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Author Topic: a possible answer for the drow problem  (Read 4440 times)


RE: Suggestion for drow alignment
« Reply #180 on: September 27, 2006, 07:45:03 pm »
Drizzlin - 9/27/2006  8:28 PM People are nice to drow in game, because 99% of the drow they run into are nice to them. If the DMs limited the drow and set hard rules for their approval the numbers will change so that 99.9% of drow you run into are vicious, mean, and untrustworthy...the perceptions and behaviors from other PCs will reflect.  When the mail man comes to your door you smile and say thank you. If everytime you opened the door the mail man kicked you in the groin...your warm welcome and smile would go away quickly, along with the thanks.
  This next part of this post is from Lore. If you do not want to read the entire description then read the red. I just think players should remember this. The drow who rp thier chars...thats fantastic. But the people who run up and chat with a drow with out knowing them seems to be metagaming to me. "Well, his title is green, he must be good". The reason I quoted Drizzlin is the people are nice to drow because of 99% of drow are nice to them. That seems metagaming and they are not remembering Layonara's history.
   From Lore:
  The Dark Elves, The Drow, Those Below, Those Who Have Turned to Evil, The Accursed. These are the names given by surfacers to the obsidian-skinned elves who dwell in Underdark cities. Mysterious, elegant, dark and deadly, they are feared and hated by all the races of Layonara. They are masters of magic and treachery, trusted by none, not even each other.
  When Dark Elves come to the surface to raid, they come at night, and every child of Layonara has heard the whispered tales of the Dark Ones even before they have been officially warned of Those Below.
  Ages past, Dark Elves were already known to be a proud and warlike race, attacking their neighbors for power and wealth, or other, more insidious gains. However, after The Betrayal by the other Elven Clans around the year -2311, they were led below ground by a Dark Elven hero, Baraeon Ca'Duz. With the help of Pyrtechon, Baraeon taught his people to thrive in their new subterranean home, the Underdark.
  Their warlike nature had not changed after The Descent, and it did not take them long to start to establish their own territories in the vast reaches of the Underdark, often capturing settlements of other species and enslaving them in the process. However, they also fought among themselves for control of their new found realm, and as no Dark Elf trusts another, this led to the numerous independent city-states where most Dark Elves dwell today.
  Personality: The Dark Elf deities, Vierdri'ira and Baraeon Ca'Duz continuously strive to prove themselves better than the other. This is reflected in the personality of the Dark Elves as well. Females think they are better than males, and vice versa.
  Dark Elves enjoy magic, especially releasing its power. They also love sculptures or other crafted items (especially well-made lethal weapons). They also admire physical beauty; Dark Elves are proud of their physique and do not hesitate to show it. This has also led to the custom of slaying all newborns with physical deficiencies.
  Dark Elves are always in search of more personal power. Therefore, they do not trust other Dark Elves. Instead, they strive to weaken or eliminate their rivals to gain a greater advantage. This is not just the case between cities, but also in the politics of the various noble Houses inside a certain city, or even within a House itself. It is this internal strife between the Dark Elves themselves which keeps the surface races safer than they would be if the Dark Elves were united. On the occasions some Dark Elf cities did unite, they wreaked great destruction, as the capture of the human city of Westgate in the year -103 and the destruction of Port Hampshire in 834 can attest to. If all the Houses of a single city were to unite for one purpose, they could bring cities like Hlint and Haven to their knees.
  Dark Elves also do not trust other races. They accept none as superior to theirs, although they may admit some races, such as Illithid or Duergar, are almost equals. Treaties with these races are usually born through hard bargaining and mutual-gain agreements. Dark Elves will negotiate with other (lesser) species, but will break such agreements at the moment they are no longer beneficial. To the Drow, bargains with lesser races are not considered to be binding. Most races have learned by now that they should be prepared for treachery when, not if, it comes.
  Physical Description: Dark Elves are a lot like surface elves, they tend to be lithe, slim, and graceful in their build, movements and appearance. The most striking thing that sets them apart from the surface elves is their obsidian skin. Also, females tend to be bigger and stronger than males. Because of this females tend to be the better fighter, but males tend to be the better mage.
  The second thing that sets them apart from surface elves is their eyes. Dark Elf eyes are usually red, but green, brown, or black eyes are not uncommon. When angered or upset, all Dark Elf eyes tend to turn redder.
