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Author Topic: Druids and such..  (Read 266 times)


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Druids and such..
« on: November 14, 2006, 06:17:34 am »
Just a couple of questions really.

Any particular reason Druids don't get the Endurace spell?

I know it was mentioned that druids dont have much gear on the server, is that going to change?  Like adding a quest that provides at least a bit of druid friendly gear?  So many starter quests go against druid tenants.


Re: Druids and such..
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2006, 09:59:08 am »
had a great time running with Kyoro today. You handeld some very tough RP moments really well. Druids are really hard to play right and I think you are doing a great job.


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Re: Druids and such..
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2006, 11:11:32 am »
Hehe that didnt answer my questions, but thank you anyway :)


Re: Druids and such..
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2006, 12:05:50 pm »
Druids certainly SHOULD get Bear's Endurance, though it's not labeled as such. Just Endurance. Always wondered about that.

A nice druidy quest would be nice, also, but it would have to exclude non-druids to prevent a certain rogue from picking up a Woven Circlet of Armor to supplement his Helm of Armor.


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    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #4 on: November 14, 2006, 12:21:15 pm »
    or any rogue for that matter....not to mention deulists, mages, finesse based fighters,some rangers......


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    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #5 on: November 14, 2006, 02:05:32 pm »
    There is a difference between having NPC quests that dont suit your class and you can still do, compared to starter quests that give metal objects as rewards, involve you killing animals, buying and selling lots of metal weapons, etc etc.


    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #6 on: November 14, 2006, 02:09:23 pm »
    Well, Druids can CARRY metal weapons, and even use a scimitar or such as a back-up weapon, but the reward is, well, rather useless in both cases.

    I agree that there should be something to make up for the losses Druids have to take for the class.


    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #7 on: November 14, 2006, 02:30:40 pm »
    I believe this is at least something that's going to be concidered for V3, judging by the responses for the previous threads about this. :)


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    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #8 on: November 16, 2006, 01:56:02 pm »
    What about poison use?  Are druids able to use poisons and will the fact they can not use the poison craft mace be changed?


    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #9 on: November 16, 2006, 02:04:00 pm »
    If you were non-good, non-lawful, you could use it.

    I personally see no reason for Druids not to use poison. *Shrugs.* Spiders, scorpions, and a whole host of other natural creatures do.

    But mechanics are mechanics.


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    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #10 on: November 16, 2006, 07:14:13 pm »
    I don't really see a need to expand poisoncrafting to encompass druids not already of the alignments the poison extractor is already limited to.  The argument can be made, certainly.

    As for metallic equipments, I don't really consider the druid oaths to be anachronistic or shortsighted.  I'll be among the first to point out that as intelligent minds exist as a part of nature, anything they do is thus a natural act (intelligence does not, as far as I'm concerned, make you no longer an animal).  So the case can be made for worked metal weaponry in a logical sense.
    However, consider the oaths being over the top and excluding those worked and refined materials as a proactive measure to connect to nature.  Something a druid purposefully gives up to feel that connection.  An active choice to harness their sense of the world around them better, sort of an ascetic situation.

    Would I like to see more druid-oriented equipment other than staffs?  I certainly would. ;)


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    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #11 on: November 17, 2006, 06:07:26 pm »
    Something else that really makes things -very- hard to play a druid.  People generally do not listen to you when it comes to leaving animals be.  I am utterly fed up of telling people to leave the animals enroute to me then they just rush ahead hacking them to bits, then claim the animal started first.  How in the world can I deal with this and remains sane?  Please tell me I am running out of ideas.  It is starting to feel like spite now.... childish spite.


    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #12 on: November 17, 2006, 06:38:41 pm »
    You have to make it very clear at the start of any venture that you will be doing this. Like when I play my cleric, I always ask the whole party to amek sure they have soul stones before setting out.People listen at the start of a venture but if you yell at them to hold there weapons while something is charging them, you will not be heard


    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #13 on: November 17, 2006, 06:45:43 pm »
    Chnmmr - 11/17/2006  9:07 PM

    Something else that really makes things -very- hard to play a druid.  People generally do not listen to you when it comes to leaving animals be.  I am utterly fed up of telling people to leave the animals enroute to me then they just rush ahead hacking them to bits, then claim the animal started first.  How in the world can I deal with this and remains sane?  Please tell me I am running out of ideas.  It is starting to feel like spite now.... childish spite.

