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Author Topic: Ideas to spark interest.  (Read 320 times)

Guardian 452

Ideas to spark interest.
« on: May 01, 2010, 09:08:14 pm »
I know Dorg said some changes are comming in a recent thread. But I thought I would toss out some other ideas to see if we can spark some interest in the ole place. Some of these have been talked about in other threads, but I wanted to put them into this one as well. Some of these ideas are probably not even possible for the NwN version of Layo... but I wish to bring them up all the same.

1. Double XP week(end) (some % of a boost in XP) I missed the last one of these... how was the reception?

2. Increased loot or coin drops (say for a weekend)

3. Put +4 (and maybe +5) items into the loot table. Perhaps they are already.

4. New items to the loot tables. Id like to even see a sort of cycling loot table if that were possible.. say every so many months what was dropping would change. Kinda like how Disney "locks up" movies for so many years then releases them for sale again.

5. Adding a "Call Home" type ability to all. More than likley a consumable item with some cost to it.

6. Attuneable equipment....this would get those crafters back playing and crafting since that Iron Longsword they made 4 years ago isnt being handed down from player to player anymore.

7. Increase the numbers of characters we can play from 6 to.... ?

8. Adding an "LFG" (Looking For Group) feature to the game, to the forums, etc. A place we can check and see who is wanting to play and not just see that empty server or server of people out of our level range etc.

I would like to see others add what they think in the way of other ideas. But take discussion of an individual ideas to its own thread. Lets keep this just for ideas, not so much the discussion of them. My idea is to stay on topic and give the powers that be a clear view of what the player base beleives may help make this world even better!!! :)





Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2010, 10:14:49 pm »
Quote from: Guardian 452

4. New items to the loot tables. Id like to even see a sort of cycling loot table if that were possible.. say every so many months what was dropping would change. Kinda like how Disney "locks up" movies for so many years then releases them for sale again.

Wow.. I love that idea..... :)


Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2010, 10:29:56 pm »
Quote from: Guardian 452

8. Adding an "LFG" (Looking For Group) feature to the game, to the forums, etc. A place we can check and see who is wanting to play and not just see that empty server or server of people out of our level range etc.

I really like this idea too.


Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2010, 10:52:29 pm »
I also think it would be neat if there were more RP dances, parties, town festivals, fairs and field days - maybe even have games and skill contests for various prizes :)


Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2010, 11:28:00 pm »
I love number 6!

I would like to see the powerful items go back to the hands of the crafters. I would like to see the armor, weapons, boots, cloaks, gloves, rings, amulets in the drop tables go away and have crafters be able to make them as well as +5 stuff. there have been threads on how to make this work so I wont go into it here.


Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2010, 12:38:19 am »
While not giving anything away, I'll make a couple comments... :)

Quote from: Guardian 452

Double XP week(end) (some % of a boost in XP) I missed the last one of these... how was the reception?

2. Increased loot or coin drops (say for a weekend)

These are generally well-received and I've been thinking about doing so again but keep forgetting to make them happen...or bring them up to the team...

Anyway, people generally like them and the servers are fuller during these times, though as soon as the event is over, the apparent interest drops back to normal levels. Generally also, the interest level goes more toward bashy and RP suffers.  We've also had severe outbreaks of OOC chatter in party chat and other open channels during those times (worse than the usual offenders of this) despite repeated requests from GMs to refrain, so it makes me question sometimes how useful these sorts of weekends are.

I have considered something more targeted, like double RP/quest XP times (to encourage RP over bashing), increased loot/gold drops on the lower ends (to encourage more interaction with and benefit to lower-level characters) and things like that.

3. Put +4 (and maybe +5) items into the loot table. Perhaps they are already.
There are a very few +4 (and...possibly +5, but I forget) items in the drop list, but the problem is that Layonara on average isn't balanced for +4 weapons and armor to be more widely available.

4. New items to the loot tables. Id like to even see a sort of cycling loot table if that were possible.. say every so many months what was dropping would change. Kinda like how Disney "locks up" movies for so many years then releases them for sale again.
We do adjust the list now and then, though not on any sort of regular schedule. Part of the issue is that it takes a module update to change the drop tables.

5. Adding a "Call Home" type ability to all. More than likley a consumable item with some cost to it.
This has been thought about and the difficulty has been in coming up with a system that can't be easily abused and exploited but which remains useful and beneficial to the player with limited time.

