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Author Topic: "dark ages"-continuation  (Read 906 times)


"dark ages"-continuation
« on: February 06, 2007, 06:59:12 am »
Well first of all i think i waited to much time to write the post. Im sorry if my english is not good enought but i have some things i would like to say about the server.

Well has many of you know my characters are Taislin Burrik and Erugor, and i play one this server now for more then 1 year. Some of my friends also played layo (Taislin whoolhands and gelden sezenem) and we have some things to say.

Since i joined that i dont agree with the CN rule. Evil charaters its ok. But CN its diferent. Has i know for CN you need to have played at least 2 months or so and have a character lvl 10. Witht he 2 months I agree it gives time to dms and players to see how good is your roleplay. But i tottaly disagree with a lvl 10 character. This means that a person that has a character lvl 10 roleplays better then i do a CN character? I dont think so. My chars are lvl 8 because i ive most of my time to roleplay. This takes me time of getting xp. So if a guy gets here and gets lvl 10 in 2 months he is able to have a CN character. Is it fair? Its Plvl against RP. Has it seems with plvl you roleplay better a CN character.

Ok the second topic is related with a part of the first: PLVL. For me people spend to much time killing monsters and few doing whats important : roleplay. If you check the server status almost more then 50% of people are lvl 15+. When i joined there were few lvl 20+. I see people getting in hlint and saying "Hey some one wants to kill ogres?". It seems that killing monsters is a sport.

Dm quest. I do think its good to have them but people abuse from them. Every day there is one quest and there are people that go to all. Easy xp. Instead of putting all quest on the calendar (like there was a calendar like that in hlint) dms should do like surprise quest to reward good roleplay players.

Finally I want to talka bout the roleplay himself. Its getting worse with time and its making layo going into "the dark ages". When i joined the server the roleplay was excelent. First i was one of those ooc players but some good-hearted players lost some of their ROLEPLAY time to teach me how to do it. Has i said to some players those where the gold ages of layo. I give the example of my characters. For his actions Taislin had a trial and went to jail 2 times. Its natural has he is a theif (assumed). Well now i just present myself has always (Taislin Burrik, the Theif of Hlint) and people just say "well meet". Is it normall? Now my orc example. WHen i created him people reacted him has the orc he was "Orc in town!!!". I have to give the example of one of my faavourite DMs Dm Orion that with his character made an exelent roleplay with my character. Now people just see and orc and say nothing has it was normall to see an orc in hlint. Roleplay is really bad now and this has made my friends (Taislin and Gelden) to leave the server. Well of course i get sad when this happens. People giving up from a great server that layo was. More then 2 great roleplayers were lost. I could stay all the night (or day) telling you about the old times of layo, about the great roleplay but i think my point of view is said. Things like this were said before by a player which I cant remember the name. And i think it was time for some one to say it. I think many other players agree with me and i just ask Leanther, the DM team, and all the other players that lost some quest or some hunt to the ogres to tell what you think.

P.S: Still thinking if I should leave the server or no. Layo was and is part of my life (a good part), a part that I would like to lose. I think this server can get the best of all again.

Has the other thread was locked I ask people just to comment telling their opinion and NOT pointing fingers to others


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2007, 07:07:01 am »
*chuckles and shakes head* Right, here we go again. Once wasn't enough for you Taislin?


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2007, 07:09:29 am »
Wow.....Deja Vu.

Or did I say that already *scratches his head*


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2007, 07:12:22 am »
No it wasnt the thread was locked and I still would like some mor epeople to say their opnion including you Leanthar


RE: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2007, 07:59:57 am »
Well, Taislin actually make some good points here. As things are now, players are in general rewarded by experience. Taislin mentoined the 10th level rule for CN, and if I may continue: When the Soul of an lost ancient campaign ended, the two real important evens required a character at least at lvl 13. To be a World leader you need to reach epic level too.

I also agree that people takes the "evil" races very lightly, except for dwarves, everyone smiles to a drow.

