to point out that my character has undead around her. Well that won't fit well with Lili as she is neural good and does not go well with undead. For myself (and Lili) I do not see shadow as Evil undead not at least when using Shadowdancer summon shadow ability. I was going to PR it out that she can puppet her own shadow not some unearthly undead being. All difference of height difference and such would be explained by as you know shadow do tend to look different lengths when the light comes from different angle. Up just would be fun to RP that her shadow pop out and move somewhere else leaving her without shadow.  

In other example I bumped into other PC with my other character Tommy, I happen to had summoned his deity (Shadon) summon that is also happen to be a shadow. I'm only supposing that other PC was a good alignment as he frowned pointed out right a way that 'my friend' there was undead thing and it seemed he did not want to have anything to do with Tommy after that when Tommy more or less shrugged if off by saying the he preferred to call his shadow 'not alive' after moment of pondering (as he did not see his shadow summon as horrific flesh eating undead).

If shadows are seen as undead for everyone in the first glimpse, then I'm a little curious about Deliar that has alignment Chaotic Good use shadows as deity summons if shadows are indeed acknowledged same all other undead. Or is it okay that good Goodly good and chars just use undead servants? I mean if its really seen as undead not as shadow that well kind of is not alive but..
I bet you know what I mean here.
I'm just thinking that most goodly alignment clerics won't be walk around rotting zombie tailing them, right? :D

Yes, I can understand that maybe someone is Rping PC 'to mistake' as looking shadow to be undead as shadow could be seen like wight or something other evil but I really think that the real reason why people react like hat lies that undead race category that can bee seen by examining the creature.

Any rulings here? Are shadows same as all other races marked up as undead?
If it is, then is there any change I can play Lilis shadow as I planned or should she just give up idea using it? Or maybe you have some thoughts about creating new alignment based summons for shadowdancers?



Re: How summoned shadow it treated in Layonara?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2010, 07:20:11 am »
This link might help you a bit.


- Summon Shadow: a shadow is summoned from a lower frequency world, see here
These are not undead (although NWN says they are). They are also not “shadow elementals” (i.e. they are not creatures of solidified shadow).


Re: How summoned shadow it treated in Layonara?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2010, 01:19:14 pm »
The thread HB linked answers part of your questions, but as far as people's reaction...

Well... it's a walking shadow. So regardless of the fact that its not an undead, many people are going to react poorly to it. The same is true of any summon really - Goody-goody Prunilla gets walking scarecrows, which would probably freak most people out. Goody-goody Az'atta and Toran get things like dog-headed people with giant swords, which would probably freak most people out.

The average PC might be a bit more inured to such things. But my guess is that even the bulk of adventurers couldn't really articulate what "lower frequency planes" are, and that most shadowdancers are aware that shadows might be attacked on sight by those who don't understand them. I mean, shadow dancers are supposed to be mysterious and distrusted in the first place, certainly no one who pursues that path could fairly expect most others to accept their summoned shadows, IMO.


Re: How summoned shadow it treated in Layonara?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2010, 11:07:40 pm »
Thanks Hellblazer & ycleption!


Re: How summoned shadow it treated in Layonara?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2010, 06:53:42 am »
I think it depends on the character (and the player interpretation).  The most common place to find shadow like creatures (other then summons) is with hordes of undead in crypts and the like.  These creatures typically have a very nasty 'negative energy / drain ability' type of attack.

Guardian 452

Re: How summoned shadow it treated in Layonara?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2010, 10:19:20 am »
Need to allow one exception... if you walk thru town singing this...

YouTube - Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr - Me and My Shadow
(Frank Sinatra & Sammy Davis Jr. Me and My Shadow)

You should be allowed to have your shadow summons in town. But you have to make your shadow sing all of Sammy's parts too!

ROTF....   :)


Re: How summoned shadow it treated in Layonara?
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2010, 02:36:40 am »
Quote from: Guardian 452
Need to allow one exception... if you walk thru town singing this...

YouTube - Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr - Me and My Shadow
(Frank Sinatra & Sammy Davis Jr. Me and My Shadow)

You should be allowed to have your shadow summons in town. But you have to make your shadow sing all of Sammy's parts too!

ROTF....   :)

Tommy might actually try that. I wonder what skills he will need to accomplish that? Little more Spellcraft to modify that summoned shadow and he will just need some bard levels to gain some perform skills for that singing part especially because he have to teach those hard Sammy's parts to his shadow..  ;)