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Author Topic: Corath  (Read 989 times)


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« on: September 17, 2006, 10:41:44 am »
Hay all, at the moment I am trying to restablish the cult of corath on Mistone. This will probaly take a long time and will be quite hard for me. So right now Im asking anyone out there who has a priest or priestes of Corath to come forward as the cult will need a leader. Also if anyone out there has a Corath character, or is willing to make one could they please tell me as it would give me a lot less hassel, thanks!


Re: Corath
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2006, 11:06:04 am »
Yummy! Corathite cult! :)

One suggestion though... Corathite followers tend to prefer to stay hidden. An open recruitment note in an Inn is... erh... it's not very smart thing to do, really! Back-alley recruiting is the way to go, I think... ;)


Re: Corath
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2006, 11:53:18 am »
Corathites are usually very secretive. As Weeblie mantioned, the Wild Surge Inn is not the best place to recruit. To do this you might need to do some research. It will be tough, but it should be.


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Re: Corath
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2006, 11:59:51 am »
As I said below the note in the wild surge inn, the character that placed it there is from Arabel and has only been on Mistone a few days. As you probaly know the temple of Corath there is a very powerful church and so that character had no idea how people felt about Corath on Mistone.


Re: Corath
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2006, 12:11:24 pm »
Indeed the Church of Corath is very powerful in Arabel. They are also hated, and have been sacked twice on quests I've been on alone with roumers of four or five other occasions in the last in game decade. Notably Blood's forces took a vague view on deities in general so it wouldn't be uncommon for any known Corathite walking the streets to simply die.


RE: Corath
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2006, 12:38:26 pm »
All I can say is that this letter pissed off one Corathie a lot. He has been having trouble with the whole Corath concept lately and more trouble was not what he needed.


RE: Corath
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2006, 10:00:02 pm »
As most of you know, Ar7, Aragon, Windancer and myself spent a long time RPing and working on developing the Corath Faith.  The hard work paid off and we were able to establish a temple on Mistone which in simple terms is quite beautiful.  Unfortunately due to personal commitments we seemed to have fizzled out leaving a few stragglers to keep the faith.

I would like to see more RPers pick up the faith but as many have mentioned it is quite secretive.  I still have a couple of characers out there who are corathites and would like to get together with other keen players but my time is also extremely limited due to personal commitments.

Discretion is the key to success.  My advice is make the character and gain authorization to the Corath thread on the forums. From there we can talk business.



RE: Corath
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2006, 10:29:36 pm »
As the others mentioned, the "main" corath leader/cleric has been on a brake for a while. I spoke with him and he said he will be back soon. Try to get on the forums for now.


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RE: Corath
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2006, 08:39:08 am »
Ok, thanks for all the help, Ive already made the char so I'll request a place on the forums 8)


Re: Corath
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2006, 05:24:51 pm »
Exactly what Polak76 said. Open recruitment leads to problems, and well, being as few in numbers as Corath is right now... that's not what we... err, they need. ;)


RE: Corath
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2006, 05:28:07 pm »

There are other places to post such notes than in the Wild Surge Inn. The forum might be called that way, but there is no reason you can't state that these notes can only be found in places such as temples of Corath. That way you can still reach those people easily on the forum without being anonimous and without getting the other 99,99% of Layo to go looking for your PC's head.


RE: Corath
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2006, 05:56:24 pm »
To clarify...perhaps Quantum wants his character's head.  Daren just wants a meet and greet and some pie afterwards :)  In all seriousness however, you just found one of those major pitfalls that hits us players those who play characters that follow a misunderstood (read: *evil*) deity.  Secrecy and possible isolation (and fear of death) are just facts of life, at least until Corath reigns supreme over all :)  All in all, it was probably a lesson well learned.

Talan Va'lash

Re: Corath
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2006, 09:36:51 pm »
And unfortunately that secrecy should probably extend to OOC posts such as this as well... as once "So and so is a Corathite" starts getting passed around, people sometimes forget to add "Oh, and I only know that oocly" and things that may not even be true yet IC can leak into the IC side of the game.