But finally I would say, Taislin, that there simply isn't much to do about it, besides from maybe raising the 2 month barrier to 8. It would be too easy for everyone to become CN if it was only level 7 or 8, you can't force players to be aggrasive at "evil" races and even though some of the funniest quest I've ever been at occured out of nowhere, it is not fun to be a GM if half the party drops out of a quest after an hour because they hadn't put the time aside to play it because they didn't know of it.

And *shakes head* I remember a player saying this server is very hard on critics and it is indeed. Instead of building up a wall of defense at the first sight of critic or just ignore it doesn't lead anywhere and doesn't solve any problems.


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2007, 08:02:59 am »
This weekend, even with the 2x xp going on I was witness to a lot of good RP.  Zup was able to pick up on the tension between Sallaron and Pyrran due to Sallaron's problem.  I hooked up with Czukay and crew later on and found them to be fun to watch the RP between them as well.

Regardless of how you feel about the CN rule, it's Leanthar's world and he can impose rules as he sees fit.  If you don't like it at least understand it's there because not all people reach 10th level at the same time.  Some people only play a few hours a week and may not get to 10th level for 6 months or longer.  Sure some people reach 10th level quick but many of those don't have a CDT sufficient enough to permit them to be allowed to go to CN because they haven't taken time to flesh out their character.

I also pick up that you say you want to RP but you are also looking at the server status and not liking that others are higher level.  I can say the same since I've played here for quite some time and those I started with are mostly world leaders but I'm not.  That doesn't mean they role play less, in fact they role play so well I love just to watch them.  And they don't just do it in town.  They do it in battle to, and while travelling too.  Focus less on the level of others and more on your own character and don't worry about the server status.  Those that raise rapidly in level usually end up taking care of themselves from my experience.

You say that you used to do OOC yourself but that others helped you learn how to do it better.  Have you yourself done the same to those you see that are not role playing well?  If you have then kudos to you.

Also the racial tension issue you are talking about towards your orc is valid and has been discussed many times here on the forums and people should not trust an orc normally, but that also depends on the characters background.  Some characters have had different experiences and react differently to different races.  Anyway, if you don't lie what you are seeing from a person, send them a OOC tell that they should not trust your character, it's all part of everyone here trying to help everyone have a fun time.

Anyway just my .00002

Jearick Hgar

Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2007, 08:38:09 am »
i'm just going to add some things.

While it may seem that level 10 + two months for the CN rule is kinda "wha?" it make salot of sence. if you've been around for 2 motnhs you've been rping, and if your level 10 you've been places. they want both of these for the people who wnat CN chars. it helps to fit rp if you knwo your areas, and know your people and how thing are. if your level 1 been around for 2 months,e ither you don't play much at all, or you never go anywhere besides Hlint. which means you don't ahve a good taste for the atmosphere.

you also said you don't like people leveling. that make snos ence what so ever. this is first and fore most a game. the point of the game is to get levels, gain power, and kill monsters. now the RP,t hat's an agreement. we as a community of people ahve agreed to rp together. That's not, however, an agreement to how much a person RPs. you can't stop a person from playing a game the way it's ment to be played. I personally spend a good amount of time RPing, i also spend a good amount of time training. i'm level 10. form thsi i've foudn that there's A LOT of rp to be had while fighting as well. people talk, you get to know each other. strike deals, find out how people fight and react to things. jsut cuz your fighting mobs doesn't eman you can't rp...

I really don't knwo what to say to your DM quest issue. "people are abusing the quest for rp" ... yes people are doing the quest for the reward. But that's mainly a frosting ont he cake thing, cuz no matter what, your gunna hve fun on a Dm quest. the DM is throwing a storya dn focusing on your char, you get to show your colors and rp with others at a better level than you could with out a DM. if someone is on an RP server and is abusing thigns so they can power level, obviously they shouldn't be ont he server and they'lle ventually leave. I think the way it's set up is jsut fine.

Lastly.... the Rp is just fine. ya i agree people should be like "wtf? orc in town?" but that's their char's rp. i also agree that people who say "hey i'm a pirate" or "hey i'm a theif" shoudl be hauled off to jail. as they are admitting to beign unlawful. but that is as well their rp. When i have a char that understadns laws and such, i'll of course rp a reaction to it, but you cant' force others. maybe their char has soem background with being used to introductions liek that.