6. Attuneable equipment....this would get those crafters back playing and crafting since that Iron Longsword they made 4 years ago isnt being handed down from player to player anymore.
Item attunement isn't particularly practical in NWN. It's not something supported by the NWN engine, so it would be an add-on with extra overhead and potential problems of its own. I didn't comment in the other thread where you brought this up, but it's very unlikely that we'll see

Increase the numbers of characters we can play from 6 to.... ?
Expect commentary on this soon as part of a much larger set of changes coming. Remember please that we are a volunteer force, many of us working on multiple projects and responsibilities at one time in addition to real life.  Asking this particular question multiple times in multiple threads will not get it answered any sooner.

8. Adding an "LFG" (Looking For Group) feature to the game, to the forums, etc. A place we can check and see who is wanting to play and not just see that empty server or server of people out of our level range etc.
With limited development resources at our disposal, it is unlikely there will be an in-game system to make this happen.  As for the forums, you can do that now in one of many IC and OOC posts.  If a dedicated forum is desired or thought to be more useful/consistent, there's a suggestion forum for that. I only say that because it's far easier for us to find and remember such requests when they're there instead of being spread throughout the forums.

I would like to see others add what they think in the way of other ideas. But take discussion of an individual ideas to its own thread. Lets keep this just for ideas, not so much the discussion of them. My idea is to stay on topic and give the powers that be a clear view of what the player base beleives may help make this world even better!!! :)



I would just like to flip the coin over and ask a few questions in response, since the ideas presented (and liked) so far have seemed to trend mostly toward the more tangible sorts of rewards, but what does everyone say when they promote Layonara?  It's the RP and the level of immersion and detail in the world, right?  So how will more XP, more gold, more powerful items keep interest?  Won't the shine of all these new things wear off after a time?

What about ways to promote RP, which I'll say is what drew me to this world?

Also, to the OP (yes you, G :) ), you might want to have a look at this thread, where a lot of good ideas were brought up.  I will say only that the team took the combined list of suggestions very seriously and considered them all.  Some we are in the process of changing...some we have changed...some may not see the light of day.  While I started the thread in some frustration, it end result was rather enlightening.

Guardian 452

Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2010, 03:25:50 am »
I was quite sure my thread wasnt the only one of its kind. Thanks for the link Big D.

and now to add to my origional list.

9 Remove the DT system completly or raise it to 20 (before soul mother feat, that would make it higher yet should one choose the feat)

10 A truly "EVIL" starting city. Maybe even down in the deep or something? A place where "EVIL" toons actually go kill the good guys etc.... instead of the vanilla evil of Vehl. (yes this is a big HUGE undertaking I realise that)

11 New additions to the enchanting system. Allowing +1 thru +4 enchantments of STR, STA, AGI, WIS, INT, or CHA to be added to esentially ANY equippable item.
** Example +2 Leather armor you add a STR II enchantment to it... giving said armor +2 STR along with its +2 AC. Much like the existing enchantment system if an item already has say +2 CON on it the +2 STR you try and add will take away the +2 CON.
((I bet this one cant go with out being discussed here lol))

Keep the ideas comming folks and thanks for trying to keep the disection of individual ideas to a minimum in this post! :)




Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2010, 04:53:12 am »
Quote from: Dorganath

I would just like to flip the coin over and ask a few questions in response, since the ideas presented (and liked) so far have seemed to trend mostly toward the more tangible sorts of rewards, but what does everyone say when they promote Layonara?  It's the RP and the level of immersion and detail in the world, right?  So how will more XP, more gold, more powerful items keep interest?  Won't the shine of all these new things wear off after a time?

What about ways to promote RP, which I'll say is what drew me to this world?

The biggest way to promote RP, in my opinion, is to do something with the RPXP tap, and I think the best way to increase said taps (not such that they get out of hand, of course) would be to create a thread similar to the kudos thread where players can nominate one another for RP taps. GMs could then make a round tapping players, or organize quick events where nominated players could attend and get their taps. Obviously it'll need more regulation than that, so I suggest a limit be put on how often one can receive a tap regardless of recommendations. Of course, that could just cause players only to try for an RPXP nomination only after their tap-time is up. That said, it might be something worth testing. Also, I suspect the heavy RPers will continue to do their thing regardless, since they already do so with the current tap system. This, of course, is not meant to replace the current tap system of making XP wand rounds, but to be included in addition to it. This would also be good for player-run RP events that a GM can't make it to attend. Also, if players wanted a system like this to be set in place, I'm sure they realize it would behoove them not to abuse it.