  Thirdly, most Dark Elves have white hair, tending a bit towards yellow for females and towards gray for males as they get older. Occasionally, a Dark Elf can have silver or copper-hued hair.
  Dark Elves can generally live as long as surface Elves can, and they do not show their age until about their 600th year.
  Relations with Dark Elves: Dark Elf cities are ruled by a council of noble Houses, the Talthara. Every city has its First Patriarch and its First Matriarch, who preside over the Talthara (but not necessarily comply with its wishes). The Patriarch is always a cleric of Baraeon Ca’duz, and the Matriarch is always a cleric of Vierdri’ira. They need not be from the same House, although every House strives to occupy both positions for ultimate supremacy.
  Each House also has its Matriarch and Patriarch, who together rule a House. However, because of the gender struggles inherent in Drow society, it is unlikely that a House occupies both First positions on the Talthara, since a strong House Matriarch does not often condone a strong Patriarch in her own House.
  Two other powerful positions in a Dark Elf city are those of Archmage and Warmistress.
  Since males are more adept at magic, the Archmage is always a male. The Warmistress is always female, since females tend to be of bigger build. The Archmage and Warmisstress are the most important advisors to the First Matriarch and First Patriarch. In general, the House who provides a First Matriarch or First Patriarch will also try to control one of these positions. Of course, the other Houses are not likely to just allow this to happen.
  The Houses continually vie for supremacy in the Talthara, as well as for wealth and power. This struggle for power is also apparent between Dark Elf cities. Plans to increase Dark Elf power and influence are usually made by Houses who are already in excellent position, and who have nothing to lose in the plan.
  The surface world is hardly aware of the nature of Dark Elven society.
  The exact number and location of Dark Elven cities is subject to speculation. Even the Dark Elves themselves likely do not know exactly how many cities there are, due to the vastness of the Underdark and its ever changing caves and corridors.
  Relations with other races: Most dealings between Dark Elf cities and surfacers involve the slave trade. Dark Elves usually have goblinoid slaves, such as goblins, orcs and hobgoblins. Kobolds are considered too small, agile and independent to make good slaves. Human slaves are valued, but considered dangerous if they are trained fighters or magic-users. Slaves who are adept at crafting are valued highly, but most do not last long in the Underdark.
  With regard to other races, dwarves, humans, and of course the darthir (a word meaning both Surface Elf as well as Traitor in Dark Elf language) are traditional Dark Elf enemies on the surface. As far as other Underdark races go, Illithid and Duergar are traded with but never trusted or befriended, and there is no race a Dark Elf enjoys killing so much as a Deep Gnome.
  Alignment: The vast majority of Dark Elves are evil. However, there are a few neutral or good Drow, but these do not survive long in the twisted, cruel society of Dark Elven cities.
  Dark Elven Lands: Dark Elf cities can be found throughout the Underdark. A few locations are known, but there are probably more. Rumor has it that there is a city made of good Dark Elves, refugees from their vicious society, but that may be a myth.
  Religion: Vierdri’ira and Baraeon Ca’duz (those who fail The Test are killed or turned into Driders, see also the entries for both deities). Before the treachery of Az'atta, the Dark Elven deities did not yet make a distinction on being a purely male or female faith. However, after being betrayed by Az’atta, Baraeon had his male followers expel or kill all of his female clerics as act of vengeance for Az’atta’s betrayal.
  This then led to Vierdri’ira expelling all her male followers, who then turned to Baraeon Ca’duz, further polarizing Dark Elf society.
  Language: Dark Elves have their own language, also known as “Deep” or “Low Drow,” which does not resemble the language spoken by the Surface Elves except in eloquence and musical inflection. All Dark Elves also learn “The Silent Language,” a kind of “hand code” as detailed as spoken language. The Silent Language is used to communicate when silence is needed. This language, which requires a lot of tutoring, is a requirement before any Dark Elf is allowed to accompany a raiding party.
  Then there is the third, almost archaic language of “High Drow.” This language is known and used only by the high clergy.
  Player character Drow will not be given the ability to speak languages other than Common, Elven or Drow, unless they are clearly defined in the character submission biography. Player character Drow will also know the Silent Language, but there is currently no in-game equivalent of this. Clerics following Vierdri’ira or Bareaon Ca’Duz will know High Drow, but there is no in-game equivalent of this either.
  Player characters must have a minimum intelligence of 12 to be fluent in another language.
  End Lore.
  These reasons are why People should not like a drow roaming the city. By people I also mean the npc's we do not see due to NWN mechanics.