    I see you posted this soon after Shri did indeed kill the animal. I heard you tell me not to kill it. Shri decided not to listen. She as a character does not care.

    And then you went and warned the ogres. Good Rp. Shri killed them.

    Sometimes it is simply that the other parties do not listen. Some time you must take into account the view points of the OTHER character. Weather your character knows it or not Shri is a Vierdri'iran Chaotic Neutral Drowess. She doesn't care what you say. That's just in responce to my personal interactment with you.

    You should've argued with her ;) But As I said, Ogres: Good Rp.


    RE: Druids and such..
    « Reply #14 on: November 17, 2006, 06:57:10 pm »
    OK....druid weapon choices are a matter of oaths that they make to nature. There are three potentially metallic weapons that are in their arsenal. A sickle, which can be made out of stone, a dagger and a scimitar. All three of these are harvesting implements, the scimitar being a ritualistic implement for harvesting mistletoe, which in 1st Edition was THE spell component for nearly every druid spell that had a component. Mistletoe was harvested from the oak trees on which it grows at midnight on a full moon, or something along those lines.
      Anyway, the point is that every druid weapon has a purpose, and every weapon denied to a druid has a reason. As far as NWN is concerned, spells not available to druids are most likely for balancing purposes. Most people don't realize, that druids are a very powerful class, and the scimitar has a really nice crit range.


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    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #15 on: November 17, 2006, 07:09:35 pm »
    I see you posted this soon after Shri did indeed kill the animal. I heard you tell me not to kill it. Shri decided not to listen. She as a character does not care.

    And then you went and warned the ogres. Good Rp. Shri killed them.

    I would have except I got tired of having to go through the whole thing again for like the 5th time that day.  Paladins, fighters, bards, mages, whoever... it doesnt matter, the respect for animals is not there and I am finding the rp very difficult and frustrating.  Its always the 'if it attacks me I will attack it first' but I always see people -charging- the animal first.  Every single time.


    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #16 on: November 17, 2006, 08:25:04 pm »
    When you say charging the animal to make it attack, I think that its the NWN engine shortcoming at fault when players charge. Some want exhiliaration of smiting something or the XP while others do it IC. Did they charge towards the monster or just near the monster. Sometimes in lake alon the deer will just see a character running and charge it. It has happened to me before.

    Chnmmr - 11/18/2006  4:09 PM

    I see you posted this soon after Shri did indeed kill the animal. I heard you tell me not to kill it. Shri decided not to listen. She as a character does not care.

    And then you went and warned the ogres. Good Rp. Shri killed them.

    I would have except I got tired of having to go through the whole thing again for like the 5th time that day.  Paladins, fighters, bards, mages, whoever... it doesnt matter, the respect for animals is not there and I am finding the rp very difficult and frustrating.  Its always the 'if it attacks me I will attack it first' but I always see people -charging- the animal first.  Every single time.


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    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #17 on: November 18, 2006, 05:19:48 am »
    Far too often it feels like people are killing animals just for xp.  Its when someone runs around an area clockwise, fireballing, slashing anything in their path.  Its as if an ooc want for xp and killing drives too many people's actions.  The druid in the party asks you to leave the animals be because she will take care of them.  What happens? The entire party RUSHES forward, hacking down animals and then say 'you were not there to stop it'.   I mean come on...


    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #18 on: November 18, 2006, 05:26:18 am »
    Falon and Narnublat are the two best druids out there that I met thus far.  Meet and listen well their teachings... too many others are teaching bear cubs to maul grandmothers for using uncurvy swords.


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    Re: Druids and such..
    « Reply #19 on: November 18, 2006, 05:30:44 am »
    Eh.... I am simply asking that people respect animals when I travel with them... allow me to calm them and make a safe path through the wild.  Apparently that is too much for most people :S