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Author Topic: Disarm bug(possibly)  (Read 1716 times)


Disarm bug(possibly)
« on: December 17, 2012, 07:07:14 pm »
Description- Twice whilst passing the specific area across , the first spawns as you reach the bridges ,  the equiped weapon has either been disarmed (or i dunno what) it doesnt go into your inventory as both times ive had clean inventories due to being a wizard and low carrying capability . As theres so much going on at the time in question i didnt really notice the first time it happened . And the second time Maran "lord cove" found it lying on the floor .

Location - The Deep , going towards the emeralds ... the bridges with the narsty druegar , priests and monks .

Reproducable - Yes , the first time it happened i lost a dragon slayer blade , the second time , Maran Lord cover found my new weapon ;-(



Re: Disarm bug(possibly)
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2012, 06:16:34 am »
I kinda recall some of those fellas having whips.  I think its a modified discipline check to resist being disarmed.  It's also possible they might have been using a their "drop" as a weapon and it was a whip.  Not sure how disarm feat works in Layo.


Re: Disarm bug(possibly)
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2012, 08:23:21 am »
Usually Disarm in Layo ( including unique armour removal from some creatures) would put the item into the persons inventory, unless the inventory is full, then it drops to the ground.

In this case, it seems to auto-drop to the floor. Not even sure how thats possible unless encounters are scripted to use the basic NWN Disarm feat, but I'm not big on scripting.


Re: Disarm bug(possibly)
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2012, 01:11:26 pm »
Yeah , my inventory deffently isnt full with sein , he just cant carry much ...


Re: Disarm bug(possibly)
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2012, 12:07:55 pm »
The bugbear chieftains past Black Hills on Dregar also have/had the Disarm feat, and the weapon always dropped to the ground from my characters.


Re: Disarm bug(possibly)
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2012, 01:03:04 pm »
If this is the case , is there any chance that this could possible be looked at ? And maybe changed so they get dropped to your inventory (like babiliths do with your armour) .


Re: Disarm bug(possibly)
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2012, 02:54:05 am »
I think Disarm as a feat is Bioware hard coded, and can't be changed..

Guardian 452

Re: Disarm bug(possibly)
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2012, 12:02:28 pm »
Couldnt the creatures that are using it be changed so they no longer have the feat?


Re: Disarm bug(possibly)
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2012, 11:07:33 pm »
Quote from: Guardian 452
Couldnt the creatures that are using it be changed so they no longer have the feat?

For informational purposes...

Disarm is part of their build and balance.

I'm also fairly certain we have a second Disarm implementation that does not drop things to the ground. It may not be everywhere though, and if it's on Bioware-standard creatures, we can't really change them.

*steps back out of the thread*

Guardian 452

Re: Disarm bug(possibly)
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2012, 11:25:27 pm »
Not quite sure what you're saying here.

Its part of their build and balance?
You want people weapons being put to the ground?

We can't change bioware-standard creatures?
Sure you can... replace the creatures doing the disarm that drops things to the ground with ones that work properly, made by us. Or find the balance you want via another build path not using disarm.


Re: Disarm bug(possibly)
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2012, 12:01:35 am »
Quote from: Guardian 452
Not quite sure what you're saying here.

Its part of their build and balance?
You want people weapons being put to the ground?

Don't put words in my mouth, please.

Speaking generally, disarming, whether it goes into one's inventory or drops on the ground, ultimately breaks the combat cycle as an intentional effect. This is what I mean by "build and balance".

In the specific case of our world, if you're fighting and suddenly your weapon isn't in your hand, that generally creates a problem for the buffed-up, magicked-up melee attacker...which is the intent...and is supposed to motivate people to employ different tactics when fighting them (i.e. ranged, spells, unarmed, etc...)

But no, we don't want people to lose their gear because it fell on the ground. That's the reason why we even bothered to create a second Disarm (assuming my memory is correct).

We can't change bioware-standard creatures?
Sure you can... replace the creatures doing the disarm that drops things to the ground with ones that work properly, made by us. Or find the balance you want via another build path not using disarm.

You know as well as anyone that we simply do not have room in the modules to change ever Bioware creature/item that does not please us 100%. It is why we still have "Drow" that spawn and all sorts of other things.  Otherwise, all those "Drow" would have been replaced a long time ago.

Guardian 452

Re: Disarm bug(possibly)
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2012, 12:44:50 am »
If I dont ask I wont know what you really meant now will I? And I could take things the wrong way and run with it. I Didnt intend to put words in anyones mouth.... I ask questions when I don't follow along with something.

Thanks for clearing up my questions.


Re: Disarm bug(possibly)
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2019, 12:03:31 am »
I've added some logic to fire onunaquire_item

If the player is in combat and drops a melee or ranged weapon they will automatically pick it up. If there's no room in their inventory it will send a floating string to the player and all their party members saying it's left on the ground.

This means you can't ever attempt to drop a weapon while in combat, it will just automatically pick it back up. I don't see that being any issue as I don't see that case happening. Worst case you have to wait for combat to end.
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