Sometimes this is a genuine oops, but we all need to work a bit harder to make sure it doesn't happen.


Re: Corath
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2006, 10:23:28 pm »
its been talked about all over Hlint... its VERY interesting, and all NOT pointing to so and so.  Actually, its been a great job!

you can always also go to the calender and have 'dark nights' and schedule nights for the characters that are a little... off color.  Have the meeting place somewhere OTHER THAN Hlint, so if other characters show up, you know its not an accident, and something can be, uhmmm, mentioned nicely?


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Re: Corath
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2006, 08:48:51 am »
A lot of good feedback here, I may have been playing this server a long time but Im still learning a lot about the 'underworld' of layonara, so for those who like to play heroes out there I'll make sure that this is my last post on the subject in the public forums, so dont worry!  :)


Re: Corath
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2006, 09:11:57 am »
Lilswanwillow - 9/19/2006  1:23 AM

its been talked about all over Hlint... its VERY interesting, and all NOT pointing to so and so.  Actually, its been a great job!

you can always also go to the calender and have 'dark nights' and schedule nights for the characters that are a little... off color.  Have the meeting place somewhere OTHER THAN Hlint, so if other characters show up, you know its not an accident, and something can be, uhmmm, mentioned nicely?

Of course, having everyone talk about it all over hlint even in an: Oh look at the foolish Corathite newb. or That Foolish (censor a bunch of dwarven explicits) Im going to shove an axe through his skull...

can attract attention, maybe just the kind of attention the PC was going for...

or maybe I'm giving him too much credit  :) *Hint: This is said as a joke directed at character not player*


Re: Corath
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2006, 09:30:20 am »
Honestly, my roommate Czukay tried joining a cult and all it turned out being was a bunch of female characters with whips acting all gloomy & self-loathing and treating him like dirt because he was the only male.  So then, while Czukay stormed the realms challenging paladins to the arena who had a problem with him and laughing maniacally, rolling round in the corpses of the thousands of beasties he just slew, the cult met once/week on tuesdays to fester and stew in their own misanthropy, and sit there and whip Czukay for being the only man at Lilith Fair.  So he split off them, trained in bringing things death near and abroad, bought the BEST and most expensive Mansion in Prantz, and served Corath in his own, crazed, gibbering madness kind of way.  Keep in mind he almost NEVER even mentions Corath's name, but rather runs along with groups collecting gruesome war trophies to take home and throw in the bonepile making the goodly folk just a little queasy to their stomach, but not so much that they feel FORCED to disband from you.  The best corruptors toe the line and test moral limits, they do not draw the line in the dirt and leap soundly over it.  (unless doing so is incredibly funny because such paragons of virtue are NOT reacting to it)

So in short, Corathite evil is gloomy and all, but please don't forget the chaos when venerating him.  Do not suddenly pretend that he is a woman warrior-spirit of a witch's coven, then wonder why none of the male Corathians stick around for more than a week.  Evil and undeath is but one side of the coin, the other being furious bloodlust and lunacy, trickery, the voices in one's head telling them to cut things open and play with their innards.  The more organized Corathians get, the less likely they are living their lives in the model of a CE lord.  And don't TELL everybody you worship Corath, else when you taunt the paladin in town for wanting to smite you, his friends won't hold him down and chide his lack of mercy.  That usually puts a smile on Corath's face.


Re: Corath
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2006, 10:09:55 am »
lonnarin - 9/19/2006  12:30 PM

Do not suddenly pretend that he is a woman warrior-spirit of a witch's coven

Nope, that's what we have Veirdri'ira for!


Re: Corath
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2006, 10:13:38 am »
exactly!  Or even Lucinda if played correctly.  Look at how well the 7 Sisters cult is doing! Practically a theocratic, globe-spanning conspiracy...


Re: Corath
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2006, 10:15:54 am »
That seven sisters thing seriously needs to make a come back. it was fun

Anyway, back on track

Corath: Evil, Secretive. Killy stab Rip Bone Pile Undead Die.


Oh! Don't forget the Black Wizards