RE: Suggestion for drow alignment
« Reply #181 on: September 27, 2006, 07:54:45 pm »
Gulnyr - 9/27/2006  7:13 PM

Drizzlin - 9/27/2006  9:28 PM

I promise you, no one walks away from my Drow IC loving drow more and wanting to open their arms and accept them. Those that are nice to my drow, I am even meaner too. If every active PC drow approved, were RPed in the same fashion, the problems would go away.

Excellent.  If we limit Drow to being played as jerks, no one will befriend them.  I get it.  That doesn't keep them walking around openly as if they had no worries, but at least it would handle the problem of overly friendly PCs.

Anyone else?  Insult me first if it makes you feel better.

Jerks? No, just played as Drow and then you are correct with what you said. To say someone is being a "jerk" because they are following the normal behaviors of their PCs, as written in the history of the world, is childish and out of line IMO. You don't see people calling halfgiants, RPing their intel, stupid morons. It is called good RP. So no, don't RP a jerk, RP a Drow as it is written. When you RP with someone like that you walk away saying "she RPed a great Drow" not, "she RPed a jerk". Some how you keep referring to RPing a Drow as something negative that you keep labeling as "jerk". I do not RP being a “jerk”, I RP a Drow.

As far as walking around openly and using NPC vendors. The only absolute way around that is for all NPCs/guards to be set to kos towards drow PCs. Another solution is to make it a rule that drow/monster race NPCs can not been seen openly in certain cities. It would be the same as the rule we have for not allowing followers of certain deities in the temples of their deities enemies.

However, before that can happen there must first be a city/area created that Drow (and other monster races) can go to and bank/sell/buy/buy homes/craft. This will take a lot of work from the DMs and it can wait. First let us tackle the easy issue of approval of Drow pcs, which has been suggested.


RE: a possible answer for the drow problem
« Reply #182 on: September 27, 2006, 08:09:30 pm »

Me thinks people are taking this way too personal. I really think this thread has lost its virtue. Point is as always, you can't 'force' RP in a certain direction so easy.

Saying that drow on the surface should reflect those in the Underdark is pointless in itself. The fact that they are there means they often have some strange story to tell and should not so easily be considered representative of their entire race.

As far as I see it, the problem isn't how drow are played. It's because everyone starts out in Hlint and is rather forced to live together in relative harmony.

You have half-giants running all over the place and drow sitting by the pond. Well of course there is, they are played and Hlint is where we all start.

That is why the temporary restriction is the only feasible way to address this. It's not so much how people RP, it's the fact that at a lower level the drow are forced to stay near other races. And after a while when they are high enough to actually be more independant they already are recognized by most others as one of the 'good drows' in Hlint.


Re: a possible answer for the drow problem
« Reply #183 on: September 27, 2006, 08:22:50 pm »

Step 1: Limit subraces to players who meet the requirements for CN - 6 months and 10 levels in another character.


As a sidenote... Aye. A bit to personal. Let's just take a step back and refer to Rules 0 and Z:

Rule 0: The DM is always right (and the DM wrote the page saying how Drow are considered).