People are here to have funa nd RP, you can't tell them "hey your not rping right" cuz there's no right or wrong way to rp, there's guidelines yes, common courtisies yes, but not right wrong. there's just RP.

that's where i'm gunna stop myself. i don't think this needs any more disscussion. don't liek how it is, don't play clean and simple.


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2007, 08:54:40 am »
Sorry for the rant here folks but I am pretty much feed up and there are a few things I want to get off my chest.

This is an RP community and server, our DM quests focus on that and prove that it is an RP community—or we wouldn’t have DM events/quests. That is a fact of life in this community and it is what Layonara is about—like it or not. Eventually those that do not like it leave, and that is fine, it is their choice, after all they are the one playing to have fun. Layonara is about role-playing and storytelling. The focus is on the characters within the game world and how they change the world and how civilization and the world changes around them, and then their reactions within those changes. The world evolves and as it evolves the characters must adapt and live within the game world. The best way to show this is via DM run events/quests.

What is RP?

Everybody that just read that question had a different answer, I just about guarantee it. There is no “right or wrong way” to RP as long as the spirit of RP and the spirit of the server and community is followed and in tact. And as long as the rules of the community/server are followed and it did not involve meta-gaming, cheating, hacking, etc.

Numbers for the server.

Let’s see here, NwN is 5 years old and we are not going to NwN2. That means the community (NwN community in general) is SHRINKING – not growing. What does that mean for us? It means our community is SHRINKING in general—so that means I need to find a way to KEEP the community for the players. If there are not enough players (or no players) there will be less community—simple rule and fact of life. My job (amoungst the hundreds of others) is to keep the community at a size that allows others to play with others in an online game. Online means muli-player—and multi-player means multiple people. When a larger community is shrinking and the game world offerings are DRASTICLLY smaller than they used to be what do you think is going to happen? It means you are going to good and bad members to the community, but only those that have not left entirely. I remember when the community was much smaller and the complaint was to grow it so that there would be more players to play with—and I did grow it. Now I am hearing people say to NOT grow it or at least try to keep it the same size? Well, sorry, we can’t have it both ways.

I pay for 8 servers here folks. Why in the world would I continue to pay the amount of money I am paying for a SHRINKING community? There is no reason, none at all, zip, notta. So the only NwN solution is to try and keep the community or at least not allow it to shrink too much. It is NOT a numbers game as the poster claimed; it is a “game” of me trying to keep a viable community for the players to enjoy their time here. That is why they play in an online game community and why they play in Layonara after all.

Another reason for me to try and keep the size of community that we have is because I need donations, this server upkeep is destroying my bank account and it is starting to step on my family income. And nobody/nothing messes with my family. So call it “grow” or a “numbers game” if you want but it is not for the reasons that you are insinuating.

We are left with a lot of good role-players (some are excellent) and a few bad apples that claim they know how to RP but in reality they hide behind the rules, meta-game, and post flames when things don’t go their way. The few bad apples are also the ones that happen to be in denial and do not want to improve when approached and talked to about things. But what would you have me do, ban them? I can’t ban them—they haven’t done anything wrong. As soon as I go down the path of picking and choosing who to ban because of their inability to RP or any of that sort of thing then I have crossed an ethical line that I am not going to cross. I truly believe in letting people grow and improve themselves, clearly that takes effort from that individuals side of things and there are many here that have grown—but quite a few that refuse to grow because they are in denial. But that doesn’t mean they should be banned.

I have said this a hundred times; if you don’t like the server then don’t play here. It is free; I certainly make no money from anybody in the community—as a matter of fact it costs me more than $6000 a year ($30,000 so far—and that is not chump change. How much do you make in a years wages?). I mean come on; it is a simple concept to grasp. This is not a “go play somewhere else line or statement”. It is a simple fact that the game is free and it is a game that you play of your own free will and choosing, if you don’t like it then don’t play it. Simple. But don’t come to the forums moaning and complaining (or flaming) and don’t destroy the community (or attempt to do so). We have seen that done by multiple people over the years—and funny enough many of those individuals come back to play.

