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Author Topic: How's Everyone Doing?  (Read 1039 times)


How's Everyone Doing?
« on: March 31, 2011, 11:18:58 pm »

Yeah, it feels like forever since I dropped by. I keep saying I'll redownload the haks and check out the updates, but that always escapes me. Anyway the forums are easy enough to get to.

Anyway!  I guess the title says it all. I wanted to know how everyone was doing. Is anyone from the old days still around? If so, What's up with you! What's up in game? How is everyone!?

It's been forever since I've played here. I started in 12th grade, and now I'm done college, it feels like ages! I've missed you guys.

Leanthar! How is the game development going? Shame about that rune game closing up. I enjoyed what little I've seen of it.

Also: Hi Dorg, and Ed, and Row, since you're the three DMs I recognize most that seem to be still active. :) How are ya? Busy as ever?
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin, miltonyorkcastle, Serissa, jrizz, Pen N Popper, Tanman


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2011, 11:34:31 pm »
Hey Lynn, good to hear from you. I hope you do download the hacks and jump back in. The current plot quest is heating up big time right now. Lots going on and lot of fun still being had.


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2011, 01:07:22 am »
*Waves* :)


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2011, 08:32:24 am »
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

gilshem ironstone

Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2011, 10:32:15 am »

Everything is grand.  Hope to see you in-game soon


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2011, 11:03:26 am »
Oh, a few of us are still around.... ;)

We're wrapping up the current world plot line these days... some crazy stuff happening across Layo.


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2011, 12:19:45 pm »
That's awesome sauce. I don't know if I'll actively be re-downloading the haks though, Very busy looking for a job, doing some pnp DMing, and DMing on another Forgotten Realms based server. It would be weird moving back from Forgotten Realms to a world that is so far removed from it. Though, I will keep it in mind! Playing a Cleric/Sorceress of Mist has always been my intention, if I ever did come back :P

Its good to see some old faces still about, though, and if nothing else I plan to poke around the forums to see just how much has changed in the world.


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2011, 12:41:00 pm »
Well, we never turn away someone looking to have fun here.  I think you know that


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2011, 02:01:25 pm »
Hello there, I saw you visiting the IRC Layonara #nwn channel a while back, but I myself wasn't online at that moment.

Nice to see you pop by, and hoping to see you back in game.
Godim is long gone :-(
But I have a new-er mage/fighter named Chakar, and the dwarven meatshield Görmungard and a few other toons as well.

Many olden golden folks still play, and a few have come back from absence as well!


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2011, 04:50:32 pm »
Ferrit and Sala are both around, and some newer characters.  I hope you'll come back soon.


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2011, 05:59:31 pm »
Hi Lynn,

I still DM when I have the time.

Hope everything is well with you.


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2011, 07:17:34 pm »
Long time no see!  Well, off of facebook anyhow. ;)  Still playing here, around one-two nights a week at least.  Farros is still around and stuck at lvl 20 just as he's been the past 6 years, Bjorn's close to retirement as his clanless nephew Kurn has surpassed him in every which way.  Kurn's my new #1, just hit lvl 23 recently with a rogue/fighter/weaponmaster combo with the ultimate pirate motiff, NE that one.  Also have a few new ones like Annie Firefly the LG brownie sorceress (10), Alarik Dunwalton the incredibly preachy LN Toranite Cleric/Undead Hunter (10) and Grovel Foaming Wolf (16), the druidic shaman of our goblin tribe under chieftain Nonac (c.Pooser/Skabot).  That leaves me with no new open slots, so Bjornigar's likely going to retire very soon to pave way for either a dark elf duelist or bard-cane archer... or perhaps Earl Jr.

I have to say that despite the lower number of active players, the design and balance of the server is better than ever with all these awesome new areas.  For every year you've been gone at least a half dozen new zones have opened up and are graphically amazing compared to what we experienced yesteryear.  While the populace is a bit smaller, the RP factor is higher than ever, and there have been fewer OOC conflicts & player drama in the past 2 years than a single month would have had a couple years ago.  Not certain if its that we've all grown together over the years or that the demographics of our server are more mature now, but this place feels a whole lot cozier and friendlier than when you last remember it.

While many of the old-timers have moved on, a lot of these newcomers have been just incredible RP and attitude-wise and have been awesome to game with!  Andrew William Reid, the Copperstone sisters, Alatriel & Aerimor, Vrebel & Tralek are some names you might not remember from way back when that are absolutely must-meet people to RP with, just to name a few!  Meanwhile many of us old-timers you know and love are still around and kicking.  Czukay's back as well!  Seriously a top-notch group of gamers still remain.