Rule Z: We're here to have fun. So lighten up and do it. ;)


"But Mommy, there's a Drow in my clos-URK!" *Clutches at the arrow in his throat.*

Talan Va'lash

Re: a possible answer for the drow problem
« Reply #184 on: September 27, 2006, 08:35:30 pm »
Drizzlin - 9/27/2006  2:57 PM

Talan Va'lash - 9/26/2006  8:49 PM

Drizzlin - 9/26/2006  8:53 PM
TN should be allowed too. One step removed from their dieties is more than ok. After all if it were CN only, there would be NO clerics of Ca'Duz.

TN is not allowed for a cleric of any CE god. TN is two steps away from CE, one step on the good axis and one step on the law axis.'Duz

Which is exactly my point. Ca'Duz is NE (check the link above) which means that a cleric of Ca'Duz (like my PC) is TN. That is one step removed from the deity. That is why I said that I think one step removed from a drow diety is fine. Why everyone so many think drow have to be Chaotic is beyond me. I have never said that, I have only said NON good.

I am guessing from your reply to me that you thought Ca'Duz to be CE.

*chuckles* Fair enough! :)

In other words, oopsie


RE: Suggestion for drow alignment
« Reply #185 on: September 27, 2006, 09:02:58 pm »
Drizzlin - 9/27/2006  10:54 PM

Jerks? No, just played as Drow and then you are correct with what you said. To say someone is being a "jerk" because they are following the normal behaviors of their PCs, as written in the history of the world, is childish and out of line IMO.

Jerk is the word that seems to describe that behavior to me.  Arrogant, devious, rude, hateful... that's a jerk.  It wouldn't mean anything to say, "Drow should be played Drowishly."  Substitute whatever word you like.

So no, don't RP a jerk, RP a Drow as it is written.

Arrogant, devious, rude, and hateful?

Some how you keep referring to RPing a Drow as something negative that you keep labeling as "jerk".

When have I said any such thing?  I challenge anyone to show me where, other than the referenced quote above, I have labeled Drow as jerks.  

I don't make any secret of disliking Drow as a playable race, and while I'm at it I'll toss in the other monstrous races and Planetouched.  I don't like 'em.  That's my opinion.  *shrug*  But they're in, and I'm cool with that.  Since we're going to have them, let's do it right.  If we don't, then basically we're just letting people play powerful Elves (in the case of Drow) without the drawbacks that they should have.  Point to ECLs if you like, but quests cancel that quite nicely.  (Take your complaints about play time and quest schedules to another thread, please, or find one of the old ones and read through it.)  I don't think RPing Drow is something negative, I just think there need to be real, in-game negatives to properly realize the experience.

One step at a time, sure.  Start with submissions and approvals, sure.  But that is not the only thing that requires change.

Filatus, nice post, especially the second paragraph.


Re: a possible answer for the drow problem
« Reply #186 on: September 27, 2006, 09:56:10 pm »
First of all – Thank you Wraithdur for making this post back the 1/9
I tried to go back and see when there had been such a debate on Drow before and you know what I could not find any. Well done dude. ;)

Further a big kudos to all being active on this post – heck I didn’t read all the post through as it would take me for ever.  ;)

I am sure this debate will go on and on and on and on and on…. And I am happy for it - as it will give the Team something to consider – hopefully ;)
And that is the only thing I need…

My opinion: Well you know it already..


Re: a possible answer for the drow problem
« Reply #187 on: September 27, 2006, 10:44:09 pm »

In my opinion Drizzlin summed it up perfectly (ignoring the little scuffle between Gulnyr and himself).  I think his words hold merit.

Secondly thanks to Etinfall for illustrating those key points in red.  I think everyone should pay close attention to that before commenting.

To Filatus I would state that although we all start from the same area and do the same mini-quests..etc, we need to move outside these confines the minute we can.  We dont all stay at lvl 1 for long and the majority of players under scrutiny are of average level.  Plus this discussion is not directed totally at the people playing the Drow, but for everyone else to start treating them according to the higlighted points that Etinfall portrayed.