If you can do better then by all means start your own server and your own community, but you are going to find it is a difficult thing to do. It may not seem like it is but it most assuredly is.

RP’ers vs. Non-Rp’ers

Yes you are right, the quality of RP on the server has dropped and that is very sad. It is so sad that I have seriously considered shutting down the server a number of times over the past year and truth-be-told am in that thought process right now. But I haven’t because I don’t want to do that to the players in the community that do enjoy it here, to me that is a betrayal of trust (unless it comes down to a money situation which I am quickly approaching). Part of the problem is what I stated above, a few people are in denial and refuse to try and learn—but that is their issue not ours (or yours)—theirs. And they are bringing their friends that are also in denial. A significant reason though is that NwN is five years old. I can just about guarantee you that if we updated to NwN2 we would get just about all of the people that left to come back because it is a quality server. But we are not updating to NwN2 for a number of reasons—of which I am not going to list here. One of the reasons I did the double XP this past weekend was to try and get a few of the old timers to come back and play, sadly most of those that I was hoping for did not come back—but that is because they have left NwN completely. Another reason was I would hope people would meet other people and perhaps learn new RP styles eventually from these new-found friends (or old acquaintances). Will it work? Probably not, but I can now say we at least tried.

Again though, it is hard to find quality RP’ers because the NwN community as a whole is shrinking. I also can not ban people because they can’t “RP”. What kind of message would that send? And I wouldn’t even consider doing that. These individuals (a few) are also not willing to learn to RP (or are in denial about their ability to RP) so there isn’t much we can do to help them out—but we still try. Why? Because we believe in people and we believe in a persons ability to grow and expand their abilities.

On the CN stuff
That is the rules and everybody abides by the same rules. You asked me to bend them for you, no, that is not going to happen. If we bend/break it for one and we must do it for everybody—and that is not going to happen. CN is a “hide behind” alignment and the in denial RP’ers are the ones that tend to play the alignment and destroy it for the many. This is not always true mind you, but it is the reason why we have the rule in place—so that we (the team and community) can see if an individual is able to play the CN alignment. With all of that said, some things will change in V3, but not until I announce the changes. And it will be for the entire community at one time—not for an individual player (or request).

Server/Community in General

I love this community, well about 98% of them hehe. It is why the server stays online and why I continue to pay for the servers. If it wasn’t for the teams (they are awesome!!!) the world and community would have been shut down several years ago. The community (in general) is fantastic.

But sadly those that are in denial are making me feel like all I do any more is baby-sit, answer the same post/thread multiple times, or answer the same “topic of posts” multiple times or read the same “topic” over and over. Or council the same individuals (or their friends that they are allowing to tag along for XP grinds) about why they can’t do this or that and how it is not the spirit of the server. Then hear the same individuals (or their friends) spout off how “they didn’t know” or “that’s stupid” or “well I am better than that so let me do it” over and over again…that sort of nonsense. Or continue to listen to these same individuals that are in denial of their RP/Meta-gaming (or whatever) carry on about how well their “friends” (who are also in denial by the way) RP or abide by the rules and make the community better….all the while they continue to meta-game or bad mouth people behind their backs. Childish and immature. But some do slowly grow out of it, quite a few do as a matter of fact, and they are the ones that I believe in—because they have grown and improved themselves. But only because we have given them a chance to improve themselves first instead of chasing them away or banning them.

There is more to running a server and community than you realize, and there is far more to it when one is doing it free (no—not free—when it is costing one $6000 a year).

So you want to see things from the other side of the fence, there you go. I could go on and on for 100’s of more pages but it just is not worth my time right now.

This is not a wall of defense or me picking on any individual or single post. It is point of facts about what is happening and why and I think the community needs to understand this stuff. Perhaps one of the reasons that people feel that “this server is very hard on critics” is because the critics are seeing things one-sided and need others to point out the larger picture from time to time. There is always more to the picture than one sees from their point of view—including myself and the teams. And sometimes when these critics are shown the bigger picture it comes across as a wall of defense when it isn’t…but since that individual wasn’t “100% right” or we are not “agreeing” then we are being defensive or argumentative, or on a high-horse (whatever one wants to call it) since we are not all in agreement.