Something else that may promote RP and hanging around the less bashy areas is 'mundane' impromptus. Instead of going anywhere, these could just be some extra NPCs placed in, let's say the Hempstead fields. Perhaps one of the farmers stops his work to talk about the rain clouds moving in. But there's not a cloud in the sky, you say. Mark my words, he says, it'll rain. Any time the chickens hush up like they doing right now means rain's on the way.

I also want to explore just what can be accomplished with only player-based involvement in terms of creating events. Scavenger hunts with crumpled notes, for example. Heck, an event organizer could even handle dice rolls, similar to how Aerimor and I settled on the DC for his meditation tournament (he may wish to provide more details here). One just couldn't spawn monsters or anything like that.

Guardian 452

Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2010, 06:15:40 pm »
More of us could start using the chest system. Go off someplace say with our higher level toon and drop a chest somehwere. and come here to the forums and drop some clues (like in rumor has it).

It doesnt have to be a mithril katana placed in the chest. Its just trying to get people out of their ruts and grinds.

Also we could do more round ups...
Example... post on the forums that your high up toon is going to go get Platinum in the swamps of Mistone for example and any who wish to come should ....(deity restrictions etc should still be taking into account and all that) Sure you can handle getting the platinum yourself.... but why not invite some others to see the place etc.
Or an example like saying those needing the Oil of Vukas should join me at such and such time today.


Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2010, 03:45:11 am »
Have a skype session for everyone on Layonara.  Everyone's there, no exceptions.

Want people to stay?  Make them family.


Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2010, 10:13:24 am »
Want people to stay? Make them family.

Truth. What keeps people around better than the fun of any loot grabbing, leveling, or even RP, is a sense of community, and a sense that you have a say in the world in which you play.


Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2010, 12:38:00 pm »
At the risk of insulting someone, it seems to me a lot of the suggestions in this thread are kinda munchkiny.  Is more stuff and more power really the way we want to go?  Yeah, I've enjoyed other games where the (real) goal was to get better stuff, but here we have an island of sanity and (to risk insult again) maturity. Here, the story, whether world plot or characters' histories, matters more than having some bauble or trinket.  We can go pretty much anywhere else and have a 'get more stuff' experience.  Trying to be like everyone else won't make things better.

I really think story is at the heart of it.  Lately, there haven't been as many stories to be involved in (meaning the calendar has been kinda bare).  When there are quests there are players.  I'm not trying to blame the DMs; they have real lives, too.  It's just unfortunate when they all seem to lull at once.  But I'll offer an idea:

To DMs: Don't feel that you have to make every quest you run a grand adventure.  Post something you'd run as an impromptu on the calendar.  Even little events can be fun, and they don't even have to be 'adventures' at all.  I wouldn't say do anything, but do something, because some interaction is better than no interaction at all.  AND! calendar entries help make things happen.  Don't just swing in unnanounced all the time and find a few people to tap for RP and consider the job done, please.  Impromptus and XP taps are nice, but schedules help bring us together.


Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2010, 12:56:43 pm »
Just my thoughts, but there are a lot of player/character driven quests and plots going on, movements, goals, etc.  Completely rp based, something to spark interest, and yes, there may not be any xp rewarded, but it does make things interesting.  You simply have to be open to the idea of talking to people, playing your character, and working in a way to acheive something.  Sometimes GM's are actively involved, sometimes they're not.  We don't have to have a gm to tell us that when we roll a spot check during the rain that the sky is cloudy.  We should know those things on our own.  If you have a character who grew up in Arnax- they probably would know things about their hometown- use that.  Research up on LORE and figure out what your character should or should not know.  If you want to learn something else, ask around.  Build contacts, get messy, start trouble.  If you make it big enough, who knows, maybe it'll turn into a full-fledged plot line (obviously, follow the rules and guildlines of behavior, etc.)  Stir stuff up.  If you don't like that there isn't much going on, then start something.

Script Wrecked

Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2010, 07:47:03 pm »
Quote from: Alatriel
We should know those things on our own.  If you have a character who grew up in Arnax- they probably would know things about their hometown- use that.  Research up on LORE and figure out what your character should or should not know.

This is one of the things about the character submission process. When you are a newbie, the possibilities are endless... but you don't know where to begin. A few proforma character origins might help get people into the world and anchor them to the ongoing storyline, rather than either leaving them to act in isolation against the backdrop of an NPC world, or having to digest a lot of Lore before being able to make an informed choice.