My old character Ramanon was well hated and I played him like that due to his involvement with Corath.  The only time he was in Hlint was when he was passing through.  Most of my time was spent plotting and scheming with Chanda, MArcus and Rufus.  We did this in our own abodes and in the end our well-deserved Temple.  Sometimes I purposefully ventured into towns hoping to get into arguments, disputes or rivalry...I mean, thats the fun part!  Funnily enough thats the part I dont get regarding this thread.  In my opinion the benefit for playing a drow character is for the abuse, the fear, the anger towards you, the skill in avoiding being detected, the volatility.  Actually I think the bio of my old char was something like showing the world that necromancy could be used to benefit others.  THat he would serve some purpose for the eventual good.  But the beauty was that quite the opposite happened.  He was dragged through many series of events to a nasty, bitter and twisted servant of Corath.

The best characers develop themselves.  Play them how they should inherently be and see where the environment takes them.

Maybe it's time for LEanthar and the team to throw some Drow attacks on the realm once again?  I think we should try to use this thread to enhance the world in some positive way.



RE: Suggestion for drow alignment
« Reply #188 on: September 28, 2006, 07:38:46 am »
Drizzlin - 9/27/2006  3:28 PM

It is simple. If the DMs limit the alignment and limit Drow to following Drow gods only, the problem will resolve fast. Well as soon as the soul mother gets rid of the previously approved drow.

Maybe its just me but.... the soul mother gets rid of the previously approved drow... thats certainly not something players should wish for other players characters.


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    Re: a possible answer for the drow problem
    « Reply #189 on: September 28, 2006, 07:45:52 am »
    Me thinks people are taking this way too personal. I really think this thread has lost its virtue. Point is as always, you can't 'force' RP in a certain direction so easy.

    Saying that drow on the surface should reflect those in the Underdark is pointless in itself. The fact that they are there means they often have some strange story to tell and should not so easily be considered representative of their entire race.

    As far as I see it, the problem isn't how drow are played. It's because everyone starts out in Hlint and is rather forced to live together in relative harmony.

    You have half-giants running all over the place and drow sitting by the pond. Well of course there is, they are played and Hlint is where we all start.

    That is why the temporary restriction is the only feasible way to address this. It's not so much how people RP, it's the fact that at a lower level the drow are forced to stay near other races. And after a while when they are high enough to actually be more independant they already are recognized by most others as one of the 'good drows' in Hlint.

    My old character Ramanon was well hated and I played him like that due to his involvement with Corath. The only time he was in Hlint was when he was passing through. Most of my time was spent plotting and scheming with Chanda, MArcus and Rufus. We did this in our own abodes and in the end our well-deserved Temple. Sometimes I purposefully ventured into towns hoping to get into arguments, disputes or rivalry...I mean, thats the fun part! Funnily enough thats the part I dont get regarding this thread. In my opinion the benefit for playing a drow character is for the abuse, the fear, the anger towards you, the skill in avoiding being detected, the volatility. Actually I think the bio of my old char was something like showing the world that necromancy could be used to benefit others. THat he would serve some purpose for the eventual good. But the beauty was that quite the opposite happened. He was dragged through many series of events to a nasty, bitter and twisted servant of Corath.

    The best characers develop themselves. Play them how they should inherently be and see where the environment takes them.

    Thank You Filatus and Polak, this is what I have been trying to say along with Aeon's ideas behind the church of Az'atta.


    RE: Suggestion for drow alignment
    « Reply #190 on: September 28, 2006, 05:47:29 pm »
    Niles09 - 9/28/2006  7:38 AM

    Drizzlin - 9/27/2006  3:28 PM

    It is simple. If the DMs limit the alignment and limit Drow to following Drow gods only, the problem will resolve fast. Well as soon as the soul mother gets rid of the previously approved drow.

    Maybe its just me but.... the soul mother gets rid of the previously approved drow... thats certainly not something players should wish for other players characters.

    You are right, and I didn't mean it that way. I do not wish the soul mother on anyone. I was making a joke, but at the same time it is reality. Over time, if you buck the odds...they will catch up with you.