There is a finite amount of resources in manpower, hardware, time, and money that we have here and we have tapped it to the extreme—there is nothing else we can give here folks—nothing.

There are other reasons I want to grow the community, but for the NwN side of things these are the reasons why things are happening like they are.

/end rant



Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2007, 09:20:35 am »
*bows to Leanthar* I just had to shut my own server down for some things that were along the lines of that Big L (nitpicking the flaws in my own server, map rotations and AMX Admin mod/game plug ins), you are a stronger perosn than I am. and always you have my respect.


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2007, 09:44:45 am »
*nods in agreement*

That was all i wanted to hear from the beginning. I made to post just to warn. But it seems that you are already making things to improve the server status. I also agree with you when you say that the community can be saved, layo can still into the gold ages again. This posts didnt had has objective to destroy the community, in fact what i want is just see it getting better.

Well about mantaining the servers. I know they cost much to you and im not telling to close the server. In fact i think all players thank you for this great oportunity of roleplaying, including me. We just hope to have layo for many more ages.

I didnt asked for you to aprove me for CN i just stated what i think about the rules.

And answering to Nyraloted, no in fact i didnt trying to help the other players to improve their rp.

Dont worry from now on i will do what i can to help the server.

You can close the thread has my questions were answered



Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2007, 09:50:21 am »
I don't think that was a rant at all. In fact, it explains very clearly your views. Layo was my first and only NWN pw and most likely my last. As such I've had ups/downs good rp and bad, but I know I've learned a thing or two in the process. I always enjoy my time in Layo and love this community. Thank you for those insights, Leanthar.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


RE: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2007, 10:05:48 am »
A few thoughts here from me.  First, and I may step on some toes here, but, I joined the community in the age of the dragon called.  When you first logged on the server or read about the community in the forums it was very clear that you were called to be a "Hero" by the dragon.  A hero is one that is many things, and in my opinion, none of them are in line with what is described as the characteristics of CN, NE, or even TN.  I understand that if everyone on the server was a paladin things would be really two dimensional but it is one thing to start out in those alignments and work toward being good and another to be good and work toward evil.  Now that the dragon called are a dieing bread, I don't see that much has changed or needs to change about needing heroes.  The land is hurt in the aftermath of the war, and needs people to step up and still be the hero in a dark time.  It is the definitive reason to join the community.  That isn't to say that characters need be without flaws or weaknesses.  That is what gives the community its richness.  But there is a big difference between creating character flaws and creating a character that actively works counter to what the server is all about.  We are supposed to be the 'good guys' here.  There are enough monsters to kill and demons to vanquish that the need to be a villain should be a non issue.    Playing a dark character can be fun, but if evil alignments were allowed to propogate, we would have a server that is all about PVP and the monsters and other baddies wouldn't be needed.  We need as a community and as individuals to be true to the spirit of the server and be the heroes the land needs not log on with the attitude of "what can I get for myself today?".

Second, I agree that the quality of RP has dropped.  I can't say this is in any way the fault of the DM team or L.  It is more because the players allow it.  When someone comes into town and says "Hey, want to go kill ogres?", don't just say "OK" and run off with them.  Ask why, or get them to RP the situation rather than jumping off to go hack.  When we the player base demand higher quality RP, it will happen, not when it is enforced by the DM's.  For many on here, Layo is their first RP experience.  I grew up in the days that D&D and many other RP games were played with minifigs set up on a hex grid and RP was everything (Early 80's for those that were alive back then..hehe).  I dare say a good portion of those playing have never played the game live and in person with a bunch of friends sitting around a table rolling dice for attack or making a perception save when going around a corner.  Many here are used to the flat experience of NWN and the limited interaction of other hunt and kill monster type games and that inexperience often comes out in their RP.  So teach them.  Those that know better and the know the richness that comes from good RP need to encourage and teach those that don't what a multiplayer environment is or could be.