For instance(1):

[INDENT]You are a dwarf. You come from the [LORE]Ulgrid Kingdom[/LORE]. You served in the King's militia and became a warrior of some ability guarding your homeland. Your NPC contact is your old section commander. He has access to the greater Ulgrid military hierarchy, up to and including the King. The DM who handles the Ulgrids is ... The forum(2) for the Ulgrids is ... These are the problems that current beset your homeland... The current problems that best your homeland are listed in the Ulgrids forum(3).[/INDENT]

There could even be origin specific quests that pop up once a character reaches certain levels (though this part has a much bigger uplift cost to implement).


Script Wrecked.

(1) a very bare bones example
(2) the forums would have to be DM monitored
(3) with link to said forum

Pen N Popper

Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2010, 08:31:28 pm »
Can't help but chime in here...

Make the game more accessible to people that play at a slower pace. Again, would it really take away from anything by giving players a path to progress in levels without grinding for hours?

Make your goal clear: More players engaged in the world on a regular basis over extended periods of time.

One of my posts out there suggests a time quota system that was under the pace of grinders but still gave people both an incentive to come regularly with the reward of progressing.

A role player, as I consider myself to be, enjoys progressing in levels as much as the next person. An hour selling pies and whiskey, even if no one comes, ought to be worth something. It's a RL hour of someone trying to engage in the world.

Stop denying the system isn't perfect and try some ideas to fix it. Please.

I like cheese.


Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2010, 12:43:09 am »
Quote from: Pen N Popper
Stop denying the system isn't perfect and try some ideas to fix it. Please.

No one is claiming the system is "perfect". That said, we will not be adding a system that provides advancement through being idle in NWN.'s just not going to happen.


Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2010, 04:41:09 am »
Quote from: Guardian 452
I was quite sure my thread wasnt the only one of its kind. Thanks for the link Big D.

and now to add to my origional list.

9 Remove the DT system completly or raise it to 20 (before soul mother feat, that would make it higher yet should one choose the feat)

10 A truly "EVIL" starting city. Maybe even down in the deep or something? A place where "EVIL" toons actually go kill the good guys etc.... instead of the vanilla evil of Vehl. (yes this is a big HUGE undertaking I realise that)

11 New additions to the enchanting system. Allowing +1 thru +4 enchantments of STR, STA, AGI, WIS, INT, or CHA to be added to esentially ANY equippable item.
** Example +2 Leather armor you add a STR II enchantment to it... giving said armor +2 STR along with its +2 AC. Much like the existing enchantment system if an item already has say +2 CON on it the +2 STR you try and add will take away the +2 CON.
((I bet this one cant go with out being discussed here lol))

Keep the ideas comming folks and thanks for trying to keep the disection of individual ideas to a minimum in this post! :)



I've always warmed to the idea of evil areas, even played on some worlds many years ago when they did this and found it to be quite enjoyable...and workable.
If we aim to have evil areas, such as the underdark, then it gives rise to more PvP.  PVP i feel is an area that increases excitment and yet has no real monetary or XP rewards.  The only downside could be that most chracters would then make power-builds (as the majority of people don't like to lose) as opposed to interesting builds.  THis would need to be managed in this case.

Additionally it often feels that the continents are scaled to levels.  What i mean is that we generally start at level 1 near Hempstead, then go through all the quests, RP and adventure to lvl 8-10.  Then its central and finally east when we hit epic.  Whilst I haven't seen the whole world in detail, I'd like to have starting areas, NPC quests and epic areas on all continents.  HAve precious minerals and resources on all continents...etc.   The team has relaxed on the level caps which encourages earlier movements abroad, however this is an area that I feel could do with more development.  

Lastly I mentioned once an idea of haveing horse & carts that work like teh ships do, ie, taking you from town to town for a small wage.  I believe L liked the idea at the time.  This would be nice to see implemented.

this is by no means an irritation as I'm quite perfectly pleased where it is now.  Jsut my suggestions to match this thread.


Guardian 452

Re: Ideas to spark interest.
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2010, 11:18:50 am »
I know I asked not to pick ideas apart but I wanted to make one of my ideas a bit more clear

#10. The Evil truly evil starting city. I didnt mean go kill "good" PC's. I do not beleive most of the people can truly handle PvP with the amount of maturity it needs to make it work correctly. I meant in from this Evil City you would have quests to go kill Farmer "X" rather than go help find his lost cow. Or Go steal weapons and deliver them to the Evil City to get your Helm of Armor 1 and 2.  That sort of thing.