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Author Topic: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts  (Read 2314 times)


Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
« Reply #60 on: July 10, 2006, 04:06:23 pm »
Plenarius Ashaley (8/8), cost 8

A more serious reply and thoughts from both personal and developer levels will come.


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    RE: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
    « Reply #61 on: July 10, 2006, 07:24:32 pm »
    Dorganath - 7/10/2006  8:09 AM    Just to point out...
      Most people probably will not need a major upgrade to run NWN2 unless they want to experience it in all its visual glory.
     Just to run with this little bit, I checked the requirements...My video card won't support wife said I can't have a new one unless this one letterally blows up.  Anyway, I figure we all have a while before actually fretting over this.  The world has to be either rebuilt or transfered to NWN2 and then the scripting begins...testing...more scripting...more testing.  As far as the "extras" go that I've been reading in this thread, It should only be the GM's choice (Unless you are a world leader, you usually never choose what's named after your character).    We've got time folks.  Don't get all jumpy.   Why not, just for a short time, once Layo 2 is up, let us take our old characters through it for a couple of days (provided our levels allow)?  That way, we get the enjoyment of having one last romp with our fav. character, and the Layo team can see how all the spawns and everything works with our level characters (kinda like a massive final beta test)....just a thought...I can just see the CHAOS now!

    Xandor Loriland

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    Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
    « Reply #62 on: July 10, 2006, 08:02:57 pm »
    Sounds like someone needs to figure out how to make a video card blow up.  Maybe try wedging a little piece of paper in the cooling fan on the video card.  Heh Heh *evil grin*

    Ashiel Relvin

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      Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
      « Reply #63 on: July 10, 2006, 10:36:20 pm »


      RE: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
      « Reply #64 on: July 11, 2006, 04:43:33 am »
      Nook - 7/10/2006  10:24 PM

      Why not, just for a short time, once Layo 2 is up, let us take our old characters through it for a couple of days (provided our levels allow)?  That way, we get the enjoyment of having one last romp with our fav. character, and the Layo team can see how all the spawns and everything works with our level characters (kinda like a massive final beta test)....just a thought...I can just see the CHAOS now!

      Why not?  Rule set changes, unfortunately.  The 3.5 ruleset used in NWN2 would require serious rebuilds of many classes, much more effort than would be worth it for just a few days.  Unless, of course, Obsidian (or a third party) comes up with a nifty charatcer conversion tool -- and from public comments to date, I'm pretty sure Obsidian won't be providing such a tool, as it doesn't make sense for the new OC, which should start with a level 1 character.  Even then, it's a lot of effort for a small payoff.


      RE: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
      « Reply #65 on: July 11, 2006, 05:17:42 am »
      It's not like the old characters would simply be stored there, conveniently waiting for us to tromp around the first time and then never again. Even if we didn't really need a wipe for this (we do! ;) ), all of the effort mentioned throughout the thread would still have to be put in to do the transfer...except in this suggestion, it's not even for any long term playing--just a few days. Way too much effort (staff-side) for no gain except a very short lark.

      Chrys Ellis

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        RE: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
        « Reply #66 on: July 11, 2006, 07:23:53 am »
        To add to my idea about 'freezing' the heroes from V2, another advantage would be that when the time came for the heroes to be released, the team would only have to convert characters on a case-by-case basis. I also like the idea of there being a CDQ or some such to get said character back.
          I feel by the time this actually happened, along with the CDQ, only those players who had become SERIOUSLY attached to their old characters would bother, since most people will have grown to love their new characters by then. If there was some considerable effort required on the part of the player to get the old character back, it would weed out a lot of people, and drastically reduce the workload on the GM team to convertany old characters over.
          PS - Even if the GM team decides not to do this, could you tell us you're going to, anyway?It will be kind of like telling a child the family dog has gone to live on a beautiful farm, where they can run and play all day long. Later, when we are mature enough to handle it, and have grown to love our new dog, you can tell us the truth. :(


        Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
        « Reply #67 on: July 11, 2006, 08:38:49 am »
        I just couldn't pass this up... (thank orth for opening this can of worms...)

        Cole Norseman

        Attack: 8
        Defense: 2
        Cost: 5

        Special: If a halfling is played as an ally, add 2 to his defense.  If the halfling is Jennara Creekskipper, add 2 to defense and 1 to attack.  If the halfling is Acacea Thistletongue, add 3 to defense.  If Jennara and Acacea are present as allies, the bonuses stack.  If Freldo Jabutica is played as either an ally or an enemy, tap both Cole and Freldo for one turn as Freldo records one of Cole's adventures.


        RE: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
        « Reply #68 on: July 11, 2006, 10:46:55 am »
        Chrys Ellis - 7/11/2006  8:23 AM

        I feel by the time this actually happened, along with the CDQ, only those players who had become SERIOUSLY attached to their old characters would bother, since most people will have grown to love their new characters by then.   If there was some considerable effort required on the part of the player to get the old character back, it would weed out a lot of people, and drastically reduce the workload on the GM team to convert any old characters over.

        Yep.  I honestly wouldn't expect anyone to pull back an old character since with your idea they'd already have another level 20 character that they were now attached to.

        I would be wary though, that the folks who would turn to bring back their old characters would do this out of boredom, as this would inherently be true if they were so bored with their new fully vested character that they will have been playing for quite some time.