Third, is the thought that DM's are the only ones that can generate quests.  Not true.  I ran one Friday night and had a blast doing it and plan to do more.  There are a number of tools in place for players to come up with their own ideas and follow through on them.  The problem is most remain unused.  Perhaps a campain of publicity or advertising or something so more take advantage of the tools that are there would help?  I don't know.  But I do know that the servers that are here by all of L's work and sacrifice are only tools that are available to use.  It is up to the player base to pick them up and use them, not the DM's.

Fourth, DM's do have random impromtu quests.  I have been on more of those in my time here than the scheduled ones and frankly they are the most fun.  It is one of the big things that keeps the server fresh and full of surprises when you have to constantly be watching for things rather than knowing where the bad guys all are and simply going through the mechanics of move and fight.  My kudos to those DM's that take the time and put the effort into the impromptu interaction that often ends up taking more time then originally planned as these quests often take on a life of their own.

This all said, there is one tool in place that I have yet to see used that may help and that is the WL XP wands.  I know a good portion of the WL's have either retired or are seldom played on west and that is a sad thing as they are just that, WLs and I think having more of them around would be a big boost to the player base and having them toss out a few more XP points for good RP would do much to encourage those that think one sentance RP is a good thing to do much more.  Problem is about the only true WL I ever regularly see in or around Hlint is Ozy.  Most of the others are busy on East or occasionally Central but rarely seen on or about West.  Those of us that have been around for a while need to be teachers and educators for the next generation of role players or those that are to follow will loose a lot of the History and richness that is the Layo community.  So, I would challenge the player base from the tall to the small to demand a higher quality among ourselves rather than relying on the DM team to do all the work for us.  Layo is only as good as the players want it to be and if we want it to be better, it is up to us to make it so.


RE: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2007, 10:27:36 am »
well except for the whole "hero" thing I totally agree.
You dont have to be good to stop Blood (or didn't), I know at least one who fought blood (hmm or at least appearently), even though the char's aligment isn't exactly a good one. But more important a (sorry for the disrespect) stupid dragon shall not dictate the evovlment of my character's personality!


RE: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2007, 11:38:40 am »
Please let me say this. I Su** at role play. I try. I will keep trying. I for one welcome input from other players and DM's alike on how to do it better. I join quests that are primarily or all role play, ie no bashing, and feel like a total retard most of the time but I stick with it because I want to learn. I have had some pretty nasty tells come my way from more seasoned folks about how what i just said or did was stuped (they used different language lol). Don't so much appreciate the slams, input would be more productive but I also occasionally get tells from folks who give input/advice respectfully and I so appreciate it. I also have folks I have gotten to know on here who are willing to help me with things (recover my grave or whatever) but insist I figure out a way to rp it into things. This also has been incredibly helpful. It is afterall not good rp to walk through Hlint and say "ok im dead, who is going to help me get back to where ever to get my headstone?" It is also not enough to just walk up to a character you know or send them a tell and ask them for help and expect them to drop what they are doing to come aid you. Instead I have learned to find ways to work it in to whatever is going on. Sometimes in ok ways and other times in not so ok ways. I have no illusions about my ability to rp. Right now I stink at it. But I want to get better at it, is why I stick with quests where my ignorance upsets folks. There are some who actually seem to want to help newer folks out. To those I say a big THANK YOU. To the ones who get nasty with me and with others, I still learn from you. I have also had DM's send me tells with suggestions/input and that is also helpful but in the grand scheme of things I have to think they are too busy to do this very often. I am thankful to them though for not just booting me out of quests when I don't carry my weight. I am trying. I don't worry as much about looking stupid as I did at first lol. Some quests I sit here in awe wondering how you all do it. I have been on quests with folks like Honora, Jil, Rhynn, Praylor, Hawk, Tadashi, so many many others there is not enough room to name them all (please dont be offended if i didnt) and the rp has been incredible. I don't know where they get it from, don't know how they do it, but I know I want to  get there. Please do not ever be afraid to send me tell giving me input, I do not get offended easily. I am one of the ones who does want to learn and hope that I have the ability to do so.