Czukay's cadre of Farros, Skabot & Az-Ptol are still pretty active, team creepo represent!  ALso about a half dozen goblins led by our fearless leader Nonac plague the lands with their incessant goblining Warg Pack.  Also a strong dwarven alliance in "the Dwarven Army", with well over a dozen active players.  There's a sweet group of very well-RPed dark elves brewing in the shadows, and preachy, militant Toranite zealots to thwart them as well!  PvP rules have relaxed a bit now that we have widgets to face each other legally without GMs having to be present.  So there's a lot more RP respect shown when people know that they could potentially have to eat their words, and a whole lot more secrecy for being a dark elf or infamous pariah-type.  No more dark elves hand-holding on the benches of Hlint!  Also, cities like Hempstead are much more realistically strict about who they admit into town, though there are amoral outposts out there for evils to congregate.  Pranzis has become Prantz and is now ruled by militant Deep Dwarves for example, and surface dwarves are the most hated race there currently. (though they'd likely kill a dark elf on sight due to recent events!)

Speaking of Recent Events, there have been quite a few.  The whole bloody world is ont he cusp of a war with the Green Dragon Cult and Kuhl's corrupt empire, with Lord Rael of Prantz seeming to be on our side, at least till the dust clears.  Meanwhile his forces poised near Lor indicate that he may play out to be the ultimate evil opportunist and grab up as much land as he can while everybody else is weak, or stab us in the back on the field.  Conflict are breaking out across the globe in Miritrix, Prantz, Firesteep, and more, there's a plague crippling Hlint, an evil Deep Dwarven Tyrant peeing on King Waylend's ashes, Queen Allurial the chosen of Lucinda is long dead from old age (or Rael poisoned her...?), my Goblin and his Dwarf druid friend are gaining ambassador experience in the druid councils from attending so many meetings, Bjorn's about to throw a tournament to win his house when he retires, and a whole lot more crazy stuff going on.  Plenty of opportunity to adventure and change the world right now.  I aim to take both Rael AND Lister Tremaine's heads as trophies! :D

Some new GMs that you might not remember like Stargazer/Redeemer and Aerimor/Nimrod and Masterjack/Master are doing bang-up jobs as GM newblood!  Very interesting quests with tons of impromptus lurking around every corner.  The plot-quest is kicking full throttle thanks to the team's involvement, with many fronts and sides to choose from in that regard.  Just need more players to help save the world!

Hope to see you back in game.  A whole lot of us have missed you since you've left.  Faces have changed, areas have evolved dramatically, and there are plenty people you have never met before that you would have a blast gaming with!  It's like a whole new server that kept everything positive from the previous incarnation.  COme back!


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2011, 11:00:36 am »
;) I'll see what I can do, Lonn. I do technically still have one character in my vault that wouldn't require a new submission (But I don't know if I want to do that) as well as permission to remake a new "Rhynn" with no memories (Don't know if I want to do that either).

I'll see how much I can get read on Monday (My long work day where I can't play games but have a PC!) and then try to get the haks reinstalled and look around. I've just been really busy with job searching, and a social life, and DMing on the FR based server that I won't name because last I recalled servers don't take too well to that, I think.

I wonder if I'd still be able to play's my favorite alignment now ;) Whoul'da thunk?

So, orth, Pankoki, Acacea, Storold...they still around?

Wait..Rael's on YOUR SIDE!?...times..they are a changin'

gilshem ironstone

Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2011, 12:49:15 pm »
Haven't seen that much of Pankoki IG and Acacea permed (a real loss to the community), but Plen has been around as well as the ever-deepening grooves on Storolds bench ;)

Hope to see you soon!


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2011, 09:59:20 am »
wait Aceaca Perm'd? D:




Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2011, 09:20:36 pm »
Hey! I was thinkin just the same the other day about how long it had been since I played on Layo and well - here I am!

Karn is going to be making more appearances again now so it would be great (though wouldn't actually matter to the remade Rhynn-with-no-memories) to see you in game but as you said FR and Layo are two mindsets that I seem to find hard to reconcile!

How's the job hunt going?


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2011, 11:03:34 am »
Karn! My baby! Hah, miss you to death. I need to get your MSN or AIM or something.  Sans memories? Nah, I couldn't go through with it. I don't think I could ever play alternate reality Rhynn again. On the bright side, she's managed to raise a fully grown Sarunielle (Who is quite the diviner!) and is probably running about the Planes and beyond with Saidric (er. Ozzums).

Job hunt's looking good, Have an interview set up for tomorrow that I'm hopeful with.

I'm sending a PM your way, btw. Something for you to consider that I can't/won't post here.


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2011, 01:13:23 am »
I had to add this to the thread because I was amused and this just came out of my character's mouth.

"Perhaps If I could be convinced that a collective intelligence existed amongst the wide spread incompetence , I could be persuaded to add to it" ~ Sarunielle Asantiani Lenoliath.

Dawww, she's developing to sound just like her Daddy. I'm so proud.


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2011, 05:04:11 am »
Sounds so gray-elven :D heh


Re: How's Everyone Doing?
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2011, 06:54:19 am »
Hey lynn =)