        It's a neat idea, probably the neatest I've seen yet that involves immortality for certain individuals.  But it still probably rattles the cage on the community and natural flow of progression.

        People who have impact, people that were a part of the major history of the world, they should become apparent in the major history of the world.  Areas and literature.  We go out to do great things on this world to make an impact.  This is at an ideal of gameplay.  I have never found the ideal of gameplay to maintain a high level character.  But we all still feel that sting when our investment fades away.  So take it at it's ideal.  Areas and literature... you did your great deeds, people will now remember your name for the ages.


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          Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
          « Reply #69 on: July 11, 2006, 06:29:55 pm »
          Ok, fault Faldred and Acacea,  wasn't thinking when I did that last post.  I forgot 'bout the conversion times for the characters (actually, I completely forgot they had to be converted when I wrote it.)  He-he-he.  DDDUUUUUHHHH!
          Still, if it WAS possible to do it in a effortlessly short amount of would be fun.


          Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
          « Reply #70 on: July 12, 2006, 05:06:19 pm »
          In an easier-to-read format:

          I agree with a wipe. A total wipe. Let nothing remain. Allow for characters to be descendents of previous PCs. Any special freebies or bonuses to long term players and PCs will cause problems. Something all around, where everyone is given equal treatment (Like a free level 1 character of their choosing. ;) ) will be best.


          Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
          « Reply #71 on: July 12, 2006, 07:32:32 pm »
          Option 4 all the way.

          As to the Freezing idea... Eh. Maybe have a few long-lost heroes resurrected as NPCs for certain Plot Quests, but I think anything else would be a bit unbalanced. Admittedly, I may be changing my tune if Pyyran manages to make Epic, but I'll let this rest as my official statement.

          Hardware Requirements. I get the feeling that NWN2 will be just a smidgen less graphics-intense than, for example, Doom 3. Now, Doom 3 runs pretty well on my machine, with the singular issue that I get four frames per second.

          I have to say I agree with the sentiment, "What's the rush?"


          Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
          « Reply #72 on: July 13, 2006, 04:36:42 am »
          Stephen_Zuckerman - 7/12/2006  10:32 PM

          Hardware Requirements. I get the feeling that NWN2 will be just a smidgen less graphics-intense than, for example, Doom 3. Now, Doom 3 runs pretty well on my machine, with the singular issue that I get four frames per second.

          Wow... I've never heard of anyone playing "Doom" as a turn-based strategy game before...   8)


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            Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
            « Reply #73 on: July 13, 2006, 05:06:52 am »
            I would relish the chance to play with some of the long time layo people, I would love to be able to go on many more level appropriate quests, I love starting new characters anyway, I say a complete wipe would be great


            Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
            « Reply #74 on: July 13, 2006, 05:45:49 am »
            Faldred - 7/13/2006  7:36 AM

            Stephen_Zuckerman - 7/12/2006  10:32 PM

            Hardware Requirements. I get the feeling that NWN2 will be just a smidgen less graphics-intense than, for example, Doom 3. Now, Doom 3 runs pretty well on my machine, with the singular issue that I get four frames per second.

            Wow... I've never heard of anyone playing "Doom" as a turn-based strategy game before...   8)

            Have you seen the demos for NWN2? They're insane...


            Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
            « Reply #75 on: July 13, 2006, 07:16:40 am »
            Insane, perhaps, if you haven't been playing many more recent games.
              I will vote for option one.
              The freezing thing sounds very intriguing, maybe as a plot tool for something interesting down the line.
              A large portion of the NWN community seems to be very... I guess... frugal. While my system can handle the NWN2 specs I tend to be more concerned with content and the possible sudden drop in individuality/variety. That's not to say it can't be fun. We all know what a great group of GMs Layo has and for many of us its the story and interaction that truly drives us.
              When or if it happens.. it happens.


            Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
            « Reply #76 on: July 16, 2006, 12:20:54 pm »
            I'm in favor of a full wipe, but also allowing posible descendants from current PCs. I already have a story for a new character related to Jet, his grand-nephew or something.... but it wouldn't be that important in his story. Just a little something to acknowledge that the past events of Layonara happened. I love playing Jet, but I also would love to start over again in a brand new world to explore. That would be far cooler than to continue the same ol' routine that I follow now :)

            Although it would be strange with no Ozy around....


            Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
            « Reply #77 on: July 21, 2006, 06:09:34 am »
            I'd vote for option four, basically I feel that everyone should start out at level one again, its fairer for everyone and will stop players feeling that some people are 'favoured' more than others.  On the other hand it also allows those characters have been around for a long time and have really been a major part of the Layonara Mythos to continue to cast their shadows over what is really a developing world.  Similar to RL really, all cultures have myths and legends of former hero's and characters and many do claim descent from such.  Perhaps not in todays world but definately in the time period that Layo is set.

            So option 4 for me :)

            Oh just as a note...I should be back soon RL problems cleared up now but after I got my spanking new PC discovered that I'd lost my orginal NWN disc, but hopefully Amazon will have it in my letterbox before the weekend.  C'ya all soon


            Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
            « Reply #78 on: July 21, 2006, 06:10:45 am »
            *smiles and waves* Hiya Steve!!!


            Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
            « Reply #79 on: July 21, 2006, 06:14:46 am »
            *grins* Hiya Leanthar...It'll be so good to be back :)