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2007, 12:32:31 pm »
Well Lolli, I'm normally about to answer questions if you can tolerate my near permanent vile mood. Even when I'm not online their is this lovely option to send a Private Message and ask a question if a tell in game isn't possible. Thus my door is normally open.


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2007, 12:52:12 pm »
Thank you Ozmandias. And I kinda like your vile mood.  ;)


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2007, 05:26:34 pm »
Yeah, I like Ozy. Im not that good of an RPer, but I try!


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2007, 06:41:30 pm »
hawklen - 2/6/2007  3:26 PM

Yeah, I like Ozy. Im not that good of an RPer, but I try!

Try harder! >:/


RE: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2007, 06:47:48 pm »
Taislin - 2/6/2007  8:59 AM

Since i joined that i dont agree with the CN rule. Evil charaters its ok. But CN its diferent. H

Finally I want to talka bout the roleplay himself. Its getting worse with time and its making layo going into "the dark ages". When i joined the server the roleplay was excelent. ...........Roleplay is really bad now and this has made my friends (Taislin and Gelden) to leave the server. Well of course i get sad when this happens. People giving up from a great server that layo was. More then 2 great roleplayers were lost. I could stay all the night (or day) telling you about the old times of layo, about the great roleplay but i think my point of view is said. Things like this were said before by a player which I cant remember the name. And i think it was time for some one to say it. I think many other players agree with me and i just ask Leanther, the DM team, and all the other players that lost some quest or some hunt to the ogres to tell what you think.

Has the other thread was locked I ask people just to comment telling their opinion and NOT pointing fingers to others

edit: this was not directed at anyone, just my reply, and I used quotes to do it...

ok, so I'll take my opinions one at a time, although noone asked it :P

the CN thinggie.  It took me a year to get Supin to level ten.  I wouldn't WANT her to go CN.  CG is fine, although she may seem more neutral.  Its is hard to play neutral.  Try playing a lawful neutral character for awhile.  I mean, yeah, its a limitation, but its a GOOD limitation. Icouldn't play CN if my life depended on it.  Playing a LN charater is hard in and of itself: I have a list of the LN rules next to me, at all times, so if something tricky comes up I can consult it and see what a LN character would do.
I know that last paragraph doesn't make much sense, but, I'd say if you want to try your hand at playing a CN character, try going to a different N.  Its actually pretty hard to stay neutral, depending on your characters past, where you want your character to go, and all that jazz.
When I first created Beil, I REALLY wanted to be LE.  I felt confined by the lv 13 rule,  but I stuck it out, made her as close to LN as I could but still have a 'evilish' background, and ya know what? I rp her more LG than LE, and now that I'm playing her for the RP instead of what I wanted her to be, shes more fun and I doubt I'd ever try to go LE.  Theres really no point.
I guess what I'm really trying to say, sit back, relax, and don't try to push yur character.  Yes, sometimes its hard to get on quests.  VERY hard.  But thats part of playing this wonderful game that we have!  We have limitations, and goals to reach.  I know and so do you that to get what we want we have to WORK for it.  Yes, it is HARD work.  But nothing in life is free.  You had to get money to buy the game, money for the internet connection, etc. etc.  Its the same here.  You need to work for what you want, if you want something above and beyond just living.

Next: RP.  Over the weekend, I had an hour long conversation with someone about why we shouldn't be accepting people in town.  I'm against, they for.  Yes, its sad.  But I think that me getting mad at a dark elf this weekend and telling them to leave kinda made them step back, and maybe be happy that FINALLY there was some RP going on.  I'd LOVE to shoo more darkies out of town, personally!  But then I get lectured because I'm UNACCEPTING of others, blah blah.  People have forgotten layo's past with the evil characters.  its sad, but true.  Only way to change that, well, theres not, unless GM's decide to start walking darkies around town attacking people at random.  they need random names, and stats on the stat page too, so that people start being mean back!!!


Re: "dark ages"-continuation
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2007, 08:10:52 pm »
twidget658 - 2/5/2007  9:41 PM

hawklen - 2/6/2007  3:26 PM

Yeah, I like Ozy. Im not that good of an RPer, but I try!

Try harder! >:/

Yes